[Comedy/Truth] What FDA is like in their rigorous approval process…(JP Sears)
What the FDA is like in their rigorous approval process…
What the FDA is Like… YouTube | Rumble
- A group of over 30 professors and scientists from different universities filed a lawsuit in September with the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Texas seeking expedited access to the FDA’s vaccine files. According to the filing, the call for transparency is meant to assuage skepticism over the safety and effectiveness of the Pfizer vaccine, which the FDA has supported for almost all age groups and demographics.

- The FDA denied the request for an expedited release of approval records. The PHMPT (Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency) has filed a lawsuit against the FDA for failing to complete their Freedom of Information Act request. It was determined that in order to complete the FOIA request, a total of 329,000 pages would need to be reviewed.
- The FDA proposed it would be able to “process and produce the non-exempt portions of responsive records at a rate of 500 pages per month”. Documents would be provided on a “rolling basis” and would take almost 55 years to review.

“The FDA should welcome making these documents available to the Plaintiff if it is confident in the analysis and review it conducted. The fact that it has fought tooth and nail and taken such an absurd and unconscionable position of waiting until the year 2076 to complete the production further heightens the grave need to have these documents produced forthwith. To require less (than 108 days) is to render FOIA meaningless, the FDA’s promise of transparency a lie,” said the plaintiffs.
- PHMPT (Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency)
- FDA Asks Court to Delay Full Release of Documents on Pfizer COVID Biologic for 55 Years
- FDA Says It Needs Until 2076 To Release Pfizer Vaccine Approval Data
- Wait what? FDA wants 55 years to process FOIA request over vaccine data – Reuters
- Pfizer-BioNTech Vaccine Effective Long-Term in Teens; US Vaccine Data in 2076?
- FDA Asks Judge to Grant it Until Year 2076 to Release Pfizer Vaccine Data – Video
- FDA asked Judge to hide vaccine approval docs until 2076 (Video)

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- Whenever something is presented as “The Science” as a “consensus”, it is a scam.
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- [ICIC] no new virus, no lab-leak, just a story & a bad test (Part 1 of 2)
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- RW 6/8.) Global Health: WHO IHR Amendments
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Rigged Science
Victims of FDA’s Approval Process
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- Australian Senators vs Pfizer
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- Vaccine Generated Spike in the Blood of Children with Myocarditis
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- [Senator Rennick] Health advice never mandated jabs in the workplace
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- TGA: FOI 3471 & FOI 4077
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- Are the Kids ok? [C19 Jabs]
- Finally, an Australian paper on COVID Vaccines…
- Transplant recipients reject their new organ after receiving Jab
C19 Victims

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