CBDC – Central Bank Digital Currency
- Updated:2 years ago
- Reading Time:23Minutes
- Post Words:6127Words
Central Bank Digital Currencies, also known as CBDCs, are proposed digital currencies that some nations have already started rolling out. But unlike crypto, they won’t be decentralized. And even more worrying, they’ll be programmable, giving your government and their controllers (global corporations) the ability to change the way you use your money. Videos, documentaries, and links to learn more about the NWO Slavery System.
I’ve got lots of posts about Digital ID, but not a specific one for CBDC, so here is my scratchpad for CBDC specific links.
State Of Control
(CBDC Central Bank Digital Currency) Trailer
A bright Dutch filmmaker has made a powerful documentary to warn the world about the danger of a Central Bank Digital Currency. Watch Full Documentary (1 hour)
The CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency) and the digital passport can make our lives easier and more efficient. But new international legislation shows that the purpose of these possibilities, has far-reaching implications for our privacy.
In this documentary, international experts such as Edward Snowden, Arno Wellens, and Catherine Austin Fitts express their serious concerns and criticisms. It compiles a range of facts and opinions, creating a shocking picture about the future of mankind. A crystal-clear narrative that can’t be ignored.
- Edward Snowden
- James Corbett
- Bas Filippini
- Ken Van Ierlant
- Lex Hoogduin
- Cristian Theres
- Brett Scott
- Tijmen Wisman
- Catherine Austin Fitts
- Mahir Alkaya
- Annie Machon
- Co-pierre Georg
- Arno Wellens
BIS Chief Clip “with CBDC, the Central Bank will have absolute control”
Rumble | Telegram | What is the BIS?
“For example in cash we don’t know who is using a $100 bill […] a key difference with the CBDC is that the Central Bank will have absolute control on the rules and regulations that we determine the use of that expression of central bank liability, and also we will have the technology to enforce that.”
Report from the Bank of International Settlements (BIS) found that almost 90 percent of national central banks are planning to launch their own CBDC for release to the general public.
Gaining momentum – Results of the 2021 BIS survey on central bank digital currencies (May 2022 pdf)
CBDC – What Could Happen if the Government Were to Issue Their Own Crypto? | Part ONE
4 June 2022 YouTube
What is a CBDC, central bank digital currency, and what are the Fed’s plans for implementing one?
CBDC – What Could Happen if the Government Were to Issue Their Own Crypto? | Part TWO
5 June 2022 YouTube
What is a CBDC, central bank digital currency, and what are the Fed’s plans for implementing one?
The biggest threat to our financial freedom – CBDC
25 November 2022 YouTube | Posts tagged “Sorelle Amore“
This is how they’ll possibly take our financial freedom, via a CBDC. CBDC stands for Central Bank Digital Currency, and is a new form of digital money that is on the horizon for just about every nation on Earth.
CBDCs have already been launched fully in 11 countries, but are being tested in more than 100, including in nations that account for more than 95% of our planet’s total GDP. In other words, if a CBDC hasn’t hit your country yet, it very likely will soon. The criticism around CBDCs is that they will be used as the ultimate tool of surveillance and control, allowing governments to monitor citizens’ every move. However, the United States and the Netherlands are already implementing laws to do just that, potentially requiring new reporting standards on almost all transactions.
The truth is, there may not be a lot we can do to stop a CBDC from arriving in our nations. But we can refuse to use one when they arrive, if they are as terrible for financial freedom as many believe.
0:00 – A world of financial control
1:19 – New Dutch and American surveillance laws
2:35 – CBDCs are coming soon
5:29 – NordVPN insert (Paid Advertisement)
6:53 – Concerns surrounding CBDCs
9:51 – Controlling people with money
11:18 – What can we do?
See also her earlier video (11 March 2022) This is how financial freedom dies (CBDC)
Catherine Austin Fitts & Corey Lynn Discuss Vaccine ID Passports and Global Control
How long it’s been in the works and who is involved – the Digital ID agenda will lock us down long before the CBDCs – over 285 players and that’s not even all of them.
20 October 2021 BitChute | Brighteon | TruthComesToLight | BitChute2 | Rumble | Download Report
In this one-hour video, Catherine Austin Fitts and Corey Lynn discuss Corey’s 4-part report on the Global Landscape on Vaccine ID Passports, and get into the specifics on where this is headed, who the key players are, how far along they are with each agenda, and solutions for combatting this tyranny. This is about much more than just a “vaccine ID passport,” it is about getting you a QR code for a digital identity that will eventually go onto the blockchain where they will trace, track, and monitor your every move in order to control your health records, all personal records, housing, jobs, food, access to establishments, transportation, and the financial system. They want total control over you.
- The Global Landscape on Vaccine ID Passports and Where It’s Headed: Part 1 (Jun 28, 2021)
- Part 2: How Your Digital Identity is Moving to the Blockchain for Full Control Over Humans
- Part 3: The Key Implementers of Your Digital Identity onto The Blockchain
Central Bank Digital Currencies | Davos | WEF | 2022
YouTube 26 June 2022
Central Bank Digital Currencies for Financial Inclusion: Risks and Rewards
YouTube 15 Oct 2022
“The smart contract would allow targeted policy functions, like welfare payments, consumption coupons, food stamps, etc.”
“With CBDCs, we can precisely control what people can and can’t own. Also, what kind of use this money can be programmed for, like food only.”
“because of this potential programmability, government agencies could precisely target support packages to the right people.”
“Those transaction data in terms of how many coffees I drink every day, where I buy coffee, do I use UBER every day and what kind of working hours I have.”
“Those non-traditional data can be very useful for financial service providers to give me a credit score and based on that credit score the service providers can give me a credit line without any face-to-face due diligence.”
~ Bi Li Deputy Managing Director, IMF
- “Her Majesty Queen Máxima of the Netherlands has served as the United Nations Secretary-General’s Special Advocate for Inclusive Finance for Development (UNSGSA) since 2009.”
- “Kristalina Georgieva is the Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF). Before joining the Fund, Ms. Georgieva was Chief Executive Officer of the World Bank and also served as Interim President for a time. Previously, she served at the European Commission as Vice President for Budget and Human Resources – and as Commissioner for International Cooperation, Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Response. She was named “European of the Year” and “Commissioner of the Year” by European Voice for her leadership in the European Union’s humanitarian response to crises.”
- “Bo Li assumed the role of Deputy Managing Director at the IMF on August 23, 2021. He is responsible for the IMF’s work on about 90 countries as well as on a wide range of policy issues. Before joining the IMF, Mr. Li worked for many years at the People’s Bank of China, most recently as Deputy Governor. He earlier headed the Monetary Policy, Monetary Policy II, and Legal and Regulation Departments, where he played an important role in the reform of state-owned banks, the drafting of China’s anti-money-laundering law, the internationalization of the renminbi, and the establishment of China’s macroprudential policy framework.”
- “Cecilia Skingsley became Head of the BIS Innovation Hub in September 2022. She is a member of the BIS’s Executive Committee. Previously, she held the position of First Deputy Governor of the Riksbank since November 2019. Most recently she chaired the BIS’s Committee on Payments and Market Infrastructures Future of Payments Working Group, was the Governor of the Riksbank’s alternate on the General Council of the ECB and member of the Advisory Technical Committee (ATC) of the European Systemic Risk Board (ESRB). Prior to holding the position of Deputy Governor of the Riksbank from May 2013 to November 2019, Ms. Skingsley held various roles including Head of FX and Fixed Income Research and Chief Economist at Swedbank (2007-2013); financial journalist and Head of Financial Market Section at Dagens Industri (2000-2007); and Macro Analyst, ABN Amro Bank (1998-2000). “
- “Vera Songwe is Co-chair of the High-Level Panel on Climate Finance and Chair of the Liquidity and Sustainability Facility. She was previously Under-Secretary-General at the United Nations and Executive Secretary of the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa. She is a nonresident senior fellow at the Brookings Institution. Songwe was recognized as one of Africa’s 100 most influential people in 2020. Dr. Songwe has held a number of senior positions at the World Bank, and the International Finance Corporation. Prior to joining the Bank, Dr. Songwe was a Visiting Scholar at the University of Southern California and at the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis”
- “Perry Warjiyo is the Governor of Bank Indonesia, prior to that, Perry was the Deputy Governor of Bank Indonesia from 2013-2018. Perry also served as the Assistant Governor for monetary, macroprudential, and international policies. He held the position after he served as the Executive Director of Bank Indonesia’s Department of Economic Research and Monetary Policy. Before returning to Bank Indonesia in 2009, Perry Warjiyo held an important position for two years as the Executive Director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), representing 13 member countries in the South-East Asia Voting Group from 2007-2009. Perry has a long and brilliant career in Bank Indonesia since 1984, primarily in economic research and monetary policy, international issues, organizational transformation and monetary policy strategies, education and research on central banks, management of foreign reserves and external debts, and the Governor Bureau.”
(Brief summary from 2019 that you can explain to people not ready for a deep-dive, but this goes back decades…)
2019, August: there were multiple indicators that the Financial System was entering “crisis” and in August of that year, BlackRock published it’s “Going Direct” plan which has really laid the foundation to introduce Central Bank Digital Currency.
2019, September: Repo market crisis.
2019, October: Event 201 (planning for a coronavirus pandemic)
The “novel coronavirus” is announced six weeks later and everything unfolds with implausible speed.
2020, October: The head of the International Monetary Fund, Kristalina Georgieva announced a “new Bretton Woods Moment” which means “the largest overhaul of the international financial architecture since the end of WWII” – (The Bretton Woods Conference took place in 1944, and it was about creating the new international financial architecture that would follow the end of World War II – it was where the IMF and the World Bank originated)
2021, April: IMF Head “vaccine policy “IS” economic policy.”
- IMF Seminar: Debate on the Global Economy YouTube
“This year, next year, vaccine policy “IS” economic policy, and it is even a higher priority than the traditional tools of fiscal and monetary policy. Why? Because without it, we cannot turn the fate of the world economy around.” ~ Kristalina Georgieva, Head of IMF since its inception in 1944.
WHY would the IMF chief say the number one priority is “Vaccine” policy?
“Straight away, that tells you that there is a deep connection here between the “Vaccination Agenda” and what is going on in terms of International Finance”. ~ David A. Hughes: Senior Lecturer in International Relations at the University of Lincoln in the UK.
- See also posts tagged “IMF” (I have a couple in-progress after this one about this seminar and other crazy terrifying things they’ve said)
Clips put together by the Thrivetime team on December 17, 2022:
Featured in above clips:
- Clive Thompson (see his full video below)
- “At Some Point the World Is Going to Go Into a Financial Crisis. You’ll Get the Announcement That We’re Having the New Currency Which Will Be the CBDC.”
- News clip explaining debt crisis and BIS
- Yuval Noah Harari
- India just rolled out it’s pilot program for digital rupees… maybe we should start having conversation of “gosh this looks like Mark of the Beast”
- Tucker Carlson
- “there’s a new way to regulate every financial transaction that occurs in this country from something they call the Central Bank Digital Currency; CBDC – if that happens – “we’re done” – they can control you with the flip of a switch”
- Catherine Austin Fitts
- “Under the cover of COVID-19, the bankers have decided they no longer want to share power with the electorate or the people […] with the level of debt the governments are in with the Central Bank, the central bank has decided to simply take-over, and the ultimate sort of “completion” of this, will be when they introduce digital currencies controlled and operated by the central bank […]
- …there won’t be currencies, there will be a financial control system; to implement that system, they need the vaccine passport, and the goal of the vaccine passports have nothing to do with health; they have to do with a new digital financial transactions system which is in essence complete control – a Slavery System.”
- How fast can they do this? “I think maybe a year, year and a half is the earliest; what they seem to be doing with the WHO Treaty and the vaccine passports is getting a complete control system in place before CBDC”
- “FTX (crypto) was an Op, that got brought down in an Op. To say “hey, we need that regulation in place”. FTX was a CBDC marketing plan. It’s hard to market slavery…” (you have to make the people want it for their safety).
- […] “There’s no law under a slavery system, if they want to take your kids, they will.”
- “It’s a digital currency they control centrally, so the central bankers can make certain rules about what you can or cannot do with your money, and they can enforce the rules with total surveillance.”
- BIS (Bank for International Settlements) – Agustin Carstens, General Manager since 2017
- “we tend to establish the equivalence with cash and there is a huge difference there. For example in cash we don’t know who is using a $100 bill […] a key difference with the CBDC is that the Central Bank will have absolute control on the rules and regulations that we determine the use of that expression of central bank liability, and also we will have the technology to enforce that. Those two issues are extremely important […] that makes a huge difference to what cash is.”
- Robert Kiyosaki (author of Rich Dad, Poor Dad)
- “Biden signed Executive Order 14067 on March 9th, 2022. The most treacherous act by a sitting president in the history of our republic. Buried in 2 paragraphs titled Section 4 sets the stage for Legal Governance Surveillance on all US Citizens; total control of your bank accounts and purchases; and the ability to silence all dissenting voices for good”
Watch the Original November 24th 2022 Presentation from Clive Thompson:
Clive Thompson is a retired Managing Director at Union Bancaire Privée, UBP SA at UBP – Union Bancaire Privée in Switzerland.
“The Currency Reset Will Wipe Out Creditors and Usher in CBDCs. Part 1.”
00:00 Introduction
01:35 The Fed’s balance sheet and huge operational losses
15:00 Principles of wealth management
17:31 CBDCs and the coming currency reset
Clive Thompson’s article on LinkedIn: (Nov 23, 2022) Could the Federal Reserve go bust, or will it be re-capitalized?
What is the difference between the IMF and World Bank? And what is Bretton Woods?
(mainstream official definition)
- Both the IMF and the World Bank were conceived at the United Nations’ Bretton Woods Conference in July 1944.
- “Top economic minds from 44 countries gathered at a hotel in New Hampshire to come up with a new framework for the international monetary system.”
- “There was a general consensus that the old system of exchange rates and payments had failed, leading to the Great Depression, currency devaluations and the collapse of the gold standard.”
- “Famed economist John Maynard Keynes, representing the United Kingdom at Bretton Woods, and Harry Dexter White, the U.S. Treasury representative, clashed over the terms of the new system. After three weeks, a deal was reached creating two distinct institutions: the International Monetary Fund and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, soon to be known as the World Bank.”
- The IMF and the World Bank are closely linked – so close that their headquarters are across the street.
- The IMF was tasked with overseeing a system of fixed exchange rates linking global currencies to the U.S. dollar, which was pegged to gold. The fund was also in charge of issuing short-term loans to countries struggling to meet their balance of payments.
- Today the IMF keeps tabs on the global economy, provides technical assistance and training to implement economic policies and provides loans to member countries in need of financing.
- The main goal of the World Bank was to give financial assistance to countries – mainly in Europe – that needed to rebuild after the war.
- The World Bank has focused primarily on development and reducing poverty. (really? lol, you are doing a lousy job…unless your job is to reduce poverty potentials of the elite..)
- The IMF was tasked with overseeing a system of fixed exchange rates linking global currencies to the U.S. dollar, which was pegged to gold. The fund was also in charge of issuing short-term loans to countries struggling to meet their balance of payments.
- Both institutions include 189 member countries and have vast operations around the world. The World Bank receives funding by issuing bonds to global investors, while the IMF is financed by quotas from member countries.
- The institutions have their share of critics, in part because of the conditions attached to their loans.
How do the WTO, World Bank and IMF work? (TNI)
Susan George, former Chair of the Board of the Transnational Institute ( http://www.tni.org/george )
A Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) gives tyrants full control over your finances, as they can monitor every transaction, limit what you can spend, and even delete your funds.
Stop World Control
- Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) (Always Up-to-date)
- They also cover all the the major events happening on in our world: https://stopworldcontrol.com/crimes/
- How Bill Gates singlehandedly rules the entire world…
- FALL OF CABAL – Discover the criminal network that terrorizes humanity
- Award winning docuseries reveals the “cabal”: an international network of astronomically wealthy super-criminals, who use their unlimited financial resources to control the world, and cause human suffering. Their downfall is however near.
- Media Crimes Exposed – How news media are always lying to humanity
- Shocking revelations from insiders of the biggest news media worldwide, who confess how the news is used to manipulate humanity, and steer the public towards the agenda of the superrich criminals who own the major news networks.
- They also cover all the the major events happening on in our world: https://stopworldcontrol.com/crimes/
CBDC Tracker
- World: https://cbdctracker.org/
- Australia: eAUD https://cbdctracker.org/currency/australia-eaud
- Australia: Project Atom https://cbdctracker.org/currency/australia-project_atom
Catherine Austin Fitts
- https://solariadvisors.com/catherine-austin-fitts/
- https://rumble.com/user/solarireport
- Posts tagged “Catherine Austin Fitts“
The Exposé
- IMF Chief says Central Bank Digital Currency should be used alongside Social Credit System to control what people can and cannot buy (Oct 19, 2022)
- 105 Countries are Exploring CBDCs and 11 Have Already Launched Them (Nov 29, 2022)
- CBDCs are the last nail in the coffin; once implemented there will be no freedom (Dec 4, 2022)
- https://expose-news.com/?s=CBDC (Search Results for “CBDC”)
The Epoch Times
- https://www.theepochtimes.com/t-imf (Posts tagged “IMF”)
Australian Government (Reserve Bank of Australia)
- Reserve Bank Wants A Central Bank Digital Currency In Australia
- Posts tagged “Senator Malcolm Roberts”
Corey’s Digs
Posts tagged CBDC:
- [Senator Rennick] Digital Currency, Banking and War
- Funny Schwab-Gates WEF Parody Vids
- DIGITAL ID – As laid out under SDG Goal 16.9
- The Great Awakening [Documentary]
- Why we need to stick together
- Moderna CEO in 2019: “Going to be a pandemic next year”?
- Tess Lawrie on Democide: “Mistakes were NOT made!”
- Banking Insider “Why the culling was inevitable” (Austin-Fitts)
- ING closed Maria Zeee’s Bank Account
- [Solutions] Serene Teffaha – CoVision
- How Jimmy Dore Broke Out of the Propaganda Matrix
- RW 1/8.) Totalitarian Control of Humanity : Financial
- Decentralization & Digital Enslavement (chat with AI bots)
- [Prof Nazar] C19 Vaccine-Bioweapon Genocide (paper & presentation)
- What is the BIS? What’s the difference between the IMF & World Bank? What is Bretton Woods?
- Transhumanism, CBDCs, Nano-Network C19 Shots & the coming Social Credit System
- CBDC – Central Bank Digital Currency
- C19 Vial Contents Summary (Presentation & Paper comparing 26 Labs from 16 countries)
- Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn on the New World Order
- Propaganda Antidotes (Methods of how people have successfully woke up their friends & loved ones) [Part 1 of 20]
If you don’t want to download all of them cos you’re not a geek like me, then my two best picks are Scenarios for the Future by the Rockefeller Foundation (2010) and Solari Report on Vaccine ID Passports (2022) – neither of which are specifically about CBCDs but they are so relevant to the pandemic and how long this digital ID human enslavement has been planned, and I think they are both “must-read” documents. However for the CBDC and Social Credit System stuff, you’re going to have to geek out and get everything and more, because I still have a long way to go. If anyone knows of a report that lays it all out, please let me know on Telegram.
CBCDs, Vaccine Passports, BIS, Researchers
- Corey Lynn’s Global Landscape on Vaccine ID Passports
- Solari Report Global Landscape on Vaccine ID Passports (Feb 2022 pdf)
- Extensive research into how long this has been planned, and who the players are.
- (Video walk-thru ‘summary’ of the report in the “Catherine Austin Fitts” section above)
- Solari Report Global Landscape on Vaccine ID Passports (Feb 2022 pdf)
- Report from the Bank of International Settlements (BIS) found that almost 90 percent of national central banks are planning to launch their own CBDC for release to the general public.
- Dutch Report: Proof that pandemic was planned with a purpose (Aug 2020 pdf)
- Tabletop Exercises
- View Post including Timeline or Download All on Mega
IMF (International Monetary Fund)
- IMF Seminar: CBDCs for Financial Inclusion: Risks and Rewards (Oct 2022 Seminar)
- Video: on IMF | on YouTube (Video and more details in below section)
- Panel: Her Majesty Queen Máxima of the Netherlands, United Nations Secretary-General’s Special Advocate for Inclusive Finance for Development (UNSGSA) – Kristalina Georgieva, Managing Director, IMF – Bo Li, Deputy Managing Director, IMF – Cecilia Skingsley, Head of the BIS Innovation Hub, BIS – Vera Songwe, Co-chair, High-Level Panel on Climate Finance, and Chair, Liquidity and Sustainability Facility – Perry Warjiyo, Governor, Bank Indonesia – Moderator: Kathleen Hays, Global Economics and Policy Editor, Bloomberg
- Digital Money and Central Banks Balance Sheet (Oct 2022 pdf)
- Towards Central Bank Digital Currencies in Asia and the Pacific (Sept 2022 pdf)
- Australia announced a limited scale CBDC pilot in August 2022.
- Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC): An Overview by Dong He, International Monetary Fund, China (July 2022 pdf)
- Digital Money and Central Bank Operations (May 2022 pdf)
- Behind the Scenes of Central Bank Digital Currency: Emerging Trends, Insights, and Policy Lessons (Feb 2022 pdf)
- Central bank digital currencies for cross-border payments (July 2021 pdf)
- Report to the G20 – BIS, Committee on Payments and Market Infrastructures, Innovation Hub, World Bank Group, International Monetary Fund
- Designing Central Bank Digital Currencies (Nov 2019 pdf)
- CBDC Course
- “for Mid-level to senior officials in central banks and other government agencies dealing with regulation of the financial sector”
- “Trust Stamp” Patent granted February 2021
- US 2017/0134366 A1 | Google Patents | PDF
- The present invention relates generally to identity or trustworthiness verification for online users. More specifically, the present invention is a method of identity verification for online users combined with methodologies for evaluating or demonstrating trustworthiness. The present invention may integrate data values from social media, e-commerce, or other sources, which is obtained online into a single accessible report along with information obtained from the subscriber. An algorithm may then calculate these data values or subscriber information to determine its accuracy by comparing these data values with each other and with the subscriber information to generate a rating for the subscriber’s trustworthiness with a numerical score referred to herein as a Trust Score or Trust Stamp.
- US 2017/0134366 A1 | Google Patents | PDF
- “Cryptocurrency system using body activity data” Patent granted March 2020 (Microsoft)
- WO2020060606A1 | Google Patents | PDF
- Human body activity associated with a task provided to a user may be used in a mining process of a cryptocurrency system. A server may provide a task to a device of a user which is communicatively coupled to the server. A sensor communicatively coupled to or comprised in the device of the user may sense body activity of the user. Body activity data may be generated based on the sensed body activity of the user. The cryptocurrency system communicatively coupled to the device of the user may verify if the body activity data satisfies one or more conditions set by the cryptocurrency system, and award cryptocurrency to the user whose body activity data is verified.
- Remind me to add the “Wet-Ware” “Internet of Things” patent to this section… I’m about to go out but this is another one that you need to know about.
- See also: Suspicious Patents (post) and the Fauci/Covid 19 Dossier (pdf)
World Economic Forum & The Great Reset
- WEF Digital ID Blueprint (2016 pdf)
- Blueprint that has been embedded into most of the governments legislation worldwide, including Australia.
- Advancing Digital Agency: The Power of Data Intermediaries Insight Report (Feb 2022 pdf)
- Digital Identity Ecosystems (2021 pdf)
- Digital Currency Governance Consortium (Jan 2021 pdf)
- World Economic Forum Digital Currency Governance Consortium: Vision for 2021 Deliverables
- Young Global Leaders (WEF) (post with list and downloadable pdfs of other people’s research)
- Key Takeaways on Digital Currency from DAVOS 2021 (article)
- Strategic Intelligence Maps
- Banking and Capital Markets
- Financial and Monetary Systems
- Financial and Monetary Systems: Financial Innovation and New Business Models
- Financial and Monetary Systems: Setting the Financial Rules
- Financial and Monetary Systems: Financial Stability Risks and Resilience
- Banking and Capital Markets: New Banking Business Models
- Banking and Capital Markets: Hyperconnectivity and Bank Regulation
- Global Governance
- Sustainable Development
- Banking and Capital Markets
The Theft of the Social Networking Invention
- PDF Version (50mb)
- This is a non-government HUGE JAW-DROPPING document (with timeline) that was put together by a team of lawyers who have been researching and collecting evidence for years. Evidence that brings to light all of the big players in the cyber world, why they created it, how they monitor people, and their control over patents.
- 1990-2018 timeline and supporting facts providing unmistakable evidence of dereliction of duty, fraud, public corruption, the appearance of impropriety, racketeering, monopoly and anti-trust by senior United States government officials, Harvard, Yale and Stanford academics and alumni, judges, law firms and their commercial accomplices
- Americans for Innovation Investigators searchable website for additional digging.
World Bank
- https://openknowledge.worldbank.org/home <– Repository of all
- Publication: The World Bank’s Early Support to Addressing Coronavirus (COVID-19) Health and Social Response – An Early-Stage Evaluation (Nov 2022 pdf) (01)World Bank. 2022. The World Bank’s Early Support to Addressing Coronavirus (COVID-19) Health and Social Response – An Early-Stage Evaluation. © Washington, … Click for full citation
- WorldBank’s role in the digitalization of the planet: health-data, education, communication, and the vaccine manufacturing, distribution, and tracking.
- Joint Press Conference on COVID-19 by IMF Managing Director and World Bank Group President (March 2020 pdf) (02)Georgieva, Kristalina; Malpass, David. 2020. Joint Press Conference on COVID-19 by IMF Managing Director and World Bank Group President; Respuesta del Grupo Banco Mundial y el FMI ante la COVID-19; Réponse du Groupe de la … Click for full citation
- WorldBank/IMF “Operation Warp Speed” Funding
- Publication: World Bank Group Global Market Survey: Digital Technology and the Future of Finance (2022 pdf) (03)World Bank; International Finance Corporation. 2022. World Bank Group Global Market Survey : Digital Technology and the Future of Finance. © World Bank, Washington, … Click for full citation
- Survey of countries-readiness and checklist for the digital transformation of financial services and its impact on financial markets and regulatory environments across the world.
- Publication: Central Bank Digital Currencies for Cross-border Payments: A Review of Current Experiments and Ideas (Nov 2021 pdf) (04)World Bank. 2021. Central Bank Digital Currencies for Cross-border Payments : A Review of Current Experiments and Ideas. © World Bank, Washington, … Click for full citation
- Modernizing the delivery of cross-border payment services as explored in the context of central banks issuing their own digital currency. Includes what they’ve learnt from the experiments so far.
- Digital identity verification is essential to the operation of CBDCs, particularly in cross-border transactions.
- Tradable digital assets must be tied to a digital identity system, which in turn should be tied to an automatic KYC and AML/CFT verification system.
- This is a foundational step to the potential use of CBDCs, and emerging developments in regulatory and compliance technology may benefit central banks’ experiments in the digital currency space.
- Modernizing the delivery of cross-border payment services as explored in the context of central banks issuing their own digital currency. Includes what they’ve learnt from the experiments so far.
- Publication: Central Bank Digital Currency: A Payments Perspective (Nov 2021, pdf) (05)World Bank. 2021. Central Bank Digital Currency : A Payments Perspective. © World Bank, Washington, DC. http://localhost:4000//entities/publication/511663ae-f0cd-5219-92e8-8fe8d1cd985d License: CC BY 3.0 … Click for full citation
- “This guidance note is intended to be used primarily by central banks and relevant public authorities considering the issuance of CBDC and by those institutions and individuals supporting them in this process.”
- Publication: Central Bank Digital Currency: Background Technical Note (Nov 2021, pdf) (06)World Bank. 2021. Central Bank Digital Currency : Background Technical Note. © World Bank, Washington, DC. http://localhost:4000//entities/publication/456f625d-d2d1-5c07-bb23-a45344d1f044 License: CC BY … Click for full citation
- A central bank digital currency (CBDC) is a central bank liability that is digitally created and recorded on centralized or decentralized ledgers, denominated in an existing unit of account, and convertible in physical cash, commercial bank money and other forms of money on demand by the holder at authorized entities. This report discusses the main technical features of domestic retail CBDC and its potential implications for monetary policy, financial stability, financial intermediation, payments and settlements, financial integrity, and financial inclusion in general, and in the context of a developing economy as well as the potential efficiency gains from the use of CBDCs.
- Publication: Environmental Implications of a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) (July 2022, pdf) (07)Lee, Soohyang; Park, Jinhee. 2022. Environmental Implications of a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC). World Bank Group Korea Office Innovation and Technology Note Series;No.8. © Washington, DC : World … Click for full citation
- How CBDC’s are good for the climate change narrative and a better choice for the environment…
- Competing in the Digital Age – Policy Implications for The Russian Federation (2018 pdf)
- Worldbank Strategy for making Russia Cashless
Rockefeller, Johns Hopkins, WHO, WhiteHouse
- Scenarios for the Future by the Rockefeller Foundation (2010)
- A Futuristic Scenario by John Hopkins Center (SPARS)
- Details for both on my Tabletop Exercises post
- WHO instructed world to prepare for imminent coronavirus pandemic (2019)
- Presidential Document, September 19, 2019, Modernizing Influenza Vaccines (2019)
Reserve Bank of Australia
- Central Bank Digital Currency
- ‘Australian CBDC Pilot for Digital Finance Innovation (Whitepaper, pdf)
- The Bank is an industry partner in the Digital Finance Cooperative Research Centre (DFCRC), which brings together industry, academic, and regulatory stakeholders to investigate the opportunities arising from the transformation of financial markets through the digitisation of assets that can be traded and exchanged directly and in real-time on digital platforms. The Bank and the DFCRC are collaborating on a research project to explore use cases for a CBDC in Australia. The project will also be an opportunity to further our understanding of some of the technological, legal and regulatory considerations associated with a CBDC.
- Project Atom Report (pdf)
- A collaborative project undertaken in 2020–2021 between the Reserve Bank, Commonwealth Bank of Australia, National Australia Bank, Perpetual and ConsenSys, with additional input from King & Wood Mallesons. The project involved the development of a proof of concept for the issuance of a tokenised form of CBDC that could be used by wholesale market participants for the funding, settlement and repayment of a tokenised syndicated loan on an Ethereum-based DLT platform.
- Project Dunbar Report (pdf)
- A collaborative project undertaken in 2021–2022 between the BIS Innovation Hub, the Reserve Bank of Australia, Bank Negara Malaysia, Monetary Authority of Singapore and the South African Reserve Bank. The project explored whether using a shared DLT platform for issuing multiple wholesale CBDCs could improve the efficiency, speed and transparency of cross-border payments.
- ‘Australian CBDC Pilot for Digital Finance Innovation (Whitepaper, pdf)
The central banks are preparing to replace all cash money with a digital currency, the CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency). This will give them full control over humanity, as they can then monitor every transaction, limit what you can spend, and even delete your funds at will. It is promoted as something that will make our lives easier. The truth is that it would mean total tyranny for all of humanity. Our digital funds would be connected to our digital ID, which will be connected to our vaccine status and social credit scores.
Imagine no longer being able to access your funds – when your digital ID shows that you haven’t received your umpteenth vaccine booster. Or envision how your spending would be limited as the result of posting something on Facebook that the government doesn’t like. Or worse: what if governments simply erase your bank account because you don’t agree with their policies?
This has been happening already with services like PayPal, which closed thousands of accounts because people engaged in activities that opposed tyranny. JP Morgan Chase and Wells Fargo have frozen the bank accounts of people who participated in events that defend basic human rights. In Canada, America, The Netherlands, India, China and other nations, countless people have experienced this. (Source)
We’re in trouble guys- this topic gives me a headache, but we need to learn what we can and try and wake the others.
Posts tagged: CBDC | World Bank | IMF | BIS | Digital ID | World Economic Forum | Great Reset

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01 | World Bank. 2022. The World Bank’s Early Support to Addressing Coronavirus (COVID-19) Health and Social Response – An Early-Stage Evaluation. © Washington, DC. http://localhost:4000//entities/publication/4283eda8-d6bb-51a9-ad54-254778b01bbb License: CC BY 3.0 IGO. |
02 | Georgieva, Kristalina; Malpass, David. 2020. Joint Press Conference on COVID-19 by IMF Managing Director and World Bank Group President; Respuesta del Grupo Banco Mundial y el FMI ante la COVID-19; Réponse du Groupe de la Banque mondiale et du FMI au COVID-19; Joint Press Conference on COVID-19 by IMF Managing Director and World Bank Group President. © World Bank, Washington, DC. http://localhost:4000//entities/publication/b7dc6112-981f-521a-affd-e9dfaadc1ed2 License: CC BY 3.0 IGO. |
03 | World Bank; International Finance Corporation. 2022. World Bank Group Global Market Survey : Digital Technology and the Future of Finance. © World Bank, Washington, DC. http://localhost:4000//entities/publication/12720723-5de0-5c19-943a-346cd54fa77a License: CC BY 3.0 IGO. |
04 | World Bank. 2021. Central Bank Digital Currencies for Cross-border Payments : A Review of Current Experiments and Ideas. © World Bank, Washington, DC. http://localhost:4000//entities/publication/a6212c81-2336-5445-9e35-a7494a6f1ae2 License: CC BY 3.0 IGO |
05 | World Bank. 2021. Central Bank Digital Currency : A Payments Perspective. © World Bank, Washington, DC. http://localhost:4000//entities/publication/511663ae-f0cd-5219-92e8-8fe8d1cd985d License: CC BY 3.0 IGO. |
06 | World Bank. 2021. Central Bank Digital Currency : Background Technical Note. © World Bank, Washington, DC. http://localhost:4000//entities/publication/456f625d-d2d1-5c07-bb23-a45344d1f044 License: CC BY 3.0 IGO. |
07 | Lee, Soohyang; Park, Jinhee. 2022. Environmental Implications of a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC). World Bank Group Korea Office Innovation and Technology Note Series;No.8. © Washington, DC : World Bank. http://localhost:4000//entities/publication/b8da64b0-5ffe-54d8-9a9a-182c2113f603 License: CC BY 3.0 IGO. |
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