RW 8/8.) Final Words / Summary: Global Health Militarization
This section is the summary / final words on the Militarization of Global Health
Final Words on the Militarization of Global Health
We see that we have a global central bank that interacts with all the central banks of all the countries, and specifically with Federal Reserve that are moving us to central bank digital currencies, which is a complete voucher-controlled monetary system.
We see that through the various acts, both the Department of Defense and the Department of Health and Human Services has been authorized to create prototypes to execute biologics into the stream of commerce even absent the normal standard medical protocol testing and even absent informed consent.
We see now that the World Health Organization is in the middle of promulgating this last revision that we’ve had, add to IHR since 2005. So, we see finally that we are looking at the transferring of sovereignty over national health emergencies to the global authority of the World Health Organization.
If these regulations pass, that is exactly what we’ll have. Then it could be even worse than our current framework and situation, which I think is abysmally horrible for human life, but it would be worse because then you’d have U.S. politicians saying we can’t do anything about it, it’s the WHO, and we “have to do it because we’re in this stream of Interstate Commerce, and we’re the most important country in the world with the Global Currency Reserve”. So, we have to do these medical countermeasures, and that brings in a whole other realm of legal protections.
The only group that’s not protected is the human individual in this framework.
So, I will just conclude by stating that humanity must fight. We must do these podcasts. We must send these things to our friends and family so that people can understand what has happened since 9/11 and how everything is lined up now to really put us into a total box of totalitarian control, both not only domestically in the United States but internationally and globally. We must pursue liberty and freedom, whatever the cost. Always.
I hope that you guys share this information far and wide. It will be available in multiple channels if it’s not continuing to be available where we expect it to be. So, please disseminate because I have done my absolute best to synthesize a lot of information in a very digestible way so that you can feel confident that we are at a precipice. We are at the precipice of humanity. Take care, everybody.
See also posts tagged WHO Pandemic Treaty
Download Clips on Telegram to Share:
- Totalitarian Control of Humanity : Financial Telegram
- US Healthcare Framework & EUAs Telegram
- Project Bioshield & PREP Act Telegram
- OTA & Brook Jackson’s Pfizer Case Telegram
- Forced Asymptomatic Quarantine Telegram
- Global Health: WHO IHR Amendments Telegram
- EUA Removal of Informed Consent Telegram
- Final Words on the Militarization of Global Health Telegram
Full Series Militarization of Global Health:

RW 1/8.) Totalitarian Control of Humanity : Financial

RW 2/8). US Healthcare Framework & EUAs

RW 3/8.) Project Bioshield & PREP Act

RW 4/8.) OTA & Brook Jackson’s Pfizer Case

RW 5/8.) Forced Asymptomatic Quarantine

RW 6/8.) Global Health: WHO IHR Amendments

RW 7/8.) EUA Removal of Informed Consent

RW 8/8.) Final Words / Summary: Global Health Militarization

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