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Senator Malcolm Roberts (QLD)

Senator Roberts calls out Prof Macartney’s $65M Vax Conflict$

Senator Malcolm Roberts tries to bring light to Professor Kristine Macartney being owned by pharma. Responsible for recommending vaccines for government (NCIRS), on vaccine adverse event reporting (AusVaxSafety), was govt expert witness in vax-mandate case (NSW Health), and got $65million in grants. (And… ATAGI, TGA, APPRISE, GAVI, WHO, & WELLCOME) 100% $old.


WHO Pandemic Treaty Debate [Greens – McKim “Lizard People” speech]

Senator McKim accuses Senator Roberts of being a conspiracy theorist who is “probably into Lizard people” and weirdly ends his speech with a call for “loving each other” whilst at the same time calling Senators “cookers” throughout. He acknowledges people suffering from Covid-19, but doesn’t acknowledge the deaths, injuries, and illnesses due to the jabs or those suffering from wrong treatments and government-enforced COVID-protocols, and calls for more investment in the healthcare sector, including vaccines and testing.
