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Paul Ehrlich wants us dead

I typically don’t like or trust YouTube documentaries, but this one is well-researched, good for explaining the start of the anti-human depopulation mindset and agenda’s to those new to it, and kept me engaged the whole way through.


It’s a big club (FAMILY), and you aren’t in it…

Do the same bloodlines maintain their rule over us, or is it just a coincidence that can be explained away by “if you trace back family lineages far enough, we’d all have the same ‘Royal’ bloodline?”… Either way, it’s still evidence that should be considered—not only are they connected by all these ‘not-so’ secret societies, power corporations, etc. but perhaps it’s all by design and powerful presidents are ‘selected’ to keep political power in the family too…


David Rockefeller (C-SPAN Clips)

I just re-watched a clip from David Rockefeller (June 12, 1915 – March 20, 2017) at the 1994 forum (Annual Ambassadors’ Dinner) which inspired me to try and hunt down the original footage, which helped me find all of the times he’s been featured on c-span.org…

David Rockefeller

Swiss Globalist Organizations; Plotting our Fate?

A lot of the major globalist organizations — those that try to rule the world / initiate a lot of the policies the world follows — are situated in Switzerland. The “New World Order” Headquarters, that which governs the world already, is probably the entire country of Switzerland. :) Let’s have a quick look…


Romania vs CCP China’s Wuhan Flu

In Romania, they used the threat of terrorism to try to quell the riots/demonstrations, which did not work. In China, with massive demonstrations in Hong Kong and Wuhan, the CCP staged a viral emergency to lock everybody up in their homes to prevent the spread of demonstrations to other parts of China. The governments in the “free” world, seeing how well the strategy worked in China, adopted the scenario to seize control and promote their own objectives. In China, the strategy worked, and demonstrations ended, so the restrictions were lifted. In the “free” nations, the objective of “more” cannot be accomplished, so they continue to find excuses for not ending the scam.


WEF want us dead

Larry Alex Taunton cuts through the World Economic Forum’s noble slogans to explain the history of this sinister organization and the anti-human ideas driving it. He went undercover at the WEF’s annual meeting in Davos, Switzerland, as a kind of spy to mingle with the attendees, and explains how their thinking has been infected by the ludicrous need to remove 6 billion people from the earth, “in a humane way” and how only a one world government with a “nice dictatorship” can achieve this end.
