Banking Insider “Why the culling was inevitable” (Austin-Fitts)
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The Financial Coup d’état Explained. Catherine Austin Fitts explains how the ‘Great Poisoning’ was inevitable after the US govt started draining and obliterated the pension funds. If you drain all the retirement funds, you have to reduce the population by radical amounts. This is such an important part to understand in this psychotic game of chess (of which there are many psychopathic players involved). This particular one explains just one of the many important financial reasons behind the democide and why we must stop the CBDC’s, Vaccine Passports, and Digital IDs.
The Financial Coup d’état Explained | With former insider Catherine Austin Fitts
1 Feb 2023 : YouTube | Rumble-Mirror
From YouTube Description:
In this video, we interview former Assistant Secretary of Housing and Urban Development and publisher of the Solari Report, Catherine Austin Fitts. Catherine discusses her experience working in Washington and the financial sector. She explains the significance of a series of monetary events that took place starting in the 1990s to present day in what is described as the financial coup d’état.
ABOUT CATHERINE AUSTIN FITTS: Catherine Austin Fitts is the president of Solari, Inc., publisher of the Solari Report, and managing member of Solari Investment Screens, LLC. (formerly Solari Investment Advisory Services, LLC.) Catherine served as managing director and member of the board of directors of the Wall Street investment bank Dillon, Read & Co. Inc., as Assistant Secretary of Housing and Federal Housing Commissioner at the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development in the first Bush Administration, and was the president of Hamilton Securities Group, Inc. Catherine has designed and closed over $25 billion of transactions and investments to-date and has led portfolio and investment strategy for $300 billion of financial assets and liabilities. Catherine graduated from the University of Pennsylvania (BA), the Wharton School (MBA) and studied Mandarin Chinese at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. She blogs for the Solari Report at
Are we in the midst of an economic war? Small businesses have struggled to survive COVID lockdowns, gas prices in Europe continue to increase, and inflation continues to be on the rise. Meanwhile, the central planners continue to push for central bank digital currencies or CBDCs. I’m journalist Taylor Hudak with Activism Munich, and you’re watching The Source. We discuss these topics and more. Today we welcome a very special guest who also happens to be a former US government insider, Catherine Austin Fitts.
Catherine served as the Assistant Secretary of Housing and Urban Development in the first Bush administration, and she has extensive experience in Washington.
1989: I think I’ve got the best FHA commissioner in the history of HUD. I’m very proud that the Bush administration was able to attract someone of Austin Fitts talent off of Wall Street to come down and help us, and she’s an expert in financing, municipal financing…
1989: Senate Banking Subcmte. on Consumer & Regulatory Affairs: … and we are delighted to have Ms. Fitts here, the Assistant Secretary for Housing and Urban Development. Ms. Fitts.
Mr. Chairman, thank you. Chairman Dixon and Senator Regal and members of the subcommittee, the Department of Housing and Urban Development appreciates your invitation to testify.
1989: Austin Fitts “Asst. Sec. for Housing, Dept. of Housing and Urban Development”: Part of the problem is that there is split responsibility on managing the program. HHS is responsible for doing the underwriting, and then we are responsible for managing the portfolio. Currently we are in negotiations with HHS as to the best way to improve the management of this.
In addition to a career in public office, Catherine served as the Managing Director and member of the Board of Directors of the Wall Street Investment Bank, Dillon Reid and Company, and she was also the President of Hamilton Securities Group. Currently, Catherine is the President of Solari and the Publisher of the Solari Report, which you can find the online publication at All right, Catherine Austin Fitts, welcome. I am so happy to speak with you today, and it’s a pleasure to have you here, and I thank you for your time.
Thank you, Taylor, and I just want to say I’ve so enjoyed working with you for the last two years through Doctors for COVID Ethics and what you’ve done for us and our group is fantastic. So I’m always delighted to be in cahoots with you. (01) Doctors for COVID Ethics
Thank you. It has been a pleasure to work with you the past two years, get to know you, and I am also so grateful for your support and just working with everyone at Doctors for COVID Ethics has been such a pleasure and a real joy. But first, I do want to get into your background because you have a unique history. Not many people can say that they have worked for the US government and held public office, but also worked for the financial sector, but you have. So Catherine, tell us just a little bit about yourself, your career, and your time working as the Assistant Secretary for the Department of Housing and Urban Development.
Sure, I was a banker, investment banker on Wall Street. I was a managing director and partner, I remember the board of directors of Dillon Read and Company, and had a wonderful career for 11 years doing a wide variety of financing. So investment bankers are people who raise large amounts of money with securities for large governments and large corporations. So I was on Wall Street for 11 years, and then I became Assistant Secretary of Housing in the first Bush administration, and that is the person who runs the mortgage insurance operations, the Federal Housing Administration, and has significant regulation, regulatory and governance responsibilities for the US mortgage markets.
And I had an opportunity at the time to work with a lot of the other financial regulators around Washington. It was right during the cleanup of the SNL crisis, so we were involved in the Resolution Trust Corporation. I was on a board at the SEC. It was a very interesting time to be in Washington, and then I left, and the administration ultimately asked me to come back as the governor of the Federal Reserve, but I’d already started an investment bank, Hamilton Securities investment bank. I was very intrigued with what software,new developments in the internet could, what it would make possible for communities, getting money, government money out of communities, and using private capital to really grow their economy. The opportunity for local development and investment was fantastic. And so we built a very successful company, and then we found ourselves in direct opposition to where the central bankers wanted to go, which is more central control. And I ended up being, the way sometimes they deal with competitors in Washington, they want to get rid of you, is I found myself in sort of an enemy of the state situation doing significant litigation. And that really helped me understand much more about how the intelligence agencies and enforcement agencies, the Department of Justice worked to really control and concentrate cash flow and credit in the economy. And so it was really very much a tension between those who wanted to decentralize economic and political power and those who wanted to centralize. And when it was done, I wrote up a book, which is online called Dylan Read in the aristocracy of stock profits, about the clash in the capital markets and the financial system between those who wanted to centralize control and use government credit to do it, sort of tax figures, money to do it, and those who really wanted to build, a wealth-building economy.
Anyway, when that was over, I started, to succeed at the litigation, which we won the biggest pieces of it. I had to go public, and so I’d always been a very private person, and I had to go public.
And what I discovered, I had terrible experiences, Taylor, with the corporate media, and just decided they were all a bunch of criminals, and I would never talk to them again. And I decided whenever I did sort of internet radio or radio shows, I would just give out my email address, and I would answer people’s questions directly. So instead of using the media, I’d just talk with the audience directly. And so for years and years and years, I just answered questions, and it got voluminous. And finally, some of the reporters I was helping with research said, can we publish your answers? I would say, sure. And one thing led to another, and finally, I was answering so many questions, it turned into two businesses, and the businesses published the Solari report, and I have an investment screen company, Solari Investment Screens. Both of those, we never did a business plan. We never made a plan. We just kept answering questions, and it grew and grew and grew.
So I think you would agree that right now we are really in an economic war. COVID lockdowns have destroyed many small businesses. We are suffering from increasing inflation among a number of other issues. And a lot of this points back to the disastrous policies that were taken in February and March of 2020. However, the problem actually started well before this in 1998 when the financial coup began. So take us back to the United States in 1998 and explain for us what monetary events took place on and around this time and why it’s significant.
So 1998 began, or the fiscal 1998, which really began in 1997, really represented the decision by the U.S. leadership that the existing governmental structures in their opinion would no longer work, and they began what I refer to as a financial coup.
And what we saw starting in the fiscal 1998 is tremendous amounts of debt issued and then undocumented adjustments in government accounts, which I would describe as money being moved out of the federal government.
So you take up the debt and then you move the money out of the back door. And essentially, since that time, the U.S. government has been in significant violation of the financial management laws and rules and to the detriment of the sort of economy of the U.S. and really supporting the centralization of the economy of the world.
What happened was when the budget deal in 1995 was sort of a last straw effort by the establishment to get the country on a financially responsible basis. And the reality is that the U.S. population, like many populations in the Western world, depended on the subsidy being generated by the federal credit. And, in the reality as in a democracy or in a democratic process, many people vote for the guy who gives them the biggest check. And so the finances were getting further and further away of what we needed to do if we were going to provide for the baby boomers during the retirement years.
And unfortunately, I think the establishment in a fit of frustration just decided, something, we’re going to have a coup d’état on a just-to-it basis. We’re going to do it through financial mechanisms. So no one really notices and we’re just going to take the money.
We’ll make it look like the money’s there, but we’ll take the money through the back door. We’ll fill the pension funds full of treasuries when we’re taking the assets out of the government and people will be left with their assets as an IOU from a government that’s been emptied out.
And I think it wasn’t until… we started after the financial coup started bringing down life expectancy and what I call the Great Poisoning.
So we’ve had a series of policies related to air, to the food, to the water, and to things happening through the FDA and pharmaceutical drugs that have really brought down the life expectancy, because at that point, the only way you could balance the books, if you weren’t going to do it financially, was to lower life expectancy and change the retirement benefits.
And that’s what’s been happening and has accelerated through the pandemic because we’re watching really a cratering of life expectancy in the United States.
And in a previous discussion with CHD TV, you stated that from 1998 to 2001, money continued to go missing. In fact, it was $4 trillion that went missing from DOD, Department of Défense, and HUD, the Department of Housing and Urban Development. I mean, what’s really going on here? And there’s extensive record of this, right?
So there’s tremendous record because there’s government documentation. If you go to, we have all the government documentation available and linked from that website with lots of analysis and surveys and other information to help you understand what I call the missing money problem. (02) Solari Report – The Missing Money –
What happened was money started to go missing – significant undocumented adjustments at the Department of Housing and Urban Development and the Department of Defense.
It’s now up to $21 trillion, but as of 9-11, it was at $4 trillion. And there’s a very famous story where the day before 9-11, Donald Rumsfeld gave a press conference and confessed that $2.3 trillion was missing. And I was working with a reporter who had a major story coming out that Friday, and I remember making the mistake of saying to her that Monday, nothing can stop this story from going viral now, which I’ll never say again because in fact, as soon as 9-11 happens, huge appropriation increases for DOD. And no one cared about the missing money for many, many years.
As of 2015, I had counted $12 trillion missing, and every year tried very hard to interest people because to me, this was an emergency. If we didn’t deal with this problem and if we didn’t solve the problem, we were facing not only a significant drop in lifestyle, but clearly many other actions to a lower life expectancy. So I knew if you didn’t balance the budget financially, you had to balance it with very draconian things that could harm the population, particularly the retirees.
Anyway, so what happened was, I had it up to $12 trillion in 2015, again missing from these two agencies. And a professor at Michigan State University heard me talking about the fact that in 2015, under the last full year of Obama, the next year being another year of Obama, but the election year, $6.5 trillion went missing at DOD, which was the largest single amount in one year. And he heard me talking about it and he said, this can’t be possible. So he went to DOD and checked the financial statements and lo and behold, it turned out I was right. So he called me and he said, can I help? And I said, yes, I haven’t done a complete survey of all the financial documents and information at these two agencies for the period 1998 to 2015. So perhaps you could. And he and his students got in there. And what they discovered Taylor in the report is up at It’s the first Skidmore report. It was Dr. Mark Skidmore. What they discovered is there was $21 trillion of outstanding treasury debt on the books of the treasury and 21 trillion undocumented adjustments at DOD and HUD.
Kind of a remarkable, as I said, debt going up, money going out the back door. Anyway, so since then we’ve done a huge amount to document the missing money.
In 2018, a policy was implemented by the federal government, by the House and the Senate, Republicans and Democrats, and the Trump White House together agreed by administrative policy called FASAB-56 that the US government could keep secret books and not disclose, who was deciding what was secret or what was secret. They could just keep secret books. And it’s not only the US government and its 24 covered agencies, but it is also many of the organizations and corporations that work with the US government combined with the policy called: FASAB Statement 56, as well as the classification laws. (03) The Financial Coup: More Missing Money & FASAB Standard 56 with Dr. Mark Skidmore
We are now in a situation where if you look at a large defense contractor company that has a significant portion of its revenues from the federal government, you can’t tell what its financial statements mean. One of the reasons I pay very little attention to the federal financial statements anymore is whether them or their large contractors, it’s essentially meaningless.
And I should point out that at this point the federal government is essentially run by the defense corporations in the banks. Part of the coup is it’s no longer run by the civil service. It’s really run by private corporations and banks.
Of course, the depository for the US federal government is the New York Fed, and that means the New York Fed is engaged in 21 trillion of illegal transactions, although some of it could be stolen assets. And we’ve seen plenty of reports that that is happening.
I think the question I really should have asked earlier here, because I think this is a key point, is there any record of any receipts of where this money was actually going?
No, if you wanted to know where it went, you would have to go into the New York Fed and be able to audit its financial statements, and I’ve told you the story or its bank accounts, you’d have to get the equivalent of your bank statements for the US government. So I told you the story shortly after the Skidmore report was published, there was a fire on a Saturday night at the New York Fed. Apparently, they said there was a fire broke out in the roof, because somebody in the basement was using an old fireplace and it caused a fire on the roof, and apparently a hundred fire trucks are down at the New York Fed on a Saturday night, which raises the question why would anybody be burning things in a fireplace on a Saturday night in October in New York at the New York Fed?
Right, it’s like destroying evidence. I do now want to sort of fast forward to the past three years, and what we have experienced in particular with the monetary response to COVID-19. Now before we get into really the impacts of lockdowns and the various restrictions, can you talk to us about what happened on August 22nd of 2019, because this is a very important date in economic and financial history?
Right, so what we watch during the financial coup from 1998 forward is a series of actions, including the missing money from the federal government, that is centralizing political and economic power. And so the net worth is being consolidated into what George H.W. Bush used to call tighter and righter hands.
So we’re watching a centralization of wealth going on.
Now we knew throughout the 90s and 2000s that if this process continued that you would have to do a reset. There was no way that you could promise, you’re promising an entire generation all sorts of retirement benefits, but the resources you needed were instead being shifted elsewhere.
And there was going to have to be a process by which you informed them, oh, by the way, all the promises are going to be aggregated.
And so you needed to do a reset.
And the question from a political standpoint is, how are you going to do it? So every year the G7 central bankers meet under the auspices of the Kansas City Fed in Jackson, Wyoming. Think of it as like a strategic retreat where you talk about what’s going on in the world and what you’re going to do about it.
So in August 2019, they met in Jackson Hole and approved a plan by a group of retired central bankers who’d been working through the Black Rock Investment Institute. And it was called the Going Direct Reset. (04) Solari Report – Summary – Going Direct Reset
If you come to Solari, we have a huge wrap up that just describes the plan put forward by the retired bankers and sort of what happened and the approval.
And literally everyone left that conference. The Fed went back, to work. And in September moved into the repo market and the process of the Going Direct Reset really began. And of course, accelerated dramatically with the announcement of the pandemic.
And what exactly is the Going Direct Reset? When I was doing my preparation for this interview, I was heavily relying on the Solari report and in particular the annual wrap up for the year 2020 where this is described in great detail. And what I was able to gather was that this was essentially the blueprint for the monetary policies that would be taken during the next economic downturn whenever that should happen. And then upon a closer look at this, your colleague John Titus was able to discover that this blueprint really resembled to a tee the actions that were taken in February and March of 2020 under the guise of protecting people from COVID-19.
Right. So healthcare policy is being used to really implement a reengineering of the economy and the control system. The Going Direct has several meanings, but one of them is traditionally the way the monetary system was run was the central banks would inject money into the reserve system and that would provide reserves to the banks and then the banks would inject money into the economy.
Under the Going Direct plan, we’re seeing central banks inject money directly into the economy.
Now, one of the things that’s happening is part of that as traditionally we had a balance of power between the fiscal side of the house and the monetary policy. So the central banks and the bankers ran the monetary policy and then the people’s representatives in both Europe and say the Western democracies including the United States, the people’s representatives, i.e. Congress, would run fiscal policy.
And as part of Going Direct, not only is the central bank injecting money directly, but essentially if you look at the dependency of the fiscal side of the house as a result of the increase in debt and the disappearing money, you basically see the central banks exercising more and more and more power and Wall Street more and more power over the fiscal side of the house. So it’s almost as though the central banks are running both sides. In part because they’re monetizing the debt.
At this point, the Treasury cannot finance the deficit by selling bonds to the pension funds or foreign investors. And so they’re basically having the Fed print money.
Now, what’s interesting about all of this is we don’t need central banks. The Treasury could just print the money. They don’t need to issue debt to print the money through the Fed. They can just issue currency.
And part of the challenge that the central bankers have, Taylor, is it’s pretty clear in a digital age at some point everybody’s going to get together and say, we don’t need these guys. And we certainly don’t need to assume this kind of debt to have them sort of generate our finance, our economy. We can just have Treasury issue the currency itself.
And so I think part of the pressure on the central banks, they know if they don’t use CBDCs to go to complete control during this reset, they may lose control entirely.
So is it fair to say that the monetary policies implemented in response to COVID-19 were voted on more than six months prior to COVID being declared a pandemic? And if so, doesn’t that indicate pre-planning?
So here’s the question. How many of the people doing the going direct reset realize that part of the operation would be the pandemic?
Usually the leadership is pretty good about keeping the compartments separate so that not everybody knows everything. Clearly some of the people in the room understood that you weren’t going to depend on financial mechanisms to collapse the economy, that you would use political mechanisms to collapse the economy.
And when I say collapse the economy, remember, they’re trying to build a new governance and management system that depends on CBDCs.
- And so you need to implement the smart grid.
- You need to convert to electricity.
- You need to build the fibre out into roads and bridges and tunnels and into homes.
- You need everybody driving an electrical car.
There’s an enormous hardware and energy infrastructure that needs to be built out to create this control grid. And so what you want to do as you’re doing your reset is you want to inject money, fantastic tsunamis of money into the areas that you want to grow or that you want to pump and dump, and you want to starve other parts.
So for example, when the body’s in trauma, it will send the blood to the brain or the heart and it will starve the fingers and the toes, right?
So it’s the same when you’re… by going direct, you direct money inject, you inject money directly to the people you want to lead the growth in the sectors you want the growth.
- So there’s plenty of money for space.
- There’s tons of money for synthetic food.
- There are tons of money to build the smart grid,
- but then you want to starve small business.
There are two reasons you want to do it.
One is injecting all this money creates monetary inflation and you want to do demand and destruction by killing the parts of the economy you don’t want to grow. It’s a way of shifting the resources from one side to the other.
But the second thing is, so you want to do the inflation, but the other thing is by injecting money into the investors you want to do all these different things, you want them to be able to buy cheap. And if you basically slaughter the economy of the people you want wiped out, then they’re able to take the money you’ve injected and buy everything up cheap.
So it’s a way of setting up winners and losers. You print money and give it to your pals and then you use the healthcare system to destroy the businesses of the people that you want your pals to get the market share away from or pick up the assets from cheap.
Let’s now talk about the various restrictions that we saw during the COVID crisis at the heat of it really in 2020 and 2021. Of course, we saw many businesses having to close and that was primarily small businesses while these larger corporations were able to stay open. How did the lockdown policies contribute or help advance the overall goals of centralization?
Well, let’s look at a shopping mall. Rick Santelli had an amazing interaction on corporate media. Somebody sent me the playback on, I guess they had it up on the internet. So he’s having a fight with Andrew Ross Sorkin and he’s saying, why is Costco open when little small businesses right next door are closed because of the lockdowns? (05) 5 Dec 2020 CNBC Watch CNBC’s Sorkin and Santelli’s heated debate on restaurant restrictions
So if you’re not safe from COVID in the store next door, how can you possibly be safe with hundreds of people in Costco and in the parking lot? And Sorkin kept saying, well, that’s science. That you’re not safe in the small business, but you are safe in Costco.
Now let’s look at what happens. If the market share of the businesses around Costco instead of shopping there, you go to Costco.
- Costco’s revenues and profits go up, which means their stock goes up. So these companies are picking up market share.
- They’re picking up great employees who’ve lost their job at the small business. So you pick up talent.
- You pick up revenues.
- You pick up income.
And your stock price goes up, which means the investors, both the management and the investors do well. All at the cost of these other businesses that are temporarily or permanently wiped out. Now we saw subsidies go in part to them, but often from debt that, in most cases had to be paid back as far as I know.
So you’re talking about picking winners and losers by the Fed directly injecting money, but then combining it with the healthcare plans.
So it was very interesting during the pandemic, of course, we’re always trying to figure out what’s going on through what I call open source intelligence. And a lot of our best actionable intelligence come from subscribers.
Planned Riots
And we had several subscribers describe what was going on in some of the early riots that clearly indicated that these were covert operations. There was no riot. It was, it was a plan stage operation. And the question, of course, what was the operation for? Now I used to be the assistant secretary of housing at HUD. And I’ve seen a lot of sort of covert operations and financial fraud used to move in on a neighborhood and pick up real estate cheap. So oftentimes in war, that’s what you’ll see. You’ll see people moved out and other people move in and pick great land and other assets up for cheap.
Anyway, so I asked one of our team to put together, we had a database of all the different major metropolitan areas in the United States and how, what the death rates were and other data, whether it was a democratic or republican merit, because there was definitely patterns related to partisanship anyway.
He gave me a print out, I hadn’t put a red dot on every city where there had been a riot. And he brought me the database and I looked at it and I said, wait a minute, I’ve seen these cities altogether before. There’s a pattern here. What’s the pattern? And I realized, oh my God, 34 of the cities that had riots, I think it was 34, are locations for fed banks or offices. And then we map them against the opportunity zones, which is basically a tax shelter that allows you to roll your capital gains into an opportunity zone and shelter yourself from capital gains tax. (06) June 4, 2020 US Red vs Blue States Deaths Attributed to Covid-19/Riot Breakdown (07) May 2020 Mapping the Portland Oregon Riots (08) Full details of Riot data is behind a paywall or for Solari Report “Subscribers Only” –
So if I was going to build the smart grid out near the fed offices or banks, what a great way, have a riot, knock out the small businesses, they have to sell, they have to sell cheap, maybe you cut off their insurance, maybe you don’t. That’s another game that happens. You pick up the real estate cheap and then you have an opportunity zone so everybody can roll in their capital gains and shelter their taxes and make a fortune.
So, by lowering the cost of, of first of all, it’s very difficult to accumulate that kind of real estate unless you have a wipeout. Or the government condemns or some action like this.
So here we have with the riots, if you look at the riots in Minneapolis, we have a situation where, suddenly you can pick up a lot of real estate cheap and you can do it all in an opportunity zone where you’ve sheltered capital gains from other areas. So whether it’s, it’s picking the asset up, for a significantly lower price than you, you would be able to without the riot or without the fires that burn the building stands. So you’re free to, you don’t have to demolish them.
So, whether it’s you’re buying a cheaper, you’re financing it at fantastic returns because of the tax shelter, I would say the patterns were extremely suspicious. The only thing I can say.
We’ve mentioned CBDCs throughout this interview and I now want to take a focus on that. Of course, CBDCs are central bank digital currencies. Now, in October of 2020, the general manager of the Bank for International Settlements or BIS, Augustin Carstens explains what CBDCs really are and he was in fact really honest. So I want to play that clip here for the viewers. This is from his presentation and Catherine, I know that you and I have seen this clip many times. You have referenced it quite a bit throughout your various speeches and presentations, but I do want to play it once again for the viewers. (09) BIS Chief Clip “with CBDC, the Central Bank will have absolute control”
“All of our analysis on CBDC, in particular for the use of general to the general use, we tend to establish the equivalence with cash and there is a huge difference there. For example, in cash, we don’t know for example who is using a $100 bill today, we don’t know who is using a 1000 peso bill today. A key difference with the CBDC is that central bank will have absolute control on the rules and regulations that will determine the use of that expression of central bank liability and also we will have the technology to enforce that. Those two issues are extremely important and that makes a huge difference with respect to what cash is.”
So there you go. Please explain in greater detail what a CBDC is and as far as I understand, it’s not really a currency but it’s a completely different financial transaction system, right?
Right. So CBDCs are not currencies. A CBDC system is a complete control system. So back to the concept of going direct. Now the central bank is going to go directly into your bank account and control it. So they are going direct to the individual citizen, bank deposit or consumer. And if you watch Carsten’s video, what we just heard him say is:
- Number one, it’s not your bank deposit, it’s not your money, it’s the central bank’s expression of liability is what he calls it, which means it belongs and is controlled by the central bank, it’s their money. That’s number one.
- Second one he said is because it’s digital, they can make the rules of how it can be used when it can be used, where it can be used. So if they don’t want you shopping more than five miles from your home, you can’t shop with your digital money from the central bank more than five miles from your home.
- If they don’t want you buying chocolate, you can’t buy chocolate.
- If they don’t want you spending money on Thursday, you can’t.
- If they want to take… if they decide to double your taxes and just take it out of your account they can.
- And if you don’t do what they say, they can shut off your money, they can freeze your account.
In fact, the controller of the currency nominee in the first year of the Biden administration literally proposed in an article from Vanderbilt that the beautiful thing about having CBDCs is if you’re worried about inflation, you just freeze everybody’s bank accounts, they can’t spend money.
So again, this is a complete control system. It’s not just a complete financial control system, it’s a complete control system.
Hackable Humans
We know and they’ve said that they want to install chips in human beings. We see Elon Musk talking about putting a chip in the back of your head as though somehow that’s a fashionable idea. But essentially, this is a slavery system. And if you look historically at one of the reasons that the slave trade was stopped, it was because you couldn’t collateralize humans. You couldn’t, if a plantation owner sold a slave west, the banks couldn’t prove that that was their collateral with digital technology and shipping you can.
And it’s very interesting. You mentioned John Titus after he wrote the Going Direct Reset, which did a fantastic job. I asked him to write a wrap up on CBDC. And I told him that they weren’t planning on collateralizing CBDC with gold or oil or even food, although they need to control food to do a CBDC.
But I said they were going to collateralize it with humans and it was going to be a slavery system. And John thought I was being a little over the top, even though I’m not usually accused of being over the top. Anyway, when he came back after he started to write it and he said, oh my God, you’re right. This is a slavery system. I said, yep.
And it’s very interesting. We just published an article that’s up in Solari. You can find it quickly in a search. It says, the title is, I want to stop CBDCs. What can I do? And so we go through a long list of all the different things you can use. And of course, one thing you can use is you can use cash.
So anything we can do to dial back, because the problem is the digital systems. In that article Taylor, I put links to four of my favorite videos. The Carson’s one just showed is one. But other videos, including one of the president of the Minneapolis Federal Reserve saying, “this does nothing for us. The only reason you want to see BBC is for control. I mean, I can understand why the Chinese would want to, but why would Americans let this happen?” (10) The president of the Federal Reserve in Minneapolis Neel Kashkari on CBDCs
And so, there are multiple videos that show you that this is a phenomenally dangerous tool of control. (11) IMF Official YouTube Channel – 15 Oct 2022 – Central Bank Digital Currencies for Financial Inclusion: Risks and Rewards And once you get CBDCs with an authentication system, or whether it’s a digital ID or vaccine passport, once you get those things, we’re talking about reducing the human race to a slavery system. And whatever liberties we’ve enjoyed in the West or in the United States, they’re over. They have, the central banks will have complete central control.
For those who may not be making the connection of, what does this have to do with a virus? Can you explain the use of an invisible enemy to achieve the control grid?
Sure. So if you’re the bankers, I mean, here’s your problem. You’re the bankers and you’re trying to implement total control. And yet if you look at the functionality and value they add, we don’t need them. In other words, sovereign governments can issue their own currencies. Private parties can also issue currencies. These banks can issue… we don’t need the central, but in a digital age, you don’t need central banks. And their problem, of course, I think, is if they don’t go to complete control, then, they’re going to lose control.
And if you look at sort of the load that that, or the amount of value they extract from the economy, it doesn’t make sense to have them anymore. So, now here’s the problem. If they push for complete total control, I mean, total control where you’re a slave and you’re chipped and you have to do everything they say, people will literally say, “let’s get rid of the central banks”. And we have the power still to do that.
So the question is, how do you persuade all the, think of this as a herd of cattle. How do you persuade the cattle to stay in the control grid? You’ve put up three sides of the corral. How do you snap that last part of the corral in place with CBDCs and vaccine passports without them, stampeding out of the corral? Because there’s, there’s a tremendous number of them and very few of Mr. Global.
So how do you keep them sort of dumb and happy as the control grid snaps into place? And the way you do that is by all the things you do to snap the control grid in place.
You don’t say, “oh, we’re snapping a control grid in place because we want to take away your assets. We want to take away your freedoms and we want to, we want you to be slaves.”
What you say is, “oh, there’s a problem. There’s an invisible enemy and it’s not us bankers sneaking up and controlling you. There’s a healthcare crisis and we need to do this and this and this and this and this and everything we’re doing is here to help you”.
So, this is a control bridge to get us from here to the complete controls.
Once you have CBDCs, you don’t need to bother with biowarfare. You don’t need to bother with pandemics. You don’t need to bother with, you don’t need to poison people with injections. You’ve got complete control.
So to me, what they’re doing with healthcare, what they’ve done so far and in the future, what they’re planning on doing with pandemics and biodefense is simply to get you to that point where they haven’t installed that complete control system.
Now, what would you say to those who are hearing this and say, hey, I’m not really concerned. In Germany, for example, the 2G, 3G vaccine passport system has been lifted. There’s really not any more mask mandates just in a few locations and lockdowns are really just a thing of the past. We have nothing to worry about. What do you say to those who hold that belief?
So when I was government official and worked in Washington, you would see two things. You would see the Sunday talk shows in the news that said, yackity, yackity, yack. And then you would watch the budgets and the rulemaking. And the way you understood what was going to happen in the future was by watching the money allocated and the rules and regulations, sending the money in certain ways and controlling the ways.
So here we have the train tracks of control and resource allocation. And here we have entertainment, yackity, yack. And there’s absolutely no connection. It’s multiple personality disorder.
These guys say we’re going to Paris and meantime, everything is being engineered. The train tracks are being engineered for the whole world to go to Rome. But meantime, they’re over here. Yackity, yack, we’re going to Paris and everybody’s happy and we’re going to Paris. And then Whoosh – we go to Rome.
And so I don’t watch the yackity, yack. I have to be aware of it because I do the Solari report. What I watch is where is the money being allocated to build the train tracks and where are those train tracks going to take us? And right now, if you look at all the preparation that is going in to doing a much bigger round of pandemic, a much bigger round of bio warfare and bio defence, a much bigger tsunami of healthcare rules and regulations to help the central banks control and manage inflation and demand destruction.
We’re in the world series of central control and we just finished the second inning.
And they’re getting ready to double down in some very big ways.
And if you look at what they need to control, whether it’s to control inflation, monetary policy, fiscal policy, and to get to where they want to go with CBDCs, they’re going to need a lot of support and a lot of sort of control points coming from something that doesn’t look like it’s the banker – and healthcare is working. It’s been very successful.
They spent decades building this. And if you I mean, if you look at the money, the tsunami of money that’s going into bio defense and the next pandemic or the next cyber contagion.
There are other crises. We have plan B and plan C. So we have climate change. We have, cyber. They’re all sorts of different names. Part of it is as you centralize control, the more centralized you get, the more fragile the system gets.
So there are significant problems. The biggest one, which 8 billion people want to be free. They don’t want to be centrally controlled. And as you centralize, you shrink the pie. You’re shrinking the economy. Tyranny is phenomenally expensive. Words cannot express when you dig down and you look at the numbers of what tyranny does to the health of an economy. It’s just fantastically expensive. And it’s very frustrating for most people.
The latest statistic I saw was 49% of the small businesses in San Francisco have been bankrupted or closed. Imagine the frustration of those people.
Covid-19 was absolutely Pre-Planned
Based on your experience working for the US government and based on your knowledge of the goals of the central planners. Is it even reasonable to say that the response to COVID-19 was authentic or perhaps is this the result of pre-planning?
This was pre-planned. This is absolutely, it’s completely ridiculous to assume that it wasn’t.
In other words, if you look at the documentation to prove that it was planned, particularly the financial aspects, it’s impossible that it wasn’t pre-planned.
Anybody who’s run a big operation knows how hard it is, how much work and planning it takes.
This one took a lot of planning and I worked for many years with investigative reporter Jon Rappoport on the effort to falsify a pandemic, basically, a pandemic is a false flag. So they’ve been trying to do this many times and this is not the first time. It’s just the first time they succeeded globally. (12) Jon Rappoport – Investigative Reporter –
But the other thing, and I’ll just be really blunt and anybody who knows me can tell you, I was apoplectic in 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 because it was a fate of complete.
- If you stole all the retirement funds, you would have to reduce the population.
- You would have to reduce the population’s economic footprint by radical amounts.
- It was inevitable.
Every year you let that money sit, stolen and not getting it back. You were locking yourself into a world where these kinds of things were inevitable.
So it wasn’t clear to me how they would do the reset, but the fact that they had to, because they’ve been continuously lowering life expectancies from the time the coup started, certainly in America.
So this was a mathematical certainty and the reason it was extremely frustrating for me, from 1990 on, every year was I couldn’t successfully communicate to my audience or a broader audience that this would result in a significant lowering of life expectancy and a significant lowering of economic circumstances for everybody, this kind of planned operation and reset was inevitable. The establishment had to do it.
So I knew this was coming. I didn’t know it would be a magic virus because they tried the magic virus trick many, many times and, it succeeded sometimes, but not on the scale.
It was much more likely to be a war than a magic virus, but the magic virus thing went now, now we have the Ukraine war and we’ll see if that expands.
But when we had the war on terrorism, we’ve had all of these sort of wars. So I thought it was much more likely to be a war, but I think they were able to get the global pandemic to go. And I hate to say this, a lot of getting it to go. If you come to Solari and you do a search, put in mind control (13) Mind Control Search Results and you’ll get a commentary that has the best links we’ve ever been able to find on propaganda, mind control, mind manipulation.
At the very bottom of those links are a series of lectures by Charles Morgan and Dr. James Giordano to the military on military grade neurological weapons.
And we’ve seen instances, for example, at the end of Iraq war, the neurological weapons apparently were used on the Iraqi soldiers. They sat down. They cried. They walked off. There was discussion of this as a military weapon.
But this is, I think, the first time we’ve seen an example of a phenomenal war on the general population using these kinds of neurological weapons.
It’s part of what made the magic virus go.
And I think the establishment is exceptionally pleased at how well this technology is working through the smartphones, through the digital systems, digital TV, and still many of the population cannot fathom the fact that they’re the target of this kind of technology.
Sure. Now I do have to ask you, how does the Ukraine war factor into all of this?
So I see the Ukraine war as being, the, the establishment is, is excellent – like they call it stacking functions. So whenever you have a major operation, it’s not just about one thing. Because of the rise of Asia and the increased investment in the Silk Road, there is a tremendous desire to control geographically, the Eurasian landmass. And Ukraine is very strategically placed and has a huge amount of very valuable farmland and land. And I think there is an effort to clear the Ukraine out, basically depopulate the Ukraine and rebuild it as a hub on the Silk Road by a variety of parties.
So I think that’s part of it. But the other thing I see is the Ukraine is essentially a move by the Anglo American Alliance to control the European market share and make sure that Germany and Russia don’t come together and Europe and Asia don’t come together, and cut out the Anglo American, sort of market share alliance power position.
And if anything, what we’re watching is not a war in Ukraine, but a war between the dollar syndicate and the Euro syndicate, and the dollar syndicate moving a lot of the Euro syndicate into the dollar.
So it’s almost as though the Western world is cannibalizing itself as the commodity producers stop allowing the control of the oil trade to support the Western currencies, you’re really seeing a competition between the Euro and the dollar for market share and the Euro is losing.
This is really a war on Europe, if anything, and an assertion of control through NATO of Europe.
There was a very sad interview by, at a very thoughtful and impressive interview by one of, I think it was the Scandinavian leaders, I think it was Finnish, who said, there’s no room left in the world for the non-aligned, which means, you’ve got to be in the BRICS syndicate or you’ve got to be in the G7 syndicate and you can’t just be, you can’t play the role of the Scandinavian countries not being in NATO and not being in one syndicate or the other. Everybody’s getting on one side or the other.
I think it’s important to end here with ways in which people can ensure a better future for themselves, for their children and grandchildren. And I think that Germany is at an advantage here because, there are many small community banks in Germany, not all countries are structured in this way, but Germany is. But what are the ways in which people can fight back and ensure that they maintain national and individual sovereignty?
If you go check out this article, I want to stop CBDCs, what can I do? I strongly recommend it. (14) Feb 1, 2023 I Want to Stop CBDCs – What Can I Do?
There’s many ideas listed and the most important thing is you have to do, each person is unique, what you need to do is get yourself and your family out of the control grid, until the last part of the corral snaps into place, get out of the paddock.
- So first use cash, bank local, let’s take this system analog as much as possible, get it rebalanced digital and analog, but also support our local banks because the local banks are a bulwark against consolidation, and the kind of consolidation they need to do as CBDC.
- In many jurisdictions, it makes sense for the local government. So in the United States, it makes sense to have sovereign banks.
- It makes sense to balance your assets. So you’re not all in the financial system.
- You have real assets.
- You have your own business.
- You have precious metals.
There are many different things you can do.
But the other thing is you want to bring awareness. So taking your interview and spreading it out to your family and friends so that they just don’t go with the flow and realize, oh, this is convenient. No, it’s not convenient because it’s leading you into a trap that you don’t want to go to. So spread the word because the more people who take it the other way are very helpful.
Finally, you want to be as resilient as possible. Given how the world is changing and the economics are changing. It makes much more sense for a community to get together and do their own energy, for a community to get together and nurture and grow their fresh food systems. Get as resilient as you can with your family, your friends, your community, your neighbors. Do it in a way, though, that’s energizing for you.
What you want to do is you want to stop financing your enemy and start financing the basic provisions you need.
We’re just about to publish. You haven’t seen it yet. We’ll publish next week our new theme for the annual wrap-up called Farm of Food. It’s about synthetic food. It’s by a wonderful reporter here in the Netherlands, Elsophana Hamlin (??). It’s one of the most frightening things I’ve ever read.
If you haven’t started to, I tell everybody, finance your local farmer – not because you want to make money, but because you don’t want to eat insects.
So if we want to have a human civilization and a world with fresh food, healthy food, good clean energy, we’re going to have to finance it and build it ourselves.
The other thing I would say not only does Germany have a great local banking system, Germany has so many great engineers. You have so much engineering talent in Germany, and some great farmers. So between the great farmland and the farmers, the great engineers and the great backers, it’s time to go off and say, something? We’re on our own and we need to rebuild everything, including a healthcare system that’s safe and we can use. I can’t speak to Germany, but I know in the United States the hospitals have become literally very dangerous places to go in many cases. So if we want healthcare, if we want education, if we want energy, if we want food, we’re going to have to start building it and financing it ourselves.
This has been brilliantly explained. A great discussion, as always. Catherine Austin-Fitts, thank you.
Thank you, Taylor, and again, thank you for all the work over the last two years. I just think you’re doing absolutely fantastic work. If there’s anything we can do at the Solari Report to support you, we’re there.
Thank you very much. I’m so grateful for your support and again, fantastic discussion today. And I do want to thank all of you, the viewers who listened, watched this video. Please be sure to share it on your social media. And while you’re at it, don’t forget to subscribe to acTVism Munich’s YouTube and Rumble channels and we are also present on Telegram. I also would like to thank those who supported us and donated to our crowdfunding campaign. This is so helpful for us to continue with our independent news and analysis into the year 2023. And you can follow the work of today’s guest, Catherine Austin Fitts, at Once again, thank you all for watching. I’m journalist Taylor Hudak and I’ll see you guys next time.
Posts tagged Catherine Austin Fitts | BIS | CBDC

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14 | Feb 1, 2023 I Want to Stop CBDCs – What Can I Do? |
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