Can we talk about 5g yet or is it still “Taboo”?
- Updated:1 year ago
- Reading Time:18Minutes
- Post Words:4599Words
Is it still taboo to talk about the negative effects of radiation? I have a thousand references to look at but no time and need a team of people to go through them because it’s immense. As I go through them, I’ll be sure to share them, but this is a conversation we should be having in this inverse world where everything they say is “good” is “killing us.” This is an important conversation to have because a lot of us are suddenly ‘magnetic‘ (not just on their jab-site, people who aren’t even vaccinated are becoming magnetized) – whereas “Pre-Pandemic”, it made the front-page news like some kind of circus freak-show if anyone was magnetic, and now more than ever, people are reporting constant headaches, a high-pitch sound in their ears, more fatigued than ever, neurological damage and we are also seemingly ignoring that the symptoms are very similar to flu-like symptoms, which may account for at least “some” of the ‘cases’. It’s important to have these conversations because ignoring it, could be the end of us.
Not just wanting to discuss the dangers of having this radiation coming at us 24/7 every which way, with governments and technology & telecommunications companies saying “no danger here”, but there’s so much about this that goes beyond the health-risks.
From the total population control / surveillance & tracking system which will completely monitor you and your kids at all times, to the new cashless society / crypto-currency banking system they want to set everyone up in, to Voice to skull technology which they’ve already been able to do since 1974, to hooking people up to the MetaVerse, and several “pharmaceutical and technological” companies creating very suspect “Patents” on the merging of humans with technology – let alone the fact that it is indeed the “Great Reset” and the found of the World Economic Forum is completely obsessed with Cyborgs and Chipping everyone up. When is it ok to talk about this?
Living Document: First Published November 24, 2021. Last Updated: Nov 25, 2022
Here are some videos to start the conversation.
In June 2019, Canadian Scientists called to delay deployment due to Health Risks
Canadian Scientists called to delay 5g deployment due to Health Risks – NTD News | Rumble (Mirror)
“The most prevalent symptoms include headache, fatigue, decreased ability to concentrate, tinnitus, irritability and insomnia,” said Dr. Riina Bray, an environmental health consultant. “Impacts on the heart and nervous system are also of concern.”
Dr. Riina Bray MD (Chemical Engineer) has been working at the Provincial Environmental Health Clinic for 15 years, and she’s seen the number of people suffering adverse effects from electromagnetic exposure rising. “We predict that the number of people who develop the symptoms I just mentioned will rise in the places where 5G is first installed”
“At lower intensities scientists are predicting damage to eyes, loss of insect populations which are already declining, antibiotic resistance in bacteria, and physiological effects on the nervous system and the immune system”
Aussie Barrister Raymond Broomhall discusses 60 GHz
“A Discussion About 60 GHz” | YouTube | Telegram
Australian Barrister Raymond Broomhall discusses 60 GHz | 15th December 2021
No5G Party – All about safe technology and protecting your health, freedom and human rights.
Reference: World Health Organisation – The Environmental Criteria No 16 (1981). Published under the joint sponsorship of the United Nations Environment Programme, the World Health Organisation and the international Radiation Protection association. Reference to the activation of dormant viruses at low frequencies and at 60 to 120 GHz. EMR can also affect bacteria. (WHO | Mirror)
Refer to Chapter 1.2.4 Biological investigation on page 16 and Chapter 6.4 Molecular Absorption on page 48.
Dr. Thomas Cowan – How electrification leads to Flu like symptoms: “I need to talk about COVID”
Dr.Thomas Cowan – How electrification leads to Flu like symptoms – Rumble (Mirror)
Dr.Thomas Cowan, MD explains why he thinks covid19 is poisoning of cells. it could be related to 5g.
Already in 1918, after the Spanish Flu, Rudolf Steiner said that viruses are (DNA) excretions of toxic cells in your body, in order to save themselves. They’re not the cause, they’re the result, of an (electrical) poisoning of the cells in your body.
During the Spanish flu when radio waves were introduced for the first time, the Boston health department did a test with injecting snot coming from sick patients’ noses into healthy individuals in order to see if it was contagious and it wasn’t.
Book he recommended:
The Invisible Rainbow – Download PDF
Interesting resources I found which goes into this theory:
Dr. Sharon Goldberg Testifies at Michigan’s 5G Small Cell Tower Legislation Hearing
Dr. Sharon Goldberg Testifies at Michigan’s 5G Small Cell Tower Legislation Hearing October 4, 2018
YouTube | Rumble (Mirror)
SB 637 and SB 894, industry-sponsored 5G wireless infrastructure legislation passed though the Michigan House Energy Policy Committee this week with a vote of 15 to 4.
“Wireless radiation has biological effects. Period. This is no longer a subject for debate when you look at PubMed and the peer-review literature. These effects are seen in all life forms; plants, animals, insects, microbes.
In humans we have clear evidence of cancer now; there is no question. We have evidence of DNA damage, cardiomyopathy, which is the precursor of congestive heart failure, neuropsychiatric effects.
5G is an untested application of a technology that we know is harmful; we know it from the science. In academics this is called human subjects research.” ~ Dr. Sharon Goldberg, “We Are The Evidence” Medical Advisory Board
Michigan House Energy Policy Committee 10/4/18 Testimony | Key Points/References on 5G Associated Health Issues, Sharon Goldberg, MD:
American Academy of Pediatrics: “In large studies, an association has been observed between symptoms and exposure to these (radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation) fields in the everyday environment.”
Wow this Ted Talk is from a Government Electromagnetic Weapons scientist who is trying to encourage the population to get on board with this as the preferred weapons technology. 2016
And this is to spark conversation about the “New, Innovative” technologies that the government has funded, to get you hooked up to the hive mind. “Very exciting” apparently. I think these companies have gone too far, but I guess the future is up to you, maybe you’re just as ‘excited’ to become a cyborg?
Compilation of various technologies from using your own DNA to effect your emotions remotely, to hook you up to the hive-mind, and Voice to Skull:
DNA Hive-Mind – AI 5G – Explanation for Mass-Zombies? Rumble
And this one shows how people and companies are excited about getting chipped-up. Australian’s have already started microchipping themselves, for entry into their homes, trains, and banking. The COVID Tracing app / Vaccine Passport app. Bluetooth tracking, a DARPA Covid Microcrhip to tell you “whether you have covid or not”. Microsoft, Google, DARPA “ID Pills” — which just tells you “whether you have had the pill or not”? How are we ok with this? Microneedle “patches” where you can “get your vaccine in the mail and attached it to yourself”. Klaus Schwab (Founder and President of the World Economic Forum) wants everyone chipped and have a “direct communication between our brain and the digital world” – “fusion”. (Can’t make this up). and more. This is the “New Normal” they want for us, and I think we should be having the conversation about it – do you want “every human being” to be robots? Even our farmers? Even our kids? We should be talking about this and not be ignoring the fact that the globalists are announcing that this is exactly what they want for their cattle.
Microchips, BioTech, ID, Gene-Editing, DNA Technology
Microchips, BioTech, ID, Gene-Editing, DNA Technology – Rumble
And once you know all that is possible and what they are “happy to announce”, you start to look at warnings from Former United Nations employees in a new light:
COVID-19 Genocide of 2020 – Claire Edwards (Ex United Nations)
COVID-19 Genocide of 2020 – Claire Edwards (Ex United Nations) – Rumble
“COVID-19” was long pre-planned in documents and simulation exercises emanating from the eugenicist Bill Gates and the Rockefeller Foundation:
A platform with 200 detailed levels is provided by the World Economic Forum led by Klaus Schwab, a technocrat and promoter of transhumanism,
… in order to provide detailed instructions “COVID-19” pandemic is to be used to implement a global monetary reset and digital currency,
… technocracy and totalitarian government worldwide under the guise of socialism and environmentalism.
… with China as the model,
… and enslave humanity through a sinister vaccine conspiracy.
Earlier attempts were made to engineer pandemics but none succeeded.
This time, the World Health Organization changed its pandemic criteria in advance so that it ‘could’ declare a pandemic on spurious grounds.
Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, a terrorist and accused genocidist,
.. was appointed head of the World Heath Organization in order to orchestrate the pandemic and facilitate the totalitarian takeover.
Wireless technology suppresses the immune system.
5G is implicated in implicated in COVID-19 through correlations between the locations of the 5G rollout and morbidity /mortality,
… as well as the prior administration of flu vaccinations in Wuhan and Milan.
The symptoms of “COVID” are virtually identical to the symptoms of exposure to electromagnetic radiation (EMR).
Extensive military research over many decades was kept secret,
… and regulatory agencies were co-opted in order to prevent the public learning about the extreme dangers of electromagnetic radiation.
Doctors receive no training on the risks to health of exposure to EMR
… and therefore, misdiagnose EMR symptoms.
Hospitals are extensively equipped with 5G, putting patients’ lives at risk.
5G Serves many purposes.
It is a depopulation and military weapon and facilitates the introduction of technocracy and totalitarian control by enabling surveillance, facial recognition, 24/7 monitoring of individuals, mind and body control,
… and – in combination with vaccines and chemtrails containing nanoparticles – the torture or murder of targeted individuals.
EMR can be used to simulate pathogens and overwhelm the immune system,
… and cell phones may be being used to simulate “COVID-19 contagion” among co-workers or family members.
5G has been widely installed terrestrially and in space to target and control populations.
The illegal coronavirus measures were used by governments to accelerate the 5G rollout and install 60GHz public access points in schools in order to target children.
Illegal legislation has been put in place in numerous countries:
– To remove civil liberties
– To destroy economies
– To close down small and medium-sized businesses
– To separate, isolate and terrorize family members
– To impoverish people, including by destroying jobs
– To remove children from their families
– To intern dissenters in concentration camps
– To grant immunity to government operatives to commit murder, rape and torture (UK – but also in Australia – we added this too)
– To use the police, army and mercenaries to control populations
– To force-vaccinate populations with a non-medical vaccine containing population control mechanisms without their informed consent.
There is and was no pandemic since “the curve” was flattening before the lockdown measures were put in place.
Mortality is at a lower level than in previous years.
The PCR test, which was never designed as a diagnostic test and gives up to 94% false positive results,
… is used by the oligarch-and government-controlled mainstream and social media platforms to terrorize populations for the purpose of obtaining obedience.
The illusion of a pandemic is stoked by doctors being forced to attribute virtually every death to “COVID”.
Medical staff and doctors are intimidated to prevent them speaking the truth about the fake pandemic.
In the UK, the death certificate is being changed to prevent relatives being able to question the cause of death.
Tens of thousands of doctors have now come out to confirm that “COVID-19” is a hoax.
There were no “COVID” deaths in Ireland until the 20th of April,
… and since then, the lockdowns have been based on 98 deaths out of 5 million people,
… while 30 thousand people die annually from other diseases.
Only people with a “hot” infection, with symptoms such as headaches or a sore throat, are contagious –
… 86% of “COVID” “Cases” are asymptomatic carriers and therefore harmless.
A Stanford University antibody study concluded the death rate to be between 0.1 to 0.2%,
… right in line with the seasonal flu.
Initial projected death rates from the World Health Organization “were 20 to 30 times higher”.
A Stanford University antibody study concluded the death rate to be between 0.1 to 0.2%, right in line with the seasonal flu. Initial projected death rates from the World Health Organization “were 20 to 30 times higher.”
In June, the US Centers for Disease Control confirmed the overall infection fatality rate (IFR) to be just 0.26%, way lower than the 3.4% estimate of WHO, which helped drive the panic and the lockdowns.
But even that is an overestimate: the infection fatality rate for non-nursing home residents is likely only 0.1% or 1 in 1,000. The UK and German governments stated in documents that they were deliberately ramping up the fear level, including traumatizing children by making them believe that they would torture and kill their relatives if they failed to wash their hands and obey the corona measures. Children were made to believe that they could show their love for their grandparents by not coming near them. Social distancing is a torture technique devised to traumatize and its purpose is to condition people to distance themselves from others so that they can be seen and targeted by the 5G weapon. Government and WHO policies are deliberately aimed at killing people. In many countries, doctors were ordered not to admit the elderly to intensive care units and to withdraw all health care, and national health systems stopped providing health care other than that for “COVID”, abandoning the sick to die. In France, the government issued a decree ordering doctors to administer to the elderly a drug restricted since 2012 as it was contra-indicated for respiratory problems.
In the US, hospitals were heavily bribed to diagnose “COVID” and put patients on ventilators that killed them.
WHO and governments suppressed successful treatments, one in particular in use for 70 years, and harassed doctors successfully saving patients. Autopsies that would reveal true cause of death were mostly prevented. Forensic Pathologist Professor Klaus Forensic declared having not seen a single case of “COVID-19” in autopsy that did not include other serious pre-existing diseases.
Governments and WHO promoted and enforced mask-wearing by the public in full knowledge that they provide no protection from any virus, 28 but cause serious neurological and respiratory damage, putting people’s lives and health at risk.
In the UK, the death rate rose only after the general lockdown was implemented. Top economists are warning that the UK government is “killing more people than it could possibly save” through lockdowns. The UK Daily Mail carried out an audit of 130 studies from journals, academics and charities, documenting the social and health devastation and deaths caused by lockdowns. In one county in the US, suicides among young people rose 100%. A million New Yorkers can no longer afford food. Britain’s WHO envoy has said that world poverty will double by 2021 as a result of lockdowns.
The “COVID” vaccine
Bill Gates wants to reduce the world population. He introduced his vaccine containing the electronic nano-chip “marker” intended to “mark” and control 7 billion humans at the ID2020 Conference in 2019. ID2020 is intended to provide a unique digital identity for all humans by 2030 that closely interlocks this digital identity with access to commerce and secure access systems. This is the electronic enslavement of humanity.
The subcutaneous chip will be able to:
* Influence the behavior of the chip-bearer (manipulate and control crowds)
* Eliminate categories of people (reduce the world population)
* Ensure vaccine compliance
* Permanently locate the bearer (exit civil liberties)
* Integrate 7 billion people into the cloud and operate with an all-digital system that is the equivalent of a credit on a company store.
* Nano-chips and liquid crystals in vaccines can influence human behavior, without concern for political ethics.
* And the upcoming vaccine is intended to genetically modify humanity for all future generations, in effect deleting humanity altogether, as humans become trans-humans or robots.
South Korea has just had 25 flu shot deaths and 43 2 adverse reactions, while 5 million doses of vaccine were not refrigerated. One volunteer in AstraZeneca’s new “COVID” vaccine has just died and two of the trials have been halted because participants became sick. These “COVID” vaccines are not following normal trial procedures and are being rushed out in case the pandemic hoax peters out too soon to convince people to take the vaccine. Governments are giving the pharmaceutical companies full immunity from injury lawsuits.
Increasing numbers of people are saying that they will refuse the COVID-19 vaccine, with about half the US and UK populations saying so. 47 And yet certain governments are planning to force vaccinations on populations using the army 48 while others are planning to ban vaccine refuseniks from work, school or travel.
Humanity is in extreme and imminent danger
Some good people are launching legal cases to stop this war on humanity, among them the Italian Catholic Association, Simon Dolan and the Bernician in the UK. Children’s Health Defense and the Environmental Health Trust are bringing cases against the Federal Communications Commission for its refusal to review its outdated thermal exposure guidelines on electromagnetic radiation. Common law movements are under way in several countries.
But all of this is too slow. The perpetrators of the COVID scam are still imposing lockdowns and destroying lives, businesses and families. The entity behind all of this, the World Economic Forum, told us in 2017 about the world they want to see by 2030:
* You’ll own nothing – you’ll be renting everything
* The U.S. won’t be the world’s leading superpower – because everything will be under totalitarian, technocratic control and there will be no nation states
* You’ll eat much less meat – you won’t be allowed to
* A billion people will be displaced by [fake] climate change—countries will have to welcome more refugees
* Polluters will have to pay to emit carbon dioxide – “polluters” will include farmers trying to grow food crops
* Western values will have been tested to the breaking point – your culture will be eliminated and replaced with Maoist technocratic slogans.
* They are engineering food shortages in numerous different ways.
* They are building concentration camps for dissenters.
* They want to impose a forced vaccine full of nano-chips for immunity passports and crypto-currency, and nano-particles so they can track, surveil and control us, including our minds. This vaccine is intended to genetically modify humanity for all future generations. In the US, Soros and 269 major corporations are funding Black Lives Matter and destroying America with the complicity of corrupt Democrat politicians.
* They want civil war everywhere. In Austria, France, Switzerland, the US and other countries, many people are armed and trained to fight. We cannot give them what they want. We must stop this agenda in its tracks, take power ourselves and arrest the perpetrators.
Governments are corporations obeying orders from the World Economic Forum and are no longer serving their peoples. They are acting in contravention of international and national laws and no longer have any legitimacy. We are witnessing the collapse of the rule of law. Governments, elected representatives and international institutions, including the UN, and private clubs such as the International Commission on Non-Ionising Radiation Protection, and the World Economic Forum are complicit in this “greatest crime against humanity ever committed”. Only the sovereign peoples of this world have legitimacy under these circumstances.
The perpetrators, including Klaus Schwab, Prince Charles, Bill and Melinda Gates, George Soros, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, and WHO’s Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus and Michael Ryan, the New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson and UK Health Minister Matt Hancock, French President Emmanuel Macron and Prime Minister Edouard Philippe, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz, Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg, mainstream journalists and others must be seized and brought to justice in new Nuremberg trials.
Politicians, journalists peddling fake news for the mainstream media, and others may be granted immunity if they change sides now, join the people before it is too late, and become whistleblowers.
We call upon the human population to shun these genocidal monsters in hotels, in restaurants, in taxis, wherever you come across them. Turn your back on them and show them the contempt they deserve for their psychopathic behavior and genocidal intent.
We call upon the armies and the national police to stand with the people against the conspirators, who aim to expropriate you, too, and take your children, too, and genocide as many of us as they find convenient. Police and armies will be replaced by machines in the New World Order. You, too, belong with the people and we ask you to stand with us in defending our humanity, our health, our families, our children, indigenous peoples and all of the natural life on Earth that sustains and protects us.
Wi-Fi Wireless Routers Kill Plants
Rumble (Full video in 2018 doc below)
An experiment in Denmark claims to show that Wi-Fi signals are powerful enough to kill cress seeds after just 12 days of exposure
What’s wifi doing to us? Experiment finds that shrubs die when placed next to wireless routers
2018 – Cell Antennas – Metallic-taste & Buzz/Hiss in Ears
Found this 2018 video particularly interesting when a lady living below cell antennas for 2 months.
Daughter initially got a rash on her leg & arm that was hurting “in the skin”, and her hand became cold and stayed numb for about 15 mins.
Her symptoms include a “buzzing-hissing” in her ear. When away from the towers, the buzzing went away after about 3 days.
She had a tingling all over her body.
Dizzy, nauseous.
A “metallic taste” in her mouth.
Headache/pressure in her head.
Feeling like she wants to faint or throw up. (Vertigo?)
Increasingly sensitive to her own computer & cell phone in ways that she never was before.
(Full video below)
Cell Tower & Radiofrequency Weapons (2018 Mini-doc)
Brooklyn, 100 million dollar towers in tunnels & bridges
– 5g Beast System
– New World Order
– Disguised as a tree
– Transhumanism
– Skin & Eye damage
– Heart-rate variability
– Immune System
– Cell-growth rates
– TETRA system
– Disruption of neural-networks, leading to behavioural & character changes and manic behaviour, followed by nervous exhaustion
– Disruption of higher-brain functions
– RF Check
– Free Wifi
– Decrease in quality of sperm
– The system denies the Wi-Fi harms
– Denmark study shows seeds don’t grow near router
– Living under towers for 2 months, symptoms rash, numbness, buzz-hiss in ears, vertigo, metallic taste in mouth, electro sensitivity, headache, faint, throw-up.
– Military weapons, directed-energy weapons
– Radiofrequency weapons
– Woodpecker
– Bio-Effects of electromagnetism
– Soviet Electromagnetic Experiments, low-frequency, electromagnetic fields & biological effects
– Electronic mind-control with weak, magnetic fields
– Can dissolve Brain-cell sequences causing disorientation & nausea
– Human brainwave entrainment
– The ‘Brain Bomb’
– RF Weapons
– Nicola Tesla
– Electromagnetic explosion/implosion
– Plant Damage
– Wi-Fi Visualization Ghostly Waves
- Vienna Resolution 1998
- Salzburg Resolution 2000
- Declaration of Alcalá 2002
- Catania Resolution 2002
- Freiburger Appeal 2002
- Bamberger Appeal 2004
- Maintaler Appeal 2004
- Coburger Appeal 2005
- Oberammergauer Appeal 2005
- Haibacher Appeal 2005
- Pfarrkirchener Appeal 2005
- Freienbacher Appeal 2005
- Lichtenfelser Appeal 2005
- Hofer Appeal 2005
- Helsinki Appeal 2005
- Parish Kirchner Appeal 2005
- Saarlander Appeal 2005
- Stockacher Appeal 2005
- Benevento Resolution 2006
- Allgäuer Appeal 2006
- WiMax Appeal 2006
- Schlüchterner appeal
- Brussels Appeal 2007
- Venice Resolution 2008
- Berlin Appeal 2008
- Paris Appeal 2009
- London Resolution 2009
- Porto Alegre Resolution 2009
- European Parliament
- EMF Resolution 2009
- Dutch Appeal 2009
- Int’l Appeal of Würzburg 2010
- Copenhagen Resolution 2010
- Seletun Consensus Statement 2010
- International Doctors’ Appeal 2012
- Potenza Picena Resolution 2013
- British Medical Doctors 2014
- Doctors’ Appeal to Health Canada 2014
- Scientists’ Declaration to Health Canada 2014
- Baby Safe Project, 2014
- International Scientists Appeal 2015
- Brussels Declaration 2015
- Paris Appeal 2016
- Reykjavik Appeal 2017
- International Scientists Appeal for a 5G Moratorium 2017
- Nicosia Declaration 2017
- Madrid Declaration 2017
- EU 5G Appeal, 2017
- Hippocrates Electrosmog Appeal, Belgium, 2019
- 5G Space Appeal, 300,000 signatures to date and still collecting signatures
- European Citizens’ Initiative 2022, currently collecting signatures
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DISCLAIMER: The information on this website is not medical science or medical advice. I do not have any medical training aside from my own research and interest in this area. The information I publish is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease, disorder, pain, injury, deformity, or physical or mental condition. I just report my own results, understanding & research.