“The Climate Clock”

IN Digital ID
  • Updated:1 year ago
  • Reading Time:7Minutes
  • Post Words:1591Words
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Does this mean we only have six years left before total New World Order / communism / synthetic biology takeover, digital id, and the mass-depopulation of billions? Or, some kind of ‘end-times’, reset, or great-awakening countdown? Well at least we can use the clock as a measuring device on how much work we have to do to catch up and at the same time, wake the others… (or use it as our own countdown clock to inspire and motivate us to get “off their control system”…)

The Climate Clock” lol… only 6 years left.

King Charles and Sadiq Khan activated a “climate clock”.

“3, 2, 1. King Charles helped turn on a climate clock at a summit in London this afternoon. It triggers 150 similar clocks across the major cities of the UK, counting down the seconds to 2030. The estimated deadline for limiting climate change to 1.5 degrees above pre-industrial levels. But the UK’s climate watchdog had a stern warning for the government today. The Climate Change Committee said its confidence that the government would meet its own legally binding targets for cutting emissions by the end of the decade had fallen markedly.”

Thirty-four official climate clocks are currently set up around the world

See also:

  • The Extinction Clock: the Internet’s authoritative source for end of world climate and extinction predictions. (https://extinctionclock.org/)

Climate Lockdowns are coming…

  • UK Government Approves Climate Change Lockdown Trials for 2024 Rumble | YouTube
  • Oxfordshire County Council Pass Climate Lockdown ‘trial’ to Begin in 2024 Article
  • NZ Climate Lockdowns Have Begun Following Severe Rain Telegram

The True Motive Behind 15-Minute Cities: Climate Lockdowns (2min)

Christine Anderson MEP: 15-Min Cities, Climate Lockdowns & Digital Tyranny

“The digital ID certificate—the COVID pass—that was a test balloon to get people to having to produce some kind of a QR code, just getting people used to that.

Now what they’re slamming us with is these 15-minute cities. Make no mistake, it’s not about your convenience. It’s not that they want you to be able to, have all of these places that you need to get to very close. And it’s not about saving the planet either, by the way.

The 15 minutes-cities, they will have to have those before they can lock you down.

And that’s what we’re talking about here. So in Great Britain, some county already passed legislation, they will be able to impose a climate lockdown. That’s the next step, that’s what we’re talking about. So in order to do that, they will have to have these 15-minute cities.

The next step, then of course, will be. You are only allowed to leave your immediate area for like two or three times a year. So but there’s other people that may have more money and they can actually buy your pass off of you. So guess what? The poor people will be left in these 15-minute neighbourhoods, while the ones that are better off, get to go wherever they want to go. So this is what we’re talking about.”

World Health Organization ONE-HEALTH Trap Lowering Humans to Animal-Status (2min)

Dr Meryl Nass, Epidemiologist & Biological Warfare Expert, on WHO’s One Health

World Health Organization Trap (also World Economic Forum), Combining One Health with Plants-Environment-Humans-Animals in together (lowering humans to the status of animals) — dotting their i’s and crossing their t’s for upcoming climate emergencies .

“At this point, the WHO has become a trap, to entrap the nations such that they lose sovereignty over health, and even other matters, once one of these public health emergencies is declared.”

They’re talking about One Health now, which puts humans, the environment, and animals on the same level, where they could therefore declare a…

“Yes, exactly. So one of the methods that’s being used for the WHO to gain more power is a concept that was rolled out in Davos in 2012 at the World Economic Forum, and this concept states that human health cannot be looked at in isolation, but instead we must consider the health of animals, plants, the environment, water systems, all ecosystems together. So doctors are not allowed to look at health, your health anymore, but we need ecologists, veterinarians, and plant pathologists, etc. to be involved. That doesn’t really make any sense.

But what it does is it allows, and the WHO and legal documents within the US and in other nations are being adapted to build One Health in, because what it also says is that the health of animals and the health of ecosystems need to be considered equally with the health of humans.

Now, do you think the WHO is going to elevate animals to the status of humans? No, it’s going to lower humans to the status of animals.

Great tongue-in-cheek video: Has the King JUST committed treason? (11min)

Richard Vobes

Talking about this article: King Charles joins London mayor Sadiq Khan at launch of National Climate Clock which warns there are little more than six years left for world to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees Centigrade (https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12243755/King-Charles-joins-London-mayor-Sadiq-Khan-launch-National-Climate-Clock.html)”

Also mentioned: The Light Newspaper UK | Australia

Nutshell: What the Sustainable Development Goals really mean for humanity

United Nations (UN) – Agenda 2030 – “Sustainable Development” — In 2015 the leaders of 193 countries signed their population up to Agenda 2030(1992 = Agenda 21; 2015 = Agenda 2030)

What is Sustainable Development (SD)? SD is “development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs”

Core Principles:

  • Universality (all countries committed to whole Agenda regardless of any unique factors)
  • Leaving No One Behind (all people will be included; “with unprecedented need for data to ensure this principle is met”)
  • Interconnectedness and Indivisibility (no ‘pick & mix’ approach to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) – all to be followed)
  • Inclusiveness (the entire population must comply)
  • Multi Stakeholder Partnerships (establishment seen as essential to deliver all SDG’s)

  • Dimensions of the Agenda (the 5Ps)
    • People, Prosperity, Planet, Partnership and Peace
    • Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
    • Used to focus on areas necessary to achieve SD

Each SDG has 8-12 targets & 1-4 indicators of progress


  • Goal 1: End poverty
  • Goal 2: End hunger
  • Goal 3: Ensure healthy lives
  • Goal 4: Quality education
  • Goal 5: Gender equality
  • Goal 6: Water/sanitation for all
  • Goal 7: Affordable clean energy for all
  • Goal 8: Economic growth/full + productive employment
  • Goal 9: Resilient infrastructure, sustainable industrialization/innovation
  • Goal 10: Reduce inequality within and among countries
  • Goal 11: Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient & sustainable
  • Goal 12: Ensure sustainable consumption + production patterns
  • Goal 13: Combat climate change
  • Goal 14: Conserve/sustainably use oceans, seas & marine resources
  • Goal 15: Promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, forests, deserts & land
  • Goal 16: Promote inclusive societies, access to justice + accountable institutions
  • Goal 17: Strengthen/revitalise the Global Partnership for SD
  • 🔗 PDF (https://www.un.org/development/desa/jpo/wp-content/uploads/sites/55/2017/02/2030-Agenda-for-Sustainable-Development-KCSD-Primer-new.pdf)
  • 🔗 PDFBooklet (https://www.dev-practitioners.eu/media/key_documents/SDGs_Booklet_Web_En.pdf)
  1. Zero PovertyUBI’s, Centralised Banking, IMF / World Bank, CBDC’s
  2. Zero HungerFake Meat, GMO’s, Eat Insects, Eat Lab-Foods, Eggs w/out Chickens
  3. Good Health/Well-beingOne Health, Mass Injections, “Vaccine Passports” , Codex Alimentarius, Masks, State monitoring, Limit or eliminate access to natural remedies, Quantum Cognitive Censors, Gene-editing, ExQor=Clathrin+ExQori(IoT)=BioSurveillance, SMARTdust=tracking
  4. Good Education — State controlled propaganda from birth. Ignorance of basic information to support independence from the system, censorship, eSMART
  5. Gender Equality — Pushing Transgenderism (for so-called ‘humane’ population reduction), Transhumanism, Population Control, Breakdown of the family
  6. Clean Water and Sanitation — State control of water supply and chemicals added (e.g. fluoride (compliant citizens), NDQ (nature’s genetic-engineering), atrazine (feminizing men), graphene )
  7. Affordable and Clean Energy — SMART grid, SMART metres, Peak Pricing, Electric Cars, raising gas/energy prices, Green Taxes
  8. Decent Work and Economic GrowthMega-corporations, Crash Economies, Control of means of production, Destroy small businesses.
  9. Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure — Restrictions on travel, closure of airports, 15 mins cities,
  10. Reduce Inequality within and between countries — Crash economies, CBDC’s, UBI’s, TPP, Lima-Declaration, NIEO
  11. Safe + Sustainable Human Settlements + Cities15 mins cities, ULEZ, Big Brother surveillance, Digital ID’s, 5g, Rockefeller-Resilient Cities Initiative, UN strong cities
  12. Responsible Consumption and Production — Limits on consumption (including via CBDC’s), Taxes
  13. Stop Climate Change — Climate Lockdowns, carbon taxes, control via CBDC’s, control on travel, Get rid of the Cow-Farts
  14. Sustainable Use of Life Below Water — Control of oceans + mineral rights, GMO’s
  15. Sustainable Use of Life On Land — Control of land + mineral rights, GMO’s
  16. Peace, Justice, Inclusion and Strong Institutions — Remove rights of individual, use of CBDC’s, “Online Safety Bills“, Hate Speech Laws, Social isolation, Internet of Things/Humans/Bodies
  17. Global Partnerships — Remove national sovereignty, WEF, Civil Society, Corporatocracy, NGO’s (nongovernmental organizations)

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Penny (PennyButler.com)
Penny (PennyButler.com)

Truth-seeker, ever-questioning, ever-learning, ever-researching, ever delving further and deeper, ever trying to 'figure it out'. This site is a legacy of sorts, a place to collect thoughts, notes, book summaries, & random points of interests.