[Belarus President] Aleksandr Lukashenko – Covid Corruption & Globalist Agenda
Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko said the World Bank and IMF offered him a bribe of $940 million USD in the form of “Covid Relief Aid to impose isolation, lockdowns and curfews. Today I found a video of him addressing “Omicron” as the ideal natural vaccine to end the pandemic, and I then hunted for more videos and found some good ones calling out the globalist agenda and put them all together in a video compilation.
Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko said in July, 2020 that the World Bank and IMF offered him a bribe of $940 million USD in the form of “Covid Relief Aid.”
In exchange for $940 million USD, the World Bank and IMF demanded that the President of Belarus:
- impose “extreme lockdown on his people”
- force them to wear face masks
- impose very strict curfews
- impose a police state
- crash the economy
Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko REFUSED the offer and stated that he could not accept such an offer and would put his people above the needs of the IMF and World Bank. “We will not dance under anyone”
Today I found a video of him addressing “Omicron” as the ideal natural vaccine to end the pandemic and the globalist agenda, and I thought I would see what other videos I could find of him and put them together in a compilation.
Belarus President Compilation Video
on Crimes against Humanity and the Covid Globalist Agenda
Fullscreen (Transcripts below)
0:01 Belarus President “Let’s use Omicron as a Vaccine – enough torturing the people”
1:05 Belarus offered $940m from the World Bank to impose Covid conditions including Lockdown & Masks: “We will not dance under anyone”
2:09 IMF asked to address Belarus accusation about corruption
5:07 Belarus President asking why his Minister(s) are breaking the law – enforcing muzzles and PCR tests – calls to stop touching and torturing the people!
7:31 President calls out the Globalist Agenda and the “Rich getting Richer” during the Pandemic (Davos forum, IT and pharma working together).
Where is Belarus?
Belarus, officially the Republic of Belarus, and historically Byelorussia, is a landlocked country in Eastern Europe. It is bordered by Russia to the east and northeast, Ukraine to the south, Poland to the west, and Lithuania and Latvia to the northwest.
“Let’s use Omicron as a Vaccine – enough torturing the people”
Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko:
I am keeping on top of what’s being said about COVID globally…
A Western or US expert recently suggested that if omicron is so mild, why don’t we all get it, and that in effect can be our ‘vaccine’… From my perspective, it’s an ideal suggestion.
(What do you suggest [we do]?)
I suggest you don’t worry…
I’ve said to you from the beginning, our sickness is in the mind… As soon as you start to [panic], that’s a worry. And for you specifically, COVID isn’t dangerous… At your age, it’s nothing…
I’d like to tell all of these international criminals – enough is enough…
They’ve turned our pockets inside out, there’s nothing left to take…
They’ve ‘undressed’ everybody. We need to finish with this ‘pandemic’…
They’re already preparing us, the WHO and others, that ‘by summer the pandemic will be over…’
Let’s stop it now. Enough. You’ve tortured the people enough.
Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko
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Belarus offered $940m from the World Bank to impose Covid conditions including Isolations, Lockdowns, and Curfews: “We will not dance under anyone”
The Chief Negotiator from the International Monetary Fund said “How things stand here requires partners”. It was stated that they would provide Belarus with 940 million dollars, so-called “quick financing”.
How is this issue resolved? I want to state that we will not dance to anyone. There are already demands in the fight against Coronavirus in Belarus. This is our own country and our situation.
The World Bank is all ready to finance 10 times more than it offered for the fact that we are effectively fighting this disease. They have requested and continue to demand from us we issue isolation and quarantine for our people with a curfew. (13) (14)
Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko
IMF asked to address Belarus accusation about corruption

QUESTIONER: Okay, great. Thanks a lot. It’s a big technological advance. I want to ask you a couple of questions about — about COVID-19 and — and IMF. One is a pretty, you might knock it out of the park — the President of Belarus, Lukashenko had said, has been quoted that the IMF tried to “bribe him to impose a lockdown by offering COVID relief funds” which was in Delta (phonetic) the telegraph has taken the media of Belarus. So I wanted to know what your understanding, what your response would be to those who would say that offering the aid is is trying to strongarm governments into taking the pandemic more seriously.
And then I also wondered about corruption. It’s been — there’s been investigation in Kenya about how supplies are being purchased and — and distributed. And there’s some similar issues in Cameroon and Honduras and I just — I wanted to follow up on countries you previously gave relief, just to know how active is the IMF in monitoring or in keeping its finger on the pulse of — of corruption issues in some countries that arise in terms of the response to COVID-19 with IMF helps? Thanks a lot.
GERRY RICE (Director, Communications Department, IMF): Thank you very much for those questions, Matthew. On Belarus, what I can tell you is that in March, Belarus approached the Fund with a request to discuss possible emergency assistance, but no agreement was reached, and we have not found a way to bridge significant differences about the appropriate response to the present challenges.
The Rapid Financing Instrument, which is our emergency — one of our emergency financing mechanisms, does not carry hard conditionalities that I explained at the top of the briefing, but assurances of transparency and appropriate policy actions are required to ensure that the funds are used to address the pandemic and to facilitate economic stabilities. We’re actually getting into your next question a bit there, Matthew.
But still on Belarus, I can tell you, we did not demand quarantine, isolation, lockdown, but we sought assurances for steps to contain the pandemic in line with WHO recommendations, which is our standard operating procedure in all countries. So, just the same. (15)
“So, just the same”?
(Umm, nice “word-smithing”, Sir.)
Belarus President asking why his Minister(s) are breaking the law – enforcing muzzles and PCR tests – calls to stop touching and torturing the people!
As I understand, Dmitry Leonidovich, everyone in this room is healthy today? You’ve put them through quarantine [before meeting with me], done a PCR test? (No) No? So how is it that you’ve come to see the head of state, the President, we only have one in Belarus… And you haven’t checked out everyone that’s gathered here? What kind of attitude is that toward the thing you always try to convince me of?
I’m not asking this question in vain, Dmitry Leonidovich, you did the right thing. Because we have no [mandate] like that, even though globally nobody visits Presidents without quarantine… I ask this question with the purpose of asking the next – so if you freely visit the President, why are you then torturing the people?
I’ve never had anyone visit me in a muzzle. I’ve never asked if they’re vaccinated or had a PCR test. Only Kachanova ever had a problem with it – how so! etc. But she had a problem for a while, and now visits without a PCR test herself!
Why then are we pressuring the people? Why are you causing havoc across the country? Why have we mobilised the police to be checking masks? You’re touching people, even the women!
Where’s [the police] Minister? I’ve warned you – do you have nothing better to do? Why are you breaking the law? We have no mandate that allows you to catch and touch people, and check their muzzles.
Whom are you playing to? If you’re going to be fixing people (medical care), then do so properly. Starting with [here], and then everywhere on the street – Dmitry Leonidovich!
You’re [causing havoc] across the country! I am assured [the regional] Governors have heard us today… I see they’ve started giving fines to people in Brest already! This is like putting your knee on their chest, to get them to vaccinate! I asked you specifically, do not let this happen [here]! (18)
Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko
President calls out the Globalist Agenda and the “Rich getting Richer” during the Pandemic (Davos forum, IT and pharma working together).
President, Alexander Lukashenko:
Coronavirus has now become a controlled process. Two years ago I predicted it would come to this. Coronavirus has its beneficiaries, billionaires, around the world whose wealth increased tremendously. The gap between the extremely rich and the rest of the population has widened significantly.
“The Rich became richer and the poor became poorer”
Per Davos forum, IT and pharma industries enjoyed the largest profits. Now they are cojoined businesses.
In other words, “They ordered everyone home, gave you gadgets, replaced reality with metaverse and push pills on you.”
Do you think this Mafia will relinquish Trillions in profits?
That’s why they create panic and vaccines become an element of the “big politics”.
Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko
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