MEP Mislav Kolakušić – Nature Restoration (Citizen Starvation) Law
Croatian MEP & Former Judge Mislav Kolakušić knows what “Nature Restoration” Law really is — calls out the Communism Agenda in EU parliament
MEP Mislav Kolakušić – Nature Restoration (Citizen Starvation) Law
Jul 15 2023: Twitter-Source | Rumble-Mirror | Twitter-Mirror | Telegram-Mirror
The real goal of the Schwab-Greta-Soros Nature Restoration law adopted by the fake greens, liberals, left and center in the EU EP is to seize agricultural land and prevent access to organic food for most people in the EU. Instead of “Back to the Future” we got “Back to Communism.
Rough English Transcript
Combining Mislav’s English translation with Speech Translate
Nature Restoration Law; the law of the public nature, how nice it sounds, who would disagree with that?
However, the real truth is that this is a very important idea of the same kind of huge idiocy we have seen in this house countless times.
The only real goal of this law is the confiscation of private property, and the confiscation of agricultural land, from farmers, which has the ultimate goal of making organic food unavailable to citizens.
So, you want to prevent the average citizen from being able to eat normal food.
This law would be better called “Non-existent, Unavailability of food and land for the citizens of the European Union.”
There used to be at least some dignity in communism, when there was a lot of war, the laws of confiscation of private property were called Confiscation Laws.
Now, you call them the “Nature Restoration” law, the law of [protecting] public nature, but these are stupid, idiotic nonsense. Thank you.
^^ I don’t know about you, but if the World Economic Forum is saying “the EU business leaders “MUST” adopt the Nature Restoration Law”, you can count on it being an “anti-human” law.
- The European Commission’s proposal for a Nature Restoration Law is the first continent-wide, comprehensive law of its kind.
- Nature Restoration Law
- “Nature Restoration Law is a comprehensive proposal by the European Commission for legally binding EU nature restoration targets. The aim is to restore EU’s ecosystems and help to increase biodiversity, mitigate and adapt to climate change, and prevent and reduce the impacts of natural disasters.”
- “One key question is how to combine the objectives of this proposal with the need to transform our society in the face of climate change.”
- EU passes nature restoration law in knife-edge vote
- “The nature restoration law will place recovery measures on 20% of the EU’s land and sea by 2030, rising to cover all degraded ecosystems by 2050.”
- World Economic Forum
- “Business leaders: why the EU must adopt the Nature Restoration Law”
- “CEOs and business leaders from 50 companies including CNP Assurance, H&M Group, IKEA, L’Occitane en Provence, Legal and General Investment Management, Nestlé, Novozymes, Salesforce, Triodos Bank, Unilever and Velux, among others, are calling for ambitious environmental legislation.”
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