What is in the C19 Vaccines? Trust Not. (Paper)

IN C19 Vials
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This paper is … awesome. Bravo. I originally took these notes whilst working on my Graphene post. The reason I mention this, is that this paper has way more information than the notes below (that are specific to my Graphene post) and you should download and read the whole thing.

Syllogistic Reasoning Demystifies Evidence of COVID-19 Vaccine Constituents

Incontrovertible evidence has now made clear that much of what has been perceived publicly about the story of SARS-CoV-2 and the pharmaceutical remedies offered (then mandated) was/is part of a sophisticated international fabrication of unprecedented proportion, depth, and deception. The origins of the virus, the approved testing regime, the flawed predictive models of spread and mortality, associated social-distancing mandates, and so-called vaccines and their claimed efficacy and safety, all point to a coordinated effort to manufacture public fear and hysteria so as to propagate and normalize transhumanist interventions in healthcare and human biology.

This article begins with the simple question of how adjuvants in traditional vaccines are theorized to work and proceeds to analyze how the new injectable mRNA platforms deploy nanomaterials as delivery vehicles for genetic interventions with a range of other potential actions inside the human body, both intended and unintended.

The authors draw upon the chronological and logical development of adjuvants and their use across disciplines in materials science, genetic engineering, and programming.

The authors aim to disentangle the known, unknown, possible and likely contents and objectives of COVID-19 injections, in the context of the surrounding corporate, political, and ideological landscape.

They conclude that the social disruptions created by COVID-19 have served as a means of instigating rapid transition to what unelected policymakers have called a Bio-Nano Age.

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Graphene is mentioned 23 times in this journal publication.

As documented by Richard M. Fleming (2021),SARS-CoV-2 is a bioweapon designed with us in mind. Furthermore, as Li-Meng Yan et al. have reported, the virus created by the Chinese Government and others to produce COVID-19, was meticulously designed over a period, not of months, nor years, but decades, a series of “gain of function” research projects published in prestigious journals, paid for mostly with US dollars, and leading to a stream of lucrative patents enriching certain individuals including Tony Fauci, Director of the National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and Bill Gates. In his best-selling book Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. points out that the “CDC owns 57 vaccine patents”and in 2019 was spending “$4.9 of its $12.0 billion-dollar annual budget”

Electrical-Electronic Conductivity (P. 154)

According to Cordaro et al. (2020), “although nanotechnology based on graphene has been poorly applied for the rapid diagnosis of viral diseases, the extraordinary properties of graphene (i.e. high electronic conductivity, large specific area, and surface functionalization) can be also exploited for the diagnosis of emerging viral diseases, such as the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)”.

The negative charge of graphene oxide, for instance, has attracted research interest for its ability to drive an affinity for positively charged viruses. The latest research suggests that graphene is some sort of miraculous material, appearing not just in applications for the development of diagnostic tools, but also in therapeutics. For example, much like gene-based mRNA technology touted by big pharmaceutical manufacturers, graphene oxide began attracting the interest of the biotech industry as a potential vaccine innovation. Despite its “poor bio-solubility and biocompatibility”, given surface modifications, Cao et al. noted in August 2020 that graphene oxide was “expected to be introduced into vaccine research to improve the efficacy of vaccines” (2020). Similarly, Raghav and Mohanty (2020) argue that, owing to its electroconductive properties, graphene oxide should be incorporated into a gamut of COVID-19 products, from wipes, PPE and filtration devices to nanomedicines, including vaccines.

Genetics & Nano-materials (p. 155 – 156)

Google Director of Engineering Ray Kurzweil said humans will become hybrids in the 2030s. “Man and machine”, will “gradually merge, and [we’ll] enhance ourselves”. “Our thinking then will be a hybrid of biological and non-biological thinking.” 

Academic conferences feature experts keen to share experimental data on the observed behavior of graphene in its interactions with cells. At a 2016 conference hosted by the European Foundation for Clinical Nanomedicine, Sandra Vranic, Lecturer in Nano-Cell Biology, discussed the potential for GO to serve the purposes of new therapeutic applications, such as bio-devices, biosensors, tissue scaffolds, drug delivery, and gene therapy vectors. She admits that exposure to this material in vitro and in vivo as well as potential adverse health effects are unknown. Serving, also, as a principal investigator in the EU-funded Horizon 2020 project BIORIMA, Vranic notes that it is, nevertheless, important to “understand aspects of interactions of this material with cells in order to be able to exploit to the maximum the potential that these materials give”.

The public-private partnerships that have emerged in recent years are proof that the prospect of long-term profits electrify the pursuit of all things graphene. In 2018, for example, the European Union launched its “Horizon 2020 Graphene Flagship “project. The initiative integrates the expertise of 170 academic and industry partners and seeks to, “bring graphene innovation out of the lab and into commercial applications,accelerating the timeline for industry acceptance of graphene technologies.” The project’s website notes that, “the Graphene Flagship is part of the European Union’s biggest scientific research initiative. With a budget of €1 billion, the project represents a new form of joint, coordinated research initiative on an unprecedented scale”

Readers may wonder, are the mRNA platforms developed by Big Pharma and Big Tech serving multiple purposes? Graphene, for example, is particularly suited to genetic engineering in a bio-nano age. It may be clear, by now, to the casual observer that speed and efficiency, at the cost of ethical imperatives, are central aims in the industry move to deliver profitable solutions, at all costs, to humankind’s most vexing problem.

A New Nano-World Order (P. 156 – 157)

Nanotoxicologist Antoinetta Gatti, notes that in addition to the lipid nanoparticles encasing the mRNA in COVID19 vaccines, graphene and/or carbon are likely additions, as “nano-drivers”, to optimise vaccine entry into cells. Indeed, relevant literatures have found the integration of graphene oxide into polyethylene-glycolated (PEG) carriers, such as those used in COVID-19 vaccines, to comprise effective drug delivery mechanisms and a “promising gene delivery tool”.

COVID-19 Injections (p. 157 – 158)

Graphene and its derivatives, “have a lot to offer against COVID-19, attributing to their unique properties like thermomechanical durability, piezoelectricity, large-surface area, strong antiviral potency, and so on”.

Specifically, the application of graphene nanotechnology to COVID-19 has been investigated with respect to: magnetic extraction of SARS-CoV-2 nucleic acid from infected patient samples; disrupting the infectivity of SARS-Cov-2 by binding with surface structures on the virus and/or host cells; inhibiting virus replication by disrupting the viral envelope; and exerting antiviral effects through electromechanical and hydrophilic activity and effects on gene-production, however, stresses that nanomaterials such as graphene pose particular dangers to human health by virtue of their nano-scale. Nanotoxicology, she explains, is a specialised field, with issues and implications outside traditional toxicologists’ areas of expertise.

The same nano-graphene and PEG composites (PEG-nGO) that form “promising gene delivery tools” have been found to cause elevated levels of reactive oxygen species, or free radicals. Capable of inducing tissue destruction and promoting atherosclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, cancer and neurodegenerative disease, free radicals caused by PEG-nGO administration have been found to induce high oxidative stress to the brain, heart, and kidneys in animal models. Graphene oxide has also been found to cause cell death and damage through a variety of other mechanisms, and to perforate human lung cells.

COVID-19 Injections and Transhumanism: (Pages 158 – 161)

Given the intense research interest in graphene’s antiviral and gene-based applications, including for COVID-19, and given the €1 billion in EU “Horizon 2020” funding to “bring graphene innovation out of the lab,it should come as no surprise if graphene were present in COVID-19 vaccines.

Graphene can easily enter biological systems and interact with them physically and electromagnetically. Accordingly, it has attracted interest as a nanotag, with which NASA-Langley foresaw tagging “everything/everyone” by 2020.

Graphene nanostructures are also being developed as bioelectronic devices for use in “biosensing, electrophysiological recordings, and stimulation,” so as to “enable real-time monitoring or control of physiological processes”. Graphene even lends itself to self-assembling semiconductors. Small enough to be injected, the nanostructures can “morph from conductor to semiconductor and back again” simply by changing shape, according to the Kavli Foundation, a leading endowment for nanoscience research institutes around the world. Graphene’s versatility could foreseeably enable “high-performance computing and nanoscale quantum devices” able to “interact with electrons, light, and even magnetism”.

Pages 158-161 reference many other examples of regulation-free environments, and having already advanced the science of “magnetic mind control” and mention DARPA, Rockefeller Institute, China Medical Board, The Kavli Foundation, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, GAVI The Vaccine Alliance, World Health Organization, and Digital Certificates.

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Penny... on Health
Penny... on Health

Truth-seeker, ever-questioning, ever-learning, ever-researching, ever delving further and deeper, ever trying to 'figure it out'. This site is a legacy of sorts, a place to collect thoughts, notes, book summaries, & random points of interests.

DISCLAIMER: The information on this website is not medical science or medical advice. I do not have any medical training aside from my own research and interest in this area. The information I publish is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease, disorder, pain, injury, deformity, or physical or mental condition. I just report my own results, understanding & research.