David Rockefeller (C-SPAN Clips)
I just re-watched a clip from David Rockefeller (June 12, 1915 – March 20, 2017) at the 1994 forum (Annual Ambassadors’ Dinner) which inspired me to try and hunt down the original footage, which helped me find all of the times he’s been featured on c-span.org…
Here’s the clip (transcript below) that inspired me to find the originals:
David Rockefeller: Speech at the 1994 Annual Ambassadors’ Dinner
- Rumble (6min) | Telegram (6min) | Rumble (1min)
- Full Speech C-Span (20min) | Full Dinner (1 hr)
Here is a link to the rest of the originals:
C-Span: “David Rockefeller was a Founder for the Council of the Americas with 12 videos in the C-SPAN Video Library; the first appearance was a 1988 Forum as a Chairman for the New York City Partnership, Inc. The year with the highest average number of views per program was 1994 with an average of 33,351 views per program as a Chairman for the Council of the Americas.”
C-Span Links
- JANUARY 26, 1988 (FIRST AIRED FEBRUARY 15, 1988)
- Public Competition for Private Investment
- The U.S. Chamber of Commerce hosted a symposium on public-private partnerships where a panel of politicians, experts and professionals discussed the concept of public competition for…
- JANUARY 26, 1988 (FIRST AIRED FEBRUARY 16, 1988)
- Partners in Urban America
- Professor Arthur Miller conducted a discussion entitled “Partners in Urban America: Private Development in the Public Interest.” The program was sponsored by a consortium that include the…
- MAY 9, 1988 (FIRST AIRED MAY 10, 1988)
- The Future of Latin America
- Former Senator Charles Mathias (R-Maryland) spoke at the 19th Annual Council of the America on the future of Latin America.
- MAY 21, 1990
- Global Economy in the 90’s
- Secretary Eagleburger’s remarks concern the increasing importance of hemispheric relations.
- MAY 22, 1990
- Economic Importance of Latin America
- The Joint Economic Committee examined how the economies of countries in Latin America affect exports, jobs, and growth in the United States. Executives of several U.S. companies with…
- APRIL 23, 1992
- International Trade
- David Rockefeller, Chairman of the Council of Americas, spoke about free trade and investment. His speech was titled “An Agenda for the Future”, and was aimed at building broad-based…
- Annual Ambassadors’ Dinner
- During the annual ambassadors’ dinner, held to honor the United Nations diplomats and secretariat officials, the U.N. Business Council awarded its annual medal to David Rockefeller. Secretary…
- MAY 6, 1996
- Free Trade Zone in the Americas
- Before departing for a trip to Mexico, Secretary of State Warren Christopher, Counselor Thomas McLarty and Commerce Undersecretary Stuart Eisenstadt spoke about the U.S. commitment to…
- NOVEMBER 23, 2002
- Memoirs
- Professor Paul George interviewed David Rockefeller about his book Memoirs, published by Random House. Rockefeller is the grandson of philanthropist and Standard Oil founder John D. Rockefeller. For 35…
- George C. Marshall Foundation Dinner
- Participants paid tribute to Secretary Colin Powell as he received the George C. Marshall Award. The award was presented by David Rockefeller, the 1999 recipient of the Marshall Award for…
- MAY 3, 2006 (FIRST AIRED MAY 4, 2006)
- Conference on the Americas
- Assistant Secretary Shannon, President Vazquez, Secretary Rice and others addressed the 36th annual conference of the Council of the Americas on topics of creating jobs and building hope…
- APRIL 4, 2006 (FIRST AIRED APRIL 8, 2006)
- In Remembrance of Caspar Weinberger
- Forbes Magazine held a reception at the Fort Myer Officers’ Club to remember the late Caspar Weinberger after his burial at Arlington National Cemetery. Caspar W. Weinberger died on March 28, 2006, at the…
Transcript & Refs
But this persistent window and this present window of opportunity during which a truly peaceful and interdependent World Order might be built, will not be open for too long. Already there are powerful forces at work that threaten to destroy all of our hopes and efforts to erect an enduring structure of global cooperation. I refer here to those ruthless advocates of ethnic nationalism who seek to break apart existing nations as well as to militant fundamentalists who want a subordinate or even eliminate anyone who refuses to comply with their own rigid ideological beliefs.
- Ethnic nationalism (01)
In contrast to those radical and divisive forces, our contemporary world has also seen the emergence of an array of scientific, technological and economic phenomena that are linking nations more closely together, making enhanced cooperation not only possible but absolutely imperative.
“You mean centralizing power to those you have control over and that benefit you and your billionaire/trillionaire buddies?”
Breakthroughs and advances in many fields such as genetics, molecular biology, computers and telecommunications have given mankind the ability to revolutionize most aspects of our common life. Properly applied, these advances can be used to improve the human condition throughout the world, an objective to which I would believe that we all aspire.
Ironically however, the very innovations that are making possible dramatic improvements in human well-being are also creating new problems which raise the spectre of an alarming and possibly catastrophic disaster to the biosphere we live in.
And herein lies the dilemma that we all face. Let me illustrate.
Improved public health has caused the world’s infant mortality rate to decline by 60 percent over the last 40 years. In the same period, the world’s average life expectancy has increased from 46 years in 1950s to 63 years today. This is a development which as individuals we can only applaud.
However, the result of these positive measures is a world population that has risen during the same short period of time geometrically to almost 6 billion people and could easily exceed 8 billion by the year 2020.
If you believe their data, the world is at 8 billion currently, and if they (the powers-that-be) believe the data, they must be losing their psychopathic-minds, considering they’ve been obsessed with reducing the population this entire time; and their greatest fear is the “breeding” of the “undesirables”, as well as losing their status. (As well as a death-cult-agenda, but we won’t get into that (…today anyway). (02) (03)
The negative impact of population growth on all of our planetary ecosystems is becoming appallingly evident. In particular, the rapid growing exploitation of the world’s supply of energy and water is a matter of deep concern and the toxic by-products of widespread industrialization have increased atmospheric pollution to dangerous levels.
Unless nations will agree to work together to tackle these cross-border challenges posed by population growth, over consumption of resources, and environmental degradation, the prospects for a decent life on our planet will be threatened.
The recent UN meeting in Cairo is appropriately focused on one of these key issues: population growth. But the controversies which have erupted at the conference illustrate the problem of coming to grips with issues that are deeply divisive and which have a profound moral dimension.
- United Nations International Conference on Population and Development, 1994, Cairo (04)
- The report of the 1994 International Conference on Population and Development, held in Cairo, Egypt, became an unofficial blueprint for much of the Gates Foundation’s subsequent activities in supporting coordinated Third World efforts for population control, immunization, and health care delivery.(05)
- The UN Population Division of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN DESA), in consultation with the UN Population Fund (UNFPA) convened six meetings of population expert groups prior to the Conference on: population, environment and development. (07) (08)
- The Programme of Action is based on the World Population Plan of Action adopted at the World Population Conference in Bucharest in 1974. (09)
- And on the recommendations adopted at the International Conference on Population in Mexico City in 1984. (10)
- It also builds on the results of the World Summit for Children (1990), (11)
- the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (1992) (12)
- and the World Conference on Human Rights (1993). (13) (14) (15)
The United Nations can and should play an essential role in helping the world find a satisfactory way of stabilizing world population and stimulating economic development in a manner that is sensitive to religious and moral considerations.
David Rockefeller, 1994
Economic growth is of course an inevitable corollary of a growing population and is essential to improve standards of living, but without careful coordination, unrestrained economic growth poses further threats to our environment. This was a major subject of discussion at the conference in Rio de Janeiro on the environment two years ago.
- United Nations Conference on Environment and Development, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 3-14 June 1992 (16)
The focus then was on sustainable growth and global development. It was pointed out at the conference that growth is most efficiently managed by the private sector, but regulation of the process by national governments and international bodies is also needed, and once again, the United Nations should certainly be among the catalysts and coordinators of this process.
But in addition, given the importance of unencumbered international trade in stimulating and facilitating economic growth, some of the newer economic entities such as the European Economic Community (EEC)
- EEC was created by the Treaty of Rome.(17) (18)
- The Rockefeller Brothers put Henry Kissinger in charge of the Special Studies Project of the Rockefeller Brothers Fund in 1956. In 1957, David Rockefeller invited Henry to the Bilderberg conference on St. Simons Island, in Georgia. This marked the birth of a pairing that would rule American foreign policy for almost half a century. The St. Simons summit was the fifth Bilderberg conference, and took place three months before the signing of the Treaties of Rome, which gave life to the European Economic Community (EEC) and Euratom – the European Atomic Energy Community. (19)
- Originally the “Treaty establishing the European Economic Community”, and now continuing under the name “Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union”, it remains one of the two most important treaties in what is now the European Union (EU). (20) (21) (22) (23)
- I think he is referring to the Latin American Free Trade Association, and the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (24) (25)
and most importantly GATT, now known as the World Trade Organization (WTO), are probably best suited to play a major role in ensuring sustainable development.
- The WTO enforces the rules that governs international trade — representing over 98% of global trade and global GDP. (26)
- The GMO lobby – (Monsanto, etc) drafted the rules that became the agreement of Agriculture for something called the World Trade Organization in the 1990s. In those rules, if a country tries to stop Free-Trade in GMO Soy beans from Monsanto, from coming into the country, that they are in violation of WTO rules. The health and safety of a nation is deemed less important. The rules were very carefully written by very clever Monsanto lawyers so it looks like it’s protecting health and safety when it does quite the opposite. Genetics is the new name of Eugenics. The GMO Project. Genocide. (27)
- The Gates foundation has become a major shareholder in Monsanto and they also, together with the Rockefeller Foundation, two of the biggest private foundations of the world, sponsor something called the Green Revolution in Africa. The secretary-general of the United Nations for many years, Kofi Annan, was recruited by Bill Gates and David Rockefeller and company, to become the secretary of the Green Revolution in Africa. The project is to introduce GMO all across Africa by stealth. (28) (29)

“The United Nations can and should play an essential role in helping the world find a satisfactory way of stabilizing world population, but regulation of the process by national governments and international bodies is also needed and once again, the United Nations should certainly be among the catalysts and coordinators of this process.”
So depopulate the world via governments (democide) and “international bodies” (murder)? Got it.
Watching this clip inspired a big rant … in another post, and another post with a brief timeline, and another post about the Trilateral Commission.. all inspired by this one little clip lol
Lest we forget their main motive (other than the crazy spiritual end-times-like genocidal goal that I haven’t written about yet) is to hoard their wealth (or rather, power/control over others), and all these disasters they cause are extremely profitable for them.
- TIME (2020) – The Top 1% of Americans Have Taken $50 Trillion From the Bottom 90% (30)
- Lockdowns in 2020 destroyed small and large businesses (and their employees) who were not considered the holy-grail “essential”; unlike the big globalist corporations. (31) (32)
- Hold my beer. Covid measures facilitated the greatest transfer of wealth in history. (33) (34)
- —(but they will still crash the economy, even though it’s fake money to begin with, to further enslave us)
- The Covid-19 “Stimulus” packages, transferred Trillions to the Super-Rich. (35)
- Note: The Covid-19 “Stimulus” packages was also the cause for all the high “covid cases” and “covid deaths“ in hospitals and health practices (they got given millions of ‘pandemic funding’ to deal with the extra costs of “the pandemic”, got paid even more to use their deadly recommendations, and had to return any money they received, that wasn’t used for a fully-documented “covid” patient)
- (I have some posts that briefly mention this already; but I am doing a new one that lays it all out with screenshots & links.)
- Note: The Covid-19 “Stimulus” packages was also the cause for all the high “covid cases” and “covid deaths“ in hospitals and health practices (they got given millions of ‘pandemic funding’ to deal with the extra costs of “the pandemic”, got paid even more to use their deadly recommendations, and had to return any money they received, that wasn’t used for a fully-documented “covid” patient)
See also: Bill Moyers Journal: The World Of David Rockefeller (1980)
- (Bill Moyers travels with David; shows what his life entails)
- YouTube
Posts tagged Rockefellers
- [UK] C19 Speeches – Pandemic Consequences
- NZ C19-Vax Carnage Data Analysis [Dr Paul Oosterhuis]
- DIGITAL ID – As laid out under SDG Goal 16.9
- David Rockefeller – A Brief Timeline
- David Rockefeller (C-SPAN Clips)
- [RANT] Rockefeller’s 1994 Depopulation Speech
- The Trilateral Commission
- Australia’s “Sound of Freedom” — Fiona Barnett (ITNJ Testimony) — Part 1 of 2
- The Sequel to the Fall of the Cabal [Documentary]
- Dr Peter Hotez (Fraud-chi’s replacement)
- [Part II] Mass-mind-control (1945-1999)
- Vaccine/EMF-enabled Mind-Control [Hypothesis & Refs]
- Covid Mismanagement [Senator Roberts]
- Download Research
- Pfizer – IBM – Collaborate – Internet of Things – 2017
- Michael Swimwood – Are We Presently Living In Genocide?
- [AC] 666 & Freemasonry Symbolism in Logos
- [AC] Hidden Hand
- Climate Science Q&A (Texti vs ChatGPT AI)
- [Prof Nazar] C19 Vaccine-Bioweapon Genocide (paper & presentation)

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