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Scratchpad for Pox-Related shenanigan’s

Replace the word “Virus” with “Bioweapon/Warfare/Toxin/Poison/Evil/Fear-Porn/Cash-Cow/Agenda/Distraction” and things start to make sense.

Post just gathering up various things of interest (to me) in relation to Pox ‘Hanky-Panky’.

Living Document. First published: 26 May 2022. Last Updated: 16 June 2022

Tabletops / War Games

2021, Mar - MonkeyPox WarGame Simulation for MAY 2022

Monkeypox WarGame Simulation

An organisation founded by Ted Turner in 2001 called the ‘Nuclear Threat Initiative’ (NTI) published a report in November 2021 called “Strengthening Global Systems to Prevent and Respond to High-Consequence Biological Threats.”

The report states that in March 2021, they partnered with the Munich Security Conference to run an exercise scenario involving a, “deadly, global pandemic involving an unusual strain of monkeypox virus that emerged in the fictional nation of Brinia and spread globally over 18 months…”

The fictional pandemic/playbook resulted in more than three billion cases of monkeypox and 270 million fatalities worldwide.

The timeline had the monkeypox outbreak emerging as a result of an act of bioterrorism in May 2022, right where we are now. 

 Regardless, the NTI’s report suggests that what is required in a fantasy outbreak is, “aggressive measures to slow virus transmission by shutting down mass gatherings, imposing social-distancing measures, and implementing mask mandates.

The winning countries in the NTI’s hallucination implemented, “large-scale testing and contact-tracing operations and scaled-up their health care systems.

2019, Jun - UK USA Conference on Status of Human MonkeyPox

“In June 2019 an informal seminar brought together a group of experts at Chatham House International Affairs Think Tank to review the status of human monkeypox disease, highlighting facts and deficient understanding.

Included in the group were: epidemiologists based in the UK and the US; field epidemiologists based in Nigeria and DRC where current outbreaks are occurring; experts in DNA virus genomics and evolution; and observers from a pharmaceutical company that has developed and is marketing a non-replicating vaccine for both smallpox and monkeypox indications.”

  1. Suggested that an unintended consequence of smallpox eradication could be that “emergent or re-emergent human monkeypox might fill the epidemiological niche vacated by smallpox”.
  2. Prior smallpox program protective for those age 50 and older in general.
  3. Cases mainly in young men.
  4. Mortality low except in advanced concurrent HIV.

2005 - Atlantic Storm (Global SmallPox Epidemic Bioterrorist Attack)

Atlantic Storm Global SmallPox Epidemic & Bioterrorist Attack

Atlantic Storm was a ministerial table-top exercise convened by the Center for Biosecurity, the Center for Transatlantic Relations of the Johns Hopkins University, and the Transatlantic Biosecurity Network.

Fullscreen – Real Politicians Role Play a Worldwide Smallpox Pandemic. Madeleine Albright Plays the US President. BBC Newsnight Video: BBC Newsnight aired a report on Atlantic Storm on January 17, 2005.

2001 - Dark Winter (Smallpox and Biological Attack)

Dark Winter – Smallpox Outbreak, examining the challenges of a biological attack.

Operation Dark Winter was the code name for a senior level biological terrorist attack simulation conducted in June 2001 at Andrews Air Force Base.

Doctors, Whistleblowers, Researchers, Articles, Videos

World Council for Health Statement on MonkeyPox

May 27, 2022 World Council for Health Statement on Monkeypox cases

(VIDEO) Dr Reiner Fuellmich - Globalists Desperate, MonkeyPox Corona 2.0

May 26, 2022 Monkeypox ain’t cutting it: Perpetrators overplayed their hand. More people are awaking up than they expected. Now They Have a Problem.

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: “We’re really, really close, in my view, to a tipping point…. you can see their desperation in the fact that they’re trying to play the same story over again! Monkeypox is nothing but Corona 2.0, and that just shows you that they’re hard-pressed to come up with something that’ll keep people in panic mode. Therefore, I think they’re going to need that other narrative to kick in very quickly…

  • The Globalists Are in Panic Mode After Overplaying Their Hand: Dr. Reiner Fuellmich Details the ‘Tipping Point’ And Their Potential Plans Moving Forward – Clip Download | Clip Rumble | Full Interview

ANH: MonkeyPox Jabs - WHO-Gates, Jab Injuries, PowerGrab

May 25, 2022 ANH Feature: Monkeypox – a smokescreen for a global health powergrab?

(VIDEO) Reese Report - The Truth About Monkeypox

Interesting Truths About Monkeypox That the Lying Media Won’t Tell You

May 25, 2022

(VIDEO) Edward Dowd - Desperate Distraction by Globalist Criminals to avoid jail

Monkeypox Is Merely a Distraction: These People Are Trying Everything They Can To Avoid Being Jailed – Edward Dowd, former Blackrock

“You just have to understand that the central bankers and politicians have bankrupted the world, and a lot of the things you’re going to see in the media are distractions to cover that. And COVID was a convenient excuse to cover the implosion of the credit system. So a lot of things you see in the news are distractions. This recent monkeypox nonsense; they’re going to try to gin it up, and I suspect they’re going to try to lock down the economy right before the elections.”

“You have to also think about what’s happened with the vaccines and the excess mortality. A lot of [bad] people, if the GOP takes powers, are going to go to jail, and if you’re a criminal, you’re not going to let the elections go off without you giving it a shot to rig them.”

  • Edward Dowd – Monkeypox Distraction for Globalist Criminals to avoid jail Rumble | Telegram

Dr Mike Yeadon - MonkeyPox Positive Test is Meaningless

May 25, 2022, former Pfizer & Covid-19 Whistleblower, Dr Mike Yeadon

Ok intrepid scientific warriors!

Where’s the characterisation for this alleged Monkeypox virus test?

I’d like sensitivity, specificity, operational false positive & false negative rates, please.

If these are not publicly available, I’m telling you that “a positive test result” is absolutely meaningless.

It doesn’t say you’ve got the pathogen in question. We can’t even guesstimate the probability that you’re really infected if the test is positive.

Unless & until these & other hard science questions are filled in, we’re trusting the perpetrators to act honestly, which is a joke.

Best wishes

Dr Mike Yeadon

(VIDEO) Dr John Campbell - MonkeyPox in 5 Minutes

Dr John Campbell – MonkeyPox in 5 Minutes

  • Dr John Campbell – MonkeyPox in 5 Minutes – YouTube

(VIDEO) Monkeypox Mania Summit | Fraudulent Science

Monkeypox Mania Summit

Host Alec Zeck of The Way Forward presents a live summit to dissect and debunk the monkey business surrounding both monkeypox and the theory of pathogenic viruses at large.

Featuring in order of appearance:

  1. Dr. Tom Cowan – The distinction between believing and knowing
  2. Dr. Sam Bailey – Virus Mania and the pandemic playbook
  3. Mike Stone of – Eradication of smallpox and how it relates to monkeypox and other pox illnesses
  4. Dr. Andrew Kaufman – Original MPXV “isolation” studies, no viral particles shown as usual
  5. Christine Massey – FOIA REQUESTS
  6. Dr. Mark Bailey – PCR: sequences not shown to come from a virus & not clinically-validated to diagnose anything
  7. Dr. Kevin Corbett – Cooking up cases through up-scaled testing and phony epidemiological clustering
  8. Saeed Qureshi – Vaccine development
  9. Eric Coppolino – PCR Test & COVID as a Digital phenomenon
  10. Dr. Amandha Vollmer – Nutritional deficiencies leading to skin expression, closing comments & summary.
  11. Q&A (roughly 20-30 minutes)

(VIDEO) Dr Philip McMillan - Monkeypox Herpes/Shingles Infection

May 24, 2022 Elephant in the Room: Monkeypox and the possibility of Herpes co-infection

Whitney Webb - How Two Corrupt Pharma Companies are Cashing in on Monkeypox Scare

May 24, 2022 – Whitney Webb

Emergent BioSolutions and SIGA Technologies were in rocky financial territory just a few weeks ago, but with concerns over a global monkeypox outbreak being hyped by media and global health organizations, their worries — and sins — are quickly being forgotten.

(VIDEO) Amazing Polly - Gain of Function Pox Viruses

May 22, 2022 Gain Of Function on Pox Viruses Confirmed.

Finds connections for messing with the Pox Virus in labs to Fauci, NIAIH, NIH, Dr Mark Buller & more.

(VIDEO) Dr Robert Malone 'Misdirection & Bavarian Nordic/Jynneos

May 22, 2022: Monkeypox, a Misdirection Play: Dr. Malone (inventor of mRNA technology) Provides Insight to the Latest Developments

Clip | Full Interview

Bannon: “What is Monkeypox?”

Dr. Malone: “Misdirection play.”

“… they already have stockpiled vaccines for smallpox. What they bought is more smallpox vaccines… The name of the product is called JYNNEOS… It is marketed by Bavarian Nordic in you all you have to do is search for package insert JYNNEOS and you’ll pull up the package insert for the product and they will find that this is absolutely not a benign product just as with the old Dr. X product, which is somewhat safer than that I had experienced with that and this product when I was working for DOD. This has as one of the leading rare serious adverse events. Wait for it. cardiotoxicity myocarditis.” 

(VIDEOS) Telegram

“It would not surprise me in the least if indeed this latest Monkeypox was nothing else than vaccines adverse effects.”

“Just look at how many people took the COVID vaccines, how many of your relatives in Communist China got jabbed, then you know how ignorant they are. Now you see the Monkeypox issue. Let me tell you this. I am responsible for what I say: Monkeypox is 100% cause by the COVID Vaccines. 100 percent. Do you know the symptoms of Monkeypox? Women start to have papular rashes on the breasts, around vulva and anus. Men start (to have papular rashes) around anus and under armpits. The papular rashes most often develop in body areas with glands. This is the consequence of COVID vaccines. Monkeypox is just an excuse. It is nonsense. Now several people around us just got infected and they had the exact symptoms of the CCP virus. But until yesterday they still tested negative. Why? They got sick due to (the spike proteins shedded from) those who were jabbed with COVID vaccines. It could be virus. However, the virus has changed and is no longer a variant of the CCP virus – it is a different virus now definitely COVID vaccine is the cause instead of the Monkeypox. Many people don’t test positive this time. There are so many such cases around us. This is the COVICD Vaccine Disaster. To our ignorant relatives in Communist China as well as so many ignorant friends of ours, we can’t think of what to say.”

Media Fear-Porn, a lock-step of lies again… and ramping up the “dangers”.. God I hope this wakes people up, will they really fall for it all over again?

The WHO’s regional director for Europe has said he is “concerned” the spread of monkeypox could speed up over the summer months as people gather for parties and festivals. They’re doing exactly the same thing as they did with Covid, drip feeding scaremongering.

  • Monkeypox could be difficult to extinguish, says Dr. Scott Gottlieb (Former FDA Commissioner and now on the Pfizer payroll) – May 20, 2022

First monkey pox case identified in NYC. “Should we worry?” And it has even started a “cases and SUSPECTED Cases” tally-board.
A long incubation period – upwards to 21 days (what?).
May be a lot more infection than we’re picking up… could be many undiagnosed or misdiagnosed cases because doctors aren’t looking for it“. (here we go… ).
“Could be dangerous, case-fatality rate for the particular strain that seems to be spreading is anywhere from 1-4%”
“could last 2-4 months” (WHAT THE HELL IS THIS GUY ON? – clearly it’s not text-book MonkeyPox he’s talking about.. he’s gotta be talking about the vaccine injured… )oh wait.. then at 1:134, he changes it to “2-4 weeks” is this the NLP programming they used on us in COVID? A deliberate mixed-messaging / programming?

What his role now that he’s with Pfizer instead of FDA? Umm.. scaring the public so that they can sell more vaccines… obviously..

WHO & EVAg – Monkeypox Diagnostics

WHO - Surveillance & Contact Tracing

Surveillance, case investigation and contact tracing for Monkeypox

The key objectives of surveillance and case investigation for monkeypox in the current context are to rapidly identify cases and clusters in order to provide optimal clinical care; to isolate cases to prevent further transmission; to identify and manage contacts; to protect frontline health workers; and to tailor effective control and prevention measures.

Clinicians should report suspected cases immediately to public health authorities; probable and confirmed cases of monkeypox should be reported immediately to WHO through IHR national focal points (NFPs) under the International Health Regulations (IHR 2005).

In the current context, as soon as a suspected case is identified, contact identification and contact tracing should be initiated.

Contacts should be monitored at least daily for the onset of any signs/symptoms for a period of 21 days from last contact with a patient or their contaminated materials during the infectious period.

Quarantine or exclusion from work are not necessary during the contact tracing period as long as no symptoms develop.

WHO - Laboratory testing for the monkeypox virus

Laboratory testing for the monkeypox virus

Confirmation of monkeypox virus infection is based on nucleic acid amplification testing (NAAT), using real-time or conventional polymerase chain reaction (PCR), for detection of unique sequences of viral DNA. PCR can be used alone, or in combination with sequencing.

The recommended specimen type for laboratory confirmation of monkeypox is skin lesion material, including swabs of lesion surface and/or exudate, roofs from more than one lesion, or lesion crusts.

It is recommended that all manipulations of specimens originating from suspected, probable or confirmed cases of monkeypox in the laboratory be conducted according to a risk-based approach.

All test results, positive or negative, should be immediately reported to national authorities and Member States are requested to immediately notify WHO under the International Health Regulations (IHR) 2005 of positive laboratory results, including laboratory test that awaits confirmation.

Questions I have upon reading this:

  1. Did the Wuhan Virology Lab create the guidelines for the MonkeyPox PCR test?
    • (Perhaps not, see WHO – reagents section)
  2. Since PCR tests cannot reliably detect disease and shouldn’t be used for diagnosis of any disease, how did PCR tests sneak it’s way back into the recommendations?
  3. Do labs have to purchase MonkeyPox-Related Reagents from CDC/NIH?
  4. Is NIH/NIAID/US gov or any government body/Gates/Elite or FDA/CDC stand to profit from the Monkeypox Diagnosis via reagents or any other process in relation to the diagnosis?

WHO - Monkeypox PDF - Presentation

Questions I Have:

  1. They claim to still not know where MonkeyPox originated?
  2. More questions about the above listed in the “I don’t trust the Pharma-Cult” section

WHO - Monkeypox PDF - Reagents


This gives the impression that countries may not yet be able to lab-diagnose MonkeyPox – or rather… it reads to me, that unless a lab “with appropriate capacities” can create their own “in house development of assays” from the “published literature”, then the only way to currently detect is ordering “PCR assays from specialized initiatives“?

Questions I have:

  1. How are they finding positive cases already?
    1. Did we have a lab “with appropriate capacities” use the “literature” to create their own in-house assays? I mean – the countries which already have it would have these, but did we in Australia have these already too? (Plausible).
    2. Or did they get the “PCR assays from specialized initiatives“?
    3. Or are all currently reported “cases” just “suspected-cases” based on the list of presentation alone and being reported as cases without lab-confirmation?
  2. I’m still concerned that the paper from the Wuhan lab might be involved in the detection somehow, but haven’t really found any evidence of that… just so suspicious that the same lab that “SARS-CoV-2” is suspected of originating from ALSO published genomic literature THIS YEAR for MonkeyPox. (33)
    • Unless it’s being used as part of the agenda in some other kind of way – distraction, fear of bioweapon, or keeping truthseekers & conspiracy theorists busy down the wrong lane, etc.
    • If they are involved in the detection in any way, then once again, we’ll find labs creating “PCR diagnostics” based on a computer-upload rather than an actual sample to work with (a potential way to hoodwink “science” again and create a false diagnosis giving patients the wrong treatment, wrong recommendations, and keeping the blinders on for the other potential causes).
  3. Of the ready-to-go “PCR assays from specialized initiatives” – I wonder who we’ll find there? Which companies stand to profit and what are their connections?

We might be able to find the answers to some of these questions in the references of the document.

There are a number of primer and probe sequence sets for PCR assays for OPXV and specifically MPXV that have been published in the literature” ( Referenced: 2010 (34) 2010 (35) )

Several groups have developed validated PCR protocols for the detection of OPXV and more specifically MPXV” ( Referenced: 2010 (36) 2010 (37) 2016 (38) 1995 (39) 2002 (40) )

“PCR kits detecting OPXV or specifically MPXV are under development” (Referenced 2017 (41) 2013 (42) )

“Positive control material for PCR assays can be ordered from specialized initiatives” (Referenced EVAg (43) )

So none of the references were from the Wuhan Lab and the only reference that looked really interesting to me tonight was the European Virus Archive (EVAg) where you can order the Positive Control material.

I went on their website to see what MonkeyPox products you could purchase, and the earliest date on most of the material was from 2021. Interesting (to me).

If MonkeyPox has been around for decades, and is endemic/native in a couple of countries, shouldn’t there be decades of older samples from all those countries in the database?

There’s just one, and it’s from a Monkey not a human, and it was also listed in 2021 (June), and all except two say the Country of Collection was “United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the)”

Some say the samples were “Collected before 2018”, but it wasn’t listed/available to order until October 2021 – that even suggests to me that because a lot of them were listed in October 2021, and this is the only site that WHO listed as a place to “ORDER” (order is the word they use, not ‘purchase’?) positive controls, that they have known this was coming, and that if labs need samples, and this is the only place they can get it, are labs around the world getting this “new” material… delivered to them.. ie. all using the same samples again?

Is “THIS” the role the wuhan lab played? Is “THIS” the result of their handiwork? (Did they “create” the reagents that are used globally for the detection of MonkeyPox?)

EVAg - Monkeypox Reagent Pricing

Also interesting is the pricing, although they’re all listed as “Upon request” for non-academia enquiries, they have a “Cost per access for Academics” price listed. Check this out:

Which made me wonder about their financing. Apparently EVAg is another “non-profit” project which is part of the Horizon Europe funding program with a 2021-2027 budget of €95.5 billion for tackling climate change, helping to achieve the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals and boosting the EU’s competitiveness and growth. (46) (47)

WHO designated EVAg 'THE source' for Coronavirus & MonkeyPox PCR reagents

WHO designated EVAg “THE source” for Coronavirus & MonkeyPox PCR reagents, globally

According to their projects page:

In December 2012, the WHO in its interim guidelines entitled “Laboratory testing for novel coronavirus”, recommended PCR assays as the method to detect the virus in blood samples. The European Virus Archive was identified in the referenced guidelines, as the provider for the delivery of these assay reagents (positive controls). On request, and with assistance from the WHO, EVA has provided the material, free of charge in the context of its Trans-national Access activities, to institutions and hospitals worldwide.

Hmm, so in 2012, WHO made EVAg “THE global source” for the delivery of coronavirus PCR reagents for free — How Fascinating and Convenient. I wondered how they fooled ‘science’ worldwide when the COVID-19 pandemic hit, and postulated it was through the reagents in my PCR-test posts. (I also thought it could be via the computer upload of the sequence from the Wuhan scientists). (50)

So it’s interesting that WHO has made EVAg THE global source” AGAIN for the delivery of MonkeyVirus PCR reagents and wonder if that’s “delivered free worldwide” as well (that it’s only academia that “pays”?). How could I ever find this out?

EU & Australia (sidenote)

Just a sidenote, that it was looking at the above funding and budget for EVAg, that I discovered that Australia is extremely tied into the EU goals, especially CSIRO.

Australia has more collaboration with the EU than any single country in the world, averaging over 13,000 co-publications per year over the period 2011-15. Australia was the EU’s fifth highest non-EU collaborator over the same period.

This adds a lot more context that I wasn’t aware of as to why Australia feels like the head-of-the-snake for this new totalitarian one world government / NWO-takeover agenda.

If it’s not “MonkeyPox” – what else could it be? Theories

(Terrain Theory) MonkeyPox vs Shingles/Herpes, Chickenpox, & Smallpox

ChickenPox vs Shingles

Shingles is caused by the varicella-zoster virus — the same virus that causes chickenpox. After you’ve had chickenpox, the virus lies inactive in nerve tissue near your spinal cord and brain. Years later, the virus may reactivate as shingles.” ~ Mayo Clinic

And although the CDC claim that lymphadenopathy never manifests in cases of ‘smallpox’, some sources suggest that it does. And then, we’re also told that, historically, little attention has been paid to lymph nodes when examining ‘smallpox’ cases. So how then, are they able to confidently assert that lymphadenopathy was not commonly found in ‘smallpox’ cases? (57)

It’s perhaps worth mentioning at this stage that lymphadenopathy is also said to be a common side effect of the ‘smallpox vaccine’… And the CDC of course, seem to be fully aware of this. (58)

In the case of ‘monkeypox’, we’re also told that this distinctive feature occurs in 90% of cases.

MonkeyPox vs ChickenPox

The alleged differences between the two ‘diseases’ are virtually non-existent. Lymphadenopathy is said to be the defining characteristic. However, this symptom is also said to be caused by a number of factors – including ‘chickenpox’.

Read his Twitter threads for his full theory:

Other Threads mentioned:

COVID-19 Vaccine | Boostered

COVID-19 Vaccine | Bullous Pemphigoid | Pfizer & Moderna

Bullous Pemphigoid after Pfizer & Moderna (Medical Literature)

  1. The first dose of COVID-19 vaccine may trigger pemphigus and bullous pemphigoid flares: is the second dose therefore contraindicated? – Jun 25, 2021 (65)
  2. Bullous pemphigoid triggered by COVID‐19 vaccine: Rapid resolution with corticosteroid therapy – Nov 30, 2021 (66)
  3. Can Covid-19 vaccines cause or exacerbate bullous pemphigoid? A report of seven cases from one center – Jan 26, 2022 (67)

COVID-19 Vaccine | Shingles/Herpes Adverse Effects

Shingles/Herpes after COVID-19 vaccine (Medical Literature)

  1. Herpes zoster following BNT162b2 mRNA Covid-19 vaccination in patients with autoimmune inflammatory rheumatic diseases: a case series – April 12, 2021 (68)
  2. Varicella-zoster virus reactivation after SARS-CoV-2 BNT162b2 mRNA vaccination: Report of 5 cases – Apr 24, 2021 (69)
  3. A rare case of shingles after COVID-19 vaccine: is it a possible adverse effect? – May 10, 2021 (70)Clin Exp Vaccine Res. 2021;10(2):198-201. doi:10.7774/cevr.2021.10.2.198
  4. Herpes zoster following inactivated COVID-19 vaccine: A coexistence or coincidence? – Jun 20, 2021 (71)
  5. Herpes Zoster following SARS-CoV-2 vaccination – a series of four cases – Aug 3, 2021 (72)
  6. Herpes zoster after ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 vaccine: a case series – Aug 14, 2021 (73)
  7. Herpes zoster after inactivated SARS-CoV-2 vaccine in two healthy young adults – Aug 17, 2021 (74)
  8. Herpes zoster after COVID vaccination – Aug 21, 2021 (75)
  9. Varicella-zoster virus reactivation causing herpes zoster ophthalmicus (HZO) after SARS-CoV-2 vaccination – report of three cases – Sept 16, 2021 (76)
  10. Shingles and mRNA COVID-19 vaccine – Sept 30, 2021 (77)
  11. Herpes-like skin lesion after AstraZeneca vaccination for COVID-19: A case report – Oct 2021 (78)
  12. Ipsilateral herpes zoster after the first dose of BNT162b2 mRNA COVID-19 vaccine – Oct 2021 (79)
  13. A narrative review and clinical anatomy of herpes zoster infection following COVID-19 vaccination – Oct 1, 2021 (80)
  14. Oral Herpes Zoster Infection Following COVID-19 Vaccination: A Report of Five Cases – Nov 2021 (81)
  15. Herpes zoster following COVID-19 vaccine: a report of three cases – Nov 5, 2021 (82)
  16. Herpes zoster after inactivated COVID-19 vaccine: A cutaneous adverse effect of the vaccine – Nov 20, 2021 (83)
  17. Herpes zoster after COVID-19 vaccination-Can the vaccine reactivate latent zoster virus? – Nov 20, 2021 (84)
  18. The Pfizer-BNT162b2 mRNA-based vaccine against SARS-CoV-2 may be responsible for awakening the latency of herpes varicella-zoster virus – Dec 2021 (85)
  19. Herpes zoster reactivation after mRNA-1273 vaccination in patients with rheumatic diseases – Dec 7, 2021 (86)
  20. Varicella-zoster and herpes simplex virus reactivation post-COVID-19 vaccination: a review of 40 cases in an International Dermatology Registry – Jan 2022 (87)
  21. Herpes simplex encephalitis following ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 vaccination: a case report and review of the literature – Mar 3, 2022 (88)
  22. Herpetic anterior uveitis following Pfizer-BioNTech coronavirus disease 2019 vaccine: two case reports – Mar 25, 2022 (89)
  23. Herpes zoster in the era of COVID 19: A prospective observational study to probe the association of herpes zoster with COVID 19 infection and vaccination – Apr 18, 2022 (90)
  24. Real-world evidence from over one million COVID-19 vaccinations is consistent with reactivation of the varicella-zoster virus – Apr 26, 2022 (91)
  25. Correspondence on ‘Herpes Zoster and Simplex reactivation following COVID-19 vaccination’ – Apr 29, 2022 (92)
  26. Recurrence of Herpetic Keratitis after COVID-19 Vaccination: A Report of Two Cases – May 19, 2022 (93)
  27. Herpes simplex virus retinitis following ChAdOx1 nCoV- 19 (Covishield) vaccination for SARS CoV 2: A case report – May 19, 2022 (94)
  28. A Case Report of Herpes Zoster Ophthalmicus and Meningitis After COVID-19 Vaccination – May 23, 2022 (95)

COVID-19 Vaccine | Other Adverse Effects (Unsorted)

COVID Vaccine – Other Skin Disorders (Medical Literature)

  1. Autoimmune mucocutaneous blistering diseases after SARS-Cov-2 vaccination: A Case report of Pemphigus Vulgaris and a literature review – Apr 2022 (96)
  2. Skin manifestations of COVID-19 and after COVID-19 vaccination – Apr 27, 2022 (97)
  3. Erythema multiforme in a young adult following COVID-19 infection and vaccination in Tanzania – May 23, 2022 (98)

MonkeyPox, ChickenPox & SmallPox Compared

I don't trust the Pharma-Cult

Random thoughts…

  1. Highly doubtful Smallpox has been eradicated after reading so much over the past decade particular books that go more in depth that make me continue to remain highly skeptical of the entire pharma+virology industry, that they simply NEED people to buy into the idea of vaccination for multi-agenda-driven purposes
    • profiting from the sick
    • profiting from the adverse-events
    • profiting from the jabs
    • profiting from the tests
    • profiting from the PPE & lab equipment
    • profiting from the surveillance-measures
    • controlling populations via fear/scaremongering
    • controlling the populations growth via sterilization & low-sperm counts, death, and sickness
    • profiting from the IVF programme
    • killing off our history/knowledge/elderly to indoctrinate the younger generation into a “new normal” of totalitarian governance
  2. I do not see pharma as the good guys anymore, but I used to be just as brainwashed by the lab-coats as the rest of society. Browse my older posts to see how I broke-free from the cult & finally cured my life-long illnesses in my late 30’s after a lifetime of living more than half my life inside a hospital room & being the kid that carried her own oxygen tank to school.
  3. The list of “typical presentation” from WHO is remarkably different than the scaremongering from the mainstream media reports lately. The benefit of fear-porn, again, is agenda-driven.
  4. The genitals is an interesting presentation… (read the WHO notes on Monkeypox presentation)
    • are they trying to weaponize sex again? That is part of the NWO agenda – to reduce population growth.
    • Or are they weaponizing genital herpes? Maybe the jabs, which have been targetting those areas are causing this symptom and we’re not hearing a lot about it because that’s something that people generally keep to themselves.
    • The science journal publications are full of such documentation since the jab-rollout (list is somewhere on this post).
    • It also makes me wonder about their first attempt to wipe out what they consider “deplorables”, the AIDS pandemic targetting homosexuals.
  5. I’m also wondering about geoengineering (they are blocking out the sun openly in the UK and it’s clear the same type of weapon/technology is being used here in Victoria & New South Wales, Australia as well), and whatever it is they are doing eventually ends up in the water supplies and over the crops & livestock and all over us & our vehicles, etc.
  6. And speaking of crops, they seem to be orchestrating a global food shortage, weaponizing the food, and it’s alarming that noone is horrified that Pfizer & Monsanto are the same company and that Monsanto is basically a Rockefeller eugenics programme that has weaponized the entire agriculture industry.
  7. I’m also wondering about 5g symptoms. As well as what CERN is really doing here in Australia.
  8. These are things I’m curious about as to what the true cause of these outbreaks are – i.e. some kind of autoimmune thing that is happening because our bodies are so desperately trying to detox an overload of toxins and radiation.
    • In regards to this, having experienced a similar thing myself, I am curious as to the origin/cause.
      • Do they have the ability to cause some kind of kidney/liver damage that causes our bodies to try and detox via the skin because the organs or certain genes have been damaged or changed?
  9. I’m also concerned that they have brought back the fraudulently used PCR test for diagnostics of MonkeyPox and that the Wuhan virology lab was involved.
    • Is this another weapon of lockdowns, surveillance and control?
    • A way to sell more drugs/jabs
    • Or just a clever way to cover-up the jab-injuries or toxins/radiation/other?
  10. Yep… these are my random thoughts tonight.

Pharmaceutical Gravy-Train

(VIDEO) CDC Smallpox (Monkeypox) 100 million Vaccines stockpiled & ready

May 23, 2022 CDC Monkeypox BriefingOver 100 Million Doses of Monkeypox Vaccines Ready”

“We have a good stock of vaccine – we’ve been PREPARING for the possibility of needing to use it for SMALLPOX and we have something called the Strategic National Stockpile that has invested resources and energy into making sure that we have adequate stocks of vaccines.

There are two vaccines that could potentially be used to treat and/or prevent Monkeypox in people who may of had contact with a Monkeypox patient. Sorry, I should not have said treat.

Those vaccines are available in different levels. One of them is called Jynneos and that is a two-dose vaccine and right now we have over a thousand doses of that available, and we expect that level to ramp-up very quickly in the coming weeks as the company provides more doses to us.

The second vaccine is called ACAM2000, and we have… I think it’s over a million doses (- is it? – a hundred million?) A 100 million doses of ACAM2000. ACAM2000 is an older generation smallpox vaccine, that has some potential significant side effects with it, so the decision to use that widely would have to have some serious discussion behind it and I think right now we are hoping to maximize vaccine distribution to those that we know would benefit from it.

So those are people who have had contact with the known monkeypox patient, healthcare workers, very close personal contacts, and those in particular that might be at high risk for severe disease.”

Pfizer | SIGA | TPOXX | Meridian Medical

Wow is there anything they don’t have their corrupt and greedy hands all over?

In June 2019, SIGA entered into an international promotion agreement with Meridian Medical Technologies, Inc. (“Meridian”). Under the agreement, Meridian will promote the sale of oral tecovirimat for the treatment of smallpox in all international markets outside of the United States. 

Meridian Medical Technologies Inc. is a subsidiary of pharmaceutical giant Pfizer that primarily manufactures antidotes for chemical weapons.

Whilst checking the refs, I found that the FDA used to actually do their job in trying to protect patients against these criminals? There must of been a time when honest people still worked at the FDA. Check out this criminal investigation in 2017 where the FDA inspected Merdian/Pfizer and called out their violations that cost patients their lives.

Siga’s “lead product” is TPOXX – seriously. Their lead product is a smallpox drug – their lead-product is for a supposedly eradicated disease. Anyway… sigh.

The oral formulation of TPOXX was approved by the FDA for the treatment of smallpox in 2018. The safety of TPOXX has not been studied in patients with smallpox disease – no human trials have ever been done on those with smallpox (because it’s “not ethical to study the drug’s efficacy in humans“) but they had clinical trials under “widely varying conditions in healthy subjects” (their words, not mine). Bare that in mind if they ever try and offer it to you – that YOU WILL BE THE GUINEA PIG. The only studies they did was 14 days with macaques & rabbits and the end point was “survival” which did not include a placebo group, and the survival rate was 50% for the Macaques on Day 6. How the hell did this drug get approved, how?

Over the past decade, the U.S. government has procured, or has current orders for, approximately $705 million of TPOXX for national preparedness

In September 2018, SIGA signed a contract potentially worth more than $600 million with BARDA for procurement and development related to both oral and intravenous formulations of TPOXX.

The same oral formulation was approved by the EMA in January 2022, and Health Canada in December 2021

On May 12, 2022, SIGA was awarded a new contract for TPOXX by the US Department of Defense for procurement of up to $7.5 Million.

May 19, 2022 – their IV-version of TPOXX was approved by the FDA.

Still think this isn’t a planned agenda?

2022, May 19 - U.S. Buys $119 Million Worth Of Monkeypox Vaccines

May 19, 2022

2022, May 19 - Europe purchases Monkeypox Vaccines

May 19, 2022 Europe country purchases Monkeypox Vaccines from Bavarian Nordic

2022, May 16 - MonkeyPox Antiiral Tembexa Sold to 'Emergent Biosolutions'

May 16, 2022 – MonkeyPox Antiiral Tembexa Sold to Biodefense Specialist

Interestingly, Tembexa’s stock price fell (May 16, 2022) nearly 61%, after they sold Tembexa to biodefense specialist Emergent Biosolutions – or maybe the interesting thing should be that they sold it to a biodefense specialist (especially when it can cause infertility, cancer, birth defects, severe liver failure, and death – see “2021, Jun – FDA approves smallpox drug Tembexa: myocarditis, sterilization” section.

“Emergent BioSolutions, already flush with products against public health threats like anthrax attacks and opioid overdoses, is expanding its arsenal of medical countermeasures by scooping up global rights to smallpox newcomer Tembexa.

Emergent will furnish developer Chimerix with $225 million in upfront cash plus upward of $100 million in milestone payments for worldwide rights to the med, also known as brincidofovir. The drug last summer snagged FDA approval as the first antiviral cleared to treat smallpox regardless of a patient’s age.

The purchase is contingent on Chimerix striking a procurement pact with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ (HHS’) Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA). After the deal closes, Emergent would be on the hook to deliver the first Tembexa shipment to the country’s Strategic National Stockpile.”

2022, May 11 | ACAM2000 wants in on the C19 + 'Money'Pox party

May 11, 2022 – Wow, I was shocked when I saw CDC still recommending ACAM2000 as a SmallPox vaccine given it should be taken off the market for its blackbox warnings for:

  • Myocarditis & Pericarditis
  • encephalitis, encephalomyelitis, encephalopathy
  • progressive vaccinia, generalized vaccinia, severe vaccinial skin infections
  • erythema multiforme major, Stevens-Johnson Syndrome
  • eczema vaccinatum resulting in permanent sequelae or death
  • ocular complications, blindness
  • fetal death

But lo and behold, I just came across a paper where they are promoting it as a single-jab against SARS-Cov-2 “variants”.

Of course everyone wants in on the COVD-Gravy-Train and why shouldn’t they try and get in on that in addition to their monkeypox business. In fact – it makes sense doesn’t it? “Dual-purpose damage”. Let’s all have a crack at destroying the human immune-system and use our un-used vaccines for something that is supposed to be ‘eradicated’… starting with recommending it to our health workers maybe? Let’s double-down and completely destroy our health sickcare system. God I’m sick of this inverse world.

Now I’m curious who is behind ACAM2000. Betcha there’s a story there that I’m not going to like.

But it’s 4:30am and I need sleep, so another day perhaps I’ll see who is behind this company and what their intentions are.

Is this how they’re going to “sell” it to governments and the public? “Hey, investors, governments, and scared-to-death public, look over here, we can prevent COVID variants AND monkeypox, don’t worry that we’ve only tested the COVID-side on hamsters – we’re already “approved” for smallpox/monkeypox … just ignore the blackbox warnings… PAY US!” People might actually think it’s worth investing in because they might buy into this crap because the media has scared them to death.. and it’s just “one” jab for all the variants and pox? FML.

2022, May 9 - Shareholders | Bavarian Nordic | Vanguard, Blackrock, WEF

Vanguard and Blackrock are some of the biggest shareholders of Bavarian Nordic which is producing the Jynneos Monkeypox vaccine.

The biggest shareholder is Invesco who is coincidentally partnered with the World Economic Forum. The stock started skyrocketing May 9th.

2022, May 4 | Dual Pox & SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine Clinical Trial

May 4, 2022 – Dual Pox & SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine Clinical Trial

(VIDEO) 2022, Mar - CDC recommends vax that can kill, sterilize, infect others, myocarditis

March 9, 2022 (published May 2022)

CDC reports “Imported Monkeypox from International Traveler, Maryland, USA, 2021”

Regardless of the report stating that every single person that had exposure to the supposed infected woman did not get infected, what I found absolutely disturbing other than their report urging for effective strategies to mitigate the potential spread of MonkeyPox (again… even though noone on the plane or any health worker got infected… ) is they mention two approved smallpox vaccines and did not mention the well-known dangers of ACAM2000 – in fact, if you cared about people, you would remove it from the market along with the aforementioned antiviral TEMBEXA® (brincidofovir) … but you know.. #InverseWorld, greed, and a little sprinkle of a mass-depopulation agenda won’t allow that…

ACAM2000 Smallpox Vaccine has a blackbox warning for:

  • Myocarditis & Pericarditis
  • encephalitis, encephalomyelitis, encephalopathy
  • progressive vaccinia, generalized vaccinia, severe vaccinial skin infections
  • erythema multiforme major, Stevens-Johnson Syndrome
  • eczema vaccinatum resulting in permanent sequelae or death
  • ocular complications, blindness
  • fetal death

Risks of severe disability and/or death, are increased in vaccinees with:

  • Cardiac disease
  • Eye disease treated with topical steroids.
  • Congenital or acquired immune deficiency disorders.
  • History or presence of eczema and other skin conditions.
  • Infants < 12 months of age.
  • Pregnancy

And the vaccine can be transmitted to others and cause THEM to have these risks.

Even Fauci knew the vaccine was dangerous… (and this dude dry-humps vaccines)

(VIDEO) 2021, Nov 4 - Gates predicts SmallPox Pandemic

Gates Smallpox/Monkeypox Compilation 2014-2022

What is the likelihood that less than two weeks after the most notorious global financier of vaccine research warns about an outbreak of the long-extinct smallpox virus, questionable smallpox vials would show up in a Merck lab? Well, this is the world we now live in, or perhaps the world our globalist overlords have now created.

During a Policy Exchange think tank interview with the chair of the U.K. parliament’s Health and Social Care Select Committee and former U.K. Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt, Bill Gates randomly and shockingly warned of a smallpox bioterror attack. “You say, OK, what if a bioterrorist brought smallpox to 10 airports? You know, how would the world respond to that?” asked Gates rhetorically in the creepy Nov. 4 interview with Hunt. “There’s naturally caused epidemics and bioterrorism-caused epidemics that could even be way worse than what we experienced today.”

So when Bill Gates is warning about smallpox right before vials of smallpox are discovered, and in the same week a Maryland woman tests positive for monkeypox, we should pay attention.

2021, Jun 4 - FDA approves smallpox drug Tembexa: myocarditis, sterilization

Just like with coronavirus, they were already working on a “cure.”

On June 4, the FDA randomly approved a smallpox drug, Tembexa (brincidofovir), because “there have been longstanding concerns that the virus that causes smallpox, the variola virus, could be used as a bioweapon.

It is well known that no pharma company will spend hundreds of millions developing a drug for an eradicated disease, on which there is no way to earn billions in profit. Now, even if this drug was around before and they are repurposing it for smallpox, it still costs millions to go through the process. Why?

And speaking of this history of this drug, it sounds eerily similar to the drugs they have approved for COVID, including remdesivir. It turns out that like Gilead’s remdesivir and Merck’s molnupiravir, brincidofovir was a failed repurposed drug with safety concerns. Its maker, Chimerix, conducted three failed Phase 3 trials for the indication of adenovirus, and it flopped!

Tembexa also comes with an FDA “black box” warning for use for smallpox, for increased mortality after taking more than just two doses, based on those same failed studies!

It is also considered a potential human carcinogen and may irreversibly impair fertility! WTF.

It doesn’t stop there..

It can cause birth defects, serious liver problems & cause low sperm counts.

Shockingly, the FDA notes in its June 4 approval letter that it did not conduct any human trials for safety and relied on the “Animal Rule,” “which allows findings from adequate and well-controlled animal efficacy studies to serve as the basis of an approval when it is not feasible or ethical to conduct efficacy trials in humans.

But that is only when it is proven from previous approved indications to be safe and effective so that it can be repurposed for a secondary indication in its same formulation based on animal studies … you know, like perhaps something like ivermectin being used for antiviral after approval for parasites because it was so safe and effective. But this drug was proven unsafe and ineffective to the point that it never got approval for its primary indication and is now being used for a secondary indication without a human study!

Typically, the cure is created after the illness, but in this case perhaps the illness is coming to “cure” what they perceive to be an ailment among we the people. And perhaps the proposed “cures” will look a lot like ailments, just as we have seen with the shots, remdesivir, baricitinib, and tofacitinib – and most likely will see with Merck and Pfizer’s new COVID drugs.

WTF – they are promoting it for KIDS & INFANTS???

Introducing the first antiviral to be approved for the treatment of smallpox in all age groups, including infants, and for patients who have difficulty swallowing.”

TEMBEXA® (brincidofovir) is an oral antiviral approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in tablet and oral suspension formulations for the treatment of smallpox disease in adult and pediatric patients.

2021, Feb 26 | Patent | Dual Pox & SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine

26 Feb 2021Dual PoxVirus & SARS-CoV-2 Patent” (I need to add more details when I get home)

2020-2022 | Patents | Bavarian Nordic & Janssen (Marburg, Ebola, HIV, COVID, MonkeyPox, Cancer)


  1. Recombinant modified vaccinia virus ankara (mva) filovirus vaccine
    • Priority 2014-09-03 • Filed 2022-01-23 • Published 2022-03-01
    • The present invention relates to an ed filovirus vaccine comprising a recombinant modified vaccinia virus Ankara-based ased) vaccine against ‘IO filovirus disease and to related products, methods and uses.
  2. Poxvirus Vectors Encoding HIV Antigens, and Methods of Use Thereof
    • US20220088172A1 Frank Wegmann Janssen Vaccines & Prevention B.V.
    • Priority 2017-06-15 • Filed 2021-12-10 • Published 2022-03-24
    • Poxvirus vectors encoding a synthetic HIV envelope antigen and other HIV antigens, as well as compositions containing such poxvirus vectors and uses of such poxvirus vectors as vaccines to provide improved immunity against HIV, are provided. Also provided are vaccine combinations containing the …
  3. Methods and compositions for inducing protective immunity against filovirus …
    • US20220088170A1 Ariane VOLKMANN Bavarian Nordic A/S
    • Priority 2014-09-03 • Filed 2021-10-11 • Published 2022-03-24
    • The present invention provides compositions, vaccines and methods for inducing protective immunity against filovirus infection, particularly protective immunity against infection of one or more subtypes of Ebola viruses and Marburg virus.
  4. Therapy for Treating Cancer with an Intratumoral or Intravenous Administration …US20220000997A1 Henning Lauterbach Bavarian Nordic A/S
    • Priority 2019-02-19 • Filed 2019-11-20 • Published 2022-01-06
    • The invention relates to a composition and related methods for reducing tumor volume and/or increasing the survival of a cancer patient. The composition comprises a recombinant MVA encoding a Tumor Associated Antigen (“TAA”) as well as 4-1BBL and/or CD40L and can be administered to a subject in …


  1. Recombinant Modified Vaccinia Virus Ankara (MVA) Foot and Mouth Disease Virus ( …
    • US20210393766A1 Robin Steigerwald Bavarian Nordic A/S
    • Priority 2015-06-15 • Filed 2021-08-30 • Published 2021-12-23
    • The present invention relates to modified poxviral vectors and to methods of making and using the same. In particular, the invention relates to recombinant modified vaccinia virus Ankara-based (MVA-based) vaccine against FMDV infection and to related products, methods and uses. Specifically, the …
  2. Compositions and Methods for Enhancing the Stability of Transgenes in …
    • US20210338788A1 Markus Kalla Bavarian Nordic A/S
    • Priority 2016-09-28 • Filed 2021-07-05 • Published 2021-11-04
    • Provided herein are recombinant poxviruses that are stable through successive passaging of the recombinant poxviruses. More particularly, the recombinant poxviruses comprise one or more modified nucleic acids encoding MUC1, CEA, and/or TRICOM antigens, wherein the recombinant poxviruses are stable
  3. A recombinant modified vaccinia virus ankara (mva) vaccine against coronavirus …
    • WO WO2021250219A1 Jürgen HAUSMANN Bavarian Nordic A/S
    • Priority 2020-06-10 • Filed 2021-06-10 • Published 2021-12-16
    • A RECOMBINANT MODIFIED VACCINIA VIRUS ANKARA (MVA) VACCINE AGAINST CORONAVIRUS DISEASE Technical Field The present invention relates to the field of vaccines. More specifically, the invention relates to vaccines based on a viral vector for the delivery of antigens targeting an infectious disease.
  4. Methods and Compositions for Inducing an Immune Response Against Hepatitis B …
    • US EA US20210268104A1 Daniel Boden Janssen Sciences Ireland Unlimited Company
    • Priority 2017-12-19 • Filed 2021-05-18 • Published 2021-09-02
    • Provided herein are Modified Vaccinia Ankara (MVA) vectors and adenovirus vectors encoding HBV antigens. Also provided are methods of enhancing an immune response in a human subject by utilizing the MVA and adenovirus vectors encoding HBV antigens in a prime/boost regimen to the enhance the immune …
  5. Therapy for treating cancer with an intratumoral and/or intravenous …
    • Bavarian Nordic As
    • Priority 2018-11-20 • Filed 2021-05-13 • Published 2021-06-30
    • CLAIMED IS: 1. A method for reducing tumor size and/or increasing survival in a subject having a cancerous tumor, the method comprising intratumorally administering to the subject a recombinant modified Vaccinia Ankara (MVA) comprising a first nucleic acid encoding a tumor—associated antigen (TAA) …
  6. Methods and Compositions for Enhancing Vaccine Immune Responses
    • US20210299236A1 Henning Lauterbach Bavarian Nordic A/S
    • Priority 2012-09-04 • Filed 2021-04-11 • Published 2021-09-30
    • Provided herein are immunogenic compositions comprising a recombinant modified vaccinia virus Ankara (MVA) comprising a nucleic acid sequence encoding a CD40 ligand (CD4OL) and a nucleic acid sequence encoding a heterologous disease-associated antigen, wherein the immunogenic composition induces …
  7. Combination therapy for treating cancer with an intravenous administration of a …
    • 281988D0 Bavarian Nordic As
    • Priority 2018-10-05 • Filed 2021-04-01 • Published 2021-05-31
    • CLAIMED IS: 1. A combination for use in reducing tumor size and/or increasing survival in a cancer patient, the combination comprising: a) a recombinant modified Vaccinia Ankara (MVA) virus comprising a first nucleic acid encoding a tumor—associated antigen (TAA) and a second nucleic acid encoding …
  8. Combination Therapy for Treating Cancer with a Poxvirus Expressing a Tumor …
    • US20210205429A1 Susan Foy Bavarian Nordic A/S
    • Priority 2013-11-05 • Filed 2021-03-18 • Published 2021-07-08
    • The present disclosure encompasses therapies, compositions, and methods for treatment of a human cancer patient using a recombinant poxvirus encoding a tumor-associated antigen in combination with one or more agonists or antagonists of immune checkpoint inhibitors.
  9. Recombinant Modified Vaccinia Virus Ankara (MVA) Respiratory Syncytial Virus ( …
    • US20210196814A1 Cedric Cheminay Bavarian Nordic A/S
    • Priority 2012-08-01 • Filed 2021-03-15 • Published 2021-07-01
    • Provided herein are recombinant modified vaccinia virus Ankara (MVA) strains as improved vaccines against infection with Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV virus) and to related products, methods and uses. Specifically, provided herein are genetically engineered recombinant MVA vectors comprising at …
  10. Compositions improving poxvirus stability
    • WO2021180943A1 Kjaer KATRINE Bavarian Nordic A/S
    • Priority 2020-03-12 • Filed 2021-03-12 • Published 2021-09-16
    • The present invention relates to aqueous compositions conferring improved stability to poxvirus during storage as well as to the use of such compositions and methods for preparing the same. The compositions comprise recombinant human serum albumin (rHSA), gelatin or arginine, or combinations …
  11. Compositions and methods vectors for inducing an enhanced immune response using …
    • AU2021200985A1 Jurgen Hausmann Bavarian Nordic A/S
    • Priority 2013-11-28 • Filed 2021-02-15 • Published 2021-03-11
    • Provided herein are recombinant poxviruses comprising heterologous or native nucleic acids specifying excess double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) early in infection, which may further comprise heterologous nucleic acids encoding one or more costimulatory molecules, and/or heterologous nucleic acids …
  12. Recombinant Modified Vaccinia Virus Ankara (MVA) Equine Encephalitis Virus …
    • US20210205439A1 Robin Steigerwald Bavarian Nordic A/S
    • Priority 2016-01-29 • Filed 2021-01-04 • Published 2021-07-08
    • The present invention relates to recombinant modified vaccinia virus Ankara (MVA) and to methods of using the same. In particular, the invention relates to recombinant MVA comprising a nucleotide sequence encoding for a structural protein of an equine encephalitis virus (EEV) excluding encoding …
  13. Medical uses of 4-1BBL adjuvanted recombinant modified vaccinia virus ankara ( …
    • AU2020388973A1 Matthias Habjan Bavarian Nordic A/S
    • Priority 2019-11-20 • Filed 2020-11-20 • Published 2021-05-27
    • WO2021099572A1 Maria HINTERBERGER Bavarian Nordic A/S
    • Priority 2019-11-20 • Filed 2020-11-20 • Published 2021-05-27
    • The invention relates to a recombinant Modified Vaccinia Virus Ankara (MVA) expressing a TAA and the costimulatory molecule 4-1BBL for use in (i) the prevention of recurrence of a solid tumor, wherein the recombinant MVA is intratumorally administered to the solid tumor, or (ii) the treatment, …
  14. Recombinant MVA viruses for intratumoral and/or intravenous administration for …
    • AU2020387646A1 Matthias Habjan Bavarian Nordic A/S
    • Priority 2019-11-20 • Filed 2020-11-20 • Published 2021-05-27
    • WO2021099586A1 Henning Lauterbach Bavarian Nordic A/S
    • Priority 2019-11-20 • Filed 2020-11-20 • Published 2021-05-27
    • The invention relates to a composition and related methods for reducing tumor volume and/or increasing the survival of a cancer patient. The composition comprises a recombinant MVA encoding a Tumor Associated Antigen (“TAA”) as well as 4-1BBL and/or CD40L and can be administered to a subject in …
  15. Storage improved poxvirus compositionsAU2019336940A1 Katrine Kjaer Bavarian Nordic A/S
    • Priority 2018-09-06 • Filed 2019-09-06 • Published 2021-03-11
    • The present invention provides storage optimized aqueous compositions comprising a poxvirus suitable as poxvirus vaccine and pharmaceutical compositions, in particular liquid compositions or liquid frozen compositions, and methods of making them.


  1. Single high dose of mva induces a protective immune response in neonates and …
    • AU2020260472A1 Paul Chaplin Bavarian Nordic A/S
    • Priority 2013-03-15 • Filed 2020-10-29 • Published 2020-11-26
    • The invention relates to compositions and methods for inducing a protective immune response against a poxvirus in a human neonate or infant of less than 6 months of age. The invention encompasses administering a single high dose of an MVA to a human neonate or infant of less than 6 months of age, …
  2. Methods and compositions for inducing an immune response against hepatitis b …
    • IL275423D0 Bavarian Nordic As
    • Priority 2017-12-19 • Filed 2020-06-16 • Published 2020-08-31
    • WO 2019/123250 PCT/IB2018/060257 CLAIMS It is claimed: 1. A Modified Vaccinia Ankara (MVA) Vector comprising a non-naturally occurring nucleic acid molecule comprising a first polynucleotide sequence encoding an HBV polymerase antigen comprising an amino acid sequence that is at least 98% …
  3. Combination therapy for treating cancer with an intravenous administration of a …
    • IL272546D0 Bavarian Nordic As
    • Priority 2017-08-24 • Filed 2020-02-09 • Published 2020-03-31


  1. Methods and compositions for inducing an immune response against hepatitis B …
    • TW201928061A 丹尼爾 包登 愛爾蘭商健生科學愛爾蘭無限公司
    • Priority 2017-12-19 • Filed 2018-12-18 • Published 2019-07-16
    • Method and composition for inducing immune response against hepatitis B virus (HBV) This invention relates to biotechnology. More specifically, the present invention relates to methods and compositions for enhancing an immune response against hepatitis B virus (HBV) in an individual in need.

Download the Rest: (Assignee: Bavarian Nordic A/S; 219 results)

2019, Sept - Bavarian Nordic | Jynneos™ gets FDA approval

September 24, 2019

2019, Sept - US Purchases $170 Million in SmallPox Vaccines

September 6, 2019 US to Purchase $170 Million in Smallpox Vaccines for Stockpiling

“The US can purchase additional vaccine over the next 10 years, with a target of $2 billion in procurement and surge options for up to a total of nearly $2.8 billion

Government and Corporation Fear-Porn

2022, May 26 - UKHSA - 20K doses smallpox vaccine - Imvanex (Bavarian Nordic)

May 26, 2022 UK has “procured” over 20,0000 doses of Imvanex supplied by Bavarian Nordic as part of their “rapid response to rising Monkeypox cases”

2022, May 26 - UKHSA handout 'Stages of MonkeyPox'

May 26, 2022

UK adds more symptoms and an image in their handout.


Initial symptoms of monkeypox include fever, headache, muscle aches, backache, swollen lymph nodes, chills and exhaustion.

A rash can develop, often beginning on the face, then spreading to other parts of the body, particularly the hands and feet.

The rash changes and goes through different stages before finally forming a scab, which later falls off.

2022, May 24 - UK urges citizens to come forward for testing

May 24, 2022 UK urges citizens to come forward for “testing”

Want to raise the fear? Increase the testing. Lockstep delusion in progress.

Dr Susan Hopkins, chief medical adviser at the UKHSA, said: “Alongside reports of further cases being identified in other countries globally, we continue to identify additional cases in the UK.

“Thank you to everyone who has come forward for testing already and supported our contact tracing efforts – you are helping us limit the spread of this infection in the UK.

“Because the virus spreads through close contact, we are urging everyone to be aware of any unusual rashes or lesions, and to contact a sexual health service if they have any symptoms.

“A notable proportion of recent cases in the UK and Europe have been found in gay and bisexual men, so we are particularly encouraging these men to be alert to the symptoms.”

2022, May 24 - MonkeyPox Symptoms matches everything (again)

Bloody hell. The symptoms again match bloody everything “again”. The CovidCult are going to stay in their delusion forever and never take off their masks…

Symptoms of monkeypox in humans

A rash usually appears 1 to 5 days after the first symptoms. The rash often begins on the face, then spreads to other parts of the body.

Full list of symptoms:

  • a high temperature
  • a headache
  • muscle aches
  • backache
  • swollen glands
  • shivering (chills)
  • exhaustion

The symptoms usually clear up in 2 to 4 weeks.

2022, May 23 - UK advises 3 week quarantine for MonkeyPox contacts & recommends Imvanex Vax

May 23, 2022

UKHSA health protection teams are contacting people considered to be high-risk contacts of confirmed cases and are advising those who have been risk assessed and remain well to isolate at home for up to 21 days.

UKHSA health protection teams are contacting people considered to be high-risk contacts of confirmed cases and are advising those who have been risk assessed and remain well to isolate at home for up to 21 days. In addition, UKHSA has purchased over 20,000 doses of a safe smallpox vaccine (called Imvanex, supplied by Bavarian Nordic) and this is being offered to identified close contacts of someone diagnosed with monkeypox to reduce the risk of symptomatic infection and severe illness.

2022, May 23 - Belgium introduces mandatory monkeypox quarantine
2022, May 23 - Canada considers SmallPox Vaccine for MonkeyPox

May 23, 2022 – Canada considers SmallPox Vaccine for MonkeyPox

2022, May 20 - WHO confirms 80 cases of MonkeyPox in 11 countries

May 20, 2022Well, that explains why there are more “cases”…

More tests = more cases.

WHO is working with the affected countries and others to expand disease surveillance to find and support people who may be affected, and to provide guidance on how to manage the disease,”

And it couldn’t possibly be flu, shingles or vaccine injuries when you list the following as the typical clinical presentation?

Monkeypox typically presents clinically with fever, rash and swollen lymph nodes”

Of course, a vaccine-sponsored-company such as WHO would be amiss to not mention they have vaccines and antivirals…

“Vaccines used during the smallpox eradication programme also provided protection against monkeypox. Newer vaccines have been developed of which one has been approved for prevention of monkeypox.

An antiviral agent developed for the treatment of smallpox has also been licensed for the treatment of monkeypox.”

2022, May 20 - Australia confirms second monkeypox case

May 20, 2022 (Flu-like symptoms? and what “test” are they using?)

Australia has recorded its second official case of monkeypox with NSW confirming its first case after Victoria.

NSW Health had flagged the case of a man in his 40s who returned recently from Europe and confirmed the infection after further tests on Friday evening.

The man, and a household contacted are isolating at home, after he had developed a mild illness several days after arriving in NSW.

The Victorian health department confirmed a case of the rare tropical illness on Friday afternoon in a returned traveller from the United Kingdom.

The man in his 30s developed mild symptoms before arriving in Melbourne on May 16 and he sought medical attention almost immediately.

A general practitioner referred him for testing, which came back positive, and he was placed in isolation at The Alfred hospital on Thursday.

His close contacts may need to quarantine and some will be offered the smallpox vaccine.

Contact tracing is also underway for passengers seated near the man on flight EY10 from London to Abu Dhabi on May 15 and flight EY462 from Abu Dhabi to Melbourne on May 16.

They are being asked to monitor for flu-like symptoms and only isolate if they develop.

Australia joins Italy, Sweden, the United Kingdom, Spain, Portugal and the United States as nations dealing with outbreaks.

Yahoo News

2022, May 20 - Australia confirms first monkeypox case

May 20, 2022

SkyNews removes their article after they got this reaction on Facebook…

Let the fear-mongering begin…

2022, May 20 - U.K. Health Publishes MonkeyPox Vaccination document

 May 20, 2022, the UK Health Security Agency published a document titled, “Recommendations for the use of pre and post exposure vaccination during a monkeypox incident.”

Like COVID-19, it’s starting to feel like all roads lead to vaccines again…

2022, May 7 - Europe first Monkeypox case

May 7, 2022 The first European case was confirmed on May 7, 2022, in an individual who returned from a travel to Nigeria, where monkeypox is endemic. 

Media Fear-Porn

Keep the Conspiracy Theorists distracted & Scare the Masses

2022, Feb 1 - CDC Transport carrying Lab-Monkeys crashes

Media sets up the coming narrative…

February 1, 2022, a CDC transport carrying 100 “possibly infected” lab monkeys, crashed in Pennsylvania and 3 monkeys escaped for a few days and eventually were caught and killed. The Monkeys were flown from Mauritius, a small island 400 miles off the coast of Madagascar, to New York, and were allegedly being transported by truck to an undisclosed “CDC Quarantine Facility”.

The CDC have been “tight-lipped” about what possible infections the monkeys could have been carrying. The airline, Kenya Airways, declined to disclose who shipped the monkeys, but said they were cancelling their subscription of providing their transport to assist the CDC.

Who is sending infectious lab monkeys to the CDC from tiny islands in Africa? And why are all parties involved so desperate to keep it a secret? Is this how the black site biological network traffics pathogens back to America? Using animals as vessels to hide biological weapon trafficking? The most damning evidence in Ukraine was found at veterinary clinics.

2022, Jan 22 - Lab test monkey on the loose after truck crash

Jan 22, 2022

“A test monkey is on the lam after a truck carrying 100 apes to a laboratory crashed. The truck driver, en route to Florida, crashed into a dump truck on Friday outside Danville, Pennsylvania. Four crab-eating macaques seized the opportunity to escape — and as of Saturday, one was still at large.”

“Cynomolgus monkeys, as the species is also known, can cost more than $10,000, and were used as test subjects for the development of the COVID-19 vaccine

2021, Nov - FBI & CDC investigates vials of smallpox found at Merck lab

Nov 17, 2021 FBI & CDC investigates vials labeled ‘smallpox’ found in Merck lab near Philadelphia

“WASHINGTON — The FBI and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention are investigating “questionable vials” labeled “smallpox” and found in a freezer last night at a Merck facility outside Philadelphia, according to an alert sent to Department of Homeland Security leadership on Tuesday night.

There were reportedly a total of 15 questionable vials, according to the unclassified “For Official Use Only” alert, a copy of which was obtained by Yahoo News. Five of the vials were labeled as “smallpox” and 10 were labeled as “vaccinia.” The vials were secured immediately.

The discovery of the vials prompted a lockdown of the facility, which has since been lifted. The FBI and CDC launched investigations, which remain ongoing.”

2014, Jul - Six vials of smallpox discovered in NIH lab

July 8, 2014 Six vials of smallpox discovered in U.S. lab

Federal scientists last week discovered a half-dozen forgotten vials of smallpox virus while cleaning out a storage area on the campus of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in Bethesda, Maryland. 

The six vials of freeze-dried virus, apparently dating from the 1950s, were found by a scientist from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on 1 July in a cold storage room that was originally part of an NIH laboratory, but was transferred to FDA in the early 1970s. 

NIH immediately placed the vials in a high-security containment laboratory in Bethesda and notified CDC of the discovery. Yesterday, a three-person CDC team flew the samples by government plane to Atlanta and transferred them to CDC’s biosafety level 4 lab, where testing overnight revealed that the six labeled as variola virus were positive for variola DNA. More tests will reveal whether the virus can grow in culture, CDC says.

The vials will then be destroyed, and if they contain viable virus the World Health Organization (WHO) will be invited to oversee the destruction. CDC’s Division of Select Agents and Toxins is working with the FBI to investigate the origin of the samples. 

BioTerrorism Research

“Let’s Play with Pox in case our enemies play with Pox”

2022, Feb 28 - Wuhan Lab - monkeypox virus genome (or PCR-scam?)

February 28, 2022 New Paper Published by the Wuhan Lab – the same Wuhan lab that SARS-CoV-2 is said to originate from.

“The Wuhan Institute of Virology assembled a monkeypox virus genome, allowing the virus to be identified through PCR tests, using a method researchers flagged for potentially creating a “contagious pathogen,”

So what’s going on here? Getting the fraudulently-used PCR-test “back in the game”? To get “conspiracy-theorists” talking about a lab-leak or bio-weapon to scare/distract people? To get billions of dollars in vaccine-investments/funding? Or are they actually creating a new poison? What is the story here?

Researchers appeared to identify a portion of the monkeypox virus genome, enabling PCR tests to identify the virus, in the paper: “Efficient Assembly of a Large Fragment of Monkeypox Virus Genome as a qPCR Template Using Dual-Selection Based Transformation-Associated Recombination.”

Oh.. back to fraudulently-using the PCR test… “In this study, although a full-length viral genome would be the ideal reference template for detecting MPXV by qPCR, we only sought to assemble a 55-kb viral fragment, less than one-third of the MPXV genome. This assembly product is fail-safe by virtually eliminating any risk of recovering into an infectious virus while providing multiple qPCR targets for detecting MPXV or other Orthopoxviruses,” posited researchers.

Dr Mark Buller | Orthopox Virus researcher | Convenient Death 2017

Mark Buller, Ph.D.: 1949-2017

Mark Buller, Ph.D., one of the nation’s foremost poxvirus researchers and a world-class scientist, was killed Friday, Feb. 24 when he was hit by a car while riding his bicycle. He was 67.

His lab aimed to use poxviruses as vectors to deliver gene therapy, vaccines and anti-viral drugs, and find ways to protect against poxviruses should they be turned into weapons of bioterrorism. He also studied a number of other viruses that are extremely lethal, such as SARS.(170)

Dr. Mark Buller, US leading Orthopox Virus researcher who conducted at least two rounds of dual-use (gain of function) research on viruses related to smallpox.

Dr Mark Buller | Vaccine for MonkeyPox not Recommended

Feb 2, 2007 Dr Mark Buller publishes paper that mentions in the abstract that Vaccination is a less viable option to control MonkeyPox due to a rise in immunocompromised people, particularly due to HIV.

Dr Mark Buller | MonkeyPox - No Natural Host, Unknown Transmission

Feb 1, 2013 Dr Mark Buller publishes a paper that states that they still don’t know of a natural host for MonkeyPox and that it’s still unknown how it’s transmitted.

Dr Mark Buller | Lethal MousePox Experiment | Funded by Fauci

Oct 15, 2007We have to weaponize viruses because … ‘what if somebody else does’? Article explains how they did a MousePox experiment in Australia, which made it more virulent – and that later Mark Buller built upon this work “producing a MousePox virus so lethal that it killed all of the mice that had been infected, even those that had been vaccinated and treated with antiviral drugs”. Funded by Fauci’s NIAID.

Dr Mark Buller | Whitehouse Recommendations for Biological attack | Bio-Surveillance & Experimental Jabs/Drugs/Nano

Dr Mark Buller was on the working group for the President’s Council of Advisors on Science & Technology, and in November 2016, they submitted a recommended action plan to prepare the US for for Biological attack which includes many items including:

  • A biosurveillance system
    • all levels of government (including state, territorial, tribal, and local) and with private sector partners, to: (1) integrate capabilities, including combining human, animal, and plant health data in what is now termed a “One Health” approach
    • strengthening state and local public health infrastructure for surveillance and response
    • establishing a national capability for pathogen surveillance based on genome analysis
  • The Nation needs a robust national capability for surveillance of human, animal, and plant pathogens that integrates environmental, epidemiological, and clinical information with genomic sequence data and analysis on a routine basis
  • Improve and accelerate the detection of biological pathogens—whether known organisms, new or emerging natural pathogens, or human-made agents—by monitoring relevant cases, including “fevers of unknown origin”
  • Provide an understanding of the genetic diversity of the pathogen causing the outbreak, which is important for faster initiation of vaccine development;
  • Building on the work of the Global Health Security Agenda, the Federal Government should take active steps to ensure that such biosurveillance capabilities are widely available in both the United States and key countries around the globe
  • Despite recent improvements, analysis by U.S. Government agencies confirms that the pace of vaccine development and deployment remains too slow to materially affect the outcome of most plausible attacks.
    • The 2010 PCAST report Reengineering the Influenza Vaccine Production Enterprise to Meet the Challenges of Pandemic Influenza recommended a number of steps that could be taken over the coming decade to shorten the time required to provide influenza vaccine to the entire U.S. population. By moving fully to recombinant technology and optimizing the process, it should be possible to reduce the timeline for vaccine production to about 12 weeks.
    • Significant new investment in new public-private partnerships with pharmaceutical companies, in FDA regulatory science, and other initiatives
    • Going forward, it will be critical to focus increasingly on developing and refining platform technologies—that is, well-established, general approaches that can be reliably and rapidly applied to new pathogens by “dropping in” specific information about the organism.
    • The most straightforward example of a technology platform is the current capability for developing influenza vaccines, whereby a virus can be rapidly sequenced, and specific protein antigens can be designed directly from the genetic sequence of a viral strain, produced by recombinant DNA technologies in existing scientific and manufacturing facilities, and formulated into “safe and effective” vaccines.
    • Examples of novel technological approaches include developing “universal” vaccines that provide protection against a wide range of variant strains of a pathogen, using antigens expressed by RNA and nucleic acid analogs to stimulate protective immunity against specific protein targets on a pathogen, and conferring short-term “passive” immunity via engineered antibodies and immune cells to provide rapid protection when natural immune responses are too slow or insufficient.
    • The United States should also support the development of platform technologies for rapid production of therapeutics and preventative medicines (examples include specific immunobiologicals such as engineered antibodies, emerging nanomedicines that elicit specific and desired immune responses, and chemically modified nucleic acids with peptide adjuvants) to neutralize and block infectious organisms of natural origin or agents of biological attack.

Jesus. I’ve had enough of this document. These people need to go. We really are part of the greatest experiment of human kind, naïve little lab-rats being experimented on with no regard for who lives, dies, or is permanent damaged in the process.

Dr Mark Buller | Dr Ralph Baric | Dr James LeDuc

In 2010, Dr Mark Buller, Dr Ralph Baric, and Dr James LeDuc were all on the same committee deciding whether US should be more tightly regulating the gain of function research.

Yep. People whose careers involve gain of function research were put in charge of the committee to decide whether it needs regulating.

Committee: “Do we need to do more regulating?”
Researchers working on the dangerous research: “nah”

Committee: “Should we track the gain of function pathogens by DNA?”
Researchers working on the dangerous research: “nah”

  1. Dr Mark Buller – SmallPox gain of function researcher
  2. Dr Ralph Baric – Coronavirus gain of function researcher with Wuhan Lab
  3. Dr James LeDuc – Initiated partnership between US NIAID & Wuhan Lab

Dr James LeDuc | Initiated Partnership between NIAID & Wuhan Lab

Dr James LeDuc – Responsible for the partnership of US with the Wuhan BSL 4 lab suspected of creating SARS-CoV-2 – the lead initial contact between NIAID (Fauci) and the Wuhan Institute of Virology (BSL4 Lab)

He was also the Principle Investigator on the National Biocontainment Training Centre in 2016 on behalf of the US Army Medical Research & Material Command in Fort Detrick (where they test a lot of the biological weapons) giving “critical training and hands-on experiment to predominantly international scientists working with especially dangerous pathogens that require Special biocontainment facilities for their safe and secure handling“.

Fauci | Baric | Daszak

in progress.

2018, Jan 19 - First Synthetic PoxVirus Created

Jan 19, 2018 Paper published by Patent Owner of SmallPox vaccine shares that they created a Synthetic POXVIRUS and the world didn’t go nuts.. I only found a few papers saying “WHAT THE HELL!”?.. one of them written by someone I’ve featured before in the Weaponized Brain Science & Nano Tech piece on Modern Warfare, James Giordano.

The DNA sequence of the HPXV genome was published in 2006 and is publicly available in the US National Institutes of Health GenBank database. The researchers used the HPXV genome sequence as the digital template to ‘rematerialize’ the virus using DNA fragments ordered from a commercial provider in Germany.

They didn’t get the smallpox virus samples from CDC because they were studying it with the intention to commercialize a new vaccine against smallpox – so instead of following CDC limitations that would be imposed if experimenting with the stored smallpox samples they still have under lock & key – they just created their own synthetic version from the genbank, costing them around $100,000 to do but giving them free reign to do whatever they like in their experiments & make profitable vaccines from it. This is the insane world we live in now.

And of course, those who think re-creating synthetic smallpox is beneficial because even though apparently the virus had already been eradicated*, they think it’s too hard for others to take advantage of, and we can always make “vaccines” so that if it ever re-emerges, we can be protected… (from something we were already apparently protected from – prior to people fucking around with it…).

*(smallpox & polio are still & always have been ‘up for debate’ – both are suspected as being “re-named” to give the belief it had been eradicated to give people false confidence in vaccines)

Interesting History Notes

2015 - 200% increase in Myocarditis after smallpox & influenza vaccine

How Common Is Myocarditis After a Smallpox Vaccination?

For recent smallpox vaccine recipients (US military recruits), 1 in 30 had clinical or subclinical myo and/or pericarditis.

“In 2015, US military physicians described a study of 1,081 healthy young soldiers who received a smallpox vaccine () as part of their military service. [Smallpox vaccine is not used in the civilian population.] It is known to cause a high rate of side effects, including myo- and peri-carditis, heart attacks and heart failure.

They found:

  • 5 soldiers or 0.046% (about 1 in 216 vaccine recipients) developed a clinical case of myo or pericarditis. This is over 200 times the expected rate!
  • But an additional 31 vaccine recipients had elevated cardiac enzymes
  • Adding these 2 groups together (36 out of 1081 soldiers) we find that one in 30 soldiers had lab-diagnosed cardiac inflammation.
  • Dr. Michael Nelson, this study’s second author, was made a member of the FDA vaccine advisory committee for Covid vaccines. 

2000 - CDC/John Hopkins: Vaccines only attributed to 1% decline of disease

Was it really the vaccines that did it as they tried to drum into us through all means all our lives?

  • Robert F. Kennedy Jr, ” The Real Anthony Fauci“, pages 128-129.
  • Annual Summary of Vital Statistics: Trends in the Health of Americans During the 20th Century (192)
  • The questionable contribution of medical measures to the decline of mortality in the United States in the twentieth century – (193)

1997 - WHO does not recommend vaccination for MonkeyPox

24 April 1997

The internet remembers… “With reference to inquiries regarding monkeypox in Zaire, WHO does not recommend reintroduction of vaccination with the vaccine which effectively eradicated smallpox in the 1970s which also protects against monkeypox.

1972-1982 - Vaccination against Smallpox (ended in 1982)

Routine vaccination of U.S. civilians against smallpox ended in 1972 but was required for travelers to endemic regions until the late 1970s. In most other countries, vaccination of the general population ended by 1982.

1968 - Denmark discovers Monkeypox in experimental lab-monkeys

Monkeypox was originally discovered in experimental lab monkeys in Denmark in 1958 which were shipped from Singapore. The first human outbreak occurred in The Democratic Republic of the Congo, 12 years later in 1970, as a result an “intensified effort due to Smallpox vaccination”, by the United Nations. The WHO and CDC claim that since smallpox was mostly eradicated, monkeypox took the place in the niche opened up in The Congo.

In November, 1970, The Congo held an “election” with only Mobutu’s name in the ballot. This also happened to be the same year that the monkeypox outbreak occurred, leading up to the election.

1923 - The All Seeing Eye - Vaccines SmallPox

The Crime of (Small Pox) Vaccination

1885 - Protest Ended SmallPox Mandates

What is currently happening with the COVID mandates and protests is nearly identical to what happened 135 years ago with the smallpox vaccine campaigns, where the vaccination made smallpox epidemics worse, the vaccines killed a lot of people, the public refused them and governments responded by harsher and harsher mandatory vaccination laws.

Eventually one of the largest protests of the century broke out in 1885, vaccine mandates were scrapped in one area in favor of alternative management of smallpox, and this is what actually ended smallpox.

1777 - Bill concerning Inoculation for Smallpox - Thomas Jefferson

Whereas the Small-pox, at this time in many parts of the Commonwealth is likely to spread and become general, and it hath been proved by incontestible experience that the late discovery’s and Improvements therein have produced great Benefits to Mankind, by rendering a Distemper, which taken in the common way is always dangerous and often fatal, comparatively mild and safe by Inoculation, and the Act for regulating the Inoculation of the smallpox having been found, in many Instances, inconvenient and Injurious makes it necessary that the same shou’d be amended: Be it therefore enacted by the General Assembly, that any person having first obtained in writing to be attested by two Witnesses, the Consent of a Majority of the housekeepers residing within two miles and not separated by a River or Creek half a mile wide and conforming to the following Rules and regulations, may Inoculate or be Inoculated for the small-pox, either in his or her own house, or at any other place.

No Patient in the small pox shall remove from the House where He or She shall have the Distemper, or shall go abroad into the Company of any person who hath not before had the small-pox or been Inoculated, or go into any Public Road where Travellers usually pass, without retiring out of the same, or giving notice, upon the Approach of any passenger, until such Patient hath recovered from the Distemper, and hath been so well cleansed in his or her person and Cloths as to be perfectly free from Infection, under the Penalty of forty shillings for every offence… ~ Bill concerning Inoculation for Smallpox, 1777

Thomas Jefferson, et al.


Penny... on Health
Penny... on Health

Truth-seeker, ever-questioning, ever-learning, ever-researching, ever delving further and deeper, ever trying to 'figure it out'. This site is a legacy of sorts, a place to collect thoughts, notes, book summaries, & random points of interests.

DISCLAIMER: The information on this website is not medical science or medical advice. I do not have any medical training aside from my own research and interest in this area. The information I publish is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease, disorder, pain, injury, deformity, or physical or mental condition. I just report my own results, understanding & research.