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Symptom – HIV AIDS

Posts containing anything to do with the HIV or AIDS narrative(s)

Paul Ehrlich wants us dead

I typically don’t like or trust YouTube documentaries, but this one is well-researched, good for explaining the start of the anti-human depopulation mindset and agenda’s to those new to it, and kept me engaged the whole way through.


Flashback: Feb 2020 – Thank you China for posting the genetic code…

Flashback: 13 Feb 2020 to this interview with Kate Broderick from INOVIO (Covid-19 Vaccine Candidate) who created a Covid Vaccine that was raring to go from China’s uploaded Genetic-code in 3 hours. “We have to be grateful here that the Chinese posted the genetic code… ” Truly hard to tell whether they are just blind-sided by greed, fully-brainwashed / inDOCtrinated, or whether they are in on it.


The Great Awakening [Documentary]

Brand new Covid > Communism/Dictatorship > WEF > Great Reset documentary (June 2023)

Good for: Those just starting to wake up that something is not right in the world. A good background documentary to have on hand when your friends and loved ones visit.


Bioengineered Clathrin Quantum Cognitive Sensors (ExQor / ExQori∆ / Xenqai)

Found in the Obama Whitehouse archives (2010): an intelligent (self-aware) sensor, that is a multi-functional, self-assembling nano-sized protein, found in every cell of the human body, that can be controlled by pH, which has a parent company with an invention with “Self-Aware” quantum technology (“Internet of Things” converging), that unifies both of the inventions, and a side-company that has separate AI-software that remotely and intelligently monitors “medical conditions and drug compliance”. i.e. 3 separate inventions, from 3 companies ExQor / ExQori∆ / Xenqai—(owned by the same people)—that unifies Nanotechnology, Biotechnology, IT, and Cognitive science together, on a government website. So, that’s interesting…. I have to take a closer look at this.


How Jimmy Dore Broke Out of the Propaganda Matrix

This is the best, it’s a must-watch… How Jimmy Dore started seeing through the propaganda narratives (after getting the jab). Highlights from his recent Mercola interview. Calls out all things Covid & how he got duped into the mainstream narrative and how he broke free from the propaganda. “They lied about everything!”
