[Comedy/Truth] “The Pandemic” – ‘Somebody Had to Say It’ (Jim Breuer)
Jim Breuer “The Pandemic” Somebody Had To Say It
Stand-up comedy about the “pandemic” – really touches the taboo points. I’ve lost my sense of humour about these things because it’s a reality shit-show and too many people have died or are permanently injured and I’ve spent of hours warning people only to see them ignore everything, but I think some of you will still appreciate it, and I’m glad there is someone brave enough to stand up and present it in such a blatant way:
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The 12 minute clip covers:
- “Thank you for RISKING YOUR LIVES to be here”
- The never-ending fear.
- Locking up the elderly “you’re not coming out until it’s safe”.
- The cocky-vaccinators a few months ago, the social signalling, “I can’t get sick, I’m vaccinated”. “I don’t have to wear a mask”. “People vaccinated are getting sick”. “You need a new booster” “Who wants a shot, who wants to see a ball-game”
- What’s in the shot? “It’s safe, don’t worry”
- This is going to be a Broadway play in three years.
- “5-foot danger, 6-foot safe”
- “I’m the grandma killer”
- “Listen to the rules”
- “Here come the governors – we shall determine who is ESSENTIAL – we shall determine who you can have at your house – and remember if you see any children playing outside with their mums together, REPORT THEM AND THEIR PARENTS!”. This is FOR YOUR SAFETY!
- Then the News-Cockatoos come out.
- Arh arh arh – “Watch the news, watch the news”
- Arh arh arh – “Trust the experts, trust the experts”
- Arh arh arh – “Trust the science, trust the science”
- Arh arh arh – “CDC, CDC”
- Arh arh arh – “Dr Fauci, Dr Fauci”
- Arh arh arh – “Mask on, Mask off”
- Arh arh arh – “Two Shots, One Shot”
- Arh arh arh – “Mask on, Two Masks”
- Arh arh arh – “Comply, comply”
- “Do what you are told, it’s for your safety”
- I’ve never seen anything like this in my life.
- People want to fight you: “You don’t understand what’s going on”
- Everyone knows a doctor: “I know a doctor.. and they told me that there’s a stockpile”
- Arh arh arh – “Facts and Figures”
- Don’t ask questions.
- Been flying on planes for months
- … but keep grandma in the basement.
- Wait for the shot – wait.
- But you can go fly wherever you like.
- You enter the terminal and they tell you to wear your mask and stay “six-foot safe”
- That doesn’t work the minute you board the plane.
- Now I’m on a plane, I’m in a tube – an enclosed tube. Sitting next to someone inches away.
- Arh arh arh – “Trust the science”
- Arh arh arh – “I know a doctor, I know a doctor”
- Arh arh arh – “Facts and Figures”
- Walking up and down the aisles warning it’s a Federal Offence if they catch you with a mask below your nose.
- (Even though we’re in a tube)
- “But it’s snack time, you can take your masks off now”
- Arh arh arh – “Thank you Science”
- We don’t know anything.
- Everyone is offended.
- Life is offensive.
- Food is poison. That’s offensive.
- We can’t see the elderly even though they’ve got 6 days to live.
- “Well see you one day Grandma! Stay behind the glass”
- “I feel much better with no Human Contact! Thank you Dr Fauci and CDC and Fear”.
- I bet she’d rather have that touch and hug and be dead tomorrow than wave behind glass.
Jul 1, 2022. Watch the full hour on YouTube: https://youtu.be/bItcoUb5xsw
Jim Breuer’s Coronavirus Questions on Joe Rogan
20 Mar 2021 | YouTube
Jim’s Latest: Short video calling out the Covid Lies
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