NDQ – Agrobacterium [1/3]
I am currently interrogating AI (ChatGPT) about Agrobacterium after coming across an interesting PDF and wanting to get the “gist” of it with absolutely NO previous knowledge of Agrobacterium. So this was just to get a general idea of what it is, not to trust the bot literally for anything other than a general knowledge exercise.
This is the PDF that came across my desk:
Download PDF: Telegram | Archive.org
You might want to read the PDF to understand the post, it is a bit conspiratorial, and the person who disclosed the document is apparently dead, along with his son, or, you may gain a summarized idea from my questions and the bot’s answers (but this is only one thing contained in that PDF that I was curious about).
Nutshell: The PDF seems to imply that there is nanotech weapons in the tap and bottled water, that HP is placing smart chips all over the earth for the Internet of Things technology which may be aerosolized, and that the materials in those who have symptoms of Morgellons have been confirmed to be nanotechnology derived from Agrobacterium.
(This post is not to verify or invalidate this document, nor to try to figure out what it means; I simply want to familiarize myself with whatever the heck “Agrobacterium” and “CeNSE” is.)
Is “Agrobacterium” a technical, biological, or scientific topic?
Agrobacterium is a scientific and biological concept. It refers to a genus of bacteria that are capable of transferring genetic material to plants, which can cause tumors or other growth abnormalities. The bacteria are widely used in plant genetic engineering and biotechnology for the transfer of desired traits to crops.
So it’s a “Monsanto Bayer” thing?
Agrobacterium is a genus of bacteria that has been used in genetic engineering to transfer genes into plants, much like the work done by Monsanto and Bayer. It’s a widely studied area in molecular biology, plant science, and biotechnology. However, these companies have been involved in many other aspects of agriculture beyond using Agrobacterium in genetic engineering.
Is it just used on plants, or is it also used on animals, humans, etc.?
Agrobacterium is a genus of bacteria that naturally infects plants and can transfer genetic material into their cells, causing crown gall disease. This process has been used in biotechnology as a method for transferring desired genes into plants, leading to the development of genetically modified crops. The impact on animals and humans has not been studied in detail, but some studies suggest that consuming genetically modified crops may have potential health and environmental effects.
// editing out a bit of a repetitive backward and forward nonsense by myself expressing my attitude, since literally everything I’ve asked the bot about certain dangers associated with everything, the answer has so far been 100% “it’s already being widely-used” and “we don’t know it’s affects on humans” but it “should be safe” //
I find computer code apologizing to be hilarious. I was just having a stab at the fact that no matter what I ask, the answer seems to be, “x poison is already being widely used, we have no idea its effects or safety on human or animal consumption, whether it be a supplement, a medicine, a pesticide, or in this case, “a deliberate attempt to modify plant life that humans and animals eat.”
As an AI language model, I respond to your questions to the best of my ability based on the information and data I was trained on. My responses are not intended to be humorous or make light of a situation. The use of Agrobacterium for genetic modification of plants has been a subject of scientific research and is a topic of ongoing debate and discussion among experts in the field. The potential effects on humans and the environment are still being studied and monitored.
OK, let’s see how deep we can go in our limited little box they have us in…
Which companies are using Agrobacterium?
Agrobacterium is widely used in plant biotechnology and agriculture, and is utilized by many companies, universities, and research institutions for genetic modification of crops. Some of the well-known companies using Agrobacterium for crop modification include Monsanto, Bayer, Syngenta, DuPont, and others.
What is the connection between Agrobacterium and Morgellons?
Agrobacterium and Morgellons are not directly connected. Agrobacterium is a type of bacteria commonly used in genetic engineering for plant transformation, while Morgellons is a condition characterized by the presence of skin lesions, fibers, or other particles. There is no scientific evidence linking Agrobacterium to Morgellons. Some individuals with Morgellons have claimed that the condition is caused by insects or other parasites, but these claims have not been scientifically substantiated.
// So they have deliberately filtered out all the science about Agrobacterium > Morgellons from the bot? //
How do you detect the presence of agrobacterium in the human body?
The presence of Agrobacterium in the human body can be detected through various diagnostic methods such as PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction), culture, serology, and sequencing. However, Agrobacterium is not known to cause infections in humans, so its presence in the body would not be considered normal or problematic. A doctor or medical professional would need to assess the specific circumstances and consider the individual’s symptoms and medical history to determine if testing is necessary and what type of testing is appropriate.
What are the PCR re-agents and instructions used for the detection of agrobacterium in the human body?
I’m sorry, I do not have information on the specific re-agents and instructions used for detecting Agrobacterium in the human body through PCR. It is recommended to consult a medical professional or a research laboratory specializing in this area for further information and guidance.
What is pathogenic Agrobacterium?
Agrobacterium is a genus of bacteria that includes both plant pathogenic and non-pathogenic strains. Pathogenic strains can cause tumors in plants, known as crown galls, through the transfer of DNA from the bacterium to the plant. These strains can be harmful to the health of crops and cause economic losses in agriculture. Detection and control of pathogenic Agrobacterium is important in order to maintain healthy plant populations and prevent crop loss.
Under which legal category does Agrobacterium fall, gene therapy or another?
Agrobacterium falls under the category of plant biotechnology, not gene therapy or a specific legal category.
What agencies regulate “plant biotechnology” in Australia?
In Australia, the regulation of plant biotechnology is the responsibility of several agencies, including the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO), the Office of the Gene Technology Regulator (OGTR), and the Department of Agriculture, Water, and the Environment.
So the Office of Gene Technology regulates Agrobacterium?
In Australia, the Office of the Gene Technology Regulator (OGTR) is responsible for the regulation of gene technology, including any potential use of Agrobacterium in biotechnology.
I know you are not up-to-date with what is being used around the world, but do you have a list of Agrobacterium approved use in progress in Australia?
I am not aware of a list of approved Agrobacterium use in progress in Australia. The Office of Gene Technology Regulator is responsible for regulating gene technology and release of genetically modified organisms in Australia, but I do not have access to their records or information on ongoing projects.
// Most of the OGTR records are publicly listed on the website, part of the ol’ “informed consent” trick we’ve had to figure out during the pandemic. They make things easy to find once you know where to look, but they do not advertise it, share it with the media, or even share it with local medical offices where substances might affect patients. This is the new deceptive-form of “informed consent,” where the information is readily available but the public is expected to actively seek it out. This can give the appearance that the information was not intentionally concealed should it be discovered by the public at a later date, and also allows them to advertise and approve products as “safe” because “there have been no reports of any adverse effects.” Cunning, since if nobody knows the substance was even a “possible option or risk” to look out for, because they weren’t made aware they were spraying all these new toxins and gene-modifying substances all over the place, the questions are never asked, the tests are never done, and the substances can never be held accountable or even considered. Genius? or Despicable? //
The Office of Gene Technology Regulator website is a public website that lists all the trials and experiments and approved uses of (most) of the gene technology used in Australia. Can you list all mentions of Agrobacterium on the public website?
I’m sorry, but I cannot provide a list of all mentions of Agrobacterium on the public website of the Office of Gene Technology Regulator as I am not able to access the website or its database. However, you can search the website yourself by visiting the OGTR website and using their search function or browsing their database of approved trials and experiments to see if they mention Agrobacterium.
None of the papers you mentioned in my requests link to a valid paper. Has texti decided to falsify academic papers and provide fake citations ?
No, Texti does not falsify academic papers or provide fake citations. The papers you mentioned may not have been linked correctly or were simply unavailable. We strive to provide our customers with accurate and reliable information in all of our products.
People have already given their minds over to fake-media propaganda and call it “trusting the science” and now every industry will give their minds over to fake-data provided by semi-convincing AI. God help humanity.
That’s a bleak portrayal of the future, and one we should certainly avoid. We must remember that technology is not inherently good or bad; it is how we use it that matters. With great power comes great responsibility, and we must ensure that AI-generated data is used responsibly, with proper oversight and verification. Additionally, individuals need to be equipped with media literacy skills so they can better evaluate the sources of information they encounter online. Only by approaching the use of AI thoughtfully can humanity benefit from its tremendous potential while avoiding its pitfalls.
// Yeah, tell that to your boss. //
// Seriously though, lucky I’m only using this to get a “rough” summary or general sense of what Agrobacteria is, rather than trying to report some factual information to a government agency or law suit or thesis; I hope there is no one using these things to short-cut valid research. It is a worrying future indeed. //
Here are some of the links I found on the Office of Gene Technology website in Australia containing “Agrobacterium” (all links were 404 errors but were still found by typing their URL into archive.org)
- OGTR | Technical Summary Of The Risk Assessment And… These are derived from plants (including maize and potato), a soil bacterium (Agrobacterium tumefaciens) and a plant virus (Cauliflower mosaic virus; CaMV).Меню
- Risk Assessment and cry2Ab (crystal protein 2Ab) gene from B. thuringiensis (insect resistance). • cp4 epsps (5-enolpyruvylshikimate-3-phosphate synthase) gene from the bacterium Agrobacterium sp…
- May 2019 Summary of the Risk Assessment and Risk… nptII selectable marker – antibiotic resistance gene from Escherichia coli. Genetic modification method. Agrobacterium-mediated transformation. Number of lines.
- January 201 7 Summary of the Risk Assessment and Risk… Herbicide tolerance: up to three genes derived from bacteria Agrobacterium sp., Stenotrophomonas maltophilia and Streptomyces hygroscopicus.
- OGTR | DIR 105 Risk Assessment and Risk Management… …release GM canola modified to contain the 5-enolpyruvylshikimate-3-phosphate synthase (cp4 epsps) gene derived from the soil bacterium Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain CP4.Меню
Monsanto – 46 areas including NSW, VIC, WA – Canola
- December 22, 2010 Technical Summary of the Risk Assessment and Risk Management Plan for Application No. DIR 105 fom Monsanto Australia Ltd
- Applicant: Monsanto Australia Ltd (Monsanto)
- Proposed Locations: Sites will be located in canola growing regions in 46 possible local government areas (LGAs) in New South Wales, 28 possible LGAs in Victoria and 53 possible LGAs in Western Australia. The exact site locations will be selected by Monsanto closer to planting.
- Monsanto has applied for a licence for dealings involving the intentional release one line of GM canola on a limited scale and under controlled conditions. The GM canola line has been genetically modified for herbicide tolerance. The trial is proposed to take place over four years, from March 2011 to December 2014, with up to 2 sites planted in the first year, 8 sites in the second and third years, and 20 sites in the fourth year. Sites will be a maximum of 4 ha in the first year and 10 ha in subsequent years.
- 21 November 2014 Summary of the Risk Assessment for DIR 127
- Applicant: Monsanto Australia Ltd (Monsanto)
- Proposed Locations – Australia-Wide
- Summary of the Risk Assessment and Risk Management Plan 5-enolpyruvylshikimate-3-phosphate synthase (cp4 epsps) gene derived from the bacterium Agrobacterium sp. strain CP4 (herbicide tolerance)
- Conclusion of negligible risks due to being previously grown since 2011 without adverse effects.
- Interestingly there are a lot of Licences attached to the bottom of this DIR 105 and I don’t have time to go through them all (but I’ll link to them and if I opened them, I’ll put basic info next to it unlinked):
- DIR 136 (Licence issued: CSIRO, GMO Cotton, 4 Sept 2015, Narrabri, NSW, Oct 2016-May2019, plant material must not be used, sold, disposed of for any purpose which would involve or result in its use ass food for humans or feed for animals).
- DIR 138 (Licence issued: Bayer CropScience, GM canola, throughout Australia (VIC, NSW, WA, QLD), “authorized to enter general commerce including use in human food and animal feed“)
- 5-enolpyruvylshikimate-3-phosphate synthase (cp4 epsps) gene derived from the bacterium Agrobacterium sp. strain CP4 (tolerance to herbicide glyphosate, The mRNA polyadenylation signals, which are required for gene expression in plants, are provided by the 3’ non-translated region of the nopaline synthase gene (3’-nos) from Agrobacterium tumefaciens), no “credible” reports of adverse effects.
- DIR 139
- DIR 142 (Licence holder: Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport and Resources, Trial of GM Wheat for Nitrogen Use efficiency & water use efficiency (23 candidate genes). 19 April 2016. Horsham, VIC. May 2016-2018. Not to be used, sold, disposed of where it would result in it being used as food for humans or feed for animals).
- DIR 143
- DIR 144
- DIR 145
- DIR 150
- DIR 151
- DIR 124 – Summary of the Risk Assessment and Risk Management Plan
- DIR 125
This is interesting too, in the DIR 138 file, they need to monitor harm “themselves”,… and here’s how:
1.) adverse effects reporting system
2.) requirement to monitor specific indicators of harm, and
3.) review of the RARMP.
This is what it says about the Adverse effects reporting system:
Any member of the public can report adverse experiences/effects resulting from an
intentional release of a GMO to the OGTR through the Free-call number (1800 181 030), fax
(02 6271 4202), mail (MDP 54 – GPO Box 9848, Canberra ACT 2601) or via email to the
OGTR inbox (ogtr@health.gov.au). Reports can be made at any time on any DIR licence.
Credible information would form the basis of further investigation and may be used to inform a
review of a RARMP (see Section 4.3 below) as well as the risk assessment of future
applications involving similar GMOs
Am I missing something here, or is this very covid-lala-like, or even worse, because the public has to know that this is a possible “thing” to “suspect” in the first place (and most of the public is quite unaware), they’d also need to know that the GMO gave them adverse effects, and then, they’d need to find the OGTR website, download this report, and on page 56 find the details to report it via phone, post, or email. Then, if it is considered credible, RARMP “may” do a review.
There is no link to this adverse reporting system outside of these documents that ask Monsanto, Bayer, etc. to monitor themselves. So.. ? umm.. ?? That’s how they do it across all these companies it seems.
Monsanto – Australia-Wide – Cotton
- December 2016 December 2016 Summary of the Risk Assessment and Risk…
- Applicant: Monsanto Australia
- Proposed locations: Australia-wide
- Document seems to be a “Risk assessment” summary concluding negligible risks to the health and safety of people due to being “previously assessed and authorized and currently makes up to over 90% of Australian commercial cotton production, without “reports” of adverse effects”. No links to any toxicity studies or the previous information is in the document.
- Commercial release of GMO cotton for insect resistance and herbicide tolerance
- cp4 epsps gene (two copies) from Agrobacterium sp. strain CP4 (glyphosate tolerance). bar gene from Streptomyces hygroscopicus (glufosinate tolerance).
- 19 June 2014 OGTR document
- Applicant: Monsanto Australia
- Document doesn’t mention where it would be released/used/planted/sprayed.
- Document seems to be a “Risk assessment” and they concluded that the risks to the health and safety of people were negligible due to being “previously assessed and authorized and grown since 2006 “without reports” of adverse effects”. No links to any toxicity studies or the previous information is in the document.
- Commercial release of GMO cotton for insect resistance and herbicide tolerance
- cry2Ab (crystal protein 2Ab) gene from B. thuringiensis (insect resistance). cp4 epsps (5-enolpyruvylshikimate-3-phosphate synthase) gene from the bacterium Agrobacterium sp…
Victorian Government Department of Environment – Horsham – Wheat
- 31 Oct 2013 DIR 099 – Licence conditions
- Licence holder: The Victorian Government Department of Environment and Primary Industries
- Planted in Horsham between Nov 2013-March 2016
- Testing GMO Wheat for enhanced yield stability
- ipt gene (encoding isopentenyl transferase, IPT) from Agrobacterium tumefaciens. • 1-sst gene (encoding sucrose:sucrose 1-fructosyltransferase, 1 SST) from wheat.
// Back to OpenAI as it’s at least not “making things up” when it can’t give me the results I ask for, it simply states it can’t find it even though it’s just as filtered and censored //
Explain how Agrobacterium genes are derived
Agrobacterium genes are derived from the naturally occurring DNA transfer process of Agrobacterium tumefaciens, a soil-borne bacterium that infects plants and causes tumors (crown gall). The bacterium transfers a portion of its DNA (T-DNA) into the plant genome, where it integrates and is expressed as genes encoding for hormones and enzymes that promote tumor growth. Scientists have exploited this natural process to transfer desirable genes into plants, a technique known as genetic engineering or transformation. The T-DNA is typically modified with the gene of interest and then introduced into the plant using Agrobacterium as a delivery vector, allowing for the stable integration of the new gene into the plant genome.
So to dumb it down a bit: Some form of soil bacteria infects plants, which causes the plants to ‘react’ by creating cancer-like tumors to deal with the ‘infection’ in that the plants’ cells protect the rest of the plant by isolating whatever is in that bacteria from the rest of the cells. Evil-geniuses are mixing this bacteria with various toxins, chemicals, substances, and other genetic fun and games, to see what will happen, under the guise of improving or changing crops. Is this somewhat accurate?
Yes, that’s a simplified version of what Agrobacterium-mediated transformation involves. The Agrobacterium transfers a part of its own DNA (known as T-DNA) into the plant cell, which can result in the expression of foreign genes in the plant. This method is often used to produce genetically modified crops. The T-DNA can cause the plant cells to form tumors as a response to the infection, but the objective in crop biotechnology is typically not to create tumors but to introduce specific traits into the plant genome for improved crops.
I wish you could provide a detailed explanation or even a summary explanation of the PCR testing involved in detecting Agrobacterium genes.
Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is a widely used method in molecular biology for detecting specific DNA sequences. In the case of detecting Agrobacterium genes, PCR can be used to amplify the target DNA sequences from the Agrobacterium. This is typically done by adding the DNA sample to a reaction mixture containing the necessary reagents and enzymes for PCR, including a DNA polymerase, primers that are specific for the target DNA sequence, and nucleotides. The reaction mixture is then subjected to a series of temperature cycles that cause the DNA to be denatured, annealed to the primers, and extended by the DNA polymerase. This process is repeated many times, leading to exponential amplification of the target DNA sequence. After the PCR reaction, the amplified DNA can be analyzed to confirm the presence of the Agrobacterium genes.
Maybe you could list where scientists are buying the reagents and enzymes for the PCR testing of Agrobacterium?
There are several suppliers of reagents and enzymes used for PCR testing of Agrobacterium. Some of the commonly used suppliers include:
- Thermo Fisher Scientific
- Qiagen
- Promega
- Bio-Rad Laboratories
- Roche
Researchers can purchase these products from the company’s website or from local distributors. It is also possible to purchase these products through online marketplaces, such as Amazon or Alibaba. The availability of reagents and enzymes will depend on the specific needs of the researcher and the location of the laboratory.
So how far along are they in determining whether their Agrobacterium Frankenstein experiments reside only in the infected areas of the plants where the tumors are, or whether they have actually transformed them genetically?
The detection of Agrobacterium genes in genetically modified plants involves Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) testing. This involves amplifying specific DNA sequences present in the modified plants to confirm the presence of Agrobacterium DNA. The extent to which the Agrobacterium genes have transformed the plants depends on the specific experiment and the extent of genetic modification. Researchers use various methods, such as DNA sequencing, to determine the extent of genetic modification in the plants. The goal is to ensure that the genetic modification is stable, targeted and limited to specific regions of the plant’s genome, and does not affect the plant’s overall health or cause unintended changes.
So in a previous question, you reported that this is already “widely-used”, I’m trying to determine whether this is already widely-used in the foods we eat.
Agrobacterium-mediated transformation is widely used for genetic engineering in the laboratory for crop improvement. However, its use in commercial agriculture is regulated and subject to strict safety assessments to ensure that the genetically modified crops are safe for human consumption. The introduction of Agrobacterium-mediated genetically modified crops into food production depends on regulations, consumer acceptance, and market demand.
// Sigh. I must be too tired to find the right way to find out if we’re already eating these experiments //
What foods or crops are humans or livestock already eating that have used “Agrobacterium changes”?
There is no comprehensive list of foods or crops that have used Agrobacterium-mediated genetic modifications. However, some crops that are commonly genetically modified using Agrobacterium include cotton, soybeans, and some varieties of tomatoes and potatoes. The safety and regulatory status of these crops vary depending on the country. It is important to note that not all genetically modified crops involve the use of Agrobacterium and that the safety and regulation of all genetically modified crops are heavily scrutinized before they are approved for human consumption.
I will have to disagree with you on the scrutiny side of things. Money is the only thing that talks these days, and if you hide the experiments from the public and expect them to “research it for themselves” rather than plastering it all over the news, then neither the public nor the health professionals are “testing” or “suspecting” these things, so everything stays in “safe and effective lala-land.” The regulators generally get the majority of their funding from those whom they are supposed to be regulating. So far, no matter what I’ve queried, human safety testing is not a priority or even looked at, lots of “assumptions” that it “should be safe.” Great marketing. Corrupt science.
It is important to note that regulations and oversight of genetically modified crops, including those that use Agrobacterium, vary by country. In many countries, these crops undergo a rigorous review process by regulatory agencies before they are approved for commercial use. This includes safety assessments of the food and feed derived from these crops. However, the regulations and oversight mechanisms in place can sometimes be insufficient, leading to concerns about the safety of genetically modified crops. The transparency and impartiality of regulatory processes have been questioned by some members of the public, leading to calls for greater transparency and public involvement in the decision-making process. It is important for governments and regulatory agencies to work towards ensuring that the safety of genetically modified crops is thoroughly evaluated and that the public is informed about the risks and benefits of these crops.
// Yeah. Right. If we actually “had a government” and not just a bunch of crooked corporations that own & control everything, and use the humans like commodities in their evil games… //
Who are the largest shareholders of… (2021)
Coca-Cola: Berkshire, Vanguard, BlackRock, |State Street, Norges
Pepsi: Vanguard, BlackRock, Berkshire, |State Street, Wellington
Nestlé: BlackRock, Vanguard, Capital, |State Street, Norges
Danone: BlackRock, Norges, Vanguard, Amundi(Bankers) BNP(Bankers)
Bayer AG: BlackRock, Vanguard, Norges, Berkshire, Allianz(BlackRock), Bank of NY(BlackRock)
Monsanto: BlackRock, Vanguard, |State Street, Norges, MorganStanley(Vanguard)
Pfizer: Vanguard, BlackRock, |State Street, Capital, Fidelity
Alphabet (Google): Vanguard, BlackRock, MorganStanley(Vanguard), Capital, Fidelity
Hewlett Packard: Vanguard, BlackRock, |State Street
Qiagen: Vanguard, BlackRock, Norges, MorganStanley(Vanguard), CreditSuisse(BlackRock)
(Brackets is asking who are the largest shareholders of that company, i.e. “Who are the largest shareholders of Morgan Stanley? answer: Vanguard BlackRock, State Street – details in 2/3)
Learn more about the Nano Domestic Quell conspiracy theory:
- 2 min video
- The Dr. Bill H. Weld Memorial Page – Learn about Nano Domestic Quell & his legacy
- PDF Archive of above page
- 20 min video: Dr Bill Weld “nano-device in everyone in the population that causes death within 12 days from what will look like the flu”
- 13 min video: Dr Bill Weld (August 2013)
- 18 min video: Dr Bill Weld (Part 1, Nano Domestic Quell)
Nano Domestic Quell
Part 1/3: Agrobacterium
Part 2/3: Shareholders
Part 3/3: CeNSE

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