Bioengineered Clathrin Quantum Cognitive Sensors (ExQor / ExQori∆ / Xenqai)

IN Hackable-Humans
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Found in the Obama Whitehouse archives (2010): an intelligent (self-aware) sensor, that is a multi-functional, self-assembling nano-sized protein, found in every cell of the human body, that can be controlled by pH, which has a parent company with an invention with “Self-Aware” quantum technology (“Internet of Things” converging), that unifies both of the inventions, and a side-company that has separate AI-software that remotely and intelligently monitors “medical conditions and drug compliance”. i.e. 3 separate inventions, from 3 companies ExQor / ExQori∆ / Xenqai—(owned by the same people)—that unifies Nanotechnology, Biotechnology, IT, and Cognitive science together, on a government website. So, that’s interesting…. I have to take a closer look at this.

There is a possibility that “ExQor’s” inventions are “not in play” because these people could be “ideas people”, i.e. selling the ‘idea’ to the government and perhaps getting a big payday from maybe a Defence or Internet of Things project that uses their idea. i.e. “Patent-obsessionists” (I’ve met a few of these types in my lifetime; one I’m very close to)

… BUT, when you see that their companies have connections to the DoD, US Air Force, US Navy, Harvard, the WhiteHouse, and NIH, etc… it makes it a bit more plausible.

And, even if “their” invention(s) haven’t been implemented, there is a very real possibility of something “like this” already in use. It’s not a new theory. (I’ve got many, many posts and files on this and I doubt the central bankers would implement the CBDC without something like this in place).

Worst-case scenario if researching ExQor/ExQori∆ turns out to be nothing, I will still learn more about this Clathrin protein that I knew nothing about previously, and how it can be weaponized—I suspect this to be one of the weapons that are already being used against us, being that it’s difficult (maybe impossible?) to identify in the human body (what a stealth weapon!), can deliver payloads, can cross the BBB, can be delivered via the nose, etc, and this has been known since at least 1999 (and the defence & BigpHARMa budgets’ are enormous compared to those who really want to “help humanity”).

The ExQor “Sensor”

  1. Is able to be administered intranasally. i.e. PCR/RAT swab (01)
  2. Can cross the blood-brain barrier, & apparently has “precise targeting of selected brain regions“, which can grow neurons in the human nervous system.
  3. It’s Cognitive? “Aware of its own existence, capable of independent action based on critical awareness, recognizes itself, and is not AI“.
  4. It can deliver various payloads / transfer multiple cargo types, from toxins and lectins; to ‘Influenza/West Nile/Adenovirus’; hormones; drugs; and neurotransmitters.
  5. It can carry several payloads all at once – pharmaceuticals, biologicals, radioactive agents, magnetic iron oxide nanoparticles, nano-scale biosensors, nano-diagnostic systems.
  6. It is adjustable by pH level and other environmental conditions (I’m going to take a wild guess and say “5G” or EMF; the ‘other’ wasn’t specified in the presentation).
  7. It says its a “natural, intelligent nano-platform“; which I assume means undetectable; because it is “Ubiquitous: found in humans, animals, plants, fungi“.

Basically a military, evil tyrant, or globalists wet dream (if it is easily-controllable).

The document was sent to my Telegram group (all links below) was called “Bioengineered ExQor Clathrin” or “Quantum Cognitive Sensors“, but there are thousands of journal publications with similar technology (try keyword “clathrin” to get the bulk of them — but some of the clathrin publications are unrelated — you can add other keywords to narrow it down, i.e. +”nanotechnology“, +”nanoparticles“, or +”bio-nanotechnology“)

Why I first got alarmed, is that after they (ExQor) sent their presentation to the Whitehouse as a drug or toxin targeted self-aware delivery system, (“that the body thinks is part of itself), I discovered that the same people had a parent company (ExQori∆) that combines the “ExQor” technology to a kind of Internet of Things self-aware quantum technology that “unifies nanotechnology, biotechnology, IT, and Cognitive science“.

  • ExQori∆’s motto: “Transforming All Into One“.
  • ExQori∆’s invention combines to a self-aware cognitive cloud, that connects providers, industry, science, financial, medical, patient, and government data into an apparent “non-AI”, “globally unified, cognitive cloud”.

Then, the same company again, has something else called Xenqai AI platform that can be used to remotely and intelligently monitor a patient’s daily, weekly, or monthly medical condition, “thereby monitoring ExQor drug compliance as well as suggesting dosing adjustments.”

Here are the first links I came across:

So, firstly, this is what they are basing their inventions on the document by the US Department of Commerce (DOC), and the National Science Foundation (NSF), called: “Converging Technologies for Improving Human Performance“— from 2002; what is that…. woah!… 21 years ago? Which was all about the integration and synergy of four technologies: Nanotechnology, Biotechnology, Information Technology, and Cognitive Science. I’ve just published a separate post on this document here. (08)

The document is worth a read if you get a chance (even just a quick browse). What caught my eye was the mention of “emerging technologies in the area of gene therapies: the use of recombinant DNA as a biologic substance for therapeutics, using “viruses” and other means to modify cellular DNA and proteins for a “desired purpose (page 110).

  • Image 1: NBIC Report—US Department of Commerce (DOC), and the National Science Foundation (NSF), “Converging Technologies for Improving Human Performance” (2002), Page 9 (or Page 7 on the ExQor website version of document)
  • Image 2: ExQor’s Presentation to PCAST, June 23, 2010, Page 206

And here are some screenshots I took when I was going through the ExQor / ExQori∆ documents/presentations for the first time:

ExQor Screenshots:


(in no particular order)

  • Image 1: Clathrin nanoprobe delivered in a rat’s nose
  • Image 2: (NIH-Funded) In vivo results show that ExQor’s bio-nanoparticle is up to 300 times more effective in delivering large molecule drugs to the CNS than any other drug delivery method.
  • Aware of its own existence, conditions, operations, acts, etc.
    • Capable of independent action based on its critical awareness!
    • Recognizes itself, makes critical distinctions, discerns hidden or subtle meanings!
    • Uses its intelligence as a means to adapt and develop new capabilities.!
    • It is not AI??
  • Can deliver Multi-Cargo Types, carried all at once:
    • Pharmaceuticals, Biologicals, Radioactive agents
    • >>> Magnetic iron oxide nanoparticles <<<
    • >>> Nano-scale biosensors! <<<
    • Nano-diagnostic systems
  • We self-assemble elements into unique multimolecular complexes, forming specialized scaffold motifs, thereby fulfilling significant unmet medical needs. The scaffolds also transport multiple cargo types, including transporting large molecule elements past the blood brain barrier.
  • Intelligent. Self-Assembling.
  • Self-aware sensor intelligence with powerful reasoning capabilities.
    • Instant awareness of each and every sensor system state no matter the distance.
    • Automatic distributed sensor fusion.
    • Unbreakable crytpocodes. Totally secure communications.
    • Extremely lightweight systems. Very low power requirements.
  • Some of The Ligands That Enter Cells By Clathrin Mediated Endocytosis:
    • Toxins and Lectins:
      • Ricin, Diptheria, Pseudomonas, Cholera, Concanavalin A
    • Viruses: (they mean more toxins?)
      • Rous sarcoma, Semliki forest, Vesicular stomatitis
      • Adenovirus
      • Influenza (??)
      • West Nile
    • Serum transport proteins and antibodies:
      • Transferrin, Low density lipoprotein, Transcobalamin
      • Yolk proteins, IgE
      • Polymeric IgA, Maternal IgG , IgG, via Fc receptors
    • Hormones and Growth Factors:
      • Insulin
      • Epidermal Growth Factor, Growth Hormone, Nerve Growth Factor
      • Calcitonin, Glucagon, Prolactin
      • Luteinizing Hormone, Thyroid stimulating hormone, Thyroid hormone
      • Platelet Derived Growth Factor, Interferon Catecholamines
    • LDL.
    • Neurotransmitters.

These next screenshots are the most interesting to me, the first screams “undetectable” and “easily assimilated by our cells” to me, and the second screams “military“:

  • A Natural, Intelligent Nano-Platform
    1. Natural Clathrin protein, 40 to 100+ nanometers
    2. Ubiquitous, found in humans, animals, plants, fungi
    3. Performs endocytosis (transports extracellular materials into cell)
    4. Clathrin transports multiple heterogeneous cargo elements
    5. Forms protective cage around vesicle housing cargo elements
  • Disruptive Technology using Quantum Sensors with a military UAV.
    • TV Camera (Yes), IR Camera (Yes), SAR (Yes), MTS (Multispectral Targeting System) (Yes), Carry MTS and SAR simultaneously (Yes), Acoustic Sensor (Yes), EM Sensors (Yes), Human Visual Band Sensor Processing (Yes), Chemical, Biological, Radioactivity Sensors (Yes), All Sensors Operated Simultaneously, Fusion (Yes), Auto Target Discrimination, Sort & Acquisition (Yes), Cognitive Quantum Sensors (Yes), Interoperability Existing Sensors/Data Systems (Yes), Exponential Computing Speed (Yes), Reduced Radio Transmissions (Yes), Quantum Secure Communications (Yes)
    • Pilot Required (No), Two Sensor Operators Required (No).
    • Weight: Less than 2250 pounds

  • ExQor logo
  • Bioengineered ExQor Clathrin: Unique Features & Capabilities
    • Nontoxic and biodegradable
    • No aggregation, No opsonization, No drug alteration
    • Multi-cargo capacity, Targeted delivery
    • Native BBB-passing for transport of small and large molecule cargo
  • 2009 Rat Study: ExQor’s patented Clathrin nanoparticles with D3 antibodies can be successfully delivered noninvasively intranasally into the rat brain, natively pass the blood brain barrier, and remain stable.
    • 2009 in vivo ExQor study provides first evidence that ExQor’s patented Clathrin nanoparticles with D3 antibodies can be successfully delivered noninvasively intranasally into the rat brain. Further, these nanoprobes can target D3 brain regions and remain stable in the rat brain. In addition, IP administration has shown that our bio-nanoparticles natively pass the blood brain barrier, and further, preferentially avoid other parts of the body like the liver. Significant milestone, opens the door to various forms of large molecule CNS treatments.
  • Clathrin coated vesicle is auto-filled with cargo, and when below pH 6.5, can self-assemble. Adjustable by pH & “other” environmental conditions.
    • ExQor Clathrin For Drug Transport: The Clathrin self-assembly process is carried out by preparing clathrin-coated vesicles (CCVs) using any of several methods. Clathrin coated vesicle is auto-filled with cargo. Alternatively, no vesicle is used, only Clathrin cage used for cargo transport Below pH 6.5, purified Clathrin triskelions self-assemble in vitro into a polyhedral lattice (cages) without vesicles. We can use clathrin cages or clathrin coated vesicles (liposomes). The mean curvature of baskets is adjustable by the pH level and by other environmental conditions.

ExQori∆ Screenshots:

ExQori∆—The ‘Cognitive’ Cloud

(note the ‘i’ on the end of ExQor. Again, screenshots are in no particular order)

  • ExQori∆—The Cognitive Cloud, p.5
  • ExQor Technologies, Inc. is a multidisciplinary company, founded in February 2004 in Boston MA, USA. ExQor is the only company that has fully embraced the National Science Foundation’s NBIC principles of “Converging Technologies for Improving Human Performance”. NBIC is integrative product approach that unifies Nanotechnology, Biotechnology, IT, and Cognitive science. (09) (10)
  • ExQor has developed a unique new model of human cognition based on the brain’s dynamic biological and developmental processes, from infancy to adulthood. It is not AI, nor a neural net. It is something totally new in cognitive science. The product name is MetaQortm and it uses a cloud computing architecture.
  • ExQor’s breakthrough in cognitive science also led to a major biomedical innovation in understanding the central nervous system and how to treat its diseases and disorders.
  • In one business role, ExQor is developing innovative new large molecule drugs for treating CNS cancer, and also for enhancing CNS neuroprotection and neuro-regeneration for treating neurodegenerative diseases, stroke, and traumatic brain injury.
  • Some of the biomedical research is being done under non-exclusive license at Harvard Medical School (McLean Hospital), and funded by the NIH, NIDA, NARSAD, private foundations, and other funding sources.
  • ExQori∆—The Cognitive Cloud, p.13
  • Image of on left side connecting to ExQori∆ Cognitive Cloud on the right side, with a box around it saying ExQori∆ —Transforming All Into One — pointing to “Self-Aware”.
  • Bullet points above Self-Aware: Secure, Integrated, Analyzed, Contextualized, Customized Real Time
  • The “Cognitive Cloud” then connects to “ExQor Cognitive Pipliene”
  • Then you have a row on the bottom, with: Provider, Industry, Scientific, Financial, Medical, Patient, and Government Data pointing to “XML, etc + HTTP = common cross platform methods”, which is also pointing to “ExQor Cognitive Pipeline”.

Who are these people?

At first I thought it was nothing but a sales pitch or an “idea” to the government (for grants, etc.) and that they hadn’t actually invented anything yet, particularly because ExQor looks like a very small company (and that still might be the case)…

  1. Gordana is listed as the Secretary of ExQor Technologies & Franco as the President (11)
  2. ExQor Technologies lists only 3 employees, established in 2005, and only lists $187,000 in salaries, which suggests to me (unless this site is useless/out-of-date) that it’s just a small business who studies this stuff, and is not a “big deal” i.e. maybe they are “ideas” people, creating patents that aren’t for inventions in existence for a hopeful-windfall in the future, that their ideas have never been taken up, despite governmental presentations? (I actually hope this is the case). (12)
  3. And a very basic 2 page html-only website (13)

But, in his LinkedIn profile, he says he’s served the last 19 years as “an expert in bio-nanotechnology on the US President’s Innovation and Technology Advisory Committee (PITAC, The White House, Obama),” on which he “advised US policy for the biotech industry.”

And that he has “extensive experience working with major organizations, including USAF, US Navy, MITRE Corp., NSA, US Dept. of Transportation, Ford, GM, EDS, GTE Labs, Sandia National Labs, Argonne National Labs, General Dynamics, Advanced Micro Devices, and others.(14) (15) (16) (17)

Civilian Intelligence Network (CIN) discovered that Vitaliano was mentioned in this 1987 document on Page 15This Software Robot Fixes Systems – While They’re Running‘ as “Command President” of “Command Technologies Inc.” re: “SoftRobot” Software (19) (20)

And CIN found “Command Technologies Inc.” in this magazine article in 1988 on Page 16 (although the CIN mis-interpreted what the article wrote). The article just mentions that Command Technologies Inc created a module called “Tim” that helps users write programs that communicate across TCP/IP networks). (21)

Great idea to do a text-search in books though! So I searched Google Books for “Franco Vitaliano”, and there were at least 90 mentions. Most of them were old computer magazines (looks like he was a Computer Commentator back in the day, writing articles for Tech mags). Browsing through the search results indicates to me that he has been in the I.T. game since the early days (back when only corporations and universities were the only ones that had computers, pre-Windows, pre-mass-internet use for the general public, etc.), and that he had paired up with Mooers until he died in ’94. He was the neurology guy that also had an I.T. interest, and Mooers was the Einstein behind any actual IT inventions:


1985Command Technologies was cofounded in 1978 by Franco Vitaliano and Calvin Mooers to market products that melded Vitaliano’s knowledge of neurology with inventions made by Mooers. (22)

Calvin Mooers is literally in all the history books for Information Technology (damnit!) — so I probably need a new blog post just for the stuff about him lol… but then I’ll get side-tracked.

So here’s the link to his Wikipedia page and a Google Books search containing search-term “Calvin Mooers” (23)

Calvin Mooers , who has already been mentioned as the probable inventor of the phrase “information retrieval,” was surely the inventor of the widely used word “descriptor” (24)

Eugene Garfield remembered being repulsed by Calvin Mooers, the businessman who had tried to hard-sell him a brand new document system informed by state-of-the-art information retrieval theory for the medical library at Johns Hopkins … (25)

He founded the Rockford Research Institute in 1961, where he developed TRAC (Text Reckoning And Compiling) programming Language, and attempted to control its distribution and development using trademark law and a unique invocation of copyright. (26)

Historians of computing know of Calvin Mooers (1919–1994) for several contributions to electronic computing and programming languages. Zatocoding did not prevail, but I argue that the theoretical work done by Mooers proved later to be of fundamental importance to modern databases, encryption, and information retrieval. (27)

Mooers’ Law was first proposed have come a long way in improving the precision of information retrieval systems. … Calvin Mooers’ papers are stored at the Charles Babbage Institute, University of Minnesota. Scholars may access them at Calvin N. Mooers papers (28)

Sidenote: Mooers’ Law is different than Moore’s law (don’t go cross-eyed now)

I don’t think they are the same thing but what a crazy coincidence!—considering the “pandemic” is all based on computer-modelling, everything from the so-called virus to the ‘variants’ are all computer-generated data… and considering this ExQor/Exqori stuff is a sensor “protein” connected to “tech”—but I digress, perhaps; or rather, I don’t know if it will be possible to see if there is any verifiable link between the “TRAC” coincidence as they do seem like completely unrelated technologies with different purposes (but it might be worth spending a few hours to see if there’s a solid connection at some stage—Imagine if they’re somehow related!)


1986Command Technologies of Boston. The company’s first product will allow a Burroughs mainframe to operate with a Sperry mainframe, said spokesman Franco Vitaliano. As a matter of fact, it allows any computer to work with any other by using artificial intelligence to reformat command structures between operating systems, he claimed. (38)


1986—According to Command president Franco Vitaliano, the company first wanted to go after the office automation market, but gave up trying “because, in office automation, Big Blue has to bless everything.” (39)


1991VXM Technologies, Inc., has reportedly beaten industry leaders to the punch in providing a way to allocate and load balance tasks across a multivendor distributed computing network. … according to VXM President Franco Vitaliano. (40)


1993Franco Vitaliano’s columnGet the message?” [CW, Sept. 13] contains one factual error that invalidates his entire argument. He tries to argue that the use of remote procedure calls (RPC) causes one to “lock two or more pieces of a distributed application together in a long-distance embrace.” …” Mr Vitaliano is misinformed. … ~Thomas W. Doeppner Jr. Assoc. Prof. Dept of Computer Science, Brown University Providence, R.I. .. (41)

Then I found NIH grant # R44MH108481 awarded to Gordana/ExQor in 2015 for $225,060 to “develop new nanotechnology to serve as a new drug-delivery system that can specifically target relevant brain systems.”

  • “The goal of this effort is to produce non-toxic, BDNF-nanoparticles, and to test the hypothesis that these nanoprobes bypass the BBB intranasally, target BDNF receptor rich brain regions, and prevent or reverse neurotoxic effects of HIV transactivator of transcription (tat) protein in a mouse model relevant to HAND, the GT-tg bigenic mouse induced with doxycycline to overexpress tat protein.
  • A nanocarrier will be constructed out of clathrin, a naturally occurring protein the body uses for transporting molecules into cells. The second component will be a BDNF protein drug. BDNF will be attached to polyethylene glycol (PEG) molecules coating the carrier.” …
  • “This novel nanotechnology may serve as the basis for a next generation drug-delivery system that can specifically target relevant brain systems, and also may have utility as an imaging agent to enhance diagnosis and monitor progression of the disease.” (42)

And in one of the archived pages on their website (aboutexqor.htm, 2005) it stated:

  • The company’s founders are well known in the cognitive research and psychiatric communities, and are recipients of National Institutes of Health grants, as well as sit on NIH Review Boards that award government grants in cognition.
  • The founders have government contract relationships, as well as have professional affiliations with several Boston area hospitals.
  • ExQor Technologies has also partnered with one of the world’s largest semi-conductor companies to develop cognitive processors for the DOD, which can also be used for many types of commercial applications. (43)

Which is also repeated in more detail on their ExQori∆ “Cognitive Cloud” Booklet on the archive:

  • ExQori∆—The Cognitive Cloud, p.2
  • ExQori∆—The Cognitive Cloud, p.3

The NIH Grant is connected to the following Publications:

Papers by Gordana & Franco Vitaliano (ExQor)

Clathrin-nanoparticles deliver BDNF to hippocampus and enhance neurogenesis, synaptogenesis and cognition in HIV/neuroAIDS mouse model (Nature, 2022)

  • “Here, we show that engineered clathrin triskelia (CT) conjugated to BDNF (BDNF-CT) and delivered intranasally increased hippocampal BDNF concentrations 400-fold above that achieved previously with intranasal BDNF alone.” .. (44)
  • Main Author: Gordana D. Vitaliano (ExQor) — Department of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, 02115, USA Brain Imaging Nanotechnology Group, McLean Hospital, Belmont, MA, 02478, USA McLean Imaging Center, McLean Hospital, Belmont, MA, 02478, USA (45)
  • Author Conflicts Statement:
    • F.V. (Franco) is an employee of ExQor Technologies, Inc. G.V. (Gordana) and F.V. own equity in ExQor, the company that owns patent rights to the bioengineered clathrin protein nanotechnology (patents #7216038, #7219017, #7219018, #7393924, #13/847,058 and #12/399,906).
    • J.P.M. and S.S. were consultants on ExQor’s SBIR NIH grant # R44MH108481.
    • M.J.K. receives royalties from and is an inventor on a patent assigned to the McLean Hospital Corporation.
  • Author Affiliations:
    • Department of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, 02115, USA. gvitaliano @
    • Brain Imaging Nanotechnology Group, McLean Hospital, Belmont, MA, 02478, USA.
    • McLean Imaging Center, McLean Hospital, Belmont, MA, 02478, USA.
    • Department of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, 02115, USA.
    • Department of Pharmacodynamics, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, 32610, USA.
    • ExQor Technologies Inc, Boston, MA, 02114, USA.

New clathrin-based nanoplatforms for magnetic resonance imaging. (PLoS One. 2012)

  • “Use of clathrin triskelia and cages as carriers of CNS contrast media represents a new approach. This new biocompatible protein-based nanotechnology demonstrated suitable physicochemical properties to warrant further in vivo imaging and drug delivery studies. Significantly, both nanotransporters crossed and/or bypassed the BBB without enhancers. Thus, clathrin nanoplatforms could be an appealing alternative to existing CNS bio-nanotechnologies.” (46)
  • Main Authors: Gordana D. Vitaliano, Franco Vitaliano. (ExQor)
  • Author Competing Interests Statement:
    • Gordana D. Vitaliano, Franco Vitaliano, and Perry F. Renshaw have an ownership interest in ExQor Technologies Inc., and stand to benefit financially if this technology is commercially adopted.
    • ExQor Technologies owns patent rights to the clathrin protein nanotechnology (patents #7216038,#7219017, #7219018, #7393924).
    • There are currently no products in development or marketed products related to this research. (That’s promising…but this was over 10 years ago, so don’t hold your breath)
  • Author Affiliations:
    • Laboratory of Developmental Psychopharmacology, Brain Imaging Center, Department of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School, McLean Hospital, Belmont, Massachusetts, United States of America.

These papers (by different authors) explains the self-assembly action at different pH levels:

The clathrin triskelion, which is a three-legged pinwheel-shaped heteropolymer, is a major component in the protein coats of certain post-Golgi and endocytic vesicles. At low pH, or at physiological pH in the presence of assembly proteins, triskelia will self-assemble to form a closed clathrin cage, or “basket”.

Clathrin is a eukaryotic protein involved in intracellular trafficking. It is one of several proteins found in the coats of transport vesicles that bud from the plasma membrane and certain regions of the Golgi apparatus. The involvement of protein coats of various kinds is thought to be a general feature of cellular vesicle formation.

The basic subunit of a clathrin coat is a hetero-hexameric complex of polypeptides collectively called a clathrin triskelion. In its simplest form, a triskelion can be represented as a trimer of articulated legs that are bent midway along their lengths. (47)

In the presence of light chains, clathrin self-assembly depends on salt bridges that form only at low pH, but is exquisitely sensitive to regulation. We propose that cellular clathrin assembly is controlled via the simple biochemical mechanism of reversing the inhibitory effect of the light-chain regulatory sequence, thereby promoting high-affinity salt bridge formation. (48)

And then there’s the patents (a selection of related ones listed below)

ExQor Patents

Franco and Gordana Vitaliano Patents

Patent: US20160178652A1 — INTELLIGENT SENSOR PLATFORMS (2016, originally 2009 under US11096901B2 “Dynamic Bio-Nanoparticle Elements” Metaqor LLC) | Download PDF (49)

Inventors: Vitaliano, Franco (BOSTON, MA, US) Vitaliano, Gordana Dragan (BOSTON, MA, US)

February 29, 2016 INTELLIGENT SENSOR PLATFORMS | 20160178652

The invention in suitable embodiments is directed to self-adapting, scalable, and communicating sensor platforms that are further capable of autonomous and/or cognitive action. In one aspect, the invention relates to a multifunction sensor platform, such as a biomedical sensor platform, bio-molecular sensor platform, electronics sensor platform, communications sensor platform, information processing sensor platform, and the like. In another invention embodiment, one or more sensors improve the efficacy of a healthcare element and/or its usage in treating and/or preventing a disease, condition, or disorder. (50)

Interesting that the Google Patent listing says the patent is abandoned, but maybe it has been superseded by the 2021 PatentDynamic Bio-Nanoparticle PlatformsUS20220047520A1

August 24, 2021 Dynamic bio-nanoparticle platforms Patent number: 11096901 & 20220047520

Abstract: The invention in suitable embodiments is directed to dynamic bio-nanoparticle elements and bio-nanoparticle platforms employing such bio-nanoparticle elements. In one aspect, one or more elements of one or more types, formed from isolated, synthetic and or recombinant amino acid residues comprising in whole or in part one or more types of Clathrin and or Coatomer I/II proteins of one or more isoforms, execute one or more functions and or effect one or more ends, in vivo and or in vitro.

Filed: March 19, 2013 Assignee: METAQOR LLC Inventors: Franco Vitaliano, Gordana Dragan Vitaliano

Similar to: Dynamic bio-nanoparticle elements | 20100226856 & 11235062

Patents by Inventor Gordana Vitaliano & Patents by Inventor Franco Vitaliano

Includes patent applications that are pending as well as patents that have already been granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). (51) (52)

Compositions and Methods for Treating Dopamine Disorders
Publication number: 20210353771
Abstract: Compositions comprising clathrin nanoparticles and methods for treating dopamine-associated addictions, disorders, and neurodegenerative diseases using the same.
Filed: April 30, 2021 Inventors: Franco Vitaliano, Gordana Vitaliano (53)

Smart bio-nanoparticle elements
Patent numbers: 7393924 & 20070141163 & 7393924
Abstract: The invention in suitable embodiments is directed to isolated bio-nanoparticle elements and isolated bio-nanoparticle platforms employing such isolated bio-nanoparticle elements. In one aspect, the isolated bio-nanoparticle elements are formed with purified Clathrin and or with purified coatomer I/II self-assembling protein molecules.
Filed: December 30, 2004 Inventors: Franco Vitaliano, Gordana Vitaliano

Quantum information processing elements and quantum information processing platforms using such elements
Patent number: 7219018 & 7219017 & 7216038 & 20050059020 & 20050059138 & 20050059167
Abstract: The invention in various embodiments is directed to quantum information processing elements and quantum information processing platforms employing such elements. In one aspect, the quantum information processing elements are formed with self-assembling purified Clathrin protein molecules.
The invention relates generally to the field of quantum computers, and more specifically, in one embodiment, to quantum information processing (QIP) elements formed from self-assembling protein molecules. In another embodiment, the invention relates to a quantum information processing platform, such as a quantum computer platform, biomedical platform, telecommunication platform and the like, using such elements.
Quantum computing utilizes the principles of quantum physics, rather than classical physics, to store and manipulate data, and operates on two principles having no corollary in classical physics: superposition and entanglement. 
The invention, in one aspect, remedies the deficiencies of the prior art by providing a nanoscale quantum information processing (QIP) element, which may be employed in a scalable quantum information processing platform. A platform according to the invention may be used for example in quantum computing, quantum networks, and quantum cryptography.
In one embodiment, the QIP element is formed from one or more cargo elements contained within a self-assembling protein cage. 
… the QIP element is formed using a “bottom-up” fabrication approach. According to such an approach, various self-assembling and self-directed approaches are employed. … the QIP platform can be formed from the ground up, one element at a time, for highly specific nano-scale tasks. 
Filed: September 11, 2003 Inventors: Franco Vitaliano, Gordana Vitaliano

Publication number: 20170202784
Abstract: The invention in suitable embodiments is directed to using a purified, clathrin light chain protein for purposes of drug development, enablement, activity, and/or delivery. In one aspect, a man-made, configurable clathrin light chain composition, formed in whole or in part from isolated, synthetic and or recombinant amino acid residues comprising in whole or in part one or more of a protein sequence, forms one or more type of multifunction nanoscale bio-nanoparticle, such as a biomedical platform, bio-molecular platform, and the like, and using such bio-nanoparticle platforms for development, enablement, and delivery of drugs.

Publication number: 20150307570
Abstract: The invention in suitable embodiments is directed to biologically formed nanoscale devices and components employing in whole or in part isolated bio-nanoparticle elements. In one aspect, one or more device, formed in whole or in part from isolated, synthetic and or recombinant amino acid residues comprising in whole or in part one or more types of isolated clathrin protein and/or non-clathrin coatomer proteins of one or more isoforms, form one or one or more types and forms of nanoscale devices and/or components thereof for use in vivo or in vitro.

Patents for Research Tools:

(Inventors: Franco Vitaliano, Gordana Dragan Vitaliano)

Publication number: 20160159873 & 20140288192 & 20100226856
Abstract: The invention in suitable embodiments is directed to research bio-nanoparticle elements and research bio-nanoparticle platforms employing such research bio-nanoparticle elements. In one aspect, one or more elements of one or more types, formed from isolated, synthetic and or recombinant amino acid residues comprising in whole or in part one or more types of clathrin protein and/or non-clathrin coatomer proteins of one or more isoforms, execute one or more functions and or effect one or more ends, in vivo and or in vitro.
Filed: December 5, 2014

Publication number: 20170035912
Abstract: The invention in suitable embodiments is directed to using purified, non-cage clathrin protein for purposes of assisting in drug discovery and development. In one aspect, a tool composition, formed in whole or in part from isolated, synthetic and or recombinant amino acid residues comprising in whole or in part one or more protein sequence, forms one or more type of tool for carrying out various elements and activities of drug discovery and development.
Filed: October 24, 2016

ExQor Patents for Therapeutics relating to Clathrin:

  • Inventors: Franco Vitaliano, Gordana Dragan Vitaliano

Abstract: The invention in suitable embodiments is directed to purified clathrin protein therapeutics. In one aspect, one or more purified clathrin protein therapeutic, formed in whole or in part from isolated, synthetic and or recombinant amino acid residues comprising in whole or in part one or more clathrin heavy chain protein and isoforms thereof, forms one or one or more type of therapeutic agent for treating a disease, condition, or disorder comprising a cell element or a cell process in vivo or in vitro.

(The following pretty much have the same (or very similar) abstracts; just re-labelled to capture a Pay Day for different disorders is my guess)

ExQor Patents for Quantum/Energy Therapeutics:

Inventors: Franco Vitaliano, Gordana Dragan Vitaliano

February 22, 2018 METHOD FOR CELL ENERGY THERAPEUTICS | 20180185518
Abstract: The invention in suitable embodiments is directed to a method for cell energy therapeutics, the method comprising inducing an in vivo or in vitro cell to comprise an element for treating a disease, condition, or disorder. In one aspect, a composition comprising a source of energy and an isolated protein is for use in transforming a living cell into a therapeutic, a diagnostic, a sensor, a regenerative, or a cosmetic element for use in treating one or more type of disease, condition, or disorder

October 8, 2016 PLASMON ENERGY THERAPEUTICS | 20170021040
Abstract: The invention in suitable embodiments is directed to plasmon energy therapeutics. In one embodiment the instant invention is a medicament composition in which manmade nanoscale elements, such as ultrabright fluorescent molecules and emitting photons of a luminance equivalent to at least a luminance of photons emitted by a quantum dot, are disposed adjacent to dielectric elements and further including multiple metal molecules capable of photo-accepting the emitted photons. In one aspect, the composition produces chemical, electrical, electromagnetic, optical, plasmonic, or thermal energy. In one embodiment, the invention is a drug for use in treating a disease, condition, or disorder. In another embodiment, energy is produced, captured or stored or directed or transduced by the composition for use by a cell.

August 17, 2016 CELL ENERGY THERAPEUTICS | 20170014511 | US20170014511A1 | PDF
Abstract: The invention in suitable embodiments is directed to cell energy therapeutics enabled by ultrabright fluorescent molecules and emitting photons of a luminance equivalent to at least a luminance of photons emitted by a quantum dot and bound to a dielectric protein capable of non-invasively entering a living cell. In one aspect, a composition is for use in transforming a living cell into an energy medicine therapeutic capable of supplying one or more type of electrical or electromagnetic or optical or thermal therapeutic energy for use in treating one or more type of disease, condition, or disorder.

July 14, 2016 ENERGY MEDICINE THERAPEUTICS | 20160310616
Abstract: The invention in suitable embodiments is directed to energy medicine therapeutic compositions enabled by man-made clathrin proteins. In one aspect, one or more purified clathrin protein, formed in whole or in part from isolated, synthetic and or recombinant amino acid residues comprising in whole or in part one or more clathrin heavy chain protein and isoforms thereof, and including one or more of an element or a material for use in supplying an electrical, an electromagnetic, a photonic, a quantum, or a thermal action or effect to a biological element or a biological process, form one or more type of therapeutic composition for treating a cell process, a genotype or a phenotype disease, condition, or disorder, in vivo or in vitro.

December 21, 2012 ISOLATED PROTEIN MEDICAMENT | 20130156697
Abstract: The invention in suitable embodiments is directed to an isolated protein comprising one or more amino acid sequences, each amino acid sequence capable of being functionalized and/or attached in whole and/or in part to one or more or a plurality of elements of one or more types including to cargo elements, forming a composition of elements suitable for use as an in vivo and/or in vitro medicament to treat one or more biological species.

This post is getting ENORMOUS and I have only just started looking into it. I’ll post this for now and re-explore another day (I have over 100 tabs saved whilst researching this that I haven’t even read yet). This is probably something that I wish a patent expert like Karen Kingston should look into; as she’d probably find out much faster than the rest of us whether it’s actually “in play” or not.

Any posts in future that I do about this will be tagged: ExQor


Penny (
Penny (

Truth-seeker, ever-questioning, ever-learning, ever-researching, ever delving further and deeper, ever trying to 'figure it out'. This site is a legacy of sorts, a place to collect thoughts, notes, book summaries, & random points of interests.