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Lima Declaration (NWO)

Globalism Notes

Came across a site with Australian notes that looks like it may not be up for much longer since half the links don’t work and the articles are so aged, but I found myself copying a lot of notes about the one world government and new world order from the paragraphs and now want to put those “notes” somewhere I can locate them again.


[1991] New World Order Australia | Jeremy Lee

I think this video is a good starting place for most Australians finding out for the first time that this is indeed a ‘real thing’ that we need to be concerned about. This is Jeremy Lee’s account back in 1991 of how he first discovered the New World Order and how Australia had agreed to implement it, along with all United Nations countries.


[1991] Planned Destruction of the Australian Constitution | Jeremy Lee

Jeremy Lee attends a seminar in Melbourne in 1991, to explain the deliberate attempt to take the decisions out of the hands of Australians and into a Centralized One World Government, via a Trojan Horse which is the Human Rights Commission by the United Nations, and via deception from our politicians to remove the power from the people as well as destroy our Primary Producing industries, to bring in the New World Order.


[1992] New World Order: Solution or Seduction? | Jeremy Lee

In this Lecture from 1992 Jeremy Lee outlines the United Nations NWO plans for both the Australian Economy including the destruction of all our local businesses through the insane Lima Declaration, and the gradual change in values, bringing about a new One World Religion, via the new One World Government through the United Nations that removes the Australian Constitution, and leading to where no Australian will have any equity in their own country. He warned us back then. We didn’t listen.
