† Dr Rashid Buttar (1966-2023)
- Updated:1 year ago
- Reading Time:58Minutes
- Post Words:14550Words
Another “Convenient Death“. Dr Rashid Buttar called out the plandemic, the dangers of the genocidal vaccines, and had one of the first videos that went viral back in April 2020 in a mainstream interview calling out Fauci’s shenanigans with gain of function research. He was one of the “disinformation dozen” where mainstream hit pieces turned him into a “conspiracy theorist and dangerous anti-vaxxer” because he was convincing people not to take the so-called “life-saving vaccines” and calling out medical tyranny. He died at the age of 57 after claiming that he had been given a ‘poison’ containing ‘200 times of what was in the vaccine’.
Dr. Rashid Buttar was named one of the “Disinformation Dozen” – basically, a big pain in BigPharma and the Agenda’s backside – a mass targeted attack was placed on them all in 2021 when they were warning everyone about the vaccines.
- Organized huge “Learn the truth about Covid” conferences to share the truth about the vaccines, the agenda, and natural healing (next one was just a few days away – May 27-29th) which has been cancelled so that his family can make funeral arrangements.
- April 2020 – Called out the gain of function research carried out in Chapel Hill, called out Fauci 2015-2017 about pandemic, and the vaccines are mass-genocide – video went viral and he was named one of the “Disinformation Dozen”.
- Known for “environmental toxicity & detoxification, reversing cancer & autism, natural healing”
- Rashid reached out to Sayer on Feb. 18th, and explained that only a few weeks before, he was in the ICU for 6 days, with a diagnosis of both stroke and myocarditis, with symptoms and biomarkers consistent with adverse effects from the mRNA jabs (which he did not have). He believed that he had experienced the result of shedding (aka, “self-amplifying” properties) from the transgenic mRNA jabs, and that when he was in the ICU, he believes he was poisoned. (Dr. Tau Braun clip – no link to original but I have the clip which I’ll add to the compilation)
- Died May 18th, 2023
I know there are hundreds of compilation videos by now, but I wanted to put my own clips together, and so this is my compilation of Dr Rashid Buttar:
Dr Rashid Buttar (1966-2023)
1hr 20min Rumble
- 00:00 Oct 2021 – CNN Drew Griffin “You think I have a timebomb in me?”
- 00:13 Oct 2021 – CNN Anderson & Griffin dissing Buttar as a dangerous nutter.
- 00:52 Dec 2022 – CNN Drew Griffin Passes away
- 01:04 May 2023 – Dr Rashid Buttar ICU experience: thinks he was intentionally poisoned, partly after the CNN interview (Clip from Last interview, Day before his death)
- 01:28 (5min) Oct 2021 – The CNN Disinformation interview with Drew Griffin (01) CNN Disinformation Interview & April 2020-Nov2021 Compilation https://www.drbuttar.info/archive
- 06:28 May 2023 – Mike Adams believes they used a high-powered bioweapon on Dr Buttar (audio only – found on Telegram with no source-links)
- 15:27 – Dr. Tau Braun interview with Dr Buttar on the Snake Venom hypothesis and Dr Buttar mentions he was injected with many venoms in hospital (found on Telegram with no source-links) (02) Dr Tau Brown Website https://www.drtaubraun.com/
- 19:43 May 22 2023 – Dr. Tau Braun interview with Stew Peters after Dr Buttar’s death (03) Dr. Rashid Buttar DIES SUDDENLY: Anti-Vaxx Doctor Claims POISONING Days Before Mysterious DEATH https://rumble.com/v2pd0ey-dr.-rashid-buttar-dies-suddenly-anti-vaxx-doctor-claims-poisoning-days-befo.html
- 32:13 (30 min) Mar 2023 – Dr Rashid Buttar details his symptoms & hospitalisation with Sayer Ji, Dr Joel Bohemier, and Ty Bollinger (04) The Censorship-Industrial Complex REVEALED, Tue, Mar 14 2023 9:24 am, https://unite.live/greenmedinfo/greenmedinfo?recording_id=1999 | https://greenmedinfo.com/blog/loving-memory-dr-rashid-buttar-1966-2023a
- 1:04:10 May 18 2023 – Clips from his last interview (He died on May 18 2023, and his last interview was livestreamed the day before) with Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson (05) Dr. Rashid Buttar and the Coronavirus Agenda, Streamed live on: May 17 2023, Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson https://rumble.com/v2ocmig-dr.-rashid-buttar-and-the-coronavirus-agenda.html
- 1:08:30 (9min) April 2020-Nov 2021 Compilation by Dr Rashid Buttar (06) Compilation is on his homepage https://drbuttar.info/
- 1:17:04 – Clip – interview with Dr Bryan Ardis talking about being poisoned. (07) Doctor Rashid Buttar Poisoned At Conference R.I.P 5/18/23 https://rumble.com/v2p0d60-doctor-rashid-buttar-poisoned-at-conference-r.i.p-51823.html
- 1:17:42 – Another clip from final interview day before his death.
Recommend watching last interview in full.
CNN Clips
October 2021
Drew Griffith, CNN I’m vaccinated, right? You think I have a time bomb in here and I’m going to be die?
Buttar: I hope not, but I’ll be happy to meet you in three years and see how you go
… but you think that it’s possible.
I think that it’s probable.
October 2021
Anderson, CNN: I mean, I don’t even know where to begin with this guy, but I’m stunned that he still has a license, this is just incredible the stuff that this guy is saying.
This guy is disinforming patients. He doesn’t even know or meet, and that is the problem. People sitting at home on the internet believing that this guy who very much reminds me Anderson of that pillow guy who’s looking at basic facts and so misinterpreting them that it’s hard to believe, but he is doing it in such a way that he’s telling these people and convincing them not to get a life-saving vaccine.
December 17, 2022
CNN We have some stunningly heartbreaking news to share with you this morning that our colleague, our friend and truly distinguished CNN journalist, Drew Griffin, passed away in the last 24 hours.
- October 2021, Drew Griffin “You think I have a time-bomb in me?” (he asks Buttar in an interview, referring to being vaccinated)
- December 19, 2022 CNN’s Drew Griffin dead at 60 after cancer battle: ‘We lost a beloved colleague’ https://nypost.com/2022/12/19/cnns-drew-griffin-dead-at-60-after-cancer-battle/
- December 20, 2022 Tweet RIP Drew Griffin. Horrible news. https://twitter.com/jaketapper/status/1604827541273034754
Buttar (day before his death) May 17 2023
“You know, I went through a very difficult personal health challenge a few months ago. I was in the ICU. I had been poisoned with 200 times the amount of what’s in the vaccinations, and I’ve said publicly, you know, you’d have to shoot me in the head with the lead – a bullet – because I’m never going to take the vaccine. So I was actually intentionally poisoned and part of it was I believe right after that CNN interview.”
October 2021, CNN Interview
Drew: “You think Dr. Fauci is involved in some kind of plot to kill millions of people? I just want to make sure I understand.”
Again, Drew, I’m a reasonable person. You’re asking me what I think and I said it could be this, but I can tell you that Dr. Fauci is not innocent bystander. He’s very well aware of what he’s doing, and the extent of his involvement. I don’t know. I’m not privy to that information.
As atrocious as Dr. Buttar’s faked conclusions and conspiracy theories are, he is just one of the doctors spreading dangerous COVID disinformation to millions of people across social media, according to the Center for Countering Digital Hate.
Dr. Rashid Buttar at one time had more than a million followers and is considered one of the top spreaders of disinformation about COVID-19.
“More people are dying from the COVID vaccine than from COVID.”
He posted most to took COVID vaccines will be dead by 2025, but his biggest whopper is the overarching conspiracy theory that COVID was a planned operation, which was politically motivated as part of a secret global plot to depopulate the Earth.
Do you believe the pandemic was planned?
I do.
Okay, but you don’t know by who.
I have no idea
And you don’t know why.
Well, I suspect that there’s research that’s coming now that would indicate that it’s probably something to reduce the population or minimize reproduction rates.
It would be laughable if it wasn’t so dangerous. Buttar compares COVID and the vaccine to World War II and Dr. Anthony Fauci to Adolf Hitler.
Fauci is a criminal. You talk about Hitler? Okay.
Well, whoever Dr. Fauci is in your mind, he is a government bureaucrat and you are comparing him to Hitler. The Nazis.
I am.
Who killed six million Jews.
I think this number is going to be higher.
Let’s be absolutely clear. Lies cost lives in a pandemic. If you’re encouraging people not to vaccinate, you will cause people to lose their lives.
Buttar is encouraging people to distrust life-saving vaccines, and like other disinformers, he is using false twisted information and unproven conspiracies to do it.
Do you think the COVID vaccine works?
I think that the COVID vaccine is very effective at what it was designed for perhaps, but it’s not preventing death, certainly not.
It’s not preventing death.
Even faced with indisputable facts, Buttar doubles down on his belief that life-saving vaccines are more dangerous than the virus itself.
People don’t die from COVID. You’ve already seen the data. So why are we getting a vaccine that causes more deaths than the problem itself?
6.34 billion doses of this vaccine have been given. If you’re right, people will drop and dead all around us for it.
It’s not orchestrated to do that. Each vaccine has been geared up. So you can look at the ingredients of the vaccines themselves. It’s all been published.
Complete the sentence. Each vaccine has been geared up for what?
Well, there’s a time vaccine. Each vaccine is designed. It appears to be different. I don’t know the details because I’m not a vaccine developer.
Scientific corruption.
Because of his disinformation, Buttar has been removed from Facebook and Instagram, but he’s still going strong on Twitter, Telegram, and his own website, all filled with falsehoods.
On September 5th, you retweeted a photo of an AstraZeneca packaging that seems to indicate the vaccine was made in 2018. That picture that you retweeted was a doctored photo that was fake.
Perhaps it was fake. Let me ask you something. You say it’s not reasonable to question the same agencies that have resulted in numerous deaths, i.e. the FDA.
It’s reasonable to ask questions. What I don’t understand is how you get from your asking questions to your belief. You had 1.2 million followers at point. They got false information from you. Not correct for challenging medical information. They got a doctored photo.
If I sent a tweet out of a picture that was doctored and I didn’t know about it, I’m not perfect. Maybe I did make that mistake, but I did not make mistakes on the numbers.
The very latest vaccine studies show they remained 90% effective in preventing hospitalization and death. Buttar tells his followers it is the vaccine that is the danger.
We already see thousands of people dying. This Delta variant is all vaccine injured. The CDC’s own data is showing that.
That’s just not true.
I don’t want to be part of this mass genocide that I see happening, and I think that what’s going on right now will be remembered as a worst time in history compared to World War II.
I just want to be straight with you. I think you’re crazy.
Mike Adams
There’s no question in my mind that there are bio weapons that have been created by the, well, the bio weapons industrial complex, right? With the help of Fauci and the NIH and the DOD and so on, and if you think SARS-CoV-2 was the only weapon they created, think again. They’ve been hard at work at this for decades and they have a freezer full of other biological weapons, and as best I can tell, they take some of these weapons and they deploy them against individuals.
Sometimes at public speaking events and other times perhaps in other nefarious ways. Some of these can be contact agents. Certain types of proteins, for example, can of course go right through the skin, and so an individual can be tracked and followed and these weapons bio weapons can be sprayed on their door knobs or car door handles or water bottles or what have you. Or their food can be tainted or their hotel room can be sprayed with this.
So what they can do is they can follow somebody at a public speaking event who’s staying in a hotel. Follow them back, identify their room. Of course, easily enter the room by forcing the hotel to comply with the deep state, and then they enter the hotel room and they just spray the whole room with all the bio weapons while they’re holding their own breath and then they just exit and wait for the person to go in and soak up all the bio weapons in the room and get sick and die, and I’ve seen this happen.
I’ve seen this happen more than once and there are people in the health freedom movement who have lost fathers and mothers and loved ones because they were at certain events that were targeted with certain types of sometimes aerosolized bio weapons, and in other cases, specific individuals were targeted. I know of several people who were severely sickened and because they were targeted in such a manner, some of whom barely survived. I mean, they thought they were going to die for like two weeks straight, and through the help of natural medicine, they were able to pull through – a normal person would have died. You know, a person that’s hopped up on pharmaceuticals and whatever would have died, but because these people are well informed about Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine and chlorine dioxide and other things, once symptoms come on strong, they’re able to treat themselves with such substances and other things, and they’re able to overcome and actually survive and make it through where again, a lot of other people would have normally died.
It also helps to have very healthy blood that is not subject to strong coagulation or clotting, of course, and so if you have a healthy diet and you have healthy oils and you don’t eat a lot of fried foods and junk foods and so on, you have healthier blood, and I was reminded of this a couple weeks ago when I suffered a very interesting injury and lost quite a lot of blood, and I would comment on my podcast. I was watching this blood pour out of my body and the only thought I had was man, such a waste because I work so hard to make good quality blood with all my smoothies and nutrients and supplements and the ahi flower oil that I take. That spelled ahi flower if you want to know what that is, it’s like I think it’s the world’s best plant based alternative to fish oil. Anyway, makes your blood really flow, and so when blood was flowing out of me, I was like, wow, that’s definitely not clotting blood right there. Although I did, I applied pressure and stopped the bleeding and I’m fine, but because of course I made more blood. You’re built with that right? We’re all making more blood all the time. So thank goodness, we can make more blood.
I believe that Dr. Buttar also had healthy blood. So he was hit. I believe there’s my opinion can’t prove it, but in my opinion, he was hit with an extreme weapon, that is probably not one that has been deployed publicly before. Or certainly hasn’t been widely deployed. So this weapon took a tremendous toll. It must have been a hyper clotting type of weapon, the kind of blood clotting that you would normally only see from something like a snake bite, or some kind of venom coursing through the blood would cause that kind of rapid clotting, which of course could be diagnosis a stroke eventually. It could cause a stroke, the clotting.
So Dr. Buttar had a very healthy lifestyle and he lived what he taught and thus the kind of weapon that had to be used to target him, had to be a hyper clotting weapon, and I would not be surprised if this weapon is the one that they plan to release on the public before the end of 2025, because we know another major release of a bio weapon is coming, and we also know from other experts that we’ve interviewed that this next bio weapon will make COVID look like a walk on the park.
I’ll talk about that in a second, but just for the record, I have been at public speaking events where I began to take on symptoms very quickly after such events, and I have always successfully treated with chlorine dioxide. Ivermectin, I take prophylactically before I go into public, by the way. That’s just me. I can’t recommend that you do that. That’s between you and your doctor or you and your soul or what I mean, that’s up to you. I take it. I take it before I ever go out in public, because that way I have Ivermectin and obviously preloaded before I’m exposed to something if there is an exposure type of event, but I was symptomatic when I came back from Tulsa a couple years ago now, and I took chlorine dioxide and I think I took Ivermectin at the time I took (inaudible) and I took some other some other herbs and vitamins and nutrients and those symptoms were handled very, very quickly, but man it came on fast.
I do remember how quickly they came on. It was a matter of about two hours went from from 100% to like two hours later. Like, oh my God, something’s trying to kill me from the inside. These things can come on very rapidly, and of course, that’s when I started slamming the chlorine dioxide, but again, that’s just me. I can’t recommend that you do that. You make your own health decisions, but the point here is that all of us in the health freedom movement have been attacked, one way or another with these biological weapons and there’s no doubt in my mind that there’s a bio weapon deep state, which of course is probably working in collusion with pharma, to try to literally murder all of the alternative medicine doctors and health freedom advocates and public educators who are trying to save lives, and you know, there are many, many wonderful doctors who have been murdered.
I believe that Nicholas Gonzalez, Dr. Gonzalez is one of these. (08) Nicholas Gonzalez: The latest victim of the pharma assassins? https://www.respectfulinsolence.com/2015/07/24/nicholas-gonzalez-the-latest-victim-of-the-pharma-assassins/ I know not everybody agrees with that assessment, but (inaudible) Elizabeth, of course, compiles the increasingly large number of medical professionals who appear to have been murdered or targeted for murder in various ways.
The thing is with these biological weapons, they can be very covertly deployed through an aerosolized spray or a contact poison that can be specific to an individual or it can be aerosolized for an entire group or a room or hotel room, speaking room, things like that.
So we always have to be extremely careful knowing that there are nefarious anti-human bio weapons mass murderers on the loose in America, in Europe, around the world, trying to mass murder humanity and trying to silence truth tellers using these weapons.
Dr Tau Braun
- Whole fascinating field where virology took a turn, a pure marketing stroke of genius in that virus used to mean venom. You look it up in the dictionary and the archaic version of the word virus is venom.
- So then you go, well, how did they leave behind the science of that they knew it was going to function like a poison, and then what would be the difference between not describing it as a venom anymore and how come they’re now describing it as a virus and by definition all viruses obligate parasites, which would mean that it needs to function within a host and what is it trying to do in its host.
- It’s using the host to make more of itself.
- Then you start getting into the whole field where it starts becoming pretty easy to understand what it’s doing. It’s the earliest forms of procreation. So now it took me into a turn of saying, right, if this is going to be I’m not going to use the word virus anymore if I understand that it’s actually replicating venom.
- That made me discover that you can take venom as a human being. You can synthesize it. You can purify it, and then you can get other microbes to make more of it, and then you find out that these companies who sold business it is is to make libraries of sequences of this stuff and then resell it for medication, and you’re like, wait, why didn’t anybody tell me this?
- Why didn’t anyone tell me that if you wanted cobra venom, then you don’t have to go mocha cobra anymore. You can just go to a company who specializes in cobra venom peptides, and you can just say, hey, I’ve got $10,000 to spend. I’d like a discount, and they don’t even ask you what you’re going to do with it.
Virus in old dictionaries means Venom
- Virus = venom, poison https://www.etymonline.com/search?q=virus
Yeah. Well, as a person who has been tested, who, you know, three months ago, four months ago was in ICU for six days and had 77 pounds of fluid and protein that I lost basically that was taking off my body. I mean, so much excessive weight because of the myocarditis/pericarditis, picture that I had, and I’ve, of course, never had the vaccine.
I had five different venoms that were found in my body, and three of those five were snake venom and then one was an ant venom. One was a spider venom, and so…
- Without giving away too much of my presentation. I do want to give, for your audience who doesn’t know this as an explanation, and I’m not sure that Dr. Odys(?) has even unpacked this in this way because it gets very confusing to people.
- Venom in itself is a molecular switch. So you only need one venom to create those other five and where those other five are going to come from is from your own body.
- So all microbes, you can think about it as, an armoured vehicle carrying, a payload of money to give back to the bank, right? Wells Fargo’s coming with a truck and they’re picking up money from a chipotle somewhere cash and they’re going to go deliver it somewhere. If they are really serious about protecting their money. They’ve got to have some full ammunition with them. They’ve got to have a way that if they were attacked, that they don’t just defend themselves by having an armored vehicle, that they have a way of shooting back.
- So the way that a bacteria would shoot back or a parasite would shoot back or a fungus would shoot back is they store venom, and so when they’re under threat, they release that venom. So we all have venoms in us.
- We have enzymes in us that are venom, and basically all of venom is, is it’s a colony that lives amongst bacteria inside another microbe, and what’s happening is that microbe is dying, and and as a way to preserve its other species, it’s releasing that, and if it releases it in copious amounts and there’s enough of it, whatever’s attacking that species, the species lives, but the individuals that gave up their lives, similar to the other work I was doing, with law enforcement.
Right, it’s the same exact cancer, apoptosis, it’s the self destruction in order to preserve the whole. It’s the same.
Stew Peters & Dr Tau Braun
Rashid Buttar was a good friend of this program. He has been on the program before he was a formidable fighter against medical tyranny. He was also a strong believer in what we will call the venom theory. That’s the hypothesis that COVID itself was caused by snake venom poisoning rather than a virus, and yes, that the so called vaccines that now deployed weapon of bio warfare contains snake venom as well. We mentioned all of that by the way of background because over the weekend, Dr. Buttar died suddenly. Well, we know that the doctor wasn’t vaccinated. So what else explains him just dropping dead abruptly in mysterious circumstances? The only answer that we have for right now is we just don’t know. Some reports suggest that he died from a stroke. Others say that he may have been poisoned, and you know, that’s very interesting because as it happens in an interview not long before his death, Dr. Buttar said that he had been poisoned at least once before.
Buttar (day before his death) May 17 2023 “You know, I went through a very difficult personal health challenge a few months ago. I was in the ICU. I had been poisoned with 200 times the amount of what’s in the vaccinations, and I’ve said publicly, you know, you’d have to shoot me in the head with the lead – a bullet – because I’m never going to take the vaccine. So I was actually intentionally poisoned and part of it was I believe right after that CNN interview.”
Now there are other concepts out there worth thinking about. Even several decades ago, the CIA was hard at work on a heart attack gun that used shellfish venom to cause sudden heart failure in the target, and this isn’t some strange wild, whacked out weird conspiracy theory. No, there was actually literally a congressional hearing about this heart attack gun.
Now, Dr. Brian Ardis has already announced that he plans to review a toxicology report on Dr. Buttar’s death, we’re eager to learn what that report says.
Dr. Tau Braun is a US national counterterrorism advisor and trainer. Dr. Braun is also a believer in the snake venom theory and also believes that the fibrous clots described in our film “Died Suddenly” are being caused by snake venom poisoning, and he joins us now, Dr. Braun. Thank you so much for coming. We appreciate you being here.
My pleasure Stew, what what a sad time this is, what a loss to the world. I recently had been introduced to and started becoming a friend of Rashid, Dr. Buttar, and he had one of those personalities where you felt completely loved by him, the minute you were interacting with him. I think it’s a huge loss to the world, both in terms of him being somebody that was a truth teller, somebody that was absolutely dedicated towards humanity, and I think crucial during this time, I think one of the things that I’ve been seeing on my social media is just how many people say he was the person that made them skeptical of this entire bio weapon attack from the beginning – it was him. He opened the eyes. He spoke in a rational, methodical, truthful way, and he was believable, and he saved a lot of lives like that, and a lot of people made decisions not to take the vaccine. I think a lot of people have been following his work. He’s been running a meditation, which is crucial at this time. It’s incredibly sad.
In terms of his death, I want to be completely appropriate and respectful to his family and to his loved ones and that, you know, let them be the people over over the course of time now to release more information, whether an autopsy is being done and toxicology reports, facts are going to be crucial in this case, but to review what we know, is that when a man says that they have been poisoned, and when they land up in ICU for six days, we should believe them.
You know, these are not things that people just throw around easily when somebody says I don’t know more than a handful of people that I’ve ever encountered in hospital settings, in prison settings, that have said to me, I was poisoned, and I suffered the consequences.
I think that he was trying to approach this in a very level headed way. I don’t believe that he wanted to believe that he was a target, even though I leave room for that.
My understanding of this pandemic has been deeply shaped by me growing up in South Africa. I was a child born in the 70s, and then I was a child of the 80s during the most violent time in South Africa, and at that time where there were heavily governance sanctioned assassinations, and it was only in the truth and reconciliation commissions that were held after arphatied fell that the truth about these assassinations came out.
People were poisoned. People were taken out through car accidents that looked like they were real accidents. People were shot. People were taken out into fields, and that people knew that this was going on, but nothing was provable until the truth got out. So I’m sort of shaped and I am guided by the fact that when you have very, very high level people, and they have huge influence, and I don’t mean to create any fear for you Stew, I know that you’ve got a deep background in this work, and I know that you’ve got really good situational awareness, all of us that are being outspoken, all of us that have a huge influence. We know the threat. We know that we have to have our head on a swivel stick, and we know that we’ve got to really watch our backs, but we have to leave room for the fact that there can be some deep nefarious activity.
Why we would be targets is that we are living in a time where a nonprofit organization that is UK based that has an office in Washington DC that is supposed to be dispelling information about digital hate. They put the CEO and the team of people from that organization, the center for I think it’s Countering Digital Hate. They put Dr. Buttar on a hit list. They literally, not only internally, if they wanted to release this information, let’s say to the CDC or to other concerned entities, and the information should have been confidential. What they did is they put a hit list together and then they publicized that in mainstream media, which starts leaving room for the fact that it could have even been a member of the public that tried to take out Buttar, and we may never know, that’s the sad part about the situation.
When Dr. Buttar spoke, you can really sense authenticity and that somebody is really convicted in what they’re saying and that they’re leaving everything on the table, that they’re not holding back anything. You may have seen the same thing when BBC tried to do a hit piece on me. I was on the Alex Jones show the other day. I just I will go anywhere and say the message of truth because the truth will vindicate you 100% of the time. Even if it is hard to believe, even if it’s against the grain, even if it’s not politically correct, even if it means not showing support for a populous candidate because you have objections to some of their policies or some of the things that they’re doing, even when you’re attacked relentlessly for doing that, you have to stay steadfast in the truth, and I believe that Dr. Buttar was doing that, which is what made him an enemy of the state because the truth is the greatest weapon against the empire of lies.
Absolutely. It is the only truth as ironically in the old CIA building. They had it right on their wall engraved on the wall. The truth will set us free, and only the CIA would really realize that the narrative gets to the point where it’s so controlled that to find points of certainty is the only anchor you can have to stay sane, to stay safe.
People ask me about my experience through this in terms of understanding that when you are giving out credible information and you’re a credible person like Dr. Buttar was, the threat increases when your show dropped about the venom, and then I think Dr. Otis(?) followed up with an interview with me. I think it was the next day that there were agents on my property. Now, it starts playing head games with you because were those agents on my property coincidentally, where they’re looking for somebody else? I just walked straight up to them and I said, you’re looking for me and they said no, and then I smiled and I went on my business, but the head game of it is pretty severe because you really, you really do not know where the threat would come from, and in this case, what, Dr. Buttar was also saying is that when he landed up in, in ICU, he had had a stroke. He had heart issues.
In my opinion, more than likely, the drive of trying to put this conference together at a time where he was supposed to be resting up or even potentially getting a surgery may have taken him over the edge in terms of pushing through.
There’s a warning in here as well that I think becomes crucial. Besides all of the sort of paranoia that this can create, I’m a solutions based person. The two main things that are attached to venom that are crucial for people to understand is that adrenalin increases clotting, and so this bio weapon is more than likely in all of us. This is your ubiquitous protein that is now everywhere.
Shedding is real. I cannot stand the fact that virologists and vaccinologists and biologists with, with any level of, you know, high level of expertise. I cannot understand why they would lied to the public and not explain that when you introduce a toxin to the body, the body starts producing other toxins and those toxins leave the body and can make somebody sick. That’s called shedding, and so when this protein is now around, I think that people should have a good intuition in terms of trusting their body. There’s still a lot of people that were hurt by from this, either through vaccine or through shedding and that they’ve been exercise avoidant. They can feel it. They can intuitively know that they don’t want to push themselves too far.
This seems to be a part to it that is performance anxiety related as well. I know of people that have had heart attacks and they’ve been fine during training and then during the testing stage or during a competition. That’s when something happens to them. There seems to be a part to this where it’s adrenaline and endorphin based and it increases clotting, and so we really need to understand that and I want to urgently tell people… just like I used to encourage people for active attack situations to learn how to put on a tourniquet. People need to watch and learn how to tell the signs of a stroke and they need to be able to watch and learn the signs of things like a heart attack, because they’re going to become more frequent. We are all under attack. People are being murdered, whether it’s purposefully or whether they are now a side effect of this bio weapon.
How do people deal with it when they sense that they’re having a heart attack? What do you suggest with two minutes remaining here?
I think the things that Dr. Otis(?) and I and yourself and others have been putting out there is that once you understand that this bio weapon is venom based, then you have to understand how to defeat venom, and those are things like EDTA, glutathione, vitamin C’s, your antioxidants, copper and zinc together, and also just watching out for the signs, you know, not, the doctors are gaslighting people. If somebody has a medical situation and they are feeling that there’s an elephant sitting on a chest. Stay away from a doctor that says that’s all in your mind. If somebody has venom in their body, those can be the crucial warning signs that they need an anti-coagulant or they need some other form of medical intervention. Gaslighting and minimizing these problems is also killing people.
As we’ve discussed on this program, many occasions, a lot of these doctors, the majority of them are murderers either due to ignorance or because they are motivated by selfish reasons like continuing to keep their job, their high paying jobs, and to remain as, upheld as prominent figures in the healthcare industry, which has been completely hijacked by terrorists, and right now, they’re actively killing people. That’s what’s happening. They’re actively killing people. Any doctor that now continues to give these injections to people ought to be tried at Nuremberg II.
Dr. Tau Braun, thank you so much for all of your insight. We appreciate you being here. God bless you, sir.
My pleasure Stew.
Dr Rashid Buttar details his symptoms & hospitalisation with Sayer Ji, Dr Joel Bohemier, and Ty Bollinger
- Ty Bollinger: A lot of good information out there, and I think at this point, it’s not even really a topic of debate anymore that the CCDH is the disinformation spreader, and those people that are on the other side of the vaccine debate are the information, the disinfo spreaders. It was interesting.
- When the disinfo dozen was first called out as a group a couple of years ago, we had a reporter for a local NBC affiliate here in Nashville showed up on our property. Literally on our property, like inside the gate on our driveway filming. My daughters were afraid they didn’t know what was going on. I went down there to talk to him to figure out who it was. He’s like, “yeah, we’re with the local NBC affiliate, we’d like to get an interview about this disinformation dozen”, and they’re filming the whole time, as they’re talking to me about illegally being on my property.
- So at that point, you know, you have a decision. You can either give them the interview, which you know is going to be a hit piece or you can tell them to leave, which at that point, they’re going to say, oh, they had something to hide because they wouldn’t give us an interview. So, it’s like you’re damned if you do, damned if you don’t.
- So I gave them an interview, and the first question, of course, was, how does it feel to be part of the disinfo dozen that are killing people with your disinformation?, you know, they totally walk away. That’s the question. It’s totally biased, but I said, “Look, can you name one specific piece of information that we’ve been spreading that is actually disinformation. Tell me what’s wrong.” They couldn’t. They didn’t have any specific examples.
- So this is a real live example of adhering to the tenants that were first put into the American consciousness by Edward Bernays who wrote the book Propaganda. The way that you demonize opponents is that you lie about them over and over. Don’t say anything specific. Just call them names, general lies until the public believes something about a person. That’s the way that you use propaganda to influence the way somebody feels about a person is exactly the way that they’ve done things. Because they couldn’t list anything that we’ve said that was disinfo.
- As you mentioned, and I’m glad you did Joel, there’s not everything we said is accurate, and not everything that all of the disinfo dozen has said is accurate, but the difference is that if we say something that’s inaccurate, well post an article says, you know, that was an inaccurate figure or, you know, that was actually not accurate. This is more accurate because we want the truth to come out there.
- Interesting about the CCDH, which is the the the Center for countering digital hatred or maybe the Center for CREATING digital hate. What they did is they created they put a list out there basically with us. So they created hate, but their philosophy is if you get caught in a lie, just double down and keep lying, and I think that’s what differentiates us from them because we want the truth to get out there, and if we get caught not in a lie, but in saying something that’s not accurate we’ll correct it because we want people to know the truth, and clearly the CCDH is is one of the largest spreaders of disinformation out there.
- I was just talking to someone today earlier, a year ago, people were debating, well, is it really the vaccine that’s causing a lot of these people to die because we’ve seen these sudden deaths over and over, and, and Kudo’s for people like Stew Peters that produced the Died Suddenly documentary. This really brought awareness to this and another documentaries that have been out there, but the problem is, at this point, what do we do about it, right?
- Because the public consciousness has shifted and almost everyone I talk to now realizes that it’s most likely the vaccine that’s causing the deaths. I mean, I just saw something yesterday. A 22 year old trainer in the XFL just died suddenly over the weekend at training camp. I mean, it’s ridiculous how many healthy young fit people are dying suddenly. So I think at this point, the public consciousness has shifted and people are aware. We get contacted very frequently by people that have taken one or two doses or a couple of boosters and they are terrified about dying in their sleep. They want to know what can I do now that can maybe mitigate the damage done by these vaccines.
Yeah, I mean Ty, so well spoken and you know, there was a point where any stranger at a restaurant would would require you give them, your vaccine status, and now we’re not allowed to ask questions around all the people that are suddenly dying, right? It’s such a hypocrisy. Rashid, how do you feel about, this unfolding story and yeah, how are you doing?
Well, you know, it’s so you know some of the things that just happened to me recently and Ty it’s good to see you there, even though you’re still as ugly as ever, but.
- If you’re talking about my nose, that I look like Rudolph. My face is ugly typically. The Rudolph nose actually came real quick from…our son Bryce pitches in college and we went down last weekend to watch him play ball. It was a double header and I was out for six hours seven hours in 50 degree weather, but direct sunlight and it just destroyed my nose. So that’s the reason.
I think that’s a great story. I think what happened in actuality is somebody’s trying to interview him and it was from this notorious organization we’re talking about, and Ty head-butted him and missed and I think that’s what it really was.
Well, you know, it’s interesting. It’s not just the vaccine as Ty said. I think this phenomena, whatever we want to label it as a shedding or whatever the case is this targeting. As you know, Sayer and I don’t think Ty, you know this, but I was actually in an ICU only a month and a half ago for six days. I actually started having this strange phenomena.
I was on stage with the General Flynn and the Re-Awaken America tour in September in Washington state, and I was kind of getting short of breath, and I thought it was because of the wildfires there. So I wasn’t even able to properly give my presentation. So I showed more videos, but after that. I started developing this worsening shortness of breath. I couldn’t understand what was going on, and then my legs, my feet and my ankles, my legs started swelling, and within seven, eight days, the swelling disappeared. I actually hadn’t started anything. I was talking to a friend of mine about maybe I should start a diuretic. I didn’t know what was going on, but it disappeared after about seven days and about nine to 10 days later. I mean, I hit my normal workout schedule and everything, but eight or nine days later, the swelling started again, and this time it lasted for about a week and a half, and now I’m thinking, maybe I started working out too soon, I don’t know what the hell’s going on, but it was actually getting above my knees, and then it disappeared again.
My sons came to visit. They were trying to figure out what was going on, and you know, all up till Thanksgiving day, everything was fine, but on Thanksgiving day, the swelling started again. I had a hard time putting my boots on, and from that point till January 18th, I went from my baseline weight. Ty, I’m two hundred and ten pounds, when when we first met, I was a lot bigger and heavier, but I actually had one or two muscles. You could actually see it that time, but I went from two hundred and ten pounds on Thanksgiving day to two hundred and sixty pounds on January 18th.
The fluid on me was so significant. I’ve got pictures, everything from above my knees, my thighs, my pelvis, scrotum distortion up into paraspinal muscles into my abdomen. I had to stand up to breathe. I couldn’t sleep at night. It was the worst thing. I thought I was dying. I literally did, and if I hadn’t had this experience in July and December 12th, basically an encounter with the creator where it was actually recorded, and if you guys want to see the video, you can watch it, but I begged the creator for me to stay with him. It was that beautiful of an experience, and he said, no, you wish it was going to be that lucky. You got too much work to do. You’re going back, and on January 18th, I was admitted to the hospital at two hundred and sixty pounds.
With no medications or steroids or anything?
Nothing. I was two hundred and sixty pounds – all fluid weight, and they started to diaries me. One of my friends, orthopaedic surgeon said it all up with an ER that’s urgent care centre and had a small little private hospital. Next to it, I got there. The doctor there said, look, you tell me what you want me to do, and I’ll do it. I started on lay six and and then Bumex alternating, and in the first six hours from about 12 30 at night till seven in the morning, they Diuresis 12 and a half pounds of fluid off me, and I was breathing so much better, and then as the nurse was about to hang something else, my right eye started fluttering, and my significant other doctor, Dr Ashton was with me and she looked at me and I pointed out to the nurse, and then I kind of leaned back to close my head to see if I could reset it, and I apparently passed out at that point, and I remember at one point she was like, you know, panicking and I’m saying, why are you so animated just calm down, but she said that I wasn’t saying that at all.
There were paramedics there. They were doing the sternal rub on me, and I’m telling them, what are you doing the sternal rub on me? You know, you’re supposed to be when a person is non reactive or non responsive. I’m responsive. I’m talking to you guys. Nothing. Apparently, I had a medullar, I had a mid thalamic stroke, which was confirmed by MRI, and I had (inaudible) for maybe 24 hours, but I had full 100% resolution, which in the normal world is called a transient ischemic attack; a TIA, but they confirmed that I actually had a full blown stroke, you know, mid thalamic stroke by MRI, which is the definitive component, and they continued to put me in the ICU.
I had to argue with them for about 24 hours before they continued to Diuresis, but when they discharged me from the hospital six days later, I was 198 pounds. So I went from 260 to 198, and I continued to lose weight for another week and half. I was done 183 pounds. Ty, do you think I was even born at 180 pounds? I think I was born heavier than that. You know, and it was literally that bad.
Now, I’m trying to figure out what the hell happened. I never had the shot, but I have a picture that was denied by the hospital. Okay. My D dimer levels were 16 and a half times what normal was, my troponin T, which is not used for myocardial infarction. The troponin T was 342 normal, 21, I think, or 22, and those are pictures of myocarditis and pericarditis, and here’s a real clincher: throughout this whole time, when when I start getting pain. If I lean forward, I’d have full resolution within 15 seconds of pain, which is a characteristic of pericarditis and myocarditis. They’re trying to figure out what the stroke happened and I’m like, my freaking D dimer levels are, you know, which indicate coagulopathy. These are all findings that are consistent with the vaccination, the COVID vaccination or they’ve been contributing to COVID, not to the vaccination, but that’s what we find to be attributed to COVID vaccination as well, and it’s being ignored by mainstream, just like they ignored the Remdesivir and some of these other components that were actually causing the people to have a problem.
So it’s not just the vaccine. It’s actually for people that are experiencing secondary inoculation from people that have been vaccinated. So as Ty said, vaccination injuries one, but that exposure to other people and from what I understand from my military contacts and from some of the conversations that I’ve had, is that the goal was to get half the population inoculated at least half, and then the secondary goal was that that population would through exposure to others, create a secondary inoculation, and I think that’s what happened with me, and that’s what’s happened with a lot of people.
I had a webinar. 3 weeks ago I think it was, and I think I told you about that. We were going to talk about the cardiac protocol that I used, Dr. Thomas Levy from Florida, who’s a cardiologist. He helped me with that, and in doing this webinar, I just happened to mention, is there anybody on this webinar having similar problems. I had like almost 20 people. I think it was 17 people that raised their hands and came on said they were having the same type of components, and they all had a history of either cardiac disease, but nothing, nothing severe, but it was targeting people with immunocompromised function, and there was cancer patients, or diabetics, people with cardiovascular disease, or people that were obese, and I think that’s where the target was.
It’s not just vaccinated. It’s also those of us that have been exposed to secondary inoculation.
Well, we know that research is a self amplifying vaccines has already been performed. We know that they’re shedding. So, there’s a wave form equivalent to whatever particle like description you’re going to give for conventional viral therapy, contagion, communicable disease, and the other components are potentially, we’re in a quad-ternary weapon system situation with geoengineering. We have obviously non native EMF. All these other components that can contribute to the immune system going under and then this taking over.
So I don’t want people on the live to be afraid and yet your experience is your experience, and this is a very important topic, and so, Ty, I mean, you spent so much time educating the public about the truth about vaccines, the truth about cancer, and facilitating resilience. So what do you think when you hear about this?
- Yeah, I’m glad you’re okay, brother. I didn’t know that that had happened, but I have heard similar stories of people that have had cardiac type issues and even stroke minor strokes that weren’t vaccinated that believe that it was because of the shedding. So it’s certainly an issue. I think the key is to, for us now to educate people on what can we do. There’s so many people that have been vaccinated, and so many people have been exposed to those that have been vaccinated. I think it was Rashid – your conference, a couple years ago up in South Dakota that somebody, one of the female physicians was talking about how she had so many of the women that were in her clinic that weren’t vaccinated, but were bleeding irregularly because they had been exposed to people that were vaccinated. We’ve seen this shedding phenomenon for the last couple of years.
- That happened to an associate doctor of mine who was pregnant, who was adjusting several vaccinated patients in a row. She started bleeding literally from every orifice, and so we sent her home, and so the bleeding stopped maybe 24 hours later. So a couple days after that, maybe three, four days later, she came back. Same thing happened again, and we just sent her home for the rest of her pregnancy. Obviously, the bleeding stopped and she was okay, but it was clear that when she was taking care of vaccinated people, at least three to five in a row, then it would activate the bleeding in her body. It was incredible to see.
The woman that we had, that was actually a physician, and then during a webinar, I actually asked if anybody was having these type of problems, and we had one woman that came on said that she’d never had any Dysmenorrhea, she’d never had any irregularity, she’d never been in birth control. She was always like clockwork to her cycle. Her husband got the vaccine. They were intimate, and within two weeks, she started having breakthrough bleeding. She was having three to four cycles per month. She had Dysmenorrhea, and then next person that gets on with the question, same thing. We had three different women that had the same experience. All three women never took the vaccine. Their husbands took the vaccine. They were sexually intimate and within less than a month, they started having these experiences. So it’s definitely a real phenomenon.
- Well, the Pfizer study designed for the mRNA vaccines, as we know, included that if there was any inhalation of the same air if someone was vaccinated or skin contact, that that would pretty much cancel the trial results because of being a variable they couldn’t control. They knew it could alter the results. So I mean, it’s pretty clear that that is something to be concerned about.
Mentioning that, did you know that into Pfizer study, I believe it’s the Pfizer, it could have been the Moderna one, but did you know that in that very first study that they did with 64 women, they said that being sexually active or if you actually had coitus, that you would be eliminated from the study, it’s like why would sexual interaction… and then they specified there was coitus they were talking about because apparently I think they were worried about either miscarriage or a child being born with some type of malfunction, just some type of anatomical malfunction. So I just didn’t know whether you heard about it, but there’s strange things that we found reading some of those studies.
- I know that there are people listening to that I really want to know about solutions or like, obviously, Rashid, you look amazing given what you’ve gone through, and I’m really happy because I know you let me know what was going on. I was just blown away, but what are some things guys? I know that also you’re running a conference again, Rashad and also Ty. So maybe starting with you Rashad, what’s coming up.
Yeah. Yeah. So I appreciate that. Ty actually has attended the conference before and spoken at the same conference. I appreciate you bringing that up Sayer, and of course you have too, you’ve lectured at the conference and you were invited this year again, but you basically rejected it.
- I have other things I’ve already committed to. Thank you. I appreciate that.
So I think from a solutions standpoint, the most important thing from a solution standpoint, I want people to understand this became very evident to me in the first year this expose was taking place this façade that was taking place, the illusion that this was this huge pandemic infection that was going to kill millions and millions and millions of people. When this was happening that particular time period. I really didn’t have much of a social media presence, but it exploded and in that six month period from March 2020 when the first interview I did with next news network that hit 9.2 million views in six days till about August, I had 179 million hours viewed on my YouTube channel, and what I realized at that point that that really that the opposition, whoever they are, is really afraid of, is the inherent power that the individual person has.
It was illustrated because Dr Bruce Lipton who wrote Biology of Belief, he and I did a video on love and gratitude.
We didn’t talk about politics, we didn’t talk about medicine, cancer, vaccines, COVID, we didn’t even talk about Ty Bollinger, we didn’t talk about anything those things that would be considered controversial, and that video hit 1.8 million views in 12 hours and YouTube took it down, and that’s when I realized that they fear people becoming empowered, because when you’re in that state of love and gratitude and compassion, you’re resonating in a frequency that is devoid of anything related to fear, and their power comes from inducing fear.
Think about it, social distancing, we’re herd animals, we separated ourselves from our family and from our social circles, it’s inducing fear, right, the fear of the virus affecting you, all this stuff is all denoted to create more fear. If we understand that we are all individual creators created in the image of the creator by definition, we can create whatever outcome we want, and remember the children’s movie Monsters Inc.? Remember that movie, the Disney movie. Remember in that movie, the monsters would scare the kids and the kids would scream and as soon as it screamed, they would bottle their screams because that’s what they use the screens to fuel their cities. They used the fear as a source of power, and as soon as we realize that the only thing we have to fear in the words of Roosevelt, the only thing you have to fear is fear itself, and we liberate ourselves from that, the opposition is deathly scared of that because we don’t need to be afraid of any of this.
That I think is the most important and empowering thing for to people need to understand, and I appreciate the fact that you’re talking about solutions Sayer, because a lot of people don’t talk about the solutions, and I tried to actually talk about this in the CNN interview last year when they were talking to me about the disinformation dozen and how it feels to be one of the causes of the mass of my millions of death, Ty, like you were saying, you know, I told them, my response to CNN, it was supposed to be a 10 minute interview. They told me 10 to 15 minute interview, they edited down to seven minutes and interviewed me for an hour and 45 minutes, but when they asked me that, how does it feel?
I said, well, a lot of my friends are disappointed and they said, yes, we can see that, and I said, well, they disappointed that I’m only number five on the list. They wanted to know why I wasn’t number one or number two on the list, and of course, they didn’t know what to say, and I also told CNN, I said, I know why you’re interviewing me because I have more pull power than you guys do. I have higher viewership, and you’re trying to increase your viewership.
But empowerment, I think, is it recognizing that we are creators, and by definition, if the creator created us and him in is image, just like the Jewish religion, the Christian religion, and the Islamic religion believe, if God created us in his image, and he’s the creator, then by definition, we’re creators and we can create whatever outcome we desire.
- Ty, what do you think?
- Yeah, I agree with Rashid, as much as I hate to admit that we agree on something, but I mean, they weaponized fear for COVID, they weaponized fear in order to get people to do what they were told, much the same way that, with 9/11, 2001, they weaponized fear.
- They weaponize fear in hatred, you know, we’re supposed to hate all the Muslims and attack the Muslims because they attacked our country. When in reality, that’s not what happened on 9/11, we don’t have time to go into that, but they weaponized fear with COVID, and so they got people to do stupid things like stay six feet apart and wear a face diaper and take a vaccine and all these things that we know now they don’t work, but they used fear, and I have to agree, their biggest fear is that we will be personally empowered with information, and that’s what I think everyone here on this call and everyone in our movement really just wants to be able to share the truth, the information with people so that they can make their own mind up, right?
- We don’t want to force anybody to do anything. I don’t want to force you not to take a vaccine or to take a vaccine. I just want to let you know, here’s some potential problems with the vaccines, and here’s some substances that might be able to do better than the vaccines do. These natural substances might actually protect you better, and if you’ve had the vaccine, here’s some things that God made that might actually help you to detoxify some of the nasty stuff that you just put in your body, but they don’t want people to know that, right? So they only want half of the coin to show they don’t want you to see the other half, the natural half that gives you options.
- They want you to only have the conventional propaganda talking points that you should be definitely afraid of this virus and take a vaccine and stand six feet apart and wear a face diaper all the time, and we still see it, we still see these people.
- At first, I was disgusted by these people, and now I just more feel sorry for them, because just yesterday, I saw this lady in her car by herself. She had a matching yellow hat and a matching yellow mask and she was driving by herself in her own car with nobody still wearing a mask. So it shows that this propaganda campaign of fear has worked.
If I could add one quick thing to what Ty just said, it’s not even what other things would work for the inside of the vaccine. It’s just letting people know as Ty said empowering people with knowledge knowledge, such as in multiple studies, they have shown that natural immunity, naturally induced immunity without any supplementation or anything else is 2,700% higher efficacy – more than any kind of vaccine can induce this with these studies that were done in Europe and Israel.
Or just simple pieces of information that, the entire purpose of a mask, my original training in medicine was in general surgery. Every surgeon knows the reason we wear a mask is not to protect ourselves. When you’re doing an appendectomy or a hernia repair, what are you protecting yourself from? We’re not doing anything to protect ourselves. We’re protecting the patient from us sneezing, drooling, coughing, you know, spitting in that sterile surgical field. So the wearing a mask to try to prevent, the facial diaper, that’s like building a split rail fancy keep a mosquito out. It’s the most absurd departure from logic that you can actually even imagine.
When I was in the hospital, in fact, I’ll tell you something funny, the president of the medical board came and visited me four times, and I was introduced to him. I didn’t understand why this guy was coming, but he was the president of the medical board, which is a big thing, and he was introduced to me by an orthopaedic surgeon who was a friend of mine, and then he, yeah, I made the comment of how important he was, and he’s like, well, you were part of the disinformation dozen, he said, you, I want your autograph. So I had no idea that even mainstream doctor. The president of the medical board for a major state, and he was open and receptive and more and more doctors becoming receptive because they’re becoming empowered with knowledge. They didn’t know this two, three years ago, but they’re learning now.
- We all have that in common is that we were targeted because we have these followings around very basic advocacies that are common senseical and we have research to support what we’re saying. So that puts us all in the same little family, but as far as what we’re continuing to do, obviously now we have a platform unite that alive (I have no idea if that’s what he said) that enables anyone in the world to speak truthfully on topics like this, and then of course you are doing incredible things in the world.
- So let’s, let’s go ahead and move to that. Like what, what’s going on right now, Ty, I know that you’re involved in a very exciting possibility, holding accountable several figures and organizations in a lawsuit. If you want to speak to that, feel free, but it’d be great.
- Yeah, I’ll hit the lawsuit first. We are involved with the lawsuit with Bobby Kennedy. I’m trying to think of the other plaintiffs – CHD, Creative Destruction Media, Trial Site News, Ty and Charlene Bollinger (founders of The Truth About Cancer and The Truth About Vaccines), independent journalist Ben Swann, Erin Elizabeth Finn (publisher of Health Nut News), Jim Hoft (founder of The Gateway Pundit), Dr. Joseph Mercola and Ben Tapper, a chiropractor, suing the trusted news initiative, which is BBC, Reuters, AP. several of the big media.
- Basically because they created a cartel, and they broke anti-trust laws by trying to squelch competition, which was us, which their competition was basically just trying to share the truth, but it was competition and the internal documents that have been released because of the suits in Louisiana and Missouri against the Biden administration, some of those Twitter documents have shown that there was collusion between the trusted news initiative, and big tech / big media to shut down any competition. So they did form a cartel and we’re suing them under anti trust law. (09)Breaking: Landmark Lawsuit Slaps Legacy Media With Antitrust, First Amendment Claims for Censoring COVID-Related Content https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/lawsuit-trusted-news-initiative-antitrust-first-amendment-censoring-covid-content/ … Click for full citation
- So that’s the suit at this point, just moving slowly as you can expect. You know, with a suit against these major media conglomerates, but that is the lawsuit, and then our projects, in a couple weeks, we’re releasing our docu series, Quest for the curious: Final chapter, because we felt like there’s so many like they’re calling them turbo cancers that are going on now that people are getting very aggressive fast going cancers that we haven’t seen. So we are releasing that in a couple weeks to give people some knowledge about how to treat cancer.
- Then the big project for the summer is we are through the truth about vaccines were creating a docu series called Remedy, and it will give people answers on how they can detoxify from vaccines, avoid vaccines altogether, and remedies on how we can exist in a maybe a parallel environment with some of these big tech companies. So it’s remedies for a lot of the things that are happening today, not just the vaccines, but we’re trying to provide answers to people.
- That’s awesome Ty, thank you so much. Yeah, I’m really looking forward to that and all the work you’ve done. I remember The Truth About Cancer was like a supernova helping awaken people to what was going on in that industry, which is just devastating when people realize what overdiagnosis and over treatment are really about. That’s been a big focus of my own work actually my book Regenerates is primarily about cancer and about the issues that you focused on.
- So incredible, and of course Truth about Vaccines, we knew what was coming before it happened, but we didn’t think we expected it to happen this quickly, and here we are now we got through it, and now we’re here trying to help people and I’m with you with that. I know Dr. Jwellen(??) who I’ve been recently speaking to, we want to provide more supportive information for those who’ve been injured or have had the vaccine who now we know as that they should have done it and they want to stay healthy.
May 18 2023 – Clip from his last interview with Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson
- I remember you were like literally losing it trying to get the message across, like you were so upset. How have you navigated that? You kind of disappeared for a while and I’m not certain what happened, but you’re back lately.
Well, Lauren, so I can clarify this. I had people (approach) me in different states, I was just traveling and they would recognize me and they would be like “we thought you were dead, we didn’t know what happened to you” and basically what had happened was that YouTube did try to assassinate me. It was like a character assassination. So we had 89 videos that had hit a million or more views within the first 12 hours of being released that they took down, and then they found my channel down. I had millions of followers. I had two different times once in June of 2020 and then again in September or October 2020 where I had had no subscribers on my YouTube channel for literally two to three months, and then unbelievably in 48 hours I have 84,000 new subscribers and then that happened again in October, I had 73,000 new subscribers in literally 24 hours. First time is 40 hours. Second time it was 24 hours, but it was like somebody was blocking the block button and then forgot to block it in those two days and it was massive.
So it wasn’t that I disappeared. It was that they took my voice away and Facebook followed shortly after that. The only social media platform that didn’t take me down was Twitter and I had 90 some thousand subscribers on there and you know it was my smallest platform by far. I think the next smallest one was Instagram and we had like 400,000 on there. So they basically took me down to stop the voice and here’s what was interesting. I did a video with Dr. Bruce Lipton and Nia Peeples who used to be the star from a show called Fame and Texas Ranger and so this video that the three of us did was on a subject called love and gratitude. (10) April 2020 A Special Message from Nia Peeples, Dr. Bruce Lipton, and Dr. Rashid A Buttar https://youtu.be/01-OMQs-SP4
We didn’t talk about politics. We didn’t talk about cancer. We didn’t talk about autism. We didn’t talk about vaccinations. We didn’t talk about COVID. We didn’t talk about Trump. We didn’t talk about anything that could be construed as controversial. All we talked about was love and gratitude and sending that to somebody else on the other side of the planet. That’s all we did. That video hit, 1.87 million views in the first 12 hours on YouTube and YouTube took that video down, and Dr. Lipton’s wife texted me. She said, why would they take a video like that down? It doesn’t make any sense. You guys didn’t say anything. That’s when I realized what they fear. It’s not the information that we’re putting out. What they fear is people becoming empowered because once they become empowered, they can no longer control us. They can no longer victimize anyone. They can no longer take advantage of you. So they don’t want people to realize and discover their power.
That’s why the censorship has been so rampant. I didn’t know what your show was about. It was interesting that you started off and you talked a little bit about your political beliefs. Then you also read a passage from the Bible. You obviously saw that my second major was theology. I’m going to go into an area that I don’t normally talk about. I want to show you something to in a video that I think your producer has pulled up. I had a journey that took place December 12th. It was a recorded and it was one of those experiences that I would have netted. I think I labeled it the most unexpected encounter that I would have ever expected. (A Conversation Like No Other: The Unexpected Visit – Dr Rashid A Buttar)
I have a very strong belief in the creator. I choose not to follow religion anymore because I’ve studied too much about religion and theology, but I can tell you that my experience in December 12th is a 2.5 hour recording of my encounter with the creator basically told me that it was now time for people to be reminded that they must exercise free will.
April 2020-Nov 2021 Compilation by Dr Rashid Buttar
Yes, my friends. We have another exclusive interview for you today. One that you will need to share to the four corners of the earth because we’re going to be asking questions and bringing you information that the mainstream media is absolutely ignoring.
As I started looking at this information, as I started seeing that this is actually a chimeric version, something that was developed here in the United States in 2015 was published in Nature Magazine that it was developed in the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill where all the initial studies were done. The chimeric research, despite having a moratorium by the US government to prevent any chimeric research. (11)Moy A. Why the moratorium on human-animal chimera research should not be lifted. Linacre Q. 2017 Aug;84(3):226-231. doi: 10.1080/00243639.2017.1293931. Epub 2017 May 30. PMID: 28912615; PMCID: PMC5592304. … Click for full citation
By the way, just so your audience understands, chimeric research basically means that they’re taking a naturally occurring substance of virus in this case, and then mutating it, genetically modifying it, changing the configuration morphologically to gain function, it’s called a gain-of-function study, or gain-of-function research, and that basically means that they’re making something that already may have some potential to cause harm, making it more harmful, making it more virulent, making it more resistant, and basically that’s what I found, that they took the SHC014 strain of the Corona virus, the surface antigen component and brought in the backbone from the SARS Corona virus, put them together and then inserted HIV, and merged orthologues on top of it to make a more virulent more detrimental virus.
What I think you’re talking about is the moratorium that was placed and then $3.7 million from the National Institute of Health was transferred to China so they could continue this research even though the moratorium – so basically outsourced this research to China. Is this the same topic we’re talking about here this news that is just breaking?
Yes this is exactly right. So it goes back to 2014. The US government decided based upon certain virologists at that time saying that, “look, there’s no justification for this kind of research. There’s a potential to for it to cause harm, cause a pandemic, so there’s no justification for us to do this type of research.” So the government passed a moratorium in 2014.
Fauci approved budgets to be – monies to be – sanctioned for this type of research. He created this entire taskset that we see with the world shut down, was created by this initial aspect back in 2015.
He broke the law. He went against government moratoriums, he took taxpayer money, and he funded research that has now led to the COVID-19.
Fauci, in 2017 he was documented at Georgetown University saying that there will be a pandemic that this presidency will face, that this term will face. How did he know that in 2017 that something was going to happen in 2018, 2019, or 2020?
There is no virus bacteria that can jump 13 feet, it just, it defies every logical aspect of science and medicine, and what really pisses me off is that there’s thousands, tens of thousands of doctors and scientists have said that know this is a fraud and they’re not saying anything! For God’s sake this is changing the planet and every scientist and every doctor that knows this to be a façade needs to open their mouth and speak.
People need to wake up and realize there is a massive criminal component to this, they’re pushing this agenda for vaccine. Why?
All the projected deaths from COVID-19 is not going to be from COVID-19, it’s not going to be for H1N1, it’s not going to be from ZIKA, it’s not going to be from any of these other issues, it’s going to be from the damn vaccines.
3 Days Later, April 2020
Mr. President, US intelligence was saying this week that the coronavirus likely came from a level 4 lab in Wuhan. There’s also another report that the NIH under the Obama administration in 2015 gave that lab $3.7 million in a grant. Why would the US have a grant like that to China?
Trump: The Obama administration gave them a grant of $3.7 million, I’ve been hearing about that, and we’ve instructed that if any grants are going to that area we’re looking at it literally about an hour ago and also early in the morning, we will end that grant very quickly, but it was granted quite a while ago, they were granted a substantial amount of money.
18 Months Later, Oct 2021
Whoever Dr. Fauci is in your mind, he is a government bureaucrat and you’re comparing him to Hitler.
(I’ve already transcribed this section in the CNN interview at the start of the post)
You are raising doubt about a vaccine,
I am, because I hope more people take heed of the warning that is necessary.
(skipping transcribing until 1:15:18 due to double-up)
March 2023
- Anderson, CNN: This breaking news is two days after we learned of the Department of Energy’s admittedly low confidence assessment that the COVID pandemic began with the lab leak in Wuhan, China. Tonight on Fox, FBI Director Christopher Wray publicly acknowledged the FBI believes it too, with what sounds like higher confidence.
- Maddie Hale, Sky News Australia: We are three years into the COVID-19 pandemic and we are finally getting somewhere on how this came to be. FBI Director Christopher Wray, so the pandemic was likely caused by a lab leak in Wuhan, China. This has always been a theory, but it was considered a conspiracy theory for a very long time, so much so that mainstream media refused to touch the story.
- BBC: The head of the FBI in the United States has said the coronavirus pandemic is most likely to have emerged from a Chinese laboratory. In an interview with Fox News, the FBI Director Christopher Wray said his agency had held that assessment for some time. It’s the first public confirmation of the FBI’s judgment on the issue.
- CBCNN Live: The director of the FBI says the agency believes that the COVID pandemic was most likely connected to a lab incident in Wuhan.
- Sky News Australia: Major news today for FBI has come out publicly to say that over the 19 most likely leaked from a work and lab. FBI Director Christopher Wray also spoke about the Chinese government blocking any investigation into the origins of the pandemic. These are his strongest comments yet.
Christopher Wray, FBI: The FBI has for quite some time now assessed that the origins of the pandemic are most likely a potential lab incident in Wuhan. (12) FBI Director, Christoper Wray https://www.fbi.gov/history/directors/christopher-wray
For God’s sake, this is changing the planet and every scientist and every doctor that knows this to be a façade needs to open their mouth and speak.
Interview with Dr Bryan Ardis talking about being poisoned
The amount of stuff that has been introducing to my body, intentionally! In Barcelona, at the World Health Forum, where the great reset was shot, where the Big Reset movie was shot, where I was in that movie, and then again, a few months later, at the CNN interview in Dallas that I did. Both times I was intentionally poisoned, and in Barcelona, I was told that it was 200 times more than what anybody gets in a vaccine. They gave me 200 times more. Now, why am I smiling about it? Because they took their best damn shot and I’m still standing in here.
May 18 2023 – Clip from his last interview with Laura-Lynn
People as they realize that this is the agenda and this is a reason I stood up in the beginning because I have children, and my children are, thank God, my youngest is now 18. So I don’t have little kids, but my children were my motivation. I believe that our purpose on this planet is to make conscious contact with the creator at some moment in our lives, and the second thing is to leave the planet a better place than we found it, and right now the planet is not a better place, but that’s because I believe this is a very important time because that change is happening, and so if you’re alive right now and you’re still alive right now, there’s a reason behind it, and that is because God has a mission for each one of us to make sure that we do our part so that we can leave the world a better place, so that our progenies have an abundant life and have a great life.
Have a life that was the way that the creator designed, not having to deal with this type darkness, and I’m very confident that that’s where it’s going to be and the worst case, you know, people go, well, what if you die? Doctor, what if you die while you try to do this and there is no other life?, and I’m like, well, you know, what happens when we die? To me, it’s very simple. When we die, we go back home, wherever we came from. That’s where we go. So how can that, how can going back home be something to fear? Because we’re just going back to the place that we came from. We should actually be sad when people are born and we should have a celebration when a person dies because any going back, please go back to God. So that’s what my belief is.
On Free Will
And you say, okay, fine, I’ll take the vaccine. That is not exercising free will. Exercise free will means to do the right thing no matter what the consequences, no matter what the price is, you know what the right thing is and you do it. You don’t comply. You don’t become complicit because by complying you become complicit. So I decided free will means to stand your ground and to do what’s the right thing to do.

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01 | CNN Disinformation Interview & April 2020-Nov2021 Compilation https://www.drbuttar.info/archive |
02 | Dr Tau Brown Website https://www.drtaubraun.com/ |
03 | Dr. Rashid Buttar DIES SUDDENLY: Anti-Vaxx Doctor Claims POISONING Days Before Mysterious DEATH https://rumble.com/v2pd0ey-dr.-rashid-buttar-dies-suddenly-anti-vaxx-doctor-claims-poisoning-days-befo.html |
04 | The Censorship-Industrial Complex REVEALED, Tue, Mar 14 2023 9:24 am, https://unite.live/greenmedinfo/greenmedinfo?recording_id=1999 | https://greenmedinfo.com/blog/loving-memory-dr-rashid-buttar-1966-2023a |
05 | Dr. Rashid Buttar and the Coronavirus Agenda, Streamed live on: May 17 2023, Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson https://rumble.com/v2ocmig-dr.-rashid-buttar-and-the-coronavirus-agenda.html |
06 | Compilation is on his homepage https://drbuttar.info/ |
07 | Doctor Rashid Buttar Poisoned At Conference R.I.P 5/18/23 https://rumble.com/v2p0d60-doctor-rashid-buttar-poisoned-at-conference-r.i.p-51823.html |
08 | Nicholas Gonzalez: The latest victim of the pharma assassins? https://www.respectfulinsolence.com/2015/07/24/nicholas-gonzalez-the-latest-victim-of-the-pharma-assassins/ |
09 | Breaking: Landmark Lawsuit Slaps Legacy Media With Antitrust, First Amendment Claims for Censoring COVID-Related Content https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/lawsuit-trusted-news-initiative-antitrust-first-amendment-censoring-covid-content/ “A lawsuit filed today by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., and multiple other plaintiffs, alleges the Trusted News Initiative, a self-described “industry partnership” launched in March 2020 by several of the world’s largest news organizations, partnered with Big Tech firms to collectively censor online news.” |
10 | April 2020 A Special Message from Nia Peeples, Dr. Bruce Lipton, and Dr. Rashid A Buttar https://youtu.be/01-OMQs-SP4 |
11 | Moy A. Why the moratorium on human-animal chimera research should not be lifted. Linacre Q. 2017 Aug;84(3):226-231. doi: 10.1080/00243639.2017.1293931. Epub 2017 May 30. PMID: 28912615; PMCID: PMC5592304. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5592304/ |
12 | FBI Director, Christoper Wray https://www.fbi.gov/history/directors/christopher-wray |
Truth-seeker, ever-questioning, ever-learning, ever-researching, ever delving further and deeper, ever trying to 'figure it out'. This site is a legacy of sorts, a place to collect thoughts, notes, book summaries, & random points of interests.