Dr. Vladimir Zelenko – Good vs Evil Agenda
Dr Vladimir Zelenko MD believes there is a war between two systems of thought:
Thought 1.) That we are made in God’s image and we have human rights, and God’s prevue how many of us live on the planet and how long we live
Thought 2.) Could be rooted in Darwin’s survival of the fittest or Eugenics or probably much more earlier than that – probably started with the Serpent in the Garden of Eden. This system believes there is a hierarchy in humanity, that some people are better than others, and inevitably that reverts to 3 types of categories of people:
1.) The Superman
2.) The Human
3.) The Sub-Human
If that sounds familiar, around 80 years ago the Nazi ideology was built upon that type of system.
The Nazi’s believed they were the descendants of Gods, that the Anglo-Saxons should be enslaved and serve them, and the sub-humans which I belong to, slobs, handicapped, political, gypsies, they were meant to be thrown into ovens and become dust.
That ideology did not go away, it just resurfaced now. The “Elite” they think they’re evolved. I think they’re devolved pagans. What they believe is that because of their wealth, power, intellectual superiority (so they think), that that gives them the right to say how many of us should be on the planet, how long we live, who should be free and so forth.
Any totalatarian dictatorship, the first thing they try to do is get rid of Houses of Worship.
It’s very simple, why? Because if I bow down to God, I’m not going to bow down to them.
And so, what’s happening – the mechanism that they’re using is Fear.
There’s a global mass-psychosis, where these depraved animals have used the media and created a false narrative that has led us to be living in chronic anxiety and fear and human isolation. If anyone’s studied psychological warfare, you’ll know that those 2 points. Anxiety and human isolation will cause most people to decompensate psychologically and become very vulnerable and gullible and easy to manipulate.
Then they offer the false Golden Calf – this vaccine. As a false promise so people gravitate towards it as a short-term measure to relieve their anxiety. It’s not intellectual, it’s purely emotional. If you challenge someone, even though there are some intellectual people that have fallen into this trap, if you challenge them, you become belligerent (hostile) because what you’re really doing is bringing them back to that anxiety state that they don’t want to be in.
I’m a big fan of King David. “Turn away from bad, do good, and live”.
So in this particular case, turn away from bad:
Don’t give into the fear, do not isolate yourself at all from the people you love, and don’t take the poison death-shot.
Do good means – if God-forbid you are in the higher risk category, take simple, over the counter, natural antiviral, anti-inflammatory preventatives. And if God-forbid you do get sick, start treating from Day one.
Do not listen to the murderous NIH, CDC, FDA, WHO. They’re the enemies of the people. Do not listen to their advice, because their advice is a death sentence. They tell you to delay treatment. Do not delay treatment.
If you follow those 2 simple rules, turn away from bad and do good, you will live. There’s no reason to be afraid.
We live in a glorious time. I was diagnosed with Terminal Cancer 4 years ago. There’s only 10 cases in the world per year, and they’re all found in autopsy. And yet, 4 years later, I’m still talking to you.
I was wondering why God spared me, and something interesting happened. There was no treatment for it, so what do you do? You innovate. So I came up with a treatment – found a certain drug online, and I went to see my Oncologist and asked him about it, and he said to me “You know I invented that drug”. I said you’re the person in the world I need to talk to.
That taught me a lesson. If you jump ahead 3 years later, I found myself at the epicentre of the worst outpatient outbreak of Covid in America – thousands of sick patients and no treatment. So what do you do? You innovate.
So my own personal health situation, taught me a lesson which I found it became relevant and an important skill to have when dealing with an unknown global crisis.
The other thing that happened, when you believe you’re going to leave this world and go see God, is that you stop fearing human beings, and that’s a very useful skill to have, when you step on the toes of the most lethal animals of the planet.
I’m not afraid. In the grand scheme of things it’s all finite. God gives us consciousness, he gives us free choice, and he enables us through our choices to connect with infinite. So would I sacrifice a relationship with the Infinite, the Eternal, for a few moments of convenience in my finite life? The answer’s no.
I will sacrifice everything so that the next generation.
We were free (or we thought we were free) because of the sacrifices of the previous generations.
Question is: Will our children be free?
The answer to that depends on our willingness to sacrifive.
This isn’t us storming the beaches. This generation has been tasked with the ability and th responsiblity of looking the serpent right in the eye and saying no, and decapitating him.
The only reason why this is happening, is because we’re letting it happen.
There’s many more of us than them.
The tactic of the enemey is to scare us and divide us, and when we’re divided, that’s when they can pounce at us in sections.
The solution is to rise up in hopefully non-violent civil disobedience, reject all tyranny, reject the dictates of the demented puppet in the whitehouse, and realize we’re fighting a well-entrenched enemy that has a headstart.
We have something they don’t have, the God-scaler. This is a David vs Goliath situation. We are David – collective humanity of God consciousness. The enemy wants to destroy God consciousness. We have to go in the opposite direction.
We need to instill into our children, basic morality. We should take our children out of public schools. For many years, the public school system has tried to destroy the souls of our children, by teaching them depravity, by normalizing depravity. We need to take our children out of the spiritual danger that they’re in, in the public school system, and now the physical danger.
Accoring to the World Homicide Organization (WHO). they issued a decree that if your children are in school, that’s implied, informed consent. Meaning that you could’ve prevented your children from going to school – the fact that you didn’t, and they’re in school, means that you are giving consent to the schools to forcibly through coercian, vaccinate your children.
In decent societies, parents had to sacrifice themselves for the wellbeing of their children.
In pagan societies, they sacrificed the children for the purpose of the adults, and that’s exactly what’s happening according to Dr Michael Yeadon, former Vice President of Pfizer. He told me personally and he also said it in the media: For every 1 child that dies with covid, 100 die from the vaccine.
The vaccine is 100x more lethal and deadly to children.
So let me ask you, what’s the difference if I cut the throat of a child, and throw them into a volcano, or off a cliff? Or inject them with a poison death-liquid that has a 100x factor lethality over the virus it’s supposedly trying to protect them from. It’s child sacrifice.
So we need to reject idealotry, paganism, child sacrifice. That’s what’s going on now, there’s nothing new under the sun. This is a biblical replay. This is a biblical war – this is a war that’s been going on since the beginning of creation itself and now it has expressed itself on the battlefield of Covid-19 and the poison death shot.
We could reject it, we could say no, we can turn to God.
Creation is dynamic. Every instance of time is an act of re-creation.
What that means is “You’re not alone”. It means God is making you, and if he’s making you, he’s with you.
So we know that anxiety and fear only lives in the psychological and emotional space where the consciousness of God is absent. If you fill that void with God consciousness. It’s hard work to be mindful of the Divine constantly is hard work, but so what, this is what’s necessary in order to withstand this onslaught of the human soul, and the collective of human-goodness, and the fact that we’re made in His image.
So my blessing to the whole world, to all decent people is Rise up. This Hill is worth dying on. It’s time for us – this generation – to pay the price, so that our children could live with God consciousness, with Freedom, and be able to thrive. Whether or not that will happen, is directly correlated to what we do now, today.
It is my sincere prayer and hope that like-minded, God consciousness people should collate together into cities of refuge and decency, and even though the majority of the world are continants of tyranny – I know that – but netherless, a little light pushes away a lot of darkness.
So just to nip this potential future weapon of fear in the bud, the Sociopath/Psychopath Bill Gates announced a few weeks ago that he’s concerned about a small pox outbreak. And I would take his word seriously – not because he’s a profit – but because he’s a criminal, and he has foreknowledge of what will happen. Small pox only exists in 2 places in the world supposedly. BSL-4 labs in America and Russia, except a few weeks ago apparently, 4 days after he spoke, a few vials of small pox were found in an unsecure refrigerator in a Merck lab in Philadelphia, so I saw a new potential weapon of fear. So I’d like to defuse that weapon right now. There’s a solution for small pox. American-Indians knew about it. In the 1860s and 1870s, the Lancet and BMJ published data about a plant called Sarracenia Purpurea – the pitcher plant, it grows in America, it eats flies. Apparently an extract from that plant kills small pox. I want to defuse the weapon, I want to uproot the enemies ability to use fear.
//– I looked up the studies, The Lancet one reported all 15 patients that took it died within days, which is concerning, but the author chose those he thought were going to die without help to test it on, and 15 is not a big study – but bloody hell, 15/15 died? Found study on PLO5 that looked promising but it was an in vitro study, and the BMJ one looked promising but only a couple of patients, but they did recover. Anyways, bit late at night to look deeper, and not really thinking it’s going to happen, but who knows with these punks. May look again when I’m more alert, I need sleep. ~ Penny –//
We all come from the same source. We’re all brothers and sisters and made in the image of God, and given the gift of consciousness, the gift of free choice, and we should all use that gift in the right way, by choosing to put on the yolk of heaven and take the yolk of our own fears and the yolk of other people’s evil agenda’s off of us. There’s only one free type of person in the world, and that’s someone who chooses to be a servant of God.

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