The Director ID in Australia is Illegal
Tim Dwyer explains how the new Director ID is illegal in Australia. I am new to this (see my past attempt to understand) and it helps if I try and take notes whilst watching someone explain this, so I’m sharing my notes with anyone who is interested.
Directors ID No Authority ??
Nov 30, 2022 Rumble
My notes:
The Australian government requires all directors of Australian companies to have their Director ID in place by November 2022.
The Director ID is a new initiative and legal requirement, that will match directors to a life-long International ID number, that can be used to find details of all their current and past appointments.
“All personal information, such as medical and tax details will also be accessible by government agencies or representatives.”
International ID numbers may be made available to the public at a later date.
Penalties of up to $1 million may apply if deadline missed.
There is no valid reason for a Directors ID.
Some of your data is held at the ATO, some of it by ASIC, etc. They need YOUR CONSENT to put it all in one place. And if you don’t consent, they can’t have it – because…
Legally Required means that a specified action is necessary in order to satisfy or otherwise fulfil one or more of the Legal Requirements or Additional Legal Requirements.
If we have to have a “legal requirement”, the enforcing body must be “lawful”. The person imposing the requirement in a place of authority at Law.
This is the Supreme Law of Australia – the Constitution Act – 20 odd pages – Chapter 12 of the Constitution – the Supreme Law of the Commonwealth. (01)
“This Act, and all laws made by the Parliament of the Commonwealth under the Constitution, shall be binding on the courts, judges, and people of every State and of every part of the Commonwealth“
In our Constitution, there’s an Oath that the politician who is elected has to take an oath.
“I ‘x’ that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Victoria, Her heirs and successors according to law. So Help me God.”
(The name King/Queen is substituted from time to time…. ie. last year it would’ve been Queen Elizabeth the 2nd… )
If you do not take the Oath, you are not in office.
That is the Oath. To be in parliament under the lawful constitution of this country. Anything else is either sedition or treason. ie. Fraud.
Fraud violates everything.
Back in the 80’s there were some people working behind the scenes, helping the government with this, but this is the South Australian version of it – every state will be the same….
“BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED by the Governor of the State of South Australia with the advice and consent of the Parliament thereof, as follows: Australia Acts (Request) Act 1985 No. 95 of 1985 “
“An Act to enable the constitutional arrangements affecting the Commonwealth and the States to be brought into conformity with the status of the Commonwealth of Australia as a sovereign, independent and federal nation“ (Assented to 31 October 1985).
Well, hang on, we’re a constitutional monarchy. “NOT” a sovereign, independent, or federal nation.
Under the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901 section 128 is Referendum Entrenched to change the status of the Commonwealth of Australia as a Constitutional Monarchy to become a sovereign, independent and federal nation.
ie. if they want to change it from Constitutional Monarch to Sov/Ind/Fed, according to the Constitution, we need a Referendum.
This has not happened.
When was the Referendum to become a sovereign, independent and federal nation?
It never happened. There wasn’t one. They have put this in place through fraud.
Fraud violates everything.
The final report of the Constitutional Commission 1988 Volume 2 – these political parties are trying to still get their fake “Queen of Australia” recognized as they’ve been using the “Queen of Australia” since 1973.
Not the “Queen of England”. The “Queen of Australia”.
The bill states: “An Act to alter the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act by omitting obsolete words and so as to recognize the “Queen of Australia”.
Obsolete, no longer required, obsolete.
“BE IT ENACTED by the Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia, with the approval of the Electors as required by the Constitution, as follows:
Electors = YOU AND ME.
“required by the Constitution” = that means “they’ve had a Referendum”
This Act may be cited as the Constitution Alternation (Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act) 1988.
Omission of enacting words.
The Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act is altered by omitting the words “Be it therefore enacted by the Queen’s most Excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same as follows:”.
Section 2… “omitting the words “the United Kingdom“, substitution: “Australia“
So we’re getting rid of any reference to the United Kingdom — which we are a part of; we’re part of the UK Commonwealth — and calling it Australia.
Section 5… “omitting all the words after and including “and the laws of the Commonwealth“.
Commonwealth of Australia Section 5…
“This Act, and all laws made by the Parliament of the Commonwealth….
…. under the CONSTITUTION, shall be binding on the courts, judges and people of every State and of every part of the Commonwealth, notwithstanding anything in the laws of any State;.. .”
They’ve taken out… ‘ and the laws of the Commonwealth shall be in force on all British ships, the Queen’s ships of war excepted, whose first port of clearance and whose port of destination are in the Commonwealth”.
Bob Hawke, Gough Whitlam, and every Prime Minister and every attorney general, and every governor general since, have been operating totally unlawfully, illegally, in fraud. Treason.
Every high court judge — and the high court is there as a protector of the Constitution; failed.
They’ve altered the Constitution. They’re operating in a fraudulent situation, because they’ve taken all this out.
The bottom line: there is no law here. This is how devious and just downright nasty these people are.
Remember, if you do not take the Oath, you are not in office.
Tony Abbot’s Oath:
“I, Anthony John Abbott, do swear that I will well and truly serve the people of Australia in the office of Prime Minister, and I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the 2nd, Queen of Australia, so help me God.”
Malcolm Turnball’s Oath:
“I, Malcolm Bligh Turnball, do swear that I will well and truly serve the people of Australia in the office of Prime Minister, and I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the 2nd, the Queen of Australia, so help me God.”
Julia Gillard’s Oath:
“I, Julia Ilene Gillard, do solemnly and sincerely affirm and declare that I will well and truly serve the Commonwealth of Australia, her land, and her people, in the office of Prime Minister.”
These people are fraudulent. This is theatre.
Kevin Rudd’s Oath:
“I, Kevin Michael Rudd, do swear that I will well and truly serve the Commonwealth of Australia, her land, and her people in the office of Prime Minister, so help me God.”
These people have committed fraud every day in office. Including the governor general – above all else they should know.
Scott Morrison’s Oath:
“I, Scott John Morrison, do swear that I will well and truly serve the people of Australia, in the office of Prime Minister. and I will be faithful, and bear true allegiance to her “manner-gesy” (??? wtf lol) Queen Elizabeth the 2nd, Queen of Australia, so help me God.”
Tim says “I’m just gobsmacked at how in your face this stuff has been, and everyone’s more interested in bloody cricket scores – you’re more interested in football, cooking shows and dancing and singing – and now we’re at the point where the United Nations want to digitize everybody’s id – give you a “number” – like a Jew in a camp – you will have a number that’s stuck with you for life and you’ll never get rid of it, and you go “oh it’s not so bad” – are you kidding me?”
Anthony Albanese’s Oath:
(Starts at timestamp 5:50)
“I, Anthony Norman Albanese, do solemnly and sincerely affirm and declare that I will and truly serve the Commonwealth of Australia, her land, and her people, in the office of Prime Minister.”
He took off on an aeroplane later that day to represent Australia as a Prime Minister. He is not.
It’s wrong and it’s illegal and it’s unlawful, and the Director’s ID is coming from the ATO and ASIC underneath these people here. So if these people are a fraud who hold no real office.
- They sit in a “de facto” office
- Titular office (A titular ruler, or titular head, is a person in an official position of leadership who possesses few, if any, actual powers. Sometimes a person may inhabit a position of titular leadership and yet exercise more power than would normally be expected…. Wikipedia)
- It’s just a massive Corporation structure that these people are operating and is NOT a De jure lawful government.
- De jure (Describes practices that are legally recognized, regardless of whether the practice exists in reality. In contrast, de facto describes situations that exist in reality, even if not legally recognized…. Wikipedia)
- de jure, is a term used mostly, but not always, in legal writing. Sometimes it’s not enough to have something written into law; if a law isn’t enforced, it might as well not exist. If ordinary citizens are too scared of what would happen to them if they exercised their rights, then they don’t really have those rights at all. Unfortunately, many countries have constitutions tand laws that sound good but turn out to not have much effect. So de jure is almost always used in contrast to something else; it’s opposite is de facto.
- De jure (Describes practices that are legally recognized, regardless of whether the practice exists in reality. In contrast, de facto describes situations that exist in reality, even if not legally recognized…. Wikipedia)
Tim says “Too busy watching the cricket or drinking beer? Pay attention – or you won’t have the opportunity to go to the cricket or go down to the pub to have a beer”.
“You’re too scared of the government, you’re too scared of the ATO – the ATO does not exist at law – the ATO cannot sue nor be sued according to their own documents. They don’t even have a definition of income. Wake up, people”.
The Australian government requires all directors of Australian companies to have their Director ID in place by November 2022.
- They don’t have a leg because they are under an Organization that has no Constitutional authority at all.
- The courts and police don’t have Constitutional authority.
- State government. Federal government. Are all in breach.
- That means they are fraudulent.
- Every bit of it is illegal, unlawful, immoral, and a fraud.
Contract Law – everything today is Contract Law – in the Australian Consumer law document, it states that the Crown in right of the Commonwealth of Australia and States & Territories of this country are bound by the Australian Consumer Law Act. (08)
Under the “Unfair Contract Terms” lists the Misleading or deceptive conduct.
Tim says “think about this, the Directors ID is like your licence – we didn’t know what an adhesion contract meant, but your licence is a number that you can never get rid of, they can always go bck and ID you by that number, it’s an adhesional. It breaches your freedom. Your international id is going to be exactly the same because even if you resign as a director, that number stays with you – it’s like the tattoo on the Jewish people’s arms, it’s there for life. (09)
(a) a term that permits, or has the effect of permitting, one party (but not another party) to avoid or limit performance of the contract;
“Misleading, deceptive, and unfair”
(b) a term that permits, or has the effect of permitting, one party (but not another party) to terminate the contract;
“Misleading, deceptive, and unfair”
(c) a term that penalises, or has the effect of penalising, one party (but not another party) for a breach or termination of the contract;
“Misleading, deceptive, and unfair”
(d) a term that permits, or has the effect of permitting, one party (but not another party) to vary the terms of the contract;
“they want to fine us for not joining their contract, so if you are pressured into joining a contract, then no contract exists”
(e) a term that permits, or has the effect of permitting, one party (but not another party) to renew or not renew the contract;
“… the Directors ID program — or anything that the government is putting out– is an offer to contract, if you don’t accept the contract for this Directors ID, they want to fine you up to a million dollars. Good luck with that.”
“Anything to do with governments – state, federal – doesn’t matter, it is an “offer to contract” and you have the right to know all the terms and conditions of the contract, and you cannot be forced into a contract. They’ll make it hard, they’ll come after you. They’ll make it difficult. But I’d rather go through the difficulty than be stuck to Klaus Schwab’s United Nations New World Order. ” (10) (11)
“You’ve been taught to FEAR the ATO. My dad was terrified. (so was mine). FEAR is their WEAPON. Fear doesn’t exist – it’s False Evidence Appearing Real – FEAR is FLUFF.
There was over a million people at Epic in Canberra. For everyone that was there, there was 5-7 at home that wanted to be there but couldn’t. 5-7 million at home. Our spirit has taken a hell of a pounding – busted, broken. They’re going to come at you for a Republic, a Digital ID, international Personal ID and more. Social Credit Scoring. The FEAR. Push back. Put your hands up and say No. Enough.
Opposing view by Cass Smith…
YouTube | Freedom Financial Solutions
I can’t say I agree with what she says, because we have to stop the corrupt illegitimate government (corporation) or somehow “get off this ship”, that has been slowly (albeit sped up massively in the past 5 years) destroying this country — literally killing us — but I like to have as many sides of the story as possible and look at it from different angles to get a wider scope of all available options and advice.
People ultimately have to decide what is right for them, particularly when we ARE trying to navigate this corrupt system that we are seemingly “entrapped” in, and when most of us are new to all this stuff that these psychopaths are doing to not only this country, but the entire world.
But she pretty much relays they have us trapped albeit she doesn’t convey it that way, and that it will be way too expensive for people to fight this, and to pick our battles. (I’m a bit irked that she has comments ‘turned off’ on the video so you can’t see any of the viewers perspectives or responses).
She’s refuting / mad about this video:
YouTube | NationFirst SubStack | Fair Business Australia
Most useful information is that you can apply for an extension of time.
George Christensen with Rebecca Lloyd of Fair Business Australia.
How the Director ID works and what it means
Accountant from TwelveAccounting explains how the Director ID works, what it means, and talks you step-by-step how to apply for it.
Browse: Digital ID | Australian Government | Great Reset
See also:
- Young Global Leaders for the WEF puppets
- [Senator Malcom Roberts] The “Great Resist” Of The “Great Reset”
- “The Playbook” – How The Few Control The Many [Covid Edition]
- G20 “Let’s Get Digital Health Pass For Next Pandemic To Restrict Movement” | Nov 2022
- Digital ID = Permanent Enslavement – Australia & World – WAKE UP!!!
- How Corporations Take Over National Governments (The Great Takeover)
- King Of The World – Exposé On Prince Charles & The Great Reset
- Tabletop Exercises
- The Big Reset Movie (Documentary) English
- Unpacking The Great Reset / Great Resistance | Australia
- “It’s Slavery” – Senator Malcolm Roberts | Great Reset Truth Bombs
- WEF, Davos, Digital ID, Cashless, Global Reset, & How The System Is Rigged
- The World Needs To Unite Against The Globalists | Thierry Baudet MP EU
- Collection Of Politicians & Insiders Warning About The NWO Or Great Reset
- Former UN Employee “United Nations Hijacked By Great Reset Agenda”
- AGENDA 2030 (UN Trojan Horse)
- Global Surveillance-State | Great Reset (Cardinal Müller)
- Cardinal Burke On The “Great Reset” To Advance An “Evil Agenda”
- “WEF Has Infiltrated Australia With Communism” SA Senate
- German Politicians On The Great Reset, Agenda 21 & Vaccines [Marc Bernhard]
- Catherine Austin Fitts Brief Summary Of Global Financial Reset
- Croatian MEP & Former Judge: BigPharma =Dangerous Mafia & Covid Passes =Dumbest Idea In History
- Aussie Unions Role In The Global Great Reset
- Two Dutch MP’s Calling Out Globalists Reset Plan: “COVID = Distraction, Reset = Mission”
- Edward Dowd, Ex Blackrock Exec, Says Global Debt Bubble At Its Peak: We’re At The End
- [Film] Globalist Utopia – Australia – Social Credit System
- Dr. Vladimir Zelenko – To Australian Politicians
- [Rant] The Great Reset And New World Order Are Not Conspiracy “Theories”
- [Belarus President] Aleksandr Lukashenko – Covid Corruption & Globalist Agenda
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