Sentient World – Militarizing our Bodies
TedX talk on Digital Twins and the military’s Sentient World weaponizing us
TedX talk on Digital Twins and the military’s Sentient World weaponizing us
Here are four clips by former National Security Agency (NSA) Officer, Bill Binney that reveals the Big Brother global surveillance system tracking every electronic move we make. He’s been speaking out for the past 20 years, and we, the public just allow it, thereby giving our consent by stealth. Albeit, it could be propaganda… and there are other nefarious programs we probably should be looking into…
Free Downloads, Software & Tools for those that seek the truth.
Central Bank Digital Currencies, also known as CBDCs, are proposed digital currencies that some nations have already started rolling out. But unlike crypto, they won’t be decentralized. And even more worrying, they’ll be programmable, giving your government and their controllers (global corporations) the ability to change the way you use your money. Videos, documentaries, and links to learn more about the NWO Slavery System.
How Australia lost its Sovereignty and became slaves to Globalists. (Living document – My notes as I attempt to become less-ignorant)
Huge respect to Truthstream Media – an amazing channel dedicated to explaining how we’re all being mind-controlled.
“FOCUS. Start THINKING. Pay ATTENTION. People need to really use their heads and be intelligent now. If you want to survive, do some homework… If your doctor isn’t being investigated or suspended, then Run!” ~ Dr Mark Trozzie
The media is the main source of disinformation and misinformation – they are manipulating and programming everyone, owned and controlled by the most EVIL corporations on the planet. Understanding the media’s nefarious role in the pandemic and in our lives is critical.
What are others saying that is apparently so dangerous that they need to be removed from the general public’s eyes whenever they’re mentioned?