New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out – “COVID Science” [Must Watch]
NZDSOS News Conference
NZDSOS News Conference – YouTube | Rumble (Mirror)
NZ Doctors Speaking out with Science’ featuring Drs Alison Goodwin, Matt Shelton, and Emanuel Garcia. News Conference, Wednesday, 17th November, 2021
Four Basic Assumptions re COVID
Four Basic Assumptions re Covid – YouTube | Rumble (Mirror)
“Not saying the virus doesn’t exist, just want evidence that it does”
- Four Basic Assumptions (technical information) - ‘Live not by lies’, by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn - ‘The Power of the Powerless’, by Vaclav Havel - THE COVID-19 FRAUD & WAR ON HUMANITY
Rigged-Science Posts:
- Mike Yeadon’s (censored) democide & digital ID warning to Croatia [Dec 2023]
- New CONVID? Don’t fall for it. [Dr Sam Bailey]
- WHO pushes new “Revaccination” marketing campaign for Pregnant Women [4 Dec 2023]
- C19-Vax-Lies Chat (Epidemiologist & Toxicologist)
- Flashback: Feb 2020 – Thank you China for posting the genetic code…
- Dermatologist Testimony of C19 Treatments & Vax Injuries
- Make the Sun…Set. (Blocking out the Sun)
- Cult of the Medics Summary
- Free Books to Recruit (Brainwash) Your Children into Life-long Pharma Slavery!
- Following the $CIENCE? (Bookmarks)
- Bioengineered Clathrin Quantum Cognitive Sensors (ExQor / ExQori∆ / Xenqai)
- Moderna CEO in 2019: “Going to be a pandemic next year”?
- Swiss Globalist Organizations; Plotting our Fate?
- John Ruddick (MLC, NSW) Inaugural Speech
- [Must See!] Aussie GP – Dr Melissa McCann – Stands up [Part I]
- Romania vs CCP China’s Wuhan Flu
- Dr Peter Hotez (Fraud-chi’s replacement)
- RIP † Dr Arne Burkhardt (Pathologist)
- C19 Rapid Antigen Test Concerns
- [TimTruth] Video on Antigen Test Recalls
- FDA Rapid Covid-19 Tests Recall List
- CDC & Media “Pandemic of the Unvaccinated” Lies #WeWontForget
- [Sept 2019] Pandemic Prediction – Cabin Talk
- Vaccination: The Hidden Truth (1998) [Australian documentary]
- 19yo explains Virus Hoax
- Nanotech in our Food since 1990s [NWO-Food]
- Fauci (2019) Self-Assembling Nano Flu Vaccines
- Contagion Myth 2020 | Dr Tom Cowan
- Dr John Campbell talks through the WHO treaty
- Brain Initiative: Want millions to MK Ultra Humanity? Job Opportunities
- Whenever something is presented as “The Science” as a “consensus”, it is a scam.
- Atrazine | Making Men more ‘Feminine’ (via Rain?)
- Tess Lawrie on Democide: “Mistakes were NOT made!”
- Long Covid & Prolonged Mask Wearing [Study]
- [Letter] Sending Long-Covid Study to a friend who started Re-Masking (Worth a try?)
- [Q&A] PANDA 2021 – UGLY Truth About The Covid 19 Lockdowns (Part Two)
- The UGLY truth about the Covid 19 lockdowns [PANDA 2021] (Part One)
- [ICIC] no new virus, no lab-leak, just a story & a bad test (Part 2 of 2)
- [ICIC] no new virus, no lab-leak, just a story & a bad test (Part 1 of 2)
- What your doctor won’t tell you about the Pfizer docs
- German Court Case vs Virology/existence of SARS-CoV-2 (3 Videos)
- [Killer Covid Protocols] Documentary “On A Knife’s Edge”
- [Killer Covid Protocols] Nada lost her husband
- Why are we doing this? “there is no virus”- Bailey, Cowan, Kaufman
- RW 8/8.) Final Words / Summary: Global Health Militarization
- RW 7/8.) EUA Removal of Informed Consent
- RW 6/8.) Global Health: WHO IHR Amendments
- RW 5/8.) Forced Asymptomatic Quarantine
- RW 4/8.) OTA & Brook Jackson’s Pfizer Case
- RW 3/8.) Project Bioshield & PREP Act

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