TGA: FOI 3471 & FOI 4077

IN C19 Prey
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There was a damning Twitter thread by Australian researchers/whistle-blowers who are reporting on TGA Freedom of Information releases that prove Pfizer had killed people. I’ve collated the thread, comments, and related documents and videos in this post.

Australian COVID Released FOI documents revealed Part 1 
(Dr. Chris Martenson – Toxicologist & former VP of Pfizer)

December 29, 2022 Rumble (45 mins – short on time? watch from 24min mark to skip the science)

Dr Chris Martenson (Toxicologist, and Former Vice President of Pfizer and SAIC. Developer of the educational video seminar series, “The Crash Course,” and author of “THE CRASH COURSE: The Unsustainable Future Of Our Economy, Energy, And Environment.”)

Please note the first 20 mins of the video is useful for explanation about mRNA with imagery; then it goes deeply into Jikky’s tweet with documents and some explosive reveals. Very helpful. Spoiler Alert – there is a very “dark” moment towards the end of video which a number of people have already said is impacting (and I personally found it deeply distressing) concerning the Australian TGA (Therapeutic Goods Administration) shelf life of expiry extended C-19 jabs for particular batch numbers and where they are intended to go.

There is a Tweet posted on December 27 by Jikkyleaks that already has over 1.2 million views (as of January 3, 2023). It concerns two TGA Freedom of Information requests: FOI 3471 and FOI 4077. (01)

FOI 3471 (dated March 9, 2022) requested the TGA lab analysis documents for five Pfizer batch numbers. 57 PDF documents were released for FL5333, FK8917, FH3221, FL3560, and FE3430. Scroll down this link to 9 March 2022 to view FOI 3471 (02)

You don’t need a science degree or a molecular biology PhD for this. You just need an eye for patterns. Here is FOI 4077 just released. Each row is a person who died. They died because they believed the TGA ATAGI MHRA JCVI FDA mantra of “safe and effective”, which was not true.

In the report, which is only a fraction of the 900+ deaths reported to the TGA, only a few batch numbers are documented.

So any batch number that appears more than once is a red flag. The obvious ones are FL5333, FH3221 and 000062A. What are the odds that those batch numbers appear in a freedom of information request put in on the 6th December 2021, which was partially rejected?

For context, there are 382 batches on the TGA’s batch analysis report. (03)

From FOI 3471 the requested primer sequences and Batch analysis of FK8917 (which no longer appears on the TGA’s website) were rejected, but they did provide batch analysis of the other batches requested – of which two (of 4) appear on the “death batch” list. What are the odds? BUT – in the 57 documents there was something that stuck out and which I posted about earlier in the year. Because this account was suspended, that information was hidden from the public.

Oocytes may be transfected. Why were Moderna creating truncated Aromatase sequences? What is the 1900bp sequence in the TGA Agilent analysis? June 26, 2022

This goes all the way back to April or before.

Agilent 5200 reports. Noticeable humps of smaller fragments. Why no sequencing to confirm contents? April 4, 2022 (TGA FOI 3471) (04)

So this is the bombshell.
The Agilent curve showed irregularities in the RNA analysis that was ignored by the TGA. Here they are. Note the batch numbers FL5333, FH3221, FK0738 and FL7649 – all death batches. To illustrate what I’m talking about I’ve put a big red arrow on the point of interest. Subtle eh?

Now that hump (at about 3000nt) shouldn’t be there. There is a smaller one at about 2000nt. That agilent analysis (which should show a spike at the size of RNA of interest) shows RNA contamination. There is RNA there that shouldn’t be there.

To illustrate the point further there ARE batches that don’t have these humps. This is what an Agilent analysis of a relatively pure RNA should look like. A nice smooth transition from the main spike. No humps. These batches are not in the death log.

For those who want to compare, this is right from the Agilent website. This is a a sample of an example of what mRNA should look like. This is what is supposed to look like IVT–right from Agilent stating so. Smooth leading right up to that peak. @_HeartofGrace_

Do you know what else is not in the death batch log? Any of the 7 batches reserved for Pfizer employees. No, I’m not kidding: FF0884 FA4598 FE3064 FA7338 FA7812 FC8736 FC3558

So, on the information that we have available (which is restricted) we must conclude that the contaminated batches lead to deaths which were not investigated and the contamination was ignored.

Of course, the TGA can tell you that they “didn’t know” that these agilent curves showed contamination. You know why? Because they didn’t know how to handle genetically transferable material. The very definition that should have meant referral to the OGTR.

And you know what else the TGA (and equally the FDA, MHRA and EMA) didn’t know about this novel gene technology? Everything. We asked them. They had (and have) no idea what they were dealing with. They just approved it because someone told them to. And people died.

(See Bottom of Post, I’ve listed all the committees on our government’s payroll who are better qualified for monitoring the safety signals other than the TGA.)

For batch number FL5333, there are 6 confirmed fatal reports with TGA DAEN (Database of Adverse Event Notifications) corresponding case numbers, as shown on TGA FOI 4077 (dated December 21, 2022). (05)

I have forwarded 7 pdfs TGA lab analysis documents relating to batch number FE3430 and 8 pdfs lab analysis documents for batch number FL5333, to a regional ‘awake’ pharmacist, for hopeful clinical evaluation. Notably a lot of these TGA lab analysis reports on these Pfizer batch numbers were redacted (blacked out). Hmm.

Under FOI 3545 (released on March 25, 2022), I used the search engine to find certain batch numbers and DAEN case numbers. There are over 109,000 rows of TGA DAEN case numbers from 21.12.2020 (case no. 515141) to 15.1.2022, but only about 50% show batch numbers with some dose numbers. (06)

  • Notably, batch number FL5333 is shown on this large Excel document, where there are 19 entries that match TGA DAEN case numbers.
  • For FH3221, there are 773 DAEN case numbers.
  • For FL3560, there are 820 DAEN case numbers.
  • For FE3430 there are 721 DAEN case numbers.

I personally requested and paid for the TGA FOI 4077 document ($93.75) to obtain specific information. I wanted all the DAEN case numbers, batch numbers, and dose numbers from 10.1.2022 to 8.11.2022 for C-19 jabs that resulted in TGA DAEN case numbers reported as fatal. The pdf document emailed to me from the TGA, was five pages long, showing 194 rows of individual deaths reported, but only 37 DAEN case numbers had corresponding batch numbers, i.e., 20%.

The low number of batch numbers is due to the lack of this information entered by the “reporter” on the TGA DAEN online adverse event reporting system. It takes an average of 20 minutes to report each adverse event on the TGA DAEN. Thus, a lot of doctors and nurses do not have the time to do this manual entry on the DAEN online system. Hence the under-reporting element. Currently, there are 133,756 single reported cases of COVID-19 jabs (over 2 years) with 954 deaths (including 8 children under 18).

Because a fellow researcher (and Christian) in VIC has been documenting ALL TGA DAEN C-19 jab reports of deaths for the past two years, I did not request fatal reports for 2021 and only for 2022 in FOI 4077. We have exchanged research information, and we are voluntarily working together on this data.

By using FOI 3545 (from 21.12.2020 to 15.01.2022), we can extract the available reported batch numbers that correspond with the DAEN case numbers of fatal reports. I’ve manually done the first 100 of about 750 fatal cases reported (Dec. 2020–Jan. 2022) on the TGA DAEN, by matching the batch numbers (using FOI 3545). Unfortunately, I could only enter 50% of the first 100 fatal cases, as they had known batch numbers.

Using FOI 4077, I am working on matching the 37 batch numbers to the corresponding information related to the 37 DAEN case numbers of reported deaths from 10.1.2022 (the date young children aged 5 to 11 were “provisionally approved” for Pfizer) until 8.11.2022, when I submitted my FOI request to the TGA.

I can confirm the following 37 reported deaths (out of 194 rows) showing batch numbers under FOI 4077:

  • a)
    • Pfizer (Comirnaty) FL5333 has a total of 6 fatal reports with DAEN case numbers: 4 males (aged 75, 89, 80, and 71) and 2 females (aged 83 on 24.2.2022 (concomitant disease progression) and 71 on 14.3.2022 (cardiac failure).
  • b)
    • Pfizer (Comirnaty) FK0738 = 3 deaths
    • Pfizer FG3712, FG3716, FH3221, FK6268 and FL7649 = 2 deaths each;
    • Moderna (Spikevax) 000062A = 2 deaths
    • AstraZeneca (Vaxzevria) 322679P = 2 deaths (total 17)
  • c)
    • 12 single batch numbers leading to 12 fatal DAEN reports (Pfizer, Moderna & AstraZeneca).
  • d)
    • Pfizer FP1430 = 2 deaths of YOUNG CHILDREN (see page 3 of 5 under FOI 4077, rows 96 and 99).
      • TGA DAEN case no. 733723: A 10-year-old male boy reported on May 6, 2022, suffered an AEFI (adverse event following immunization) after dose 2 (FP1430).
      • TGA DAEN case no. 734187: A 5-year-old male boy reported on May 10, 2022 suffered cardiac arrest, abdominal pain, eosinophilia (damage to white blood cells–immune system) and eosinophilia myocarditis (heart inflammation caused by destructive white blood cells), after dose 1 (FP1430).

Under the FOI 3545 document, I typed FP1430 into the search engine. This revealed 29 entries of DAEN case numbers, all relating to Pfizer batch number FP1430. These entries only go up to 15.1.2022 under FOI 3545, yet from 11.1.2022, just one day after FP1430 was released (10.1.2022) on young Australian children, 29 DAEN case numbers were reported in the first four days.

I manually searched the TGA DAEN for each of the 29 case numbers related to the young children. One case number has been removed from the DAEN i.e., 694183. The other 28 case numbers are dated from 11.1.2022 to 15.1.2022 and involve children aged 5 to 12, of whom 9 are boys and 19 are girls. Some of the children’s medical reactions reported on the individual DAEN case numbers are:

  • site injection reaction, dizziness, dysponea (breathing difficulty), vomiting, pyrexia (fever), hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating), presyncope (lightheadness, muscular weakness, feeling faint), syncope (temporary loss of consciousness caused by a fall in blood pressure), urticaria (hives – rash), chest pain and vision impairment etc.

These trial COVID-19 jabs should have stopped a long time ago. Those complicit should include personnel within the TGA (e.g. John Skerritt), ATAGI, Federal, State and Territory Governments, plus health, aged care, education, and police departments, etc., various Prime Ministers, Premiers, Chief Ministers, other Ministers, Chief Health Officers, Chief Medical Officers, the relevant Secretary and Deputies of Health, Chief Executives of Local Health Districts (public health), SafeWork, Doctors, Pharmacists, Nurses, and all others, including APHRA. (07) (08) (09) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14)

Also, knowing full well that genotoxicity and carcinogenicity (cancer-causing) studies were NEVER provided, those Australian executives representing the big pharmaceutical companies that manufactured these trial C-19 jabs abroad. (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22)

Furthermore, the “summary of safety concerns” as listed in the European Medicines Agency “assessment report,” namely Comirnaty, dated February 19, 2021, page 115 of 140, and AstraZeneca, dated January 29, 2021, EMA/94907/2021, pages 142 and 143 of 181 pages. Copies of these assessment reports are publicly available to help with evidence gathering for future prosecutions. (23) (24)

“Persons” should be named individually for being liable for these C-19 trial jab injuries and deaths (atrocities), because you CANNOT INDEMNIFY CRIME.

The Therapeutic Goods Act 1989 states under Division 2 – 32BA “Criminal Offences for Importing a Biological”: (25)

(1) A person commits an offence if: …
(c) either:
(i) the use of the biological has resulted in, or will result in, harm or injury to any person; or
(ii) the use of the biological, if the biological were used, would result in harm or injury to any person.

Penalty: Imprisonment for 5 years or 4,000 penalty units, or both.

Why aren’t the media reporting this news? Why aren’t our frontline health workers in hospitals, who are seeing these jab-injuries and deaths, speaking up more loudly?

It’s time for the coercion and jab-harm to stop. It’s time for the media to report this news on TV, radio, newspapers, social media, etc. NO MORE SILENCE.

Please watch this 8-minute highly relevant and important video from Canada, “COVID-19 “VACCINE” INJURIES WHISTLEBLOWER WORKSAFE BC,” of a WorkSafe Safety Officer who is “done being silent.”

Thanks for reading my ‘comment’.

Yours in hope,
Sharon C,
Wollongong NSW

P.S. I am not an “anti-vaxxer”. I am an “anti-harmer” who is ‘PRO-SAFETY’ and ‘PRO-TRUTH’.

Covid19 “Vaccine” Injuries Whistleblower Worksafe BC

“If I have to lose my career, so that other people don’t die, well that’s the price we pay”

Oct 24, 2022 Rumble (8 minutes)



Do you think there might be enough people on the governments payroll far more qualified to regulate these new gene technology injections, particularly something created in rapid-speed, never been done before, and rolled-out to the entire country; even “mandated” in some industries, and at least coerced and pressured and smeared and bullied if you didn’t run to line up for it?

Do you see why we have been screaming from the rooftops since the beginning about WHO and the CDC “redefining” these new experimental biologics as “vaccines”; so that their regulation would go to the wrong committees to governments worldwide? Do you see why this is a problem yet? CAN. YOU. SEE. IT. YET? The people in charge of “One world LOCKSTEP “HEALTH” are EVIL”. (26) (27) (28)

Although why we have so many people on the payroll messing with our food, agriculture, and medicines with Frankenstein synthetic genetically-editing technologies is a topic for another day.

Posts tagged:

TGA | ATAGI | AHPRA | John Skerritt | Brendan Murphy | Greg Hunt | Australian Government | OGTR | BGI
Pfizer | Moderna | AstraZeneca | CDC | FDA | WHO | Europe
Whistleblowers: Doctors | Nurses | Scientists | Team Enigma (for EMA docs) | Police | Funeral Directors
Australian Senators: Rennick, Roberts, Antic, and former MP Craig Kelly
Dr Chris Martenson (Former Vice President of Pfizer and SAIC, Toxicologist, and Developer of the educational video seminar series, “The Crash Course,” and author of “THE CRASH COURSE: The Unsustainable Future Of Our Economy, Energy, And Environment.”)


Penny... on Health
Penny... on Health

Truth-seeker, ever-questioning, ever-learning, ever-researching, ever delving further and deeper, ever trying to 'figure it out'. This site is a legacy of sorts, a place to collect thoughts, notes, book summaries, & random points of interests.

DISCLAIMER: The information on this website is not medical science or medical advice. I do not have any medical training aside from my own research and interest in this area. The information I publish is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease, disorder, pain, injury, deformity, or physical or mental condition. I just report my own results, understanding & research.