What is Going on in the World? [Summary]

IN C19
  • Updated:11 months ago
  • Reading Time:11Minutes
  • Post Words:2567Words
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“The vaccine was not brought in for COVID. COVID was brought in for the vaccine. Once you realize that, everything else makes sense.” – Dr. Reiner Fuellmich


Certificate of Vaccination ID, 2019

The world’s largest Mind-Control operation to enslave, experiment on, and cull the human slaves.

Click to Expand my definition of COVID after 2 years of research

Other than an obvious passport-system agenda, the word ‘Covid’ is also used to describe any illness that tests positive or is identified as likely Covid based on ‘symptoms compatible with COVID-19’ (so anything from a sniffle to fatigue or headache!?). A positive PCR-test covers Flu A, Flu B, RSV, the annual detox, and the common cold, and they stopped testing for the flu due to COVID, so many, if not all, of the positive tests if they were true positives (that’s another long story I cover) could’ve been any of those. The test uses an amplified RNA particle (not even the “virus”) of which that RNA-particle matches many viruses, as well as human & microbial DNA genetic material located in the Human Genome, or with exposure to any coronavirus (even from a past infection), or could also be “dead nucleotides” – basically nothing at all if they amplified it >30, and Severe Allergic Reaction to either the Spike Protein or bioweapon/toxin/poison or whatever it is that causes this allergy to happen in just ‘some’ of the people who get sick)… what an ideal tool to scare the world.

Perhaps we’ll never know what really made people sick; perhaps it’s an undisclosed adjuvant or something we haven’t found yet in the water, food, air, or even the new frequencies we’re now swimming around in?

It could even be different things in different parts of the world; the test certainly cannot tell you what is actually making people sick, it can’t even tell you that you’re sick at all!

Could be mould in some places, flu shot in others, the hospice protocols in the UK is enough to make you cry and definitely can be considered euthanasia-murder, the new recommended “covid” hospital protocols are the worst things you’ll come across too, but there’s even the fact that people were too terrified to go to their doctors for fear of catching covid, and vice versa – doctors and health staff were too scared to get close to patients too so many things were done “differently” because of the fear of the invisible. Fear and stress is also a powerful immune-suppressant/weapon.

It could be any number of contaminants or varying factors around the world: basically, we’re trying to identify something that as yet, cannot be identified with the recommended tools; especially when the world leaders and health professionals aren’t even thinking outside of a computer-based virus; they are all following the same “pandemic-playbook”; given to them by the corrupt WHO. They automatically hired committees dedicated to their end-game–no one is “outside of the pandemic-hive-mind”. There is no one getting paid to look outside of the pandemic-playbook.

We cannot know for sure what each individual person who got sick during the so-called pandemic with “cold-like, flu-like, and pneumonia-like symptoms”, but those who were having the severe scary and sudden life-threatening symptoms, are having an “allergic reaction” to something – like clockwork – on the 8th day exactly, and the rest have a normal detox illness or flu-like symptoms that is a regular bodily function helping the body detox from an unhealthy and toxic world.

This is all made worse with dangerous official health advice:

  • pharma-funded recommended new experimental treatments instead of the tried and true
  • covid-protocols overriding doctor-advice
  • masks limiting our oxygen and promoting bacteria
  • excessive amounts of chemicals to “sanitize”
  • lockdowns, stress/worry/panic about finances, uncertainty of future, children, loved-ones, complete lack of freedom to do what you would normally do, complete upheaval of everyone’s lives
  • lack of nutrients, lack of sun, lack of exercise, lack of fresh air, lack of love and family
  • fear of death and fear for loved-ones
  • a constant, deliberate confusing & ever-changing reality-tv-show full of lies, deception, and manipulation via the media on behalf of govt & pharma
  • lack of hope, optimism, proper health advice, finances, etc.
  • kids and partners at home, or separated or isolated from loved ones
  • all travel/wedding/funeral/business plans cancelled
  • stuck overseas or separated by suburbs & towns
  • a constant bombardment of harassment and non-stop “Psychological-warfare”
  • toxic mixed-messaging, advanced mind-control NLP techniques, verbal abuse, and blame-shifting.
  • NO EARLY TREATMENT recommended! NOTHING. “Go home, isolate, until you’re dying or turn blue, then come and get our emergency experimental new drugs”. Seriously – this is what truly woke me up, how did it not wake the entire world?

And even then, there are people getting sick with “COVID-like” symptoms who test “NEGATIVE!”, So is “Gold Standard” just a marketing term used to fool us into thinking something is accurate and trustworthy?

They created a fairy-tale story about their mRNA and DNA technology, with “pretty animations and cartoons” to make you feel intelligent, whilst creating an evil “anti-vaxxer” story to censor and cancel any voice of reason or logic, or any science or health professional that either has real health advice that will help remove the fear, or who is letting you know more about this technology, or any covid-story that doesn’t match what they want you to believe.

At the same time, they created a “trust the expert/science/health advice” narrative to divide communities into “good citizens” (those who listen to their version of science-fiction and follow their insane rules) and “bad citizens” (those who do their homework and call out the madness and lies, have health solutions, or want to help remove the fear or end the tyranny).

A researcher, I mean “bad citizen,” must be an anti-vax, anti-science, covid-denier, or whatever new name they have now—it’s a false identity that creates “fear and hatred” for the “good media-watching citizens” to shift all their blame, frustration, despair, and anger towards—misguided and misdirected.

They don’t want you to listen to the censored “experts” such as those that ended their previous pandemic narrative attempts. No matter what, they need to deceive the public into re-defining “researchers” as “anti-vaxxers” (even if the researcher got the jab they are anti-vaxxers lol) or crazy, neo-Nazi, Trump-loving terrorists (sorry to disappoint, but, I don’t give two hoots about Trump–as far as I can see, he’s responsible for the fast-tracked dangerous experimental jabs and I have yet to see him back-track on that massive failure).

Everyone who has gone ‘off script’ are stained via the media with the most outrageous insults to scare people who are already terrified, into running the other way. And they are bloody good at it; for anyone who has not done any research themselves, who only get their view of the world via the media or got sucked into the new “fact-checker” mind-control narrative-protecting weapons (which were very clever indeed – they got me too at the start of this), it truly has been a sight to see – how easily the masses can be led, how trusting they are of not only the government but the media. It’s amazing, really. I personally was astonished how many fell under the spell; even though it was very cleverly orchestrated and they seemed to cover most of the main places people trusted.

But they definitely hid the industry experts and honest whistle-blowers by categorizing them in with the most fringe crowd, and successfully scared people away from looking deeper into the research or actually double-checking they were reporting factually or not, and convinced them they were doing “the right thing” by not looking outside of the sources they controlled. “We will be your one source of truth”. Wow, do people not learn from history?

The PCR test that most labs are authorized to use cannot tell if you have an active infection or differentiate between any of the above, but there are tests that can—that we are not routinely using—because the “pandemic” is a cover for a few things:

1.) Getting this Universal mRNA/DNA technology into as many arms as possible. Where neither the PCR manufacturers nor the vaccine companies had a copy of the actual virus, they instead used the computer-uploaded sequence that was uploaded to the “digitalized” GenBank, and the world seems to be fine with that, despite the fact that it came from the same city where the bioweapon was first suspected to have been released?

2.) Testing something dangerously toxic on the world’s population. Not all “vaccine” vials or batch lots are the same; every 200 batches are extremely toxic (in the USA) and account for all the severe adverse events. So it appears that our so-called trusted advisors may have agreed to extremely bad “look the other way” manufacturing processes in their rush to get it out, or have agreed to treat the world’s citizens as guinea pigs for a worldwide experiment with different batches of God-knows-what, or both, in any case, they are playing Russian roulette with our lives. Our countries said “yes” to the largest clinical trial in human history, and the world’s biggest pharma-crooks got all the benefit. (So we have a “worse than the Nuremberg trials situation”–worse than the horrifying experiments on prisoners–they are systematically experimenting with God knows what on whoever lines up for jabs that week?)

3.) The “pandemic” is being used for a Global Financial Reset. The world’s economy was already devastated years before and $21 trillion dollars is missing from the US Government, and the most corrupt people in the world have known there is no saving any of it, so have been printing billions of dollars and buying-up assets as fast as they can before the reset comes into play.

In addition, there are many other well-planned, methodically organized, masterful (but destined-to-fail because we’re catching up) United Nations-fronted Globalist agendas, including:

4.) Collecting everyone’s DNA for some unofficially-known reason?

5.) Total Population Control over Food, Land, Governance, Education, Health, Business, Information, Currency, Energy – you name it. Under the guise of “sustainable development” or “climate change,” a technocratic total population control / CCP-inspired social credit system – digitalizing work, education, information, currency, and cities – seizing global food, agriculture, and land – and a one-world government handing over total control of the entire planet to the wealthiest, least-trusted, and most corrupted –

Hmm, yep, it’s been an educational couple of years figuring out that everything (almost everything) that the media and false-fact-checkers kept insisting was “false, misleading, or dangerous misinformation” was in fact, verifiable and frighteningly true. Everything we thought we knew about the world is pretty much a lie, and COVID-19 should actually be code-named “War”—bioterrorism and mostly “infoterrorism”.

A silent war, implemented cleverly via regulations, policies, and information-control.

(Not all hope is lost, but it’s going to be a messy decade or century… depending on how quickly the rest of humanity wakes up)


Name given to describe the “Virus that causes COVID-19 disease” to keep everyone away from each other, terrified, and focused on an invisible “deadly virus” to distract the world away from whatever is really making people sick; which is probably the manufactured Bio-Weapon / Poison / Toxin / Frequency / Fear / Media, in order to bring in the Global War & Reset we are living out right now.

This is pretty much the irrefutable conclusion you will come to after reading through my research:

Solutions – Health


Pandemic of Evil: Lies, Deceit, and Corruption

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To help alleviate any anxiety or fear my friends and family have surrounding COVID-19 by understanding what COVID-19 is, what is different about these new Vaccines, Risks vs Benefits, Concerns, Alternatives, and what to do (and look out for) if you decide to get the jab or not. I am truly trying to understand and explain exactly what these vaccines do (understanding mRNA and how the new vaccines operate, etc.) so that my family & friends can also understand what they are (since they are not shared in much detail on the local news beyond cartoon animations and a “safe & effective advertising mantra” that started before they were even created), and most don’t have time to research all day and night like me).

Serious concerns

Unfortunately, I have serious concerns after about a year of deep diving into the research – even having to “learn” microbiology and take online university classes just to understand some of the mechanisms – and thousands of hours, thousands of papers, and thousands of really boring medical lectures. Mostly, and alarmingly, with “the science” the media were promoting vs. “the facts.”

The first red flag was not being able to “share the facts” anywhere. I spent all that time making sure I had it “right,” because people’s lives were at stake—my own loved ones, for whom I was doing this—their lives were at stake if I got it wrong. I first thought the censorship was because they didn’t consider me an expert, but then I realized it wasn’t just me—it was “everyone” who shared the facts, including world experts in every industry. Literally only one narrative was allowed, and anything else “disappeared.” It really didn’t make any sense, because what they were allowing was “wrong” and the information that would help people was being censored.

I have ‘flipped a switch’ from investigating mRNA, to figuring out why the media is literally promoting fear, division, hate, and the complete opposite of “wellness” in every possible way—why are they only promoting things that will make us sick and not sharing anything that would promote health? Now my research is focused on a new problem: questioning the narrative, investigating the lies, deceit, and corruption, and trying to figure out “what’s really going on.”

Humanity’s innocence and trust has been abused and stolen. :(

We’re living in an inverted world, with two parallel realities running alongside each other: those who believe the media’s version of reality (that think the media is giving us the truth and listening to “experts”), and those who have questioned the media’s version and found that the “so-called experts” they are taking advice from are not the “good guys.”

If you don’t know that something else is going on by now, you just don’t ‘want to’ or you’re perfectly programmed by the very specific techniques used to manipulate us. I’m not saying I know everything that’s going on, but I do know the media is lying, and this is my ‘notepad’ to share what I’ve found so far while I try and figure it out.

How I went from Pandemic to Plan-Demic
(Why I know I’m on the right side of history)

Penny (PennyButler.com)
Penny (PennyButler.com)

Truth-seeker, ever-questioning, ever-learning, ever-researching, ever delving further and deeper, ever trying to 'figure it out'. This site is a legacy of sorts, a place to collect thoughts, notes, book summaries, & random points of interests.