Digital Prison – Aman Jabbi [Social Credit System]

IN Digital ID
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Digital ID or Digital Prison: A presentation by Aman Jabbi that explains the digital dictatorship that is coming and ideas on how to counteract what is being done to us.

Digital Prison – Presentation by Aman Jabbi

2 June 2022 Facebook | Rumble | YouTube | Telegram

Live streamed to Central Coast community, NSW on 2nd June 2022.

Aman was at the forefront of video and camera technology in Silicon Valley. He has co-founded two camera startups. If you have a camera in your phone, stream video or movies, he played a part in it.

Aman has a BS in Electrical & Electronics Engineering and MS in Chemistry from BITS in India, an MS in Electrical Engineering from Penn State University and studied Computer Science at Stanford University.

Have a listen to hear more about the smart cities infrastructure and implications, as its planned to descend upon us sometime soon! Newcastle is named as one of the first trial smart cities in Australia.

Please share- we need as many as possible to be aware of this-

Aman Jabbi – The Final Lockdown – Street Lights That KILL in Smart Cities, CBDC, Digital ID

20 Nov 2022 Rumble

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Truth-seeker, ever-questioning, ever-learning, ever-researching, ever delving further and deeper, ever trying to 'figure it out'. This site is a legacy of sorts, a place to collect thoughts, notes, book summaries, & random points of interests.