Free Electricity UK [Solutions]
This ties in PERFECTLY with my previous post (How We Win) and can be done in other countries as well with research.
This ties in PERFECTLY with my previous post (How We Win) and can be done in other countries as well with research.
Taking down their weapons – Remove Geo-engineering, 5G Towers, Smart Metres, Mandatory Vaccinations, and corrupt officials by joining the InPower Movement.
Funny tongue-in-cheek and sometimes naughty AI-Deep-Fake clips of Klaus Schwab (and Gates) featuring: the Great Reset | 15-Minute Cities | CBDC | Digital ID | Own Nothing, Be happy | Eat Ze Bugs | GMO-Sterilizing Soy | Vaxx Madness. All the things you can’t say out loud in hive-ville.
TedX talk on Digital Twins and the military’s Sentient World weaponizing us
Christine Anderson MdEP on Smart Cities/15-minute cities, Digital Pass, Great Britain’s Climate Lockdowns, and Saudi Arabia’s “The Line”
I can’t know for sure what happened in Hawaii, but you have to be a little bit skeptical when the fires benefit agenda’s that enslave humanity further… and the ‘lock-step media’ immediately blame “Climate Change” before they’ve done any kind of investigation.
Kate Mason from IMOP gives us the best breakdown to explain to our communities what the United Nations Sustainability Goal No. 16 really means in relation to Digital ID. (Specifically, target 16.9)
Amazon shut down a Microsoft Engineer’s SMART home for a week because a delivery driver thought his automatic doorbell was racist. Then, a guy who reported his story on YouTube got his Amazon Affiliate account deleted. 6 Clips.
I stumbled upon this video earlier from Jody Lowe and thought it was really good. He gives an example of four different factions; different sets of beliefs people have about what is going on in the world (which is really a simplified version of the hundreds of different beliefs out there), and reminds us that our power is on uniting all factions against “the bad guys”, regardless of our different beliefs, i.e., stop making “each other” the bad guys—stop focusing on calling others wrong or controlled opposition, etc.—because that gives the bad guys a free ride and takes our power away. Allow each set of people to do what they do best in each of their areas, and stand together on common goals, but let each faction do their thing, because ultimately, we need all of us—everyone united—and that it’s all interconnected, and so are we.
Does this mean we only have six years left before total New World Order / communism / synthetic biology takeover, digital id, and the mass-depopulation of billions? Or, some kind of ‘end-times’, reset, or great-awakening countdown? Well at least we can use the clock as a measuring device on how much work we have to do to catch up and at the same time, wake the others… (or use it as our own countdown clock to inspire and motivate us to get “off their control system”…)