Aussie Media ‘Jab-Injuries’ Compilation
Aussie Celebrities, AFL Stars, Journalists, Politicians, & Well-known Aussies who “Died Suddenly”, had to Retire due to clots/stroke/heart, or ended up in Australian Media after a taking the jab. (Media Compilation)
Quote: “The following is a media compilation of jab related injuries and sudden deaths, including many well known athletes, celebrities and politicians” | Jabbing Australia | Source: CheckUr6
BitChute (original) | November 4th, 2022
Mirrors: BitChute | Brighteon
Mentioned in Video:

Aussie Footy Show hosts on connection between Boosters and Heart/Bells Palsy (09)
‘It’s not just the heart issues, without delving into your private affairs but you’ve got Bell’s palsy at the moment which hopefully you’re on the back end of, but there’s a bit of that getting around as well,’
‘Heart issues and Bell’s palsy have gone through the roof since the boosters and Covid issues.’
‘We had Michelangelo Rucci on 3AW on Friday night and he said that there’s a ward filled with people with similar symptoms to Ollie Wines – nausea, heart issues – so there has to be something more to it.’
‘We’re not anti-vaxxers, done our part – had our boosters – but there is going to have to be some study done on this’,
Footy show hosts (via Daily Mail article)
Jed Anderson – AFL – Bad Reaction from 1st Jab – Axed by Kangaroos (10)

Andrew Symonds – Cricketer – vehicle veered off the road “port-mortem delayed as mystery surrounds tragic death – at this stage, police still have no idea why he left the road” – age 46

“Caught” Covid… a few days before she was due for her 3rd booster? Are you fkn serious? I swear if anyone believes this crap… you haven’t been paying attention or you’re under the hive-mind.

Victor Dominello – NSW Minister – Pushed jabs – Bell’s Palsy on live TV – then went and got another shot on live tv after it happened and said “my doctor says it is unrelated to the AstraZeneca vaccine” (oh well then, if your doctor says so… seriously?? Doctors are BLIND to vaccine injuries because they are literally threatened and in a complete hive-mind environment where jabs are ‘safe & effective’ – do your research buddy if you want to survive and for the love of god stop taking more shots..) (57)

“I don’t want people using my personal circumstance, as a vehicle for their propaganda” (are you seriously believing this or are you just paid very, very well… the only people spreading propaganda is everyone behind this insane campaign)

- Gabrielle – Heart issues, severe chest pains, dizziness after Pfizer – age 18
- Toddler dies suddenly at a childcare centre – age 2
- Kane van Diermen – Rugby – Captain Adelaide Sharks – passed away.
- Logan – Debilitating heart damage after jab – age 31
- Luis Sorrentino – Melbourne Architect – ongoing chest pain, dizzy spells, shortness of breathe – Pfizer 1st dose
- Micheal Zwerafa – Myocarditis & ongoing heart issues – age 17
- Preschool Teacher – Wagga Wagga, NSW – Mother of 3 and pregnant with 4th child – dies suddenly – age 39
- Montana – Heart Damage – Perth, WA – age 16
- Olyvia Cowley – died unexpectedly in Bali, age 24
- Teenager – died suddenly – age 17
- Anna Hogan – Astrazeneca – Severe adverse reaction & miscarriage at 16 weeks due to blood clots in the umbilical cord – age 26 (70)
- Tegan – Newcastle, NSW – heart damage & neurological issues – age 29
- Bek Bickerton, Queensland Teacher – changes to her menstrual cycle, heart would accelerate to extreme levels, hospitalized, dizziness, blurred vision, tingling down her arms, extreme fatigue, low blood pressure, POTS, brain inflammation and more – age 27 (71)
Approx 9mins into the video are statements made by politicians (and unelected health bureaucrats) gas-lighting and lying to the public to get them to “take the jab” #WeWontForget
Greg Hunt – Australian Minister for Health and Aged Care (at the time) and former “DIRECTOR OF STRATEGY” to the World Economic Forum
“The world is engaged in the largest clinical trial – the largest global vaccination trial ever”
Scott Morrison – Australian Prime Minister (at the time)
“… and get their boosters. Go and get those boosters, and particularly for those who are elderly in our population, you were the first to get the jabs, and now it’s important that you’re the first to go..”
Anthony Albanese – Opposition leader at the time of statement, now current Australian Prime Minister
“until we get the vaccination rates up, and until we fix national quarantine, we’ll continue to have announcements like we’ve had this morning with further restrictions on people’s activities.”
Brett Sutton – Chief Health Officer of Victoria
“.. it’s certainly helping to protect your immediate family”
Gladys Berejiklian – Premier of New South Wales (at the time)
“anyone who interacts with each other will be completely vaccinated…. “
“only those who are vaccinated will be able to enjoy the freedom that it brings”
“I wouldn’t wanna be in a room with lots of people who aren’t vaccinated”
Stephen Wade – Minister for Health and Wellbeing, South Australia
“I really urge people not to listen to the antivaxxers – it’s proven itself to be safe & effective”
Brad Hazzard – Minister for Health, NSW (at the time)
“If you haven’t had your full 3, putting it bluntly, you’re crazy”
Roger Cook – Minister of Health for Western Australia
“Do you really want to be one of those 250,000 people holding us back by not taking the next big leap and getting yourself vaccinated? The time of hesitation or procrastination is over.”
Annastacia Palaszczuk – Premier of Queensland
“…a range of restrictions that are lifted for the fully-vaccinated right across Queensland. Only the vaccinated will be allowed to visit our hospitals”
“… Delta outbreak here.. will be in lockdown and no businesses will be operating — do you want that? do you want that?”
Do you still need the quarantine facility that you’re building?
“um.. I think regional quarantine facilities are going to be needed in the future, ah, we’ll also need it for Unvaccinated people…”
“This is your last opportunity. This is your last chance to get vaccinated.”
Daniel Andrews – Premier of Victoria
“… absolutely a “Pandemic of the Unvaccinated”, and we open everything up, it’s not going to be safe if we’re not vaccinated to be ‘roaming around the place’ spreading the virus.”
“.. but yes, there’s going to be a vaccinated economy, and you get to participate in that if you are vaccinated.”
“.. to protect the health system we’re going to lock out people who are not vaccinated and can be”
If there’s people who don’t want this mandatory vaccine, how do we manage this?
“well, well they won’t be going to work!”
Kerry Chant – NSW Chief Health Officer
“we’ve also got to consider flu and other viruses – which we’ve been free of for the last two years”
“..but the vaccines we have available are safe and effective”
“… to limit our movements, we need to consider whenever we leave our house, that anyone with us, and anyone we come into contact with could convey the virus, so whilst it is in human nature to engage in converation with others, to be friendly, unfortunately this is not the time to do that, so even if you run into your next-door neighbour in the shopping centre, in the Coles, Woolworths, or Aldi, or any other grocery shop, don’t start up a conversation, now is the time for minimizing your interactions with others; even if you’ve …”
Jacquie Lambi – Senator, Tasmania
“.. the way out of lockdowns is vaccinations because there is nothing else on the table – let’s be honest about that – that is the way it is – and we do that to “keep people safe” – how about that?”
Michael Gunner – Chief Minister of Northern Territory (at the time) (72)
“if you are anti-MANDATE, you are absolute anti-VAX… I don’t care what your personal vaccination status is – if you support, give green light, give comfort to, support ANYBODY who argues against the vaccine – you are a ANTI-VAXXER, absolutely. Your personal vaccination status is utterly irrelevant. And if you are out there in any way, shape, or form, campaigning against this mandate, you are absolutely anti-vax”
Explain your logic Gunner lol… even if you took the jab, you are ‘antivax’ if you don’t support forced-injections? You are cuckoo – crazy – and probably need a copy of a dictionary. Plus it’s not a vaccine so maybe want to do some research on that. (Plus we know the true agenda, so there’s that). Psycho.
Yvette D’Ath – QLD Minister for Health and Ambulance Services
“these teams are not just knocking on doors anymore, they’re actually carrying esky’s and vaccinating “at the door” – they are seeing how many people in that household, and they’re vaccinating everybody who is eligible in that home, while they knock on that door”
Mark McGowan – Premier of Western Australia
“I mean, you know, apart from grabbing people, holding them down and vaccinating them, there’s not that much more we can do”
Lieutenant General John James Frewen – Australian Army
“I’ll make sure everybody gets a dose by Christmas”
- MIT Exclusive: Record-Level Data from 3 Countries [Kirsch]
- NZ C19-Vax Carnage Data Analysis [Dr Paul Oosterhuis]
- NZ C19-Vax Massacre Data [Liz Gunn]
- New Zealand is a crime scene [Liz Gunn]
- Dermatologist Testimony of C19 Treatments & Vax Injuries
- Vaxxed Death count Southern Hemisphere [New Paper]
- Australian Senators vs modeRNA
- Australian Senators vs Pfizer
- [Part II] Dr Melissa McCann on Pfizer, TGA, FDA, LongCovid/VAED & Excess Deaths
- [Must See!] Aussie GP – Dr Melissa McCann – Stands up [Part I]
- RIP † Dr Arne Burkhardt (Pathologist)
- CDC & Media “Pandemic of the Unvaccinated” Lies #WeWontForget
- Vax Injured? Long-Covid symptoms? Fix your gut health…
- [Canada] National Citizens Inquiry
- Clearing Spike Protein by Fasting (it’s the Only Way)
- Vaccine Generated Spike in the Blood of Children with Myocarditis
- Autopsies: Evidence for Jab-Related Harm & Death. (Prof. Dr. Arne Burkhardt)
- What your doctor won’t tell you about the Pfizer docs
- c19 Jabs causes multi-organ inflammation [Dr John Campbell]
- How Jimmy Dore Broke Out of the Propaganda Matrix

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