G20 “Let’s get Digital Health Pass for Next Pandemic to Restrict Movement” | Nov 2022
Health Minister of Indonesia Budi Gunadi Sadikin advocated for a global digital health certificate during the G20 Summit in Bali, Indonesia, Nov 13–14, 2022.
“Restricting people’s movements with a digital health certificate at our next pandemic.”
“So let’s have a digital health certificate, acknowledged by W.H.O: “If you have been vaccinated or tested properly, then you can move around”—so for the NEXT pandemic, instead of stopping the movement of the people 100% and stopping the economy globally, you know you can still provide some movement of the people. Indonesia has achieved, g20 country has agreed to have this digital certificate, using W.H.O standard… and we will (?) it into the next World Assembly in Geneva as the revision to international health regulations. (unintelligible).. so hopefully for the next pandemic, we can still see some movement of the people, some movement of the goods, and movement of the economy”
Budi Gunadi Sadikin
How ’bout, “no”. Motherfucker.
Globalist Puppet.
Stop enslaving the world.
Grow a soul.
Hmm, not surprising, it turns out they all love the idea, and all the G20 leaders have just signed a declaration which states that vaccine passports will be adopted to “facilitate” all international travel…this means any vaccination the WHO determines you should have. Changing your rights & freedoms forever.
I don’t have time to highlight the whole document, but the whole thing is stunning. I recommend grabbing a coffee and looking at what a total mess our world will become now that the group-think has obediently complied with everything the globalists’ New World Order and their Rigged-Agenda could ever hope for.
Read the G20 Bali Leaders Declaration: (https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2022/11/16/g20-bali-leaders-declaration/) (01)Download PDF
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