Harris says the quiet part out loud…

IN CONflict$
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“When we invest in clean energy and electric vehicles and reduce population, more of our children can breathe clean air and drink clean water.” ~ Kamala Harris

  • Rumble (This is a 6-min clip from timestamp 56:50-1:00:40 from original below)

  • Streamed Live – JULY 14, 2023 – The White House – Kamala D. Harris
  • Source: White House – YouTube (1hr 7min)
  • Title: Vice President Harris and EPA Administrator Michael Regan Deliver Remarks
  • Desc: Vice President Harris and EPA Administrator Michael Regan deliver remarks to highlight provisions in the Inflation Reduction Act that are combatting climate change, creating good-paying jobs, and building a clean energy economy. Baltimore, MD

They’ve already crossed out population and added ‘pollution’:


But you should be more outraged with their plan to take fake-money out of the left pocket and transfer it to the right pocket, another massive wealth transfer from tax payer slaves to the shell-NWO-philantropaths under the guise of “helping us”. They should have a laugh-track instead of an applause-track.

For years, one of the missing pieces in our strategy to fight the climate crisis is that we have not invested at scale in community climate action.  For years, the people of the community — folks who know what their neighborhood needs and how to provide it — have not been given adequate resources to implement climate solutions that match the magnitude of the crisis we face.

And that’s why we’re here today.  And that’s why we’re here today.

Today, I am proud to announce the largest investment in financing for community-based climate projects in our nation’s history.  (Applause.)  It’s a good day. 

And one of the reasons that it is so significant is because we also — frankly, we’ve got to make up for lost time.  So, by dramatically accelerating our work, we know we can lower emissions.

And we will do that by providing $20 billion to a national network of nonprofits, community lenders, and other financial institutions to fund tens of thousands of climate and clean energy projects across America.  (Applause.)

So, here is what that will mean: Okay, so imagine, for example, the construction companies that build affordable housing here in Baltimore that, because of this investment, will now have the capital they need to install energy-efficient appliances in new units, to lower energy use, and to help tenants save on their electric bills.

Imagine, for example, the small-business owner who will now be able to receive zero-interest loans to electrify their fleet of delivery vehicles so we can reduce pollution and save on gas.

Imagine, for example — (applause) — right?  Imagine, for example, the house of worship that will now be able to have access to loan guarantees so they can install solar panels on the roof of their building — (applause) — to generate affordable clean electricity for the entire neighborhood.  Imagine. 

You know, when President Biden and I took office, we set an ambitious goal.  Yes, people said, “That can’t be done.”  We said, “Well, you know what?  We believe in dreaming with ambition and then seeing it thorough.”

And so, we set an ambitious goal to cut our greenhouse gas emissions in half by 2030 and to reach net-zero emissions by 2050

The investment we are announcing today will help us to achieve these goals, and it will do so much more, because think also about the impact on not only the local economy, not only on an investment in the entrepreneurs and innovators from and in the community.  Think about the impact on something like public health. 

When we invest in clean energy and electric vehicles and reduce population [pollution], more of our children can breathe clean air and drink clean water.  (Applause.)

Kamala D. Harris

Category: Conflict$

See also: Posts tagged: Depopulation | Democide | Eugenics

Penny (PennyButler.com)
Penny (PennyButler.com)

Truth-seeker, ever-questioning, ever-learning, ever-researching, ever delving further and deeper, ever trying to 'figure it out'. This site is a legacy of sorts, a place to collect thoughts, notes, book summaries, & random points of interests.