Sentient World – Militarizing our Bodies
TedX talk on Digital Twins and the military’s Sentient World weaponizing us
TedX talk on Digital Twins and the military’s Sentient World weaponizing us
Exploring the concept of the Simulation Theory with ChatGPT; particularly the hypothesis that the human experience is happening inside an advanced artificial intelligence program and how it may go about concealing this from humanity, when it may have to perform cullings and resets to prevent us from advancing too far, how it may influence us, concepts exploring the nature of reality, and, how to pivot or hack the simulation.
You experience reality at your own level of growth and expansion.
Exploring the earth-house with infinite possibilities
Stop putting disease-badges on yourself. Because when you label yourself as a disease – you’re walking around life with these labels “I am sick” and you are keeping yourself sick, small and limited, and you are telling your body that you will never change.
Experimenting with binaural beats & exploring in Theta-mode, realizing that my role for the past few years has been one of destroying my identity and being an explorer of different beliefs – a “belief explorer”.
Did I ever tell you the time that I died in a fire? My parallel reality hypothesis