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Everything I’ve saved so far in my quest to get answers during the pandemic. Truth is all I seek.
Global Preparedness Monitoring Board (GPMB) is a front-organization for the World Health Organization and the World Bank. It aggregates the world’s international “expert” reports and “independently” makes recommendations to increase funding to all the people who fund the World Bank and the World Health Organization. What a scam. You can’t make this up.
Everything I’ve saved so far in my quest to get answers during the pandemic. Truth is all I seek.
This section is on WHO’s International Health Regulations (IHR) and the current amendments happening now.
Central Bank Digital Currencies, also known as CBDCs, are proposed digital currencies that some nations have already started rolling out. But unlike crypto, they won’t be decentralized. And even more worrying, they’ll be programmable, giving your government and their controllers (global corporations) the ability to change the way you use your money. Videos, documentaries, and links to learn more about the NWO Slavery System.
A collection of COVID-related Tabletop exercises and other resources I find relevant.
In September 2019, A World at Risk scenario – WHO/WorldBank – “Prepare for the Worst: A Rapidly Spreading, Lethal Respiratory Pathogen Pandemic” – all countries must be prepared by September 2020, including developing a system for immediately sharing of genome sequences, means to share medical countermeasures across countries, and commit to financing and development of a universal vaccine.