Brain Initiative: Want millions to MK Ultra Humanity? Job Opportunities

IN CONflict$
  • Updated:2 years ago
  • Reading Time:8Minutes
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So I was fact-checking another post that is still in drafts (looking up conflict$ in a paper I was quoting) and found myself on the BRAIN Initiative Alliance website. They currently have 71 Open Opportunities and 228 Closed Opportunities listed and the first one I clicked on was a grant for 10 million dollars.

For USD $10 million dollars, you can get a grant to develop a “novel approach to monitor and manipulate brain activity in human and non-human primate brain.”

Evil pays very well. No wonder “scientists” aren’t speaking up. Reminds me of the movie “The Cube”.

The very first open opportunity I clicked on, the newest one (May 8, 2023), offers a 10 Million dollar grant for:

Development of Novel Tools to Probe Cell-Specific and Circuit-Specific Processes in Human and Non-Human Primate Brain (UG3/UH3 Clinical Trial Optional)” (

“A pressing need to develop tools for use in large brains, more directly relevant to the human brain is the focus of this initiative.” (link)

  • develop and validate novel tools to facilitate the detailed analysis and manipulation of complex circuits and provide insights into cellular interactions that underlie brain function.
  • extensive focused research designed to remove barriers to delivery of gene therapies.
  • need to specifically target dysfunctional circuitry poses additional challenges.
  • ...viral delivery of genetic constructs, are increasingly adaptable to large brains and more importantly are emerging as potential human therapeutic strategies for brain disorders.
  • A pressing need to develop tools for use in large brains, more directly relevant to the human brain is the focus of this initiative.
  • The new tools and technologies should inform and/or exploit cell-type and/or circuit-level specificity

On the Full Listing page:

It shows how the NIH is the one funding it, participating with a whole bunch of other alphabet agencies (NIMH, NEI, NIA, NIAAA, NIBIB, NICHD, NIDCD, NIDA, NINDS, NCCIH)

  • …funding opportunity is to encourage applications that will develop and validate novel tools to facilitate the detailed analysis and manipulation of complex circuits in large brains.
  •  Clinical intervention with novel cell- and circuit-specific tools will require extensive focused research designed to remove barriers for targeted circuit manipulation.
  • The initiative will support initial proof of principle studies aimed at demonstrating the feasibility of using the cutting-edge approaches in humans and other mammalian species (e.g., non-human primate [NHP]/sheep/pigs).

This NOFO seeks applications in areas including, but not limited to:

  • Improving the stability, reliability, or safety of circuit therapeutic tools for use in large animal brains (including sheep, pig, and primate models).
  • Highly novel methods with high safety profiles to deliver actuators (non-genetic and genetic) that are cell- and circuit-specific in human and non-human primates.
  • Novel conditional intersectional tools that are both activity- and cell-specific.
  • Novel methods for tagging individual neurons such that cellular components of a functional circuit can be explored.
  • Chemical or genetic engineering of blood brain barrier-crossing carrier agents (such as tagged antibodies or other tools) to allow delivery of specific cargoes (e.g., neuronal actuators, effectors, tracers or sensors) to specific cells or circuits.
  • Highly novel methods for non-invasive targeted access to, or manipulation of, distinct cell types in defined circuits with spatio-temporal control.
  • Novel trans-synaptic tracers that can work in retrograde and anterograde direction or deliver cargoes to cells in the nervous system.
  • New methods to trace cell lineage to understand how circuits develop.
  • Enhanced temporal and spatial resolution techniques for noninvasive molecular imaging of neuronal cells for in situ brain studies.
  • Unique combinations of tools for multiplex analysis and/or manipulation of single cells in situ to maximize data content over many parameters (e.g., RNAs, proteins, metabolites, organelles, electrochemical dynamics, signal secretion/reception/transduction, cytoarchitecture or migratory changes).
  • Innovative tools that provide significant advances in sensitivity, selectivity or spatiotemporal resolution of molecules/structures/activities within single cells in the brain and between ostensibly similar cells in situ (e.g., high resolution imaging of molecular interactions within single cells).
  • Novel automated and scalable assays for high-throughput analysis of single cells in situ in the brain, including scalability of measured parameters in parallel, cell numbers and/or speed of processing.
  • New tools and approaches that minimize tissue and cell perturbations so that cell viability is maintained, allowing for multiple repeated measures in the same cell over time.
  • Novel methods for visualizing or manipulating epigenomic marks or gene expression in neural cells.
  • Studies that can explore molecular and cellular mechanisms of neural activity in broader contexts are encouraged.
  • Innovative molecular complementation methods to identify synaptic connections and determine their phenotypes.
  • Development of cell type-specific molecular sensors and additional tools and approaches to address circuit-specific manipulation and monitoring. Validation could include behavioral measures.
  • Generation of genetic modifications that express cell type-specific labels such as fluorescent indicators or other markers.

(The grant proposal is huge so I won’t copy it here)

It would take days to go through all the opportunities and I have hundreds of other things that I’m currently working on, but I did want to at least point out the amount of money that is being spent on this kind of research that can be used for “good” and unfortunately in this day and age, more likely for “evil”. Some of them contain NO details at all when you click on them (either the grant # is listed but no details about the project, or the details are completely not available at all).

Here are the grant funding opportunities listed in the last 90 days:

RFA-MH-23-295Development of Novel Tools to Probe Cell-Specific and Circuit-Specific Processes in Human and Non-Human Primate Brain (UG3/UH3 Clinical Trial Optional) (10 million)MAY 8, 2023JUN 7, 2024
RFA-MH-23-290Development and Validation of Novel Tools to Probe Cell-Specific and Circuit-Specific Processes in the Brain (R01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)MAY 8, 2023JUN 7, 2023
RFA-NS-23-023Targeted BRAIN Circuits Planning Projects Targeted BCPP (R34 Clinical Trials Not Allowed)APR 26, 2023OCT 2, 2024
RFA-NS-23-024Targeted BRAIN Circuits Projects- Targeted BCP (R01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)APR 26, 2023OCT 2, 2024
RFA-NS-23-025Exploratory Team-Research BRAIN Circuit Programs – eTeam BCP (U01 Clinical Trials Optional)APR 25, 2023JUN 14, 2024
RFA-NS-23-026Research Resource Grants for Technology Integration and Dissemination (U24 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)APR 17, 2023OCT 11, 2024
RFA-MH-23-330BRAIN Initiative Advanced Postdoctoral Career Transition Award to Promote Diversity (K99/R00 Independent Clinical Trial Required)APR 14, 2023MAR 13, 2026
RFA-MH-23-331BRAIN Initiative Advanced Postdoctoral Career Transition Award to Promote Diversity (K99/R00 Independent Clinical Trial Not Allowed)APR 14, 2023MAR 13, 2026
RFA-MH-23-270Integration and Analysis of BRAIN Initiative Data (R01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)APR 13, 2023JUN 7, 2024
RFA-MH-23-110BRAIN Initiative Fellows: Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) Individual Postdoctoral Fellowship (F32)MAR 31, 2023AUG 11, 2025
RFA-DC-24-001Exploratory Research Opportunities Using Invasive Neural Recording and Stimulating Technologies in the Human Brain (R61 Basic Experimental Studies with Humans Required)MAR 31, 2023SEP 19, 2025
RFA-MH-23-130Brain Behavior Quantification and Synchronization Data Coordination and Artificial Intelligence Center (U24 Clinical Trial Optional)MAR 31, 2023JUL 14, 2023
RFA-FD-23-030Systematic Review of Clinical Outcome Assessments (COAs) for Communication Brain-Computer Interface Devices (cBCIs) in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) (UH2/UH3) Clinical Trials Not AllowedMAR 14, 2023MAY 24, 2023
RFA-NS-24-004New Technologies and Novel Approaches for Recording and Modulation in the Nervous System (R01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)MAR 14, 2023JAN 20, 2026
RFA-NS-24-005Optimization of Instrumentation and Device Technologies for Recording and Modulation in the Nervous System (U01 Clinical Trials Not Allowed)MAR 14, 2023JAN 20, 2026
NOT-NS-23-035Notice of Intent to Publish a Funding Opportunity Announcement for New Technologies and Novel Approaches for Recording and Modulation in the Nervous System (R01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)FEB 23, 2023JUN 30, 2023
NOT-NS-23-036Notice of Intent to Publish a Funding Opportunity Announcement for Optimization of Instrumentation and Device Technologies for Recording and Modulation in the Nervous System (U01 Clinical Trials Not Allowed)FEB 23, 2023JUN 30, 2023

Of the 228 Closed Opportunities, you can only view 6 of them (and only the brief):

DARPA-BAA-16-24TNTAPR 1, 2016JUN 2, 2016
DARPA-BAA-16-09NESDJAN 21, 2016APR 14, 2016
DARPA-BAA-15-34RAM ReplayAPR 27, 2015JUN 26, 2015
DARPA-BAA-15-06ElectRxDEC 11, 2014FEB 25, 2015
DARPA-BAA-14-08RAMNOV 7, 2013JAN 23, 2014
DARPA-BAA-14-09SUBNETSJAN 1, 2013APR 22, 2014

Notes from briefly looking at the closed opportunities:

  1. TNT
    • DARPA seeks innovative proposals to develop technology for enhancing cognitive skill learning in healthy adults by using noninvasive peripheral neurostimulation to promote synaptic plasticity in the brain. The Targeted Neuroplasticity Training (TNT) program will elucidate the anatomical and functional map of the underlying neural circuity involved in regulating synaptic plasticity. The program seeks to demonstrate peripheral modulation of the neural circuit, connect neuroplasticity with cognitive improvements, and optimize intervention protocols for long term retention with no side effects.
  2. NESD
    • DARPA seeks proposals to design, build, demonstrate, and validate a neural interface platform capable of recording from more than 1,000,000 neurons and stimulating more than 100,000 neurons in proposer-defined regions of the human auditory, visual and somatosensory cortex. The complete system must demonstrate high-precision detection, transduction, and encoding of neural activity.
  3. RAM Replay
    • The DARPA RAM Replay program is interested in investigating memory replay with respect to the consolidation of episodic memories and newly learned skills, and how these memories are recalled and utilized by humans during subsequent task performance.  Respondents to this BAA must propose novel approaches to quantitatively model various parameters associated with human memory replay, and to utilize this model in the development of interventions that assess quality of replay and enable and improve associated memory recall during operationally relevant tasks.
  4. ElectRx
    • The DARPA ElectRx program seeks innovative research proposals for creating closed-loop neuromodulation systems that utilize innate neurophysiological circuits to achieve therapeutic benefits. To achieve this goal, ElectRx will simultaneously drive biological understanding and technology development. Specifically, ElectRx is looking to develop and leverage fundamental understanding of the anatomy and physiology of neural circuits in the spinal cord or peripheral nerves that mediate health status. This knowledge will be leveraged to design and demonstrate feedback-controlled neuromodulation systems for the direct regulation of immune system functions and CNS disorders. In parallel, technology development focused on next-generation minimally-invasive neural interfaces and biosensors will enable interaction with the neurophysiology of interest at unmatched spatiotemporal resolution, precision, and specificity. These neuromodulation treatments will be tuned automatically and continuously to the unique physiology of each individual and will produce no off-target effects.
  5. RAM
    • DARPA seeks new methods for analysis and decoding of neural signals in order to understand how neural stimulation could be applied to facilitate recovery of memory encoding following brain injury. Ultimately, it is desired to develop a prototype implantable neural device that enables recovery of memory in a human clinical population. Additionally, the program encompasses the development of quantitative models of complex, hierarchical memories and exploration of neurobiological and behavioral distinctions between memory function using the implantable device versus natural learning and training.
    • DARPA seeks to develop a new understanding of complex, systems-based disorders of the brain.  A major goal of this effort is to deliver a platform technology for precise therapy in humans living with neuropsychiatric and neurologic disease, including veterans and active duty soldiers suffering from mental health issues.  Methods developed through this program will use neural recording and stimulation to close the loop on therapeutic treatment in individuals who receive minimal benefits from currently available treatments. This program could lead to improved knowledge of multiple neural subnetworks of the brain that are involved in disease and illness.  This program combines novel device development, complex modeling of behaving human neural systems, clinical neurology, and animal research in order to advance the understanding and translation of safe, effective neurotechnological therapies.

Brain Initiative

DARPA and the Brain Initiative | Mind Control – Gene-Editing | Crispr

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Penny (

Truth-seeker, ever-questioning, ever-learning, ever-researching, ever delving further and deeper, ever trying to 'figure it out'. This site is a legacy of sorts, a place to collect thoughts, notes, book summaries, & random points of interests.