Dr Mark Hobart vs AHPRA

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12 July 2022 hearing update at the Melbourne Supreme Court on Dr. Mark Hobart.

Rumble | Telegram: (38 secs) (3min 45 secs)
8 months ago AHPRA alleged that Dr. Mark Hobart was a threat to the Public health and suspended his medical licence.

For 8 months he has been unable to work while they carry out their investigation.

Interestingly AHPRA alleged in court today that he was not accused of “professional misconduct,” therefore laws relating to a speedy trial they deemed invalid. Talk about twisting the law to suit your purposes!

Evidence was provided of doctors who have been suspended 3 years ago, 2 years ago, etc all still waiting for AHPRA to complete their investigations. People wonder why more doctors don’t speak out. This is why. Financial and emotional blackmail.

No wonder we continue to hear stories of jab injured being unable to obtain medical exemptions. Doctors fear the punishment of AHPRA.

AHPRA has been asked to provide an affidavit to the supreme court in one week for the progress of the investigation against Dr. Mark Hobart to show that it is being done in a timely manner.

Dr. Mark Hobart then has one week to respond if he chooses, and then the Judge will decide whether to force AHPRA to refer the matter to VCAT for a hearing.

More from Dr Mark Hobart:

We are behind you Mark

Mar 14, 2022 - Snippet - More people are dying who are vaccinated than unvaccinated

18-38 year olds, more people dying who have taken COVID-19 vaccines than without it

Rumble | March 14, 2022

Full video below (March 14, 2022 section)

Mar 14, 2022 - Withdraw COVID-19 Vaccines Immediately

Dr. Mark Hobart – Australian Health Authorities on Notice – Withdraw COVID-19 Vaccines Immediately

Rumble | Rumble | March 14, 2022

The Covid Medical Network have published a letter to Australian Health authorities to withdraw the use of the experimental and dangerous COVID-19 shots immediately.

Dr. Mark Hobart joins us to discuss the letter, the experts who are in agreement and the implication for the bodies addressed. From the letter:

“We, the Covid Medical Network and co-signatories, are writing to you to follow up on prior correspondence to ATAGI, the TGA and the Health Minister, and FOIA requests to the TGA, where answers have either been not forthcoming or have indicated the TGA has lacked critical information for making its provisional approval of the gene-based vaccines, namely Pfizer’s BNT162b2 & Comirnaty, AstraZeneca’s ChAdOx1-S and Moderna’s Spikevax/mRNA-1273.”

Dec 17, 2021 - Dr Mark Hobart interviewed by Graham Hood

Dr Mark Hobart interviewed by Graham Hood

Rumble | Dec 17, 2021

Dr Mark Hobart raided by authorised officers dressed in black from the department of health.
The Government can now enter any doctors premises and seize patience files without giving a reason. The authorised officers telling Dr Mark Hobart that:  ‘there is no such thing as patient confidentiality under the new laws’

Dec 9, 2021 - Discussing The Raid On His Medical Practice In Melbourne

Dr Mark Hobart Discusses The Raid On His Medical Practice In Melbourne

Rumble | Dec 9, 2021

Dr Mark Hobart’s medical offices were raided by authorised officers from the Victorian Department of Health on November 10th 2021. Officers were looking for patient files of the people Dr Hobart had issued temporary exemptions for the covid 19 vaccination for. We discuss the raid, the exemptions he issued and what Doctors today are facing when doing their job.

Dec 6, 2021 - New law that says No such thing as Patient-Privacy & Confidentiality

Mark Hobart an Australian Doctor who was Raided Finally Speaks Out GF→AHPRA

Rumble | Rumble | Dec 6, 2021

Doctor Mark Hobart was raided by authorities without a warrant in November. They seized his patient files without his permission.

He has now been told by AHPRA he is not allowed to refer to himself as a doctor, as he will be facing 3 years in prison, or $60,000 per offence.

The people have chosen to still refer to him as a doctor.


Dec 4, 2021 - Dr Mark Hobart speaks to Crowd after Office Raided

Dr Mark Hobart Speaks To Crowd After Officials Raid His Office Stealing Confidential Patient Files

Rumble | Dec 4, 2021

“Not allowed to call myself a doctor anymore – if I do, I risk 3 years jail or a $60,000 fine”

Dec 2, 2021 - AHPRA threats


The Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) has written to me threatening me with criminal prosecution if I claim to be a registered health practitioner.  

They do not want me to call myself a “doctor” or to use the title “Dr”. 

Nor do they want me to use my post nominals (being my university degree) “MBBS”. 

Please note that my medical registration with AHPRA is currently suspended. 

That means I am not allowed by law to practise as a doctor in Australia at this time.  Once my suspension is lifted by Ahpra or a Court order, then I can resume working as a medical doctor again. 

Please also note that I intend to fight AHPRA and the Medical Board of Australia. 

What they have done to me is wrong. 

Thank you for your generous donations and your continuous support of me. I truly appreciate it. 

Regards, Dr Mark Hobart (currently a non-practising doctor)

Dr Mark Hobart

Nov 10, 2021 - Dr Mark Hobart Raid captured on film

Dr Mark Hobart’s office being raided

Rumble | Nov 10, 2021

See also: MCJ Report 133 | Rumble | Nov 10, 2021 (no embed option)

– Dr Mark Hobart raided by ‘authorised officers’
– Craig Kelly MP speaks up for Dr Hobart and discusses UAP

About Mark Hobart

Who am I?

My name is Dr Mark Hobart. I’m an experienced and dedicated doctor located in Sunshine, Victoria.

I’ve been a vocal critic of the Australian and Victorian Governments’ handling of the Covid-19 pandemic.

In particular, I’ve been concerned about:

  1. the welfare of the elderly during this Covid-19 pandemic;
  2. the information which has been disclosed by government about Covid-19 and the available preventions and treatments; and
  3. the reliance by the Victorian Government on lockdowns to manage the Covid-19 pandemic.

I’ve been targeted by the Victorian Government and the Australian Health Practitioners Regulation Agency (Ahpra) over my criticism. They have tried to shut me up and remove me as a doctor.

But there’s a problem

On Wednesday 10th November my medical practice was raided by Victorian Department of Health representatives without a search warrant.

They seized some of my patients’ records and my appointment book. They refused to tell me which patient records they seized from my medical practice.

I am deeply concerned for the privacy, health and safety of my patients.

Why does it matter?

My patients have a right to have their medical records kept strictly private and confidential.

Those records are their private property. Those records are also highly confidential documents which include sensitive information about:

  1. my patients’ medical problems;
  2. the treatments they are receiving; and
  3. in some cases, their prognosis and if they will live.

I’m deeply concerned that my patients could suffer significant loss or damage if those records fall into the wrong hands.

My patients are at risk of:

  1. losing their job if the Victorian Department of Health discloses their medical files to their employer;
  2. being discriminated against if the Victorian Department of Health discloses their medical problems or disability to their employer; and
  3. suffering significant loss and damage, as well as distress because of that unauthorised use and disclosure of their medical information.

What the Victorian Department of Health has done is outrageous! As far as I’m aware, this has never happened before in Victoria. It’s the sort of behaviour which would only occur in a dictatorship. Yet it’s happening here in Victoria right under our noses.

All Victorians should be outraged that their medical records can be seized by the Victorian Government without a valid search warrant.

What I’m doing about it?

I’ve taken immediate legal action to recover those stolen records.

On Thursday 11th November 2021 my lawyers wrote to the Victorian Department of Health seeking the prompt return of my patients’ files and my appointment book. The Victorian Department of Health ignored my request and didn’t bother to respond.

On Friday 12th November 2021 I commenced urgent legal proceedings against the Victorian Department of Health in the Supreme Court of Victoria.

The purpose of those proceedings is to obtain a Court order which:

  1. prevents the Victorian Department of Health from sharing the records and my appointment book; and
  2. requires the Victorian Department of Health to return those records and my appointment book.

That Court case should be heard on Monday 15th November 2021.
As a separate matter, I am defending my right to practise as a doctor as Ahpra are investigating me. I consider it a privilege to work as a doctor in my community and I want to continue doing so for as long as I can.

Please help me

It will not be easy to fight the Victorian Government to recover my patient records and protect our liberty.

I expect that it will be a long, difficult and expensive fight. However, I will not back down with your kind and generous support.

Together we will fight the Victorian Government in the Courts to get the right outcome, we will never surrender.

We must never allow patient records to be seized by the Victorian Government without a valid warrant.
We must preserve the right to have medical records kept strictly confidential and not misused by the Victorian Government.

I also need your financial support to preserve my right to continue working as a doctor.

I would be extremely grateful if you can help me with those causes by donating to my campaign.

Please donate what you can and help share this as far and wide as we can.

Thank you for your kind support.  May God bless you and your family.
Regards, Dr Mark Hobart

Dr Mark Hobart

Posts tagged “AHPRA

Penny... on Health
Penny... on Health

Truth-seeker, ever-questioning, ever-learning, ever-researching, ever delving further and deeper, ever trying to 'figure it out'. This site is a legacy of sorts, a place to collect thoughts, notes, book summaries, & random points of interests.

DISCLAIMER: The information on this website is not medical science or medical advice. I do not have any medical training aside from my own research and interest in this area. The information I publish is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease, disorder, pain, injury, deformity, or physical or mental condition. I just report my own results, understanding & research.