Conflict$ of Interest
Category: Conflict$

C19-Vax-Lies Chat (Epidemiologist & Toxicologist)

Senator Roberts calls out Prof Macartney’s $65M Vax Conflict$

[RANT] TGA Removes Jab-Inserts (to combat Climate Change?…)

Why haven’t we heard about BlackRock’s Aladdin?

[The Voice] Pfizer says Yes – Red Flag number?

The Great Awakening [Documentary]

Free Books to Recruit (Brainwash) Your Children into Life-long Pharma Slavery!

Aussie Banks owned by Vanguard & BlackRock

Following the $CIENCE? (Bookmarks)

David Rockefeller – A Brief Timeline

Harris says the quiet part out loud…

Melinda Gates July 2020 (All I hear is Eugenics)

The Sequel to the Fall of the Cabal [Documentary]

Swiss Globalist Organizations; Plotting our Fate?

[Part II] Dr Melissa McCann on Pfizer, TGA, FDA, LongCovid/VAED & Excess Deaths

Dr Peter Hotez (Fraud-chi’s replacement)

Dr Dave Janda on Compromised Government

Brain Initiative: Want millions to MK Ultra Humanity? Job Opportunities

New CEO of Twitter = WEF Puppet

Tess Lawrie on Democide: “Mistakes were NOT made!”

Banking Insider “Why the culling was inevitable” (Austin-Fitts)

Long Covid & Prolonged Mask Wearing [Study]

[Q&A] PANDA 2021 – UGLY Truth About The Covid 19 Lockdowns (Part Two)

What your doctor won’t tell you about the Pfizer docs

RW 8/8.) Final Words / Summary: Global Health Militarization

RW 1/8.) Totalitarian Control of Humanity : Financial

TGA FOI 2389 – Ingredients, Dosage, Manufacturing

TGA FOI 2389 – Safety Studies Skipped

TGA FOI 2389 – Spike protein in any cell in the body

How to get the world to accept radical mRNA gene-editing tech (…so that Pharma can get rich)

The Marriage between Moderna & U.S. Govt, Pfizer “Causes” Covid, & other shenanigans

2018 Biodefense | Follow the Money & Marriage of Military to the Private Sector

[DARPA] paid [Moderna] & [Pfizer] for mRNA research and development in 2013

[Comedy/Truth] Bill Gates Finally Admits It! – Exclusive Interview (JP Sears)

Inner workings of the FDA’s Marriage to Pharma: “Don’t rock the boat”

Ohio Toxic Chemical Train Disaster

[Prof Nazar] C19 Vaccine-Bioweapon Genocide (paper & presentation)

Robert Kennedy Jr on “Censorship”

Reviewing c19=Bioweapon Patent evidence [Kingston]

Big Oil Lie (Origins of Oil: falsely defined in 1892?)

Elon Musk – Golden Share – Something to explore

Why does the IMF need the whole world injected?

Matt Hancock | Midazolam | We Won’t Forget

Sberbank Owns All Aspects of Russian Lives

All viruses & vaccines are bioterrorism? [Documentary, 2007]

Rigged Victorian Elections – Leaked Recordings (Another call added today, Nov 25)

Safe And Effective: A Second Opinion (2022 Oracle Films COVID-19 Documentary)

How corporations take over national governments (The Great Takeover)

Double-Jabbed TV Doctor is Waking Up [Cardiologist, Dr. Aseem Malhotra]

King of the World – Exposé on Prince Charles & The Great Reset

COVID-19 Research Awarded by DoD to Ukraine Special Projects in November 2019

The REAL Anthony Fauci with Robert Kennedy, Jr.

Covid-19 and the Global Predators – We are the Prey [Dr Peter Breggin]

Your “Carbon Footprint” is a LIE (and we all fell for it) [Video]

Elon Musk’s connection with Graphene Oxide

Safe & Effective = Reckless & Dangerous | Julian Gillespie

200+ Aussie Doctors Request Health Reform (AMPS Summit 2022)

Canadian Lawyer & Doctor on Corrupt Institutions

Time for the truth on the presence of graphene in the shots

Military Money Conflict$ Ukraine

How to create a Vaccine-Hungry Market (Stakeholders Conference 2019)

Remdesivir—Run! Death is Near…

WEF & UN Teamed-up to Accelerate Agenda 2030 in 2019

Masks and COVID-19 [Videos] An Evil “Universal Masking” Agenda

Retracted Paper calls out Rockefeller, Gates, BigPharma, Vaccines & Cancer

Hidden Connections Within Australia’s Power Elites

Questionable Conflicts – Gates, WHO, GAVI

Follow the Money (2022 Update)

[RANT] “Saline Containing Graphene” (Patent)

Australian Medical Network – Open Letter to Atagi & TGA

Pandemic Experts left out of Covid Taskforces

Wow, I didn’t know Pfizer & Monsanto had merged 20 years ago

Pfizer & BigPharma use Papers to Counteract Opposing Findings

C19 Vaccine Marketing to Kids [Videos]

COVID Conflict$ of Interest Australia [Video]

What we should be talking about (if Mainstream Media was doing their job)

An Australian Engineer Speaks Out – The Many Mysteries of Covid

Fact-Checkers – New Mind-Control Weapon

Conflicts of Interest Australia COVID Policy [Part 2]

Conflicts of Interest Australia COVID Policy [Part 1]

Agenda-Driven Corrupt & Evil Programming – DO NOT TRUST THE MEDIA

“Trust the Science” Policy vs Healthcare

27 April 2021 – Australian Parliament – C19 Vax-Push & GP Immunity Hearing