Australia PM on living in a Free Country

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“We are a proud democracy, we believe in a world order that favours “Freedom” and that supports the dignity, and free expression of all people.” – Scott Morrison PM – 24 Sept 2021 – United Nations General Assembly


24 Sep 2021 – Scott Morrison PM – Virtual Remarks to the United Nations General Assembly

We are a proud democracy, we believe in a world order that favours “Freedom” and that supports the dignity, and free expression of all people.

We believe in human rights, in gender equality and the rule of law — and we back that up with how we pursue these things in our own country, in our own society, and how we raise our own children.

Australia was one of eight countries only, involved in the drafting of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

And we continue to strengthen the international human rights system.

And we will continue to raise our voice on important issues like the rights of women and girls, the rights of Indigenous peoples.

Because respecting the rights and freedoms of the individual is intrinsically important — it is fundamental to our values as a people and as a nation.

It lifts all societies and nations, too — delivering better outcomes through economic inclusion…..

“So if you get vaccinated… there will be special rules that apply to you”..

Women’s empowerment, environmental sustainability, rising living standards, and so much more.

Australia’s actions are guided by our belief in the inherent dignity of all people.

Everywhere, no matter the circumstances.

Mr President,

We learned through the pandemic that every moment of challenge requires us to think anew, to engage with each other, to learn as you go.

It is an experience understood by many others.

And so we will continue to meet this moment, with dialogue, with partnership.

Thank you, Mr President.

24 Sep 2021 Virtual Remarks to the United Nations General Assembly:

Posts tagged “Australian Government

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Penny (

Truth-seeker, ever-questioning, ever-learning, ever-researching, ever delving further and deeper, ever trying to 'figure it out'. This site is a legacy of sorts, a place to collect thoughts, notes, book summaries, & random points of interests.