Toxic mosquito aerial release system (Patent: US8967029B1)

IN Contagion Myth
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US patent for a Toxic Mosquito Aerial release system, granted by The United States Patent and Trademark Office in 2014 includes a drone which can release infected mosquitoes. According to the patent documents, the drone is capable of delivering lethal and non-lethal toxins, including any agent that can be carried and administered by a mosquito.

“With the toxic mosquito aerial release system, large masses of people can be immunized or enemy troops can now be wiped out or rendered useless without having to risk or endanger our own troops. The toxic mosquito aerial release system is extremely low cost and can easily accomplish what a billion dollars in medical interventions and air strikes cannot do.”



A device for the aerial release of mosquitoes includes an unmanned aerial vehicle operable by remote control. It carries a container holding a central processing unit and a mosquito breeding bin, which is a self-contained volume housing mosquitoes and a mosquito food having a toxin suitable to be transmitted by mosquito bite after the mosquito consumes the mosquito food. A release tube is connected to the mosquito breeding bin and sized to release mosquitoes from the mosquito breeding bin. A valve is connected to the release tube and is operable by remote control so that when opened, the mosquitoes have an open pathway out of the container through the release tube.

Background Art

Governments have sought after weapons that can be used to deliver chemicals, viral and bacteriological substances for lethal and non-lethal administration to assembled masses of people. Non-lethal uses typically include peacekeeping operations, for use in actions not considered “military operations,” and against terrorists or state actors in war. In this sense, such weapons can be used to control both armed enemies and civilians. Not all uses of such weapons are prohibited by treaty. The present invention is capable of delivering lethal and non-lethal toxins, including any agent that can be carried and administered by a mosquito.


A device for the aerial release of mosquitoes includes an unmanned aerial vehicle operable by remote control. It carries a container holding a central processing unit and a mosquito breeding bin, which is a self-contained volume housing mosquitoes and a mosquito food having a toxin suitable to be transmitted by mosquito bite after the mosquito consumes the mosquito food. A release tube is connected to the mosquito breeding bin and sized to release mosquitoes from the mosquito breeding bin. A valve is connected to the release tube and is operable by remote control so that when opened, the mosquitoes have an open pathway out of the container through the release tube. When the unmanned aerial vehicle has a lifting blade that causes a downdraft, then the release tube is preferably of a length such that the mosquitoes released therefrom avoid the downdraft from the lifting blade. A compressed gas source may be used to encourage the release of the mosquitoes out of the release tube.

Immunization by Mosquito

A mosquito delivery system for lethal and non-lethal applications is not available. If such a delivery system enabling legal non-lethal uses were available, it could later be adapted for military uses should legal restraints be altered or eliminated. For example, one unquestionably legal application of the toxic mosquito delivery system is immunization made possible by adding a toxin, that is, a genetically modified bacterium capable of activating a person’s immune system to fight malaria, to mosquitoes. Those contaminated mosquitoes could be aerially released to immunize at risk populations against malaria.

Sickness as a very valuable military tool

Throughout military history, the health of one’s troops has always been an important determining factor. Soldiers on the ground can only properly function if they are not ill, sick, or dying from a deadly virus or pathogen. A soldier, whose immune system is trying to fight a bug or pathogen, will have no energy or ability to fight other soldiers. Sickness can be a very valuable military tool that can be more devastating than the most up-to-date military guns and equipment.

Since making the enemy troops sick is an important military objective, one must then look at what means are available to get the pathogens, germs, and viruses to the enemy.

In today’s highly-advanced military technology, there are various types of small robotic devices that can try to get sickness agents close to enemy troops. Even with all of the sophisticated computer chips and microprocessors, all of these high-tech devices cannot come close to the miraculous technology of nature. Nature has a very highly technical device that can not only carry a sickness agent to the area where the enemy may be located, but these devices can seek out and find the enemy even if they are behind fortifications and are in hiding.

This miracle of technology can carry a sickness agent, covertly go to the enemy area, specifically find the individual enemy, and can contaminate the enemy with absolutely no warning. This ultra high-tech device of nature is called a mosquito. If only there was a way for military planners to harvest and use the power of the mosquito, they could easily sicken and kill large masses of enemy troops without even a single shot being fired.

The toxic mosquito aerial release system works by having a small RF controlled drone that includes a flying mosquito-breeding laboratory. All of the conditions are perfect for mosquitoes to be born, to eat and become contaminated, and to safely evacuate the toxic mosquito aerial release system when it is flying above the targeted enemy. Swarms of mosquitoes will then fly down and bite the enemy. As the enemy swats at a mosquito that just bit him, he will not realize that this toxic mosquito bite is much more effective than a bullet.

Large Masses can be Immunized or Wiped-out

With the toxic mosquito aerial release system, large masses of people can be immunized or enemy troops can now be wiped out or rendered useless without having to risk or endanger our own troops. The toxic mosquito aerial release system is extremely low cost and can easily accomplish what a billion dollars in medical interventions and air strikes cannot do.

The mosquitoes in the toxic mosquito aerial release system can be contaminated with various types of genetically altered bacteria to activate the immune system, or contaminated with toxic sickness agents depending on the objectives. For military purposes, the mosquitoes may be used to deliver an agent such as malaria to create sickness, or they could use much more toxic or highly contagious agents and viruses. A highly contagious virus could wipe out 100% of the enemy troops because the ones that did not get bitten will be contaminated by their fellow soldiers.

The toxic mosquito aerial release system is a new and needed technology. It is a way to administrative curative or immunological injection, to administer calmative agents, or to administer deadly disease to wipe out and disable the enemy at a minimal cost. For use in conflict, there is no longer the need to spend countless billions of dollars and to destroy entire areas with bombing, and to wound or sacrifice our bravest and finest soldiers. When it comes down to the hell of war or the miraculous, beautiful technology of a mosquito, the choice will be easy to make.

Inventor has 42 similar military patents including stroke-inducing bullets

The inventor of the drone for the releasing of toxic mosquitoes S. Mill Calvert has patented 42 similar military inventions for the US Army and Special forces, including stroke-inducing bullets and an instant eye-sealing weapon which can “instantly seal a person’s eyes when fired into a target’s face”, in a span of just two years from 2013 to 2015. A person with such a name however does not exist in the US citizens registry.

Investigative Journalist Dilyana Gaytandzhieva contacted the US patent Lawyer who filed the application (Louis Ventre) who declined to comment if this name was a pseudonym and who his client actually was (see copy of the emails on her website or on archive)

Meanwhile on a completely unrelated topic…

Flying Vaccinators

  • Mosquitoes used to deliver malaria ‘vaccine’ – NBCNews – Jul 30, 2009 (01)
    • “In a daring experiment in Europe, scientists used mosquitoes as flying needles to deliver a “vaccine” of live malaria parasites through their bites.”
  • Flying vaccinator; a transgenic mosquito delivers a Leishmania vaccine via blood feeding – PMID: 20337749 – Jun 1, 2010 (02)
    • “This technology makes possible the generation of transgenic mosquitoes that match the original concept of a ‘flying vaccinator’.”
  • Immunization Via Mosquito Bite With Radiation-attenuated Sporozoites (IMRAS) – – Nov 25, 2013 – US Army (03)
    • “This study is to assess the safety, tolerability, and biomarkers of protection in healthy malaria-naïve adults, who will receive bites from Anopheles stephensi mosquitoes either infected with Plasmodium falciparum Sporozoites (PfRAS) (true-immunization) or noninfected (mock-immunization).”

Oxitec, Funded by Gates & Wellcome

Oxitec, Funded by Bill & Melinda Gates & Wellcome Trust

Target Malaria, funded by Gates & Facebook co-founder

World Mosquito Program, funded by Monash Uni, Gates & Wellcome

Gates wants to rid the world of Malaria

Gates notes: Our Goal: “A world free of malaria”

  1. African Leaders Malaria Alliance (ALMA)
  2. Asia Pacific Leaders Malaria Alliance (APLMA) and Asia Pacific Malaria Elimination Network (APMEN)
  3. Civil Society for Malaria Elimination (CS4ME)
  4. Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI)
  5. Elimination Eight Initiative (E8)
  6. End Malaria Council (EMC)
  7. Global Fund to Fight Aids, Tuberculosis and Malaria
  8. Innovative Vector Control Consortium (IVCC)
  9. Malaria Elimination Initiative (MEI) at the University of California, San Francisco
  10. Malaria No More
  11. Malaria No More UK
  12. Malaria Partners International
  13. Medicines for Malaria Venture (MMV)
  14. Oxitec
  15. Pan-African Mosquito Control Association (PAMCA)
  16. PATH Malaria Control and Elimination Partnership in Africa (MACEPA)
  17. RBM Partnership to End Malaria
  18. Target Malaria
  19. UN Foundation / Nothing But Nets campaign
  20. World Health Organization (WHO)
  21. Global Malaria Programme (GMP)

What could possibly go wrong?

On a completely unrelated topic…

HCQ treats malaria and has numerous beneficial immunomodulatory effects, and Ivermectin kills malarial parasites as well as working against a whole range of parasites, microbials, bacteria, and other nasties. I don’t know what’s really going on out there with the arsenal of weapons being used against humanity, but since the world has clearly gone mad, I think it’s probably a good idea to have at least one of these stashed in your first-aid kit. Both of which double as anti-inflammatories and have many other benefits and both completely slammed and crucified by those funding the gain of function “bioweapon” labs, as well as those making a fortune on the universal chasing around everybody with an experimental needle.


Penny (
Penny (

Truth-seeker, ever-questioning, ever-learning, ever-researching, ever delving further and deeper, ever trying to 'figure it out'. This site is a legacy of sorts, a place to collect thoughts, notes, book summaries, & random points of interests.