[1994] Dr John Coleman – New World Order
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A great insight into the ruling hierarchy of the global system, from the Committee of 300 and the Black Nobility of Venice, to the “clearing houses” of global policy, the Club of Rome and the Royal Institute of International Affairs, and their many branches across the world.
1994 lecture of Dr. John Coleman.
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Opposing View: Eustace Mullins Exposed Dr. John Coleman (as a Foreign Agent) In 1992
- Conspirators’ Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300 – CIA.gov (01)Conspirators’ Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300 – CIA.gov – (https://www.cia.gov/library/abbottabad-compound/4A/4A92FD2FB4DAE3F773DB0B7742CF0F65_Coleman.-.CONSPIRATORS.HIERARCHY.-.THE.STORY.OF.THE.COMMITTEE.OF.300.R.pdf)
- The Committee Of 300 – Fourth Edition – 2004 – Dr John Coleman – Archive.org (02)The Committee Of 300 – Fourth Edition – 2004 – Dr John Coleman – Archive.org (https://archive.org/details/dr.-john-coleman-the-committee-of-300)
- AudioBook Dr. John Coleman – Tavistock Institute of Human Relations (6 hours) – YouTube (03)AudioBook Dr. John Coleman – Tavistock Institute of Human Relations (6 hours) YouTube
- John Coleman Club Of Rome – Archive.org | PDF (04)John Coleman Club Of Rome – Archive.org | PDF – – http://www.itsuandi.org/itsui/downloads/Itsui_Materials/Coleman_John_-_The_Club_of_Rome.pdf
- Planetary Emergency Plan; Club of Rome – Archive.org (05)Planetary Emergency Plan; Club of Rome – Archive.org https://web.archive.org/web/20191208022814/https://www.clubofrome.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/PlanetaryEmergencyPlan_CoR-4.pdf
The Committee of 300 is a product of the British East India Company’s Council of 300. The East India Company was chartered by the British royal family in 1600. It made vast fortunes in the opium drug trade with China and became the largest company on earth in its time. Today, through many powerful alliances, the Committee of 300 rules the world and is the driving force behind the criminal agenda to create a “New World Order”, under a “Totalitarian Global Government”. The Committee of 300 holds ownership of the U.S. Federal Reserve banking system, insurance companies, giant corporations, foundations, communications networks, presided over by a hierarchy of conspirators—people hiding in plain sight, in business clothes and royal robes. The inner circle of the Committee of 300 is the Order of the Garter, headed by Queen Elizabeth Windsor II.
The enemy is clearly identifiable as the Committee of 300 and its front organizations, such as the Royal Institute for International Affairs (Chatham House), the Club of Rome, NATO, U.N., the Black Nobility, the Tavistock Institute, CFR and all its affiliated organizations, the think tanks and research institutions controlled by Stanford and the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations and last, but certainly not least, the military establishment.
The Committee of 300 is the ultimate secret society made up of an untouchable ruling class, which includes the Queen of the United Kingdom (Elizabeth II), the Queen of the Netherlands, the Queen of Denmark and the royal families of Europe. Through their illicit banking cartel, they own the stock of the Federal Reserve, which is a private for profit corporation that violates U.S. Constitution and is a ROOT of the problem.
The decadent American families of the unholy partnership, thoroughly corrupted and wallowing in tainted opium money, went on to become what we know today as the Eastern Liberal Establishment. Its members, under the careful guidance and direction of the British Crown, and subsequently, its foreign policy executive arm, the Royal Institute for International Affairs (RIIA), now known as Chatham House, located in England (across St. James’s Square from the Astors), ran the United States from top to bottom through their secret upper-level, parallel government, which is tightly meshed with the Committee of 300, the ultimate secret society. That secret, all-powerful government is more in control of the United States in 2006 than ever before.
In the Committee of 300, which has a 150-year history, we have some of the most brilliant intellects assembled to form a completely totalitarian, absolutely controlled “new” society. It strives toward a One World Government rather well described by one of its late members, H. G. Wells, in his work commissioned by the Committee which Wells boldly called: “The Open Conspiracy: Blue Prints for a World Revolution”.
“We will have a world government whether you like it or not. The only question is whether that government will be achieved by conquest or consent.” –James Paul Warburg, powerful international investment banker, February 17, 1950, as he testified in hearings before the Committee on Foreign Relations during the Eighty-First Congress, United States Senate Commission on Foreign Policy (U.S. Printing Office, page 494).
“I care not what puppet is placed upon the throne of England to rule the Empire on which the sun never sets. The man who controls Britain’s money supply controls the British Empire, and I control the British money supply.” –Nathan Mayer Rothschild, one of the sons (five arrows) of Mayer Amschel Rothschild, who was the founder of their family’s international banking dynasty and Committee of 300 kingpin
Above Notes from: The Committee of 300: A Brief History of World Power… Venetian Black Nobility, Roots of Today’s Ruling Oligarchy
Notes from the book:
Certainly a fair number of us are aware that the people running our government are not the people who are really in control of political and economic matters, domestic and foreign. This has led many to seek the truth in the alternative press, those newsletter writers who, like me, have sought, but not always found what it is that is making the United States terminally ill. “Seek and ye shall find” has not always been the case with this group. What we did find was that the people walk in great darkness, mostly not caring or bothering to find out where their country is headed, firm in the belief that it will always be there for them. This is the way the largest population group has been manipulated to react, and their attitude plays right into the hands of the secret government.
We frequently hear about “they ” doing this, that or the other. “They” seem literally to be able to get away with murder. “They” increase taxes, send our sons and daughters to die in wars that do not benefit our country. “They” seem above our reach, out of sight, frustratingly nebulous when it comes to taking action against “them.” No one seems able to clearly identify who “they” are. It is a situation that has pertained for decades. During the course of this book, we shall identify the mysterious “they” and then, after that, it is up to the people to remedy their situation.
On 30th April 1981, I wrote a monograph disclosing the existence of the Club of Rome identifying it as a Committee of 300 subversive body. This was the first mention of both of these organizations in the United States. I warned readers not to be fooled by the feeling that the article was far-fetched and I drew a parallel between my article and the warning issued by the Bavarian government when the secret plans of the Illuminati fell into its hands. We shall return to the Club of Rome and the role of the Committee of 300 in U.S. affairs later herein.
The upper-level parallel secret government does not operate from dank basements and secret underground chambers. It places itself in full view in the White House, Congress and in Number 10 Downing Street and the Houses of Parliament. It is akin to those weird and supposedly terrifying “monster” films, where the monster appears with distorted features, long hair and even longer teeth, growling and slavering all over the place. This is distraction, the REAL MONSTERS wear business suits and drive to work on Capitol Hill in limousines. These men are IN OPEN VIEW. These men are the servants of the One World Government-New World Order. Like the rapist who stops to offer his victim a friendly ride, he does not LOOK like the monster he is. If he did, his intended victim would run off screaming in fright. The same applies to government at all levels. President Bush does not LOOK like a dutiful servant of the upper-level parallel government, but make no mistake about it, he is as much a MONSTER as are those horrors found in horror-movies.
Stop for a moment and consider how President Bush ordered the brutal slaying of 150,000 Iraqi troops, in a convoy of military vehicles carrying white flags, on their way back to Iraq under Geneva Convention rules of agreed disengagement and with-drawal. Imagine the horror of the Iraqi troops when, in spite of waving their white flags, they were mowed down by American aircraft. In another part of the front, 12,000 Iraqi soldiers were buried alive in trenches they occupied. Is that not MONSTROUS in the truest sense of the word? From where did President Bush get his orders to act in this MONSTROUS fashion? He got them from the Royal Institute for International Affairs (RIIA) who received its mandate from the Committee of 300, also known as the “Olympians.”
Who are the conspirators who serve the mighty all-powerful Committee of 300? The better-informed of our citizens are aware that there is a conspiracy and that the conspiracy goes under various names such as the Illuminati, Freemasonry, the Round Table, the Milner Group. To them the CFR and the Trilaterals represent most of what they do not like in regard to domestic and foreign policy. Some even know that the Round Table has a big input into United States affairs through the British ambassador in Washington. The problem is that real hard information on the treasonous activities of members of the invisible Government is very hard to come by I quote the profound statement made by the prophet Hosea, which is found in the Christian Bible: “My people perish for lack of knowledge.”
The Committee of 300 long ago decreed that there shall be a smaller–much smaller–and better world, that is, their idea of what constitutes a better world. the myriads of useless eaters consuming scarce natural resources were to be culled. Industrial progress supports popula- tion growth. Therefore the command to multiply and subdue the earth found in Genesis had to be subverted. This called for an attack upon Christianity; the slow but sure disintegration of industrial nation states; the destruction of hundreds of millions of people, referred to by the Committee of 300 as “surplus population, ” and the removal of any leader who dared to stand in the way of the Committee’s global planning to reach the foregoing objectives.
In order to get an idea of how vast and how all-pervasive is this conspiracy, it would be appropriate at this point to name the goals set by the Committee of 300 for the pending conquest and control of the world. There are at least 40 known “branch offices” of the Committee of 300, and we shall be listing them all, together with a description of their functions. Once this is studied it becomes easy to understand how one central conspiratorial body is able to operate so successfully and why it is that no power on earth can withstand their onslaught against the very foundations of a civilized, progressive world, based on freedom of the individual, especially as it is declared in the United States Constitution.
David Rockefeller knew what he was doing when his foreign aid bill became law in 1946. It has, since then, become one of the most hated laws on the statute books following public exposure of what it is a racket run by government and paid for by we, the people.
How can the conspirators maintain their grip upon the world, and more especially, their chokehold over the U.S. and Britain? One of the most asked questions is, “How can any single entity know at all times what is going on and how is control exercised?” This book will attempt to answer these and other questions. The only way we can come to grips with the reality of the conspirator’s success is by mentioning and discussing the secret societies, front organizations, government agencies, banks, insurance companies, international businesses, the petroleum industry and the hundreds of thousands of entities and foundations whose leading lights make up the membership of the Committee of 300– the ULTIMATE controlling body that runs the world and has done so for at least a hundred years. Since there already are scores of books on the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and the Trilaterals, we shall go directly to the Club of Rome and the German Marshall Fund. When I introduced these organizations to the United States, few, if any, had heard of them. My first work, “The Club of Rome,” published in 1983 attracted almost no attention. Many uninitiated people thought the Club of Rome was something to do with the Catholic Church and that the German Marshall Fund referred to the Marshal Plan.
This is precisely why the Committee chose these names, to confuse and to deflect attention away from what was happening. Not that the U.S. government didn’t know, but as it was part of the conspiracy, it helped to keep the lid on information rather than let the truth be known The Club of Rome formulated all of what NATO claimed as its policies and, through the activities of Committee of 300 member Lord Carrington, was able to split NATO into two factions, a political (left wing) power group and its former military alliance. The Club of Rome is still one of the most important foreign policy arms of the Committee of 300–the other being the Bilderbergers. It was put together in 1968 from hard-core members of the original Morgenthau group on the basis of a telephone call made by the late Aurellio Peccei for a new and urgent drive to speed up the plans of the One World Government– now called the New World Order, although I prefer the former name. It is certainly a better job-description than the New World Order, which is somewhat confusing as there have been several “New World Orders” before, but no One World Government.
Peccei’s call was answered by the most subversive “future planners” drawn from the United States, France, Sweden, Britain, Switzerland and Japan that could be mustered. During the period 1968-1972, The Club of Rome became a cohesive entity of newscience scientists, globalists, future planners and inter- nationalists of every stripe. As one delegate put it, “We became Joseph’s Coat of Many Colors.” Peccei’s book “Human Quality” formed the basis of the doctrine adopted by NATO’s political wing. “We must never tire of repeating how foolish it is to equate the present profound pathological state and maladjustment of the entire human system to any cyclic crisis or passing circumstances. Since man has opened Pandora’s Box of new technologies, he has suffered uncontrolled human proliferation, the mania for growth, energy crises, actual or potential resource scarcities, degradation of environment, nuclear folly and a host of related afflictions.” This is identical to the program adopted by the much later fake “environmentalist” movement spawned by the same Club of Rome to blunt and turn back industrial development. Broadly, the anticipated counter-program of the Club of Rome would cover inventing and disseminating “post industrialization” ideas in the United States, coupled with the spread of counterculture movements such as drugs, rock, sex, hedonism, Satanism, witchcraft and “environmentalism.” Tavistock Institute, Stanford Research Institute and the Institute for Social Relations, in fact the entire wide spectrum of research organizations in applied social psychiatry either had delegates on the board of the Club of Rome, or acted as advisors and played a guiding role in NATO’s attempt to adopt the “Aquarian Conspiracy.”
The name, New World Order, is seen as something developed as a consequence of the Gulf War in 1991, whereas the One World Government is recognized as being centuries old. The New World Order is not new, it has been around and developing under one or another guise for a very long time but it is perceived as a DEVELOPMENT OF THE FUTURE, which is not the case; the New World Order is PAST AND PRESENT. That is why I said earlier that the term One World Government is, or ought to be, preferred.
The Club of Rome is a conspiratorial umbrella organization, a marriage between AngloAmerican financiers and the old Black Nobility families of Europe, particularly the socalled “nobility” of London, Venice and Genoa. The key to the successful control of the world is their ability to create and manage savage economic recessions and eventual depressions. The Committee of 300 looks to social convulsions on a global scale, followed by depressions, as a softening-up technique for bigger things to come, as its principal method of creating masses of people all over the world who will become its “welfare” recipients of the future. The committee appears to base much of its important deci-sions affecting mankind on the philosophy of Polish aristocrat, Felix Dzerzinski, who regarded mankind as being slightly above the level of cattle.
The Club of Rome has its own private intelligence agency and also “borrows” from David Rockefeller’s INTERPOL. Every U.S. intelligence agency cooperates very closely with it, as does the KGB and the Mossad. The only agency that remained beyond its reach was the East-German intelligence service. the STASSY. The Club of Rome also has its own highly organized political and economic agencies. The Club of Rome, after playing a key role in the Cuban Missile Crisis, attempted to sell its “crisis management” (the forerunner of FEMA) program to President Kennedy. Several Tavistock scientists went to see the President to explain what it meant, but the President rejected the advice they gave. The same year that Kennedy was murdered, Tavistock was back in Washington to talk with NASA. This time the talks were successful. Tavistock was given a contract by NASA to evaluate the effect of its coming space program on American public opinion.
What are the goals of the secret elite group, the inheritors of Illuminism
(Moriah Conquering Wind), the Cult of Dionysius, the Cult of Isis, Catharism, Bogomilism? This elite group that also calls itself the OLYMPIANS
(they truly believe they are equal in power and stature to the legendary gods of Olympus, who have, like Lucifer their god, set themselves above our true God) absolutely believe they have been charged with implementing the following by divine right:
(1) A One World Government-New World Order with a unified church and monetary system under their direction. Not many people are aware that the One World Government began setting up its “church” in the 1920’s/1930’s, for they realized the need for a religious belief inherent in mankind to have an outlet and, therefore, set up a “church” body to channel that belief in the direction they desired.
(2) The utter destruction of all national identity and national pride.
(3) The destruction of religion and more especially the Christian religion, with the one exception, their own creation mentioned above.
(4) Control of each and every person through means of mind control and what Brzezinski call “technotronics” which would create human-like robots and a system of terror beside which Felix Dzerzinski’s Red Terror will look like children at play.
(5) An end to all industrialization and the production of nuclear generated electric power in what they call “the post-industrial zero-growth society.” Exempted are the computer and service industries. United States industries that remain will be exported to countries such as Mexico where abundant slave labor is available. Unemployables in the wake of industrial destruction will either become opium-heroin and or cocaine addicts, or become statistics in the elimination process we know today as Global 2000.
(6) Legalization of drugs and pornography.
(7) Depopulation of large cities according to the trial run carried out by the Pol Pot regime in Cambodia. It is interesting to note that Pol Pot’s genocidal plans were drawn up here in the United States by one of the Club of Rome’s research foundations. It is also interesting that the Committee is presently seeking to reinstate the Pol Pot butchers in Cambodia.
(8) Suppression of all scientific development except for those deemed beneficial by the Committee. Especially targeted is nuclear energy for peaceful purposes. Particularly hated are the fusion experiments presently being scorned and ridiculed by the Committee and its jackals of the press. Development of the fusion torch would blow the Committee’s conception of “limited natural resources” right out of the window. A fusion torch properly used could create unlimited untapped natural resources from the most ordinary substances. Fusion torch uses are legion and would benefit mankind in a manner which is as yet not even remotely comprehended by the public.
(9) Cause by means of limited wars in the advanced countries, and by means of starvation and diseases in Third World countries, the death of 3 billion people by the year 2000, people they call “useless eaters.” The Committee of 300 commissioned Cyrus Vance to write a paper on this subject of how best to bring about such genocide. The paper was produced under the title the “Global 2000 Report” and was accepted and approved for action by President Carter, for and on behalf of the U.S. Government, and accepted by Edwin Muskie, then Secretary of State. Under the terms of the Global 2000 Report, the population of the United States is to be reduced by 100 million by the year 2050.
(10) To weaken the moral fiber of the nation and to demoralize workers in the labor class by creating mass unemployment. As jobs dwindle due to the post industrial zero growth policies introduced by the Club of Rome, demoralized and discouraged workers will resort to alcohol and drugs. The youth of the land will be encouraged by means of rock music and drugs to rebel against the status quo, thus undermining and eventually destroying the family unit. In this regard The Committee of 300 commissioned Tavistock Institute to prepare a blueprint as to how this could be achieved. Tavistock directed Stanford Research to undertake the work under the direction of Professor Willis Harmon. This work later became known as “The Aquarian Conspiracy.”
(11) To keep people everywhere from deciding their own destinies by means of one created crisis after another and then “managing” such crises. This will confuse and demoralize the population to the extent where faced with too many choices, apathy on a massive scale will result. In the case of the United States, an agency for crisis management is already in place. It is called the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).
(12) To introduce new cults and continue to boost those already functioning which includes rock “music” gangsters.
(13) To press for the spread of religious cults such as the Moslem Brotherhood, Moslem fundamentalism, the Sikhs, and to carry out experiments of the Jim Jones and “Son of Sam” type of murders.
(14) To export “religious liberation” ideas around the world so as to undermine all existing religions but more especially the Christian religion.
(15) To cause a total collapse of the world’s economies and engender total political chaos.
(16) To take control of all Foreign and domestic policies of the United States.
(17) To give the fullest support to supranational institutions such as the United Nations (UN), the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the Bank of International Settlements (BIS), the World Court and, as far as possible, make local institutions of lesser effect by gradually phasing them out or bringing them under the mantle of the United Nations.
(18) Penetrate and subvert all governments, and work from within them to destroy the sovereign integrity of nations represented by them.
(19) Organize a world-wide terrorist apparatus and negotiate with terrorists whenever terrorist activities take place.
(20) Take control of education in America with the intent and purpose of utterly and completely destroying it.
Malthus maintained that man’s progress is tied to the earth’s natural ability to support a given number of people, beyond which point earth’s limited resources would rapidly be depleted. Once these natural resources have been consumed, it will be impossible to replace them. Hence, Malthus observed, it is necessary to limit populations within the boundaries of decreasing natural resources. It goes without saying that the elite will not allow themselves to be threatened by a burgeoning population of “useless eaters,” hence culling must be practiced. As I have previously stated, “culling” is going on today, using the methods mandated in the “Global 2000 Report.”
Brzezinski, speaking for the Committee of 300 said the United States was moving “into an era unlike any of its predecessors; we were moving toward a technotronic era that could easily become a dictatorship.” Brzezinski went on to say that our society “is now in an information revolution based on amusement focus, spectator spectacles (saturation coverage by television of sporting events) which provide an opiate for an increasingly purposeless mass.” By 1991 we already have a purposeless mass of citizens – 30 million unemployed and 4 million homeless people are a “purposeless mass,” or at least the nucleus of one.
In addition to religion, “the opiate of the masses” which Lenin and Marx acknowledged was needed, we now have the opiates of mass spectator sport, unbridled sexual lusts, rock music and a whole new generation of drug addicts. Mindless sex and an epidemic of drug usage was created to distract people from what is happening all around them. In “The Technotronic Era” Brzezinski talks about “the masses” as if people are some inanimate object–which is possibly how we are viewed by the Committee of 300. He continually refers to the necessity of controlling us “masses.”
At one point, he lets the cat out of the bag:
“At the same time the capacity to assert social and political control over the individual will vastly increase. It will soon be possible to assert almost continuous control over every citizen and to maintain up-to-date files, containing even the most personal details about health and personal behavior of every citizen in addition to the more customary data. “These files will be subject to instantaneous retrieval by the authorities. Power will gravitate into the hands of those who control information. Our existing institutions will be supplanted by pre-crisis management institutions, the task of which will be to identify in advance likely social crises and to develop programs to cope with them. “This will encourage tendencies through the next several decades toward a TECHNOTRONIC ERA, A DICTATORSHIP, leaving even less room for political procedures as we know them. Finally, looking ahead to the end of the century, the possibility of BIOCHEMICAL MIND CONTROL AND GENETIC TINKERING WITH MAN, INCLUDING BEINGS WHICH WILL FUNCTION LIKE MEN AND REASON LIKE THEM AS WELL, COULD GIVE RISE TO SOME DIFFICULT QUESTIONS.” Brzezinski was not writing as a private citizen but as Carter’s National Security Advisor and a leading member of the Club of Rome and a member of the Committee of 300, a member of the CFR and as a member of the old Polish Black Nobility. His book explains how America must leave its industrial base behind and enter into what he called “a distinct new historical era.”
Retrieval of data will be simple in the United States where Brzezinski and his Committee of 300 colleagues could simply add social security and or driver licence numbers to 666 to provide the surveillance recording announced.
The Committee already in 1981 warned governments, including the government of the USSR, that there “will be chaos unless the Committee of 300 takes complete control of preparations for the New World Order. CONTROL WILL BE EXERCISED THROUGH OUR COMMITTEE AND THROUGH GLOBAL PLANNIG AND CRISIS MANAGEMENT.”
If the information provided in 1981 was alarming, then it should be even more alarming today as we near the final stages of the demise of the United States as we know it. With unlimited funding, with several hundred think tanks and 5000 social engineers, the media banking and control of most governments a reality, we can see that we are tracing a problem of immense proportions, one that cannot he opposed by any nation at this time. We have been misled into believing that the problem I am talking about has its origin in Moscow We have been brainwashed into believing that Communism is the greatest danger we Americans are facing. This is simply not so. The greatest danger arises from the mass of traitors in our midst. Our Constitution warns us to be watchful of the enemy within our gates. These enemies are the servants of the Committee of 300 who occupy high positions within our governmental structure. The Levin-Club of Rome plan is designed to demoralize us all so that in the end we feel we should follow whatever it is that is planned for us. We WILL follow Club of Rome orders like sheep. Any seemingly strong leader who SUDDENLY APPEARS to “rescue” the nation must be regarded with the utmost suspicion.
The Club of Rome feels confident that it has carried out it Committee of 300 mandate to “soften up” the United States. After 45 years of waging war on the people of this nation, who will doubt that it has indeed accomplished its task?
Look around and see how we have been demoralized. Drugs, pornography rock and roll “music,” free sex, the family unit all but totally undermined, lesbianism, homosexuality and finally the ghastly murder of millions of innocent babies by their own mothers. Has there ever been a crime so vile as mass abortion? With the U.S. spiritually, morally bankrupted, with our industrial base destroyed throwing 30 million people out of work with our big cities ghastly cesspools of every imaginable crime with a murder rate almost three times higher than any other country, with 4 million homeless, with corruption in government reaching endemic proportions, who will gainsay that the United States is ready to collapse from within, into the waiting arms of the New Dark Age One World Government?
Our people have become discouraged and confused, the results of 45 years of warfare conducted against us. How this is done is explained in Bernard Lewin’s book, but how many people would bother to read an academic’s non-fiction book? We are reacting exactly as we were profiled to act. Demoralized and confused people will be far more ready to welcome the sudden appearance of a great man who promises to solve every problem and guarantee a well-ordered society in which people are fully employed and domestic strife is minimal. Their dictator, for that is who it will be, will be welcomed with open arms.
The Club of Rome has succeeded in splitting the Christian churches; it has succeeded in building up an army of charismatics fundamentalists and evangelicals who will fight for the Zionist State of Israel. During the Gulf War of genocide I received scores of letters asking me how I could oppose “a just Christian war against Iraq.” How could I doubt that Christian fundamentalist support for the (Committee of 300’s) war against Iraq was not Biblical– after all didn’t Billy Graham pray with President Bush just before the shooting started? Doesn’t the Bible speak of “wars and rumors of wars”? These letters give an insight into just how well the Tavistock Institute has done its work. The Christian fundamentalists will be a formidable force behind the state of Israel, exactly as planned. How sad that these fine people do not realize that they have been GROSSLY MISUSED by the Club of Rome and that their opinions and beliefs are NOT THEIR OWN, but those created for them by the hundreds of Committee of 300 “think tanks” that dot the American landscape. In other words, like any other segment of the United States population, the Christian fundamentalists and evangelicals have been thoroughly brainwashed.
The First Global Conference on the Future had the blessing of the White House which held its own conference based on the transcripts of the First Global Conference forum. It was called the “White House Commission on the 1980’s” and OFFICIALLY recommended the policies of the Club of Rome “as a guide to future U.S. policies” and even went so far as to say that the United States economy is moving out of the industrial phase This echoed the theme of Sir Peter Vickers Hall and Zbibniew Brzezinsky and provides further proof of the control exercised by the Committee of 300 over U.S. affairs, both domestic and foreign.
We are set up, politically, socially and economically so that we remain locked into the Club of Rome’s plans. Everything is RIGGED against us. If we are to survive then we must break the stranglehold the Committee of 300 has on our government.
In every election since Calvin Coolidge ran for the White House, the Committee of 300 has been able to plant its agents in key positions in government so that it matters not who gets the White House post. For example, every one of the candidates who ran for the Presidency, from the time of Franklin D. Roosevelt, were selected, some like to call it “hand picked,” by the Council on Foreign Relations acting on the instructions of the RIIA. Especially in the 1980 election, every candidate for the highest office in the United States was run by the CFR. Therefore it was of no consequence to the conspirators who won the presidential race.
Through such Trojan Horses as the Heritage Foundation and the CFR, ALL key policy making positions in the new administrations were filled by the Council on Foreign Relations nominees, and before that, since the 1960’s, by NATO-Club of Rome yes-men, thereby ensuring that key policy decisions bore the indelible stamp of the Club of Rome and the CFR, acting as the executive arms of the Committee of 300.
LEAGUE OF INDUSTRIAL DEMOCRACY Officials: Michael Novak, Jeane Kirkpatrick, Eugene Rostow, IRWIN SUALL, Lane Kirkland, Albert Schenker. Purpose: To disrupt and disturb normal labor relations between workers and employees by brain washing labor unions to make impossible demands with special attention to steel, automobile and housing industries.
FREEDOM HOUSE Officials: Leo Churn and Carl Gershman. Purpose: To spread socialist disinformation among Ameri-can blue collar workers, spread dissension and dissatisfaction. Now that these objectives have been largely realized, Gershman has been drafted by Lawrence Eagleburger to CEDC, a newly created body to stop a united Germany from expanding its trade into the Danube Basin.
COMMITTEE FOR A DEMOCRATIC MAJORITY Officials: Ben Wattenburg, Jean Kirkpatrick, Elmo Zumwa and Midge Dector. Purpose: To provide a connecting link between the educated socialist class and minority groups with the intent of setting up a solid block of voters who can be counted on to vote for leftwing candidates at election time. It was really a Fabianist operation from start to finish
FOREIGN POLICY RESEARCH INSTITUTE Officials: Robert Strausz Hupe. Purpose: To undermine and eventually end NASA space program
SOCIAL DEMOCRATS U.S.A. Officials: Bayard Rustin, Lane Kirkland, Jay Lovestone, Carl Gershman, Howard Samuel, Sidney Hook. Purpose: To spread radical socialism, especially among minority groups, and forge links between similar organizations in socialist countries. Lovestone was for decades the leading advisor to U.S. presidents on Soviet affairs and a strong direct link with Moscow
INSTITUTE FOR SOCIAL RELATIONS Officials: Harland Cleveland, Willis Harmon. Purpose: Change the way America thinks
THE CITIZENS LEAGUE Officials: Barry Commoner. Purpose: To bring “common cause” legal suits against vari-ous government agencies, especially in the defense industries
WAR RESISTERS LEAGUE Officials: Noam Chomsky and David McReynolds. Purpose: To organize resistance to the Vietnam War among leftwing groups, students and the Hollywood “in crowd.”
THE DEMOCRATIC SOCIALIST ORGANIZING COMMITTEE OF THE INSTITUTE FOR DEMOCRATIC SOCIALISM Officials: Frank Zeider, Arthur Redier and David McReynolds. Purpose: A clearing house for leftwing socialist ideas and activities in the U.S and Europe
ANTI-DEFAMATION LEAGUE FACT FINDING DIVISION Officials: IRWIN SUALL, also known as John Graham. Purpose: A joint FBI-British intelligence operation designed to single out right-wing groups and their leaders and put them out of business before they grow too large and too influential
INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF MACHINISTS Purpose: A labor oriented front for the Socialist International and a hot-bed of organized labor unrest polarizing workers and management
AMALGAMATED CLOTHING WORKERS Officials: Murray Findley, IRWIN SUALL and Jacob Scheinkman. Purpose: Much the same as the Machinists Union, to socialize and polarize workers in the garment trade
A. PHILIP RANDOLPH INSTITUTE Officials: Bayard Rustin. Purpose: To provide a means of coordinating organizations with a common purpose, an example of which would be the spread of socialist ideas among college students and workers
CAMBRIDGE POLICY STUDIES INSTITUTE Officials: Gar Apelrovitz. Purpose: To expand on the work being done at the Institute for Policy Studies. Founded in February 1969 by international socialist, Gar Apelrovitz, former assistant to Senator Gaylord Nelson. Apelrovitz wrote the controversial book ATOMIC DI-PLOMACY for the Club of Rome which work was financed by the German Marshall Fund. It concentrates on research and action projects, with a stated goal of fundamentally changing American society, i. .e., to create a Fabianist United States in preparation of the coming One World Government
ECONOMIC COMMITTEE OF THE NORTH ATLANTIC INSTITUTE Officials: Dr. Aurellio Peccei. Purpose: NATO think-tank on global economic issues
CENTER FOR THE STUDY OF DEMOCRATIC INSTITUTIONS Officials: Founder Robert Hutchins of the Committee of 300, Harry Ashmore, Frank Kelly and a large group of “Fellows.” Purpose: To spread ideas that will bring on social reforms of the liberal kind with democracy as an ideology. One of its activities is to draft a new constitution for the U.S. which will be strongly monarchical and socialistic as found in Denmark. By 1973 work on a new United States Constitution was in its thirty-fifth draft which proposes an amendment guaranteeing “environmental right,” the thrust of which is to reduce the industrial base of the U.S. to a mere whisper of what it was in 1969. In other words, this institution is carrying out Club of Rome zero-growth post-industrial policies laid down by the Committee of 300. Some of its other aims are control of economic cycles, welfare, regulation of business and national public works, con- trol of pollution.
Further goals enunciated by Ashmore are as follows:
- Membership of the U.N. must be made universal.
- The U.N. must be strengthened
- South East Asia must be neutralized. (“Communized.”)
- Cold War must be ended.
- Racial discrimination must be abolished.
- Developing nations must be assisted. (Meaning assisted to destruct.)
- No military solutions to problems (Pity they didn’t tell George Bush that before the Gulf War.)
- National solutions are not adequate.
- Coexistence is necessary
HARVARD PSYCHOLOGICAL CLINIC Officials: Dr. Kurt Lewin and staff of 15 new-science scientists. Purpose: To create a climate where the Committee of 300 can take unlimited power over the U.S
INSTITUTE FOR SOCIAL RESEARCH Officials: Dr. Kurt Lewin and staff of 20 new-science scientists. Purpose: To devise a whole new set of social programs to steer America away from industry
SCIENCE POLICY RESEARCH UNIT Officials: Leland Bradford, Kenneth Dam, Ronald Lippert. Purpose: A “Future Shocks” research institution at Sussex University in England and part of the Tavistock network
SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION Officials: Sheldon Arenberg and a staff of hundreds, too numerous to mention here. Purpose: To coordinate all elements of the intelligence communities of the U.S.A. and Britain. It analyzes what “play- ers” have to be assigned the role of a national entity; for example, Spain would come under a supine watered-down Catholic Church, the U.N. under the Secretary General and so forth. It developed the system of “X RAY 2” where think tank personnel, military installations and law enforcement centers are all linked to the Pentagon through a nation-wide network of Teletypes and computers: To apply surveillance techniques on a nation-wide scale. Arenberg says his ideas are non-military, but his techniques are mainly those he learned from the military. He was responsible for the New York State Identification and Intelligence System, a typical George Orwell “1984” project, which is completely illegal under our Constitution. The NYSIIS system is in the process of being adopted nationwide. It is what Brzezinsk referred to as the ability to almost instantaneously retrieve data about any person. NYSIIS shares data with all law enforcement and government agencies in the state. It provides storage and rapid retrieval of individual records, criminal and social. It is a TYPICAL Committee of 300 project. There is a crying need for a full investigation to be conducted into just what it is that Systems Development Corporation is doing, but that is beyond the scope of this book. One thing is sure, SDC is not there to preserve freedom and liberty guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution.
The American public would be astounded if it only knew how deeply the Army is involved in “new war tactics” research with Committee of 300 “think tanks.” Americans are not aware that in 1946 the Club of Rome was ordered by the Committee of 300 to further the progress of think tanks which it said offered a new means of spreading the Committee’s philosophy. The impact of these think tanks upon our military, just since 1959 when they suddenly proliferated, is truly astounding. There is no doubt that they will play an even greater role in the daily affairs of this nation as we come to the close of the 20th century.
THE MONT PELERIN SOCIETY Mont Pelerin is an economic foundation devoted to issuing misleading economic theories and influencing economists in the Western world to follow models it lays out from time to time. Its leading practitioners are Von Hayek and Milton Friedman.
THE HOOVER INSTITUTION Founded originally to fight Communism, the institution has slowly but surely turned toward Socialism. It has an annual budget of $2 million, funded by companies under the umbrella of the Committee of 300. It now concentrates on “peaceful changes” with emphasis on arms control and domestic U.S problems. It is Frequently used by the news media as a “conservative” organization whose views they seek when a conservative viewpoint is needed. The Hoover Institution is far from that, and following the 1953 takeover of the Institution by a group allied to the Club of Rome, it has become a One World-New World Order outlet for “desirable” policies.
HERITAGE FOUNDATION Founded by brewery magnate Joseph Coors to act as a conservative think tank, Heritage was soon taken over by Fabianists Sir Peter Vickers Hall, Stuart Butler, Steven Ayzlei, Robert Moss and Frederich Von Hayek under the direction of the Club of Rome. This institute played a major role in carrying out British Labour leader Anthony Wedgewood Benn’s order to “Thatcherize Reagan.” Heritage is certainly not a conservative operation although at times it may look and sound like one.
HUMAN RESOURCES RESEARCH OFFICE. This is an Army research establishment dealing in “psychotechnology.” Most of its personnel are Tavistock-trained. “Psychotechnology” covers GI motivation, morale and music used by the enemy.
In fact a lot of what George Orwell wrote about in his book “1984” appears to be remarkably similar to what is taught at HUMRRO. In 1969, the Committee of 300 took over this important institution and turned it into a private non-profit organization run under the auspices of the Club of Rome. It is the largest behavioral research group in the U.S.
One of its specialities is the study of small groups under stress and HUMRRO teaches the Army that a soldier is merely an extension of his equipment and has brought great influence to bear on the “man/weapon” system and its “human quality control,” so widely accepted by the United States Army. HUMRRO has had a very pronounced effect on how the Army conducts itself. Its mind-bending techniques are straight out of Tavistock
HUMRRO’S applied psychology courses are supposed to teach Army brass how to make the human weapon work. A good example of this is the manner in which soldiers in the war against Iraq were willing to disobey their field manual standing orders and bury 12,000 Iraqi soldiers alive
This type of brainwashing is terribly dangerous because today, it is applied to the Army, the Army applies it to brutally destroy thousands of “enemy” soldiers, and tomorrow the Army could be told that civilian population groups opposed to government policies are “the enemy.”
We are already a mindless brainwashed flock of sheep, yet it seems that HUMRRO can take mind bending and mind control a step further. HUMRRO is a valuable adjunct to Tavistock and many of the lessons taught at HUMRRO were applied in the Gulf War, which makes it a little easier to understand how it came to be that American soldiers behaved as ruthless and heartless killers, a far cry from the concept of the traditional American fighting man
RESEARCH ANALYSlS CORPORATION. This is HUMRRO’S sister “1984” organization situated in McLean, Virginia. Established in 1948, it was taken over by the Committee of 3OO in 1961 when it became part of the Johns Hopkins bloc. It has worked on over 600 projects, including integrating Negroes into the Army, the tactical use of nuclear weapons, psychological warfare programs and mass population control
Obviously there are many more major think tanks.
It is the job of the polling companies to mold and shape public opinion in the way that suits the conspirators. Polls are constantly being taken by CBS-NBC-ABC, the New York Times, the Washington Post. Most of these efforts are coordinated at the National Opinion Research Center where, as much as it will amaze most of us, a psychological profile was developed for the entire nation. Findings are fed into the computers of Gallup Poll and Yankelovich, Skelley and White for comparative evaluation.
Much of what we read in our newspapers or see on television has first been cleared by the polling companies. WHAT WE SEE IS WHAT THE POLLSTERS THINK WE SHOULD SEE. This is called “public opinion making.” The whole idea behind this bit of social conditioning is to find out how responsive the public is to POLICY DIRECTIVES handed down by the Committee of 300. We are called “targeted population groups” and what is measured by the pollsters is how much resistance is generated to what appears in the “Nightly News.” Later, we shall learn exactly how this deceptive practice got started and who is responsible for it.
It is all part of the elaborate opinion-making process created at, Tavistock. Today our people believe they are well-informed but what they do not realize is that the opinions they believe are their own were in fact created in the research institutions and think tanks of America and that none of us are free to form our own opinions because of the information we are provided with by the media and the pollsters.
Polling was brought to a fine art just before the United States entered the Second World War. Americans, unbeknown to themselves, were conditioned to look upon Germany and Japan as dangerous enemies who had to be stopped. In a sense, this was true, and that makes conditioned thinking all the more dangerous, because based on the INFORMATlON fed to them, the enemy did indeed appear to be Germany and Japan. Just recently we saw how well Tavistock’s conditioning process works when Americans were conditioned to perceive Iraq as a threat and Saddam Hussein as a personal enemy of the United States.
Such a conditioning process is technically described as “the message reaching the sense organs of persons to be influenced.” One of the most respected of all pollsters is Committee of 300 member Daniel Yankelovich, of the company, Yankelovich, Skelley and White. Yankelovich is proud to tell his students that polling is a tool to change public opinion, although this is not original, Yankelovich having drawn his inspiration from David Naisbett’s book “TREND REPORT” which was commissioned by the Club of Rome. In his book Naisbett describes all of the techniques used by public opinion makers to bring about the public opinion desired by the Committee of 300. Public opinion making is the jewel in the crown of the OLYMPIANS, for with their thousands of new-science social scientists at their beck and call, and with the news media firmly in their hands, NEW public opinions on almost any subject can be created and disseminated around the world in a matter of two weeks.
This is precisely what happened when their servant George Bush was ordered to make war on Iraq. Within two weeks, not only the U.S. but almost the entire world public opinion was turned against Iraq and its President Saddam Hussein. These media change artists and news manipulators report directly to the Club of Rome which in turn reports to the Committee of 300 at whose head sits the Queen of England ruling over a vast network of closely-linked corporations who never pay taxes and are answerable to no one, who fund their research institutions through foundations whose joint activities have almost total control over our daily lives.
Together with their interlocking companies, insurance business, banks, finance corporations, oil companies, newspapers, magazines, radio and television, this vast apparatus sits astride the United States and the world. There is not a politician in Washington D.C. who is not, somehow, beholden to it. The Left rails against it, calling it “imperialism” which indeed it is, but the left is run by the same people, the very same ones who control the right, so that the left is no more free than we are!
Scientists engaged in the process of conditioning are called “social engineers” or “newscience social scientists” and they play an integral part in what we see, hear and read. The “old school” social engineers were Kurt K. Lewin, Professor Hadley Cantril, Margaret Meade, Professor Derwin Cartwright and Professor Lipssitt who, together with John Rawlings Reese, made up the backbone of new-science scientists at Tavistock Institute.
It is this Committee of 300 which has established control networks and mechanisms far more binding than anything ever seen in this world. Chains and ropes are not needed to restrain us. Our fear of what is to come does that job far more efficiently than any physical means of restraint. We have been brainwashed to give up our Constitutional right to bear arms; to give up our Constitution itself; to allow the United Nations to exercise control over our foreign policies and the IMF to take control of our fiscal and monetary policies; to permit the President to break United States law with impunity and to invade a foreign country and kidnap its head-of-state. In short we have been brainwashed to the extent where we, as a nation, will accept each and every lawless act carried out by our government almost without question.
I for one know that we will soon have to fight to reclaim our country from the Committee, or lose it forever. BUT when it comes right down to it, how many will actually take up arms? In 1776 only 3% of the populace took up arms against King George III. This time around, 3% will be woefully inadequate. We should not allow ourselves to be led down dead-end roads, for that is what our mind controllers have planned for us by confronting us with such a complexity of issues that we simply succumb to long range penetration and make no decisions at all on many vital issues.
We shall be looking at the names of those who make up the Committee of 300 but, before we do that, we should examine the massive interfacing of all important institutions, companies and banks under the Committee’s control. We must mark them well because these are the people who are deciding who shall live and who shall be eliminated as “useless eaters”; where we will worship God, what we must wear and even what we shall eat. According to Brzezinski, we shall be under endless surveillance around the clock for 365 days a year ad infinitum.
What we face today is not only the loss of our freedom and the very fabric of our nation, but far worse, the possibility of the loss of our souls. The steady chipping away at the foundation upon which this republic rests has left an empty void, which satanists and cultists are rushing to fill with their synthetic soul material. This truth is difficult to accept and appreciate because there was nothing SUDDEN about these events. If a sudden shock were to hit us, a cultural and religious shock, we would be shaken out of our apathy
But gradualism–which is what Fabianism is, does nothing to raise the alarm. Because the vast majority of Americans can see no MOTIVATION for the things I have described, they cannot accept it, and so the conspiracy is scorned and often mocked. By creating chaos through presenting hundreds of daily choices our people have to make, we have come down to a position where, unless motivation can be clearly shown, all information is rejected.
President Jefferson once said he pitied those who thought they knew what was taking place through reading the newspaper. Disraeli, the British prime minister, said much the same thing. Indeed, down through the ages, rulers have delighted in running things from behind the scenes. Man has always felt the need to dominate and nowhere and at no time is the desire more prevalent than in this modern era.
If it were not so, why all the need for secret societies? If we are ruled by an open system run by democratically elected officials, why the need for a secret Masonic order in every village, town and city across the United States? How is it that Freemasonry can operate so openly and yet keep its secrets so well hidden? We can’t ask the Nine Unknown Men of the Nine Sisters Lodge in Paris that question, nor can we ask it of their nine fellows in the Quatuar Coronati Lodge in London. Yet these eighteen men form part of an even more secret govern-ment, the RIIA, and beyond that, the Committee of 300. How is it that the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry could brain-wash John Hinckley to shoot President Reagan? Why do we have such secret orders as the Knights of St. John of Jerusalem, the Round Table, the Milner Group and so on down line upon line of secret societies? They form part of a world-wide chain of command and control running through the Club of Rome, NATO, the RIIA and finally right up to the Conspirators’ Hierarchy, The Committee of 300. Men need these secret societies because their deeds are evil and must be hidden. Evil cannot stand in the light of truth.
The Age of Aquarius was best described by Tavistock Institute as the vehicle for delivering turbulence: “There are three distinct phases in the response and reaction to stress displayed by large social groups.
First, there is superficiality; the population under attack will defend itself with slogans; this does not identify the source of the crisis and therefore does nothing to address it, hence the crisis will persist.
The second is fragmentation. This occurs as the crisis continues and social order breaks down.
Then, there is the third phase where the population group goes into ‘self realization‘ and turns away from the induced crisis and there follows a maladaptive response, accompanied with active synoptic idealism and disassociation.”
Who can deny that with the huge increase in drug usage– “crack” making thousands of instant new addicts each day–the shocking rise in the murder of infants each day (aborticide), which by now far exceeds casualties suffered by our armed forces in both World Wars, Korea and Vietnam, the open acceptance of homosexuality and lesbianism whose “rights” are protected by more and more laws each year, the terrible plague we call “AIDS” washing over our towns and cities, total failure of our education system, the stunning increase in the divorce rate, a murder rate that shocks the rest of the world into disbelief, satanic serial killings, the disappearance of thousands of young children, snatched off our streets by perverts, a virtual tidal wave of pornography accompanied by “permissiveness” on our television screens–who can deny that this nation is in crisis, which we are not addressing and from which we are turning away.
They taught our children that United States law is unequally applied, and that is perfectly in order. Our children were properly educated by a decade of corrupt examples; Ronald Reagan and George Bush were ruled by greed and became totally corrupted by it. Our education system hasn’t failed. Under the guidance of King, Black and the Myrdals it is actually a great success, but it all depends from whose point of view we look at it. The Committee of 300 is DELIGHTED with our education system, and will not allow one comma of it to be changed.
An outstanding example of social conditioning to accept change, even when it is recognized as unwelcome change by the large population group in the sights of Stanford Research Institute, was the “advent” of the BEATLES. The Beatles were brought to the United States as part of a social experiment which would subject large population groups to brainwashing of which they were not even aware
When Tavistock brought the Beatles to the United States nobody could have imagined the cultural disaster that was to follow in their wake. The Beatles were an integral part of “THE AQUARIAN CONSPIRACY,” a living organism which sprang From “THE CHANGING IMAGES OF MAN,” URH (489)-2150-Policy Research Report No. 4/4/74. Policy Report pre-pared by SRI Center for the study of Social Policy, Director, Professor Willis Harmon.
The phenomenon of the Beatles was not a spontaneous rebellion by youth against the old social system. Instead it was a carefully crafted plot to introduce by a conspiratorial body which could not be identified, a highly destructive and divisive element into a large population group targeted for change against its will. New words and new phrases– prepared by Tavistock– were introduced to America along with the Beatles. Words such as “rock” in relation to music sounds, “teenager,” “cool,” “discovered” and “pop music” were a lexicon of disguised code words signifying the acceptance of drugs and arrived with and accompanied the Beatles wherever they went, to be “discovered” by “teenagers.” Incidentally, the word “teenagers” was never used until just before the Beatles arrived on the scene, courtesy of the Tavistock Institute for Human Relations.
As in the case of gang wars, nothing could or would have been accomplished without the cooperation of the media, especially the electronic media and, in particular, the scurrilous Ed Sullivan who had been coached by the conspirators as to the role he was to play. Nobody would have paid much attention to the motley crew from Liverpool and the 12- atonal system of “music” that was to follow had it not been for an overabundance of press exposure.
Tavistock and its Stanford Research Center created trigger words which then came into general usage around “rock music” and its fans. Trigger words created a distinct new break-away largely young population group which was persuaded by social engineering and conditioning to believe that the Beatles really were their favorite group. All trigger words devised in the context of “rock music” were designed for mass control of the new targeted group, the youth of America.
The Beatles did a perfect job, or perhaps it would be more correct to say that Tavistock and Stanford did a perfect job, the Beatles merely reacting like trained robots “with a little help from their friends”–code words for using drugs and making it “cool.” The Beatles became a highly visible “new type”– more Tavistock jargon–and as such it was not long before the group made new styles (fads in clothing, hairstyles and language usage) which upset the older generation, as was intended. This was part of the “fragmentation-maladaptation” process worked out by Willis Harmon and his team of social scientists and genetic engineering tinkerers and put into action.
The role of the print and electronic media in our society is crucial to the success of brainwashing large population groups. Gang wars ended in Los Angeles in 1966 as the media withdrew its coverage. The same thing will happen with the current wave of gang wars in Los Angeles. Street gangs will wither on the vine once media saturation coverage is toned down and then completely withdrawn. As in 1966, the issue would become “burned out.” Street gangs will have served their purpose of creating turbulence and insecurity. Exactly the same pattern will be followed in the case of “rock” music. Deprived of media attention, it will eventually take its place in history.
Following the Beatles, who incidentally were put together by the Tavistock Institute, came other “Made in England” rock groups, who, like the Beatles, had Theo Adorno write their cult lyrics and compose all the “music.”
Tavistock and Stanford Research then embarked on the second phase of the work commissioned by the Committee of 300. This new phase turned up the heat for social change in America. As quickly as the Beatles had appeared on the American scene, so too did the “beat generation,” trigger words designed to separate and fragment society. The media now focused its attention on the “beat generation.” Other Tavistock-coined words came seemingly out of nowhere: “beatniks,” “hippies,” “flower children” became part of the vocabulary of America. It became popular to “drop out” and wear dirty jeans, go about with long unwashed hair. The “beat generation” cut itself off from main-stream America. They became just as infamous as the cleaner Beatles before them.
The newly-created group and its “lifestyle” swept millions of young Americans into the cult. American youth underwent a radical revolution without ever being aware of it, while the older generation stood by helplessly, unable to identify the source of the crisis, and thus reacting in a maladaptive manner against its manifestation, which were drugs of all types, marijuana, and later Lysergic acid, “LSD,” so conveniently provided for them by the Swiss pharmaceutical company, SANDOZ, following the discovery by one of its chemists, Albert Hoffman, how to make synthetic ergotamine, a powerful mind-altering drug. The Committee of 300 financed the project through one of their banks, S. C. Warburg, and the drug was carried to America by the philosopher, Aldous Huxley.
The new “wonder drug” was promptly distributed in “sample” size packages, handed out free of charge on college campuses across the United States and at “rock” concerts, which became the leading vehicle for proliferating the use of drugs. The question that cries out for an answer is, what was the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) doing at the time? There is compelling circumstantial evidence that would appear to indicate that the DEA knew what was going on but was ordered not to take any action.
With very substantial numbers of new British “rock” bands arriving in the U.S., rock concerts began to become a fixture on the social calender of American youth. In tandem with these “concerts,” the use of drugs among the youth rose in proportion. The devilish bedlam of discordant heavy beat sounds numbed the minds of listeners so that they were easily persuaded to try the new drug on the basis that “everybody is doing it.” Peer pressure is a very strong weapon. The “new culture” received maximum coverage from the jackal media, which cost the conspirators not one single thin dime.
I suggest that we try to find any media outlet to do an expose on the Federal Reserve Board, which is what I did. I took my article, which was a good expose of the greatest swindle on earth, to every major newspaper, radio and television station, magazine house and several talk-show hosts. A few made promises that sounded good–they would definitely air the article and have me discuss it–give them about a week and they would get back to me. Not one of them ever did, nor did my article ever appear in the pages of their newspapers and journals. It was as if a blanket of silence had been thrown over me and the subject I was endeavoring to promote, and indeed that was precisely what had happened.
The drug trade is controlled by the Committee of 300 from the Top down. The drug trade started with the British East India Company and was closely followed by the Dutch East India Company. Both were controlled by a “Council of 300.” The list of names of members and stockholders of the BEIC read like something out of Debretts Peerage. BEIC established the “China Inland Mission,” whose job it was to get The Chinese peasants, or coolies, as they were called, addicted to opium. This created the market for opium which the BEIC then filled.
In much the same way the Committee of 300 used “The “Beatles” to popularize “social drugs” with the youth of America and The Hollywood “in-crowd.” Ed Sullivan was sent to England To become acquainted with The first Tavistock Institute “rock group” to hit the shores of the United States. Sullivan then returned to the United States to draft the strategy for the electronic media on how to package and sell the group. Without the full cooperation of the electronic media and Ed Sullivan, in particular, “The Beatles” and their “music” would have died on the vine. Instead, our national life and the character of the United States was forever changed.
Now that we know, it is all too clear how successful the “Beatles” campaign to proliferate the use of drugs became. The fact that “The Beatles” had their music and lyrics written for them by Theo Adorno was concealed from public view. The prime function to “The Beatles” was to be discovered by teenagers, who where then subjected to a non-stop barrage of “Beatle music,” until they became convinced that they liked the sound and adopted it, along with all that accompanied it. The Liverpool group performed up to expectations, and with “a little help from their friends,” i.e., illegal substances we call drugs created a whole new class to young Americans in the precise mold ordained by the Tavistock Institute.
There is much talk about environment these days and, while it mostly refers to green surroundings, pure rivers and fresh air, there is another, equally important environment, namely, the drug environment. The environment of our life style has become polluted; our thinking has become polluted. Our ability to control our destiny has become polluted. We are confronted by changes that pollute our thinking to the extent that we do not know what to make of it all. The “Environment of Change” is crippling the nation; we appear to have so little control that it has produced anxiety and confusion.
We now look to group solutions instead of individual solutions to our problems. We do not make use of our own resources to solve problems. In this the prolific rise in drug usage is playing a leading role. The strategy is a deliberate one, devised by the newscience scientists, the social engineers and tinkerers, aimed at the most vulnerable of all areas, our self-image, or how we perceive ourselves, which leads us eventually to become like sheep being led to the slaughter. We have become confused by the many choices we have to make, and we have become apathetic.
The drug trade has insidiously changed our environment. The alleged “war on drugs” is a farce; it does not exist in qualitative measure to make the slightest difference to the descendants of the British East India Company.
Combined with computerization, we are almost fully brainwashed, robbed of our ability to resist forced changes. Which brings us to another environment, PEOPLE CONTROL, also known as personal information control, without which governments cannot play their numbers game.
As matters stand, we the people have absolutely no way of knowing just what government does or does not know about us. Government computer files are not subject to scrutiny by the public at large. Do we foolishly believe that personal information sacrosanct? Remember, in every society there are rich and power-ful families who control law enforcement agencies. I have proved the existence of such families. Do not think that if these families wanted to find out about us, they could not do so. These are the families who often have a member in the Committee of 300.
The drug trade, controlled by the Committee of 300, is a crime against humanity, but having been conditioned and softened up by years of incessant bombardment by Tavistock Institute, we have more or less accepted our changed environment, regarding the drug trade as a problem that is “too big” to handle. This is not the case. If we could marshal an entire nation, equip and send millions of American soldiers to fight in a war in Europe in which he had no business intervening, if we could defeat a major power, then we can smash the drug trade, using the same WW II tactics. The logistical problems that had to be solved when we entered the Second World War are even today still mindboggling.
The real reason that the drug problem is not eradicated is because it is being run by the highest families in the entire world as part of a coordinated gigantic money-making machine.
Up until a relatively short time ago, the true history of the China opium trade was quite unknown, having been as well covered up as it is possible to do. Many of my former students in the days when I was lecturing, would come and ask me why the Chinese were so fond of smoking opium? They were puzzled as are many still today, over contradictory accounts of what had actually taken place in China. Most thought it was merely a case of the Chinese workers buying opium on an open market and smoking it, or going to some of the thousands of opium dens and forgetting their terrible existence for a while. The truth is that the supply of opium to China was a British monopoly, an OFFICIAL monopoly of the British government and official British policy.
The lucrative drug trade is one of the worst examples of making money out of human misery; the other being the legal drug trade run by the pharmaceutical drug houses under Rockefeller ownership, in the U.S. for the most part, but with substantial companies operating in Switzerland, France and Britain and fully backed by the American Medical Association (AMA). The dirty dope transactions and the money it generates flows through the City of London, together with Hong Kong, Dubai and latterly, Lebanon, thanks to the invasion of that country by Israel.
The trade was conducted by the illustrious British East India Company, whose meddling in political, religious and economic affairs of the United States has cost us very dearly for over 200 years. The 300 members of the British East India Company’s board were a cut above the common herd.
Later the British Crown, i.e., the Royal Family, joined the British East India Company’s trade, and used it as a vehicle to produce opium in Bengal, and elsewhere in India, controlling exports through what was called “transit duties,” that is, the Crown levied a tax on all producers of opium duly registered with the state authority, who were sending their opium to China.
The Bengal merchants and their British controllers and bankers grew fat and intolerant on the enormous amounts of money that poured into the coffers of the British East India Company from the wretched Chinese coolies opium trade. BEIC profits, even in those years, far exceeded the combined profits made in a single year by General Motors, Ford and Chrysler in their heydays. The trend in making huge profits out of drugs was carried over into the 1960’s by such “legal” drug death merchants as Sandoz, the makers of LSD and Hoffman la Roche, manufacturers of Valium. The cost of the raw material and manufacturing of Valium to Hoffman la Roche is $3 per kilo (2.2 pounds). It is sold to their distributors for $20,000 per kilo. By the time it reaches the consumer, the price of Valium has risen to $50,000 per kilo. Valium is used in huge quantities in Europe and the United States. It is possibly the most used drug of its kind in the world.
Hoffman la Roche does the same thing with Vitamin C, which costs them less than 1 cent a kilo to produce. It is sold for a profit of 10,000 percent.
Remember this the next time you see those lovely advertisements of Swiss ski slopes, beautiful watches, pristine mountains and cuckoo clocks. That is not what Switzerland is about. It is about dirty multi-billion dollar money laundering which is carried out by major Swiss banking houses. It is about the Committee of 300 “legal” drug manufacturers. Switzerland is the Committee’s ultimate “safe haven” for money and protection of their bodies in time of global calamity.
Many in the circles of royalty were regular opium users. One of their favorites was the writer Coudenhove-Kalergi who wrote a book in 1932 entitled “REVOLUTION THROUGH TECHNOLOGY” which was a blueprint for the return of the world to a medieval society. The book, in fact, became a working paper for the Committee of 300’s plan to deindustrialize the world, starting with the United States. Claiming that pressures of over-population are a serious problem, Kalergi advised a return to what he called “open spaces. ” Does this sound like the Khmer Rouge and Pol Pot?
Here are some extracts from the book:
“In its facilities, the city of the future will resemble the city of the Middle Ages…and he who is not condemned to live in a city because of his occupation, will go to the countryside. Our civilization is a culture of the major cities; therefore it is a marsh plant born by degenerated, sickly and decadent people, who have voluntarily, or involuntarily, ended up in this dead-end street of life.” Isn’t that very close to what “AnkarWat” gave as “his” reasons for depopulating Phnom Penh?
Every British monarch since 1729 has benefited immensely from the drug trade and this holds good for the present occupant of the throne. Their ministers saw to it that wealth flowed into their family coffers.
The Bank of International Settlements and the IMF are nothing more than bully-boy clearing houses for the drug trade.
IT IS BIG BUSINESS, a vast empire, this dirty drug business. Of necessity, it is operated from the top down in every single country in the world. It is, in fact, the largest single enterprise in the world today, transcending all others. That it is protected from the top down is borne out by the fact that, like international terrorism, it cannot be stamped out which should indicate to a reasonable person that some of this biggest names in royal circles, the oligarchy, the plutocracy are running it, even if it is done through intermediaries.
There is not a single government that does not know precisely what is going on with regard to the drug trade, but individual members holding powerful positions are taken, but of by the Committee of 300 through its world-wide network of subsidiaries. If any government member is “difficult,” he or she is removed, as in the case of Pakistan’s Ali Bhutto and Italy’s Aldo Moro. No one is beyond the reach of this all-powerful Committee, even though Malaysia has been successful in holding out up until now. Malaysia has the strictest anti-drug laws in the world. Possession of even small amounts is punishable by the death penalty.
America is run not by 60 families but by 300 families and England is run by 100 families and, as we shall see, these families are intertwined through marriage, companies, banks, not to mention ties to the Black Nobility, Freemasonry, the Order of St. John of Jerusalem and so on. These are the people who, through their surrogates, find ways to protect huge shipments of heroin from Hong Kong, Turkey, Iran and Pakistan and ensure they reach the market places in the U.S. and Western Europe with the minimum cost of doing business.
The decadent American families of the unholy partnership, thoroughly corrupted and wallowing in filthy lucre, went on to become what we know today as the Eastern Liberal Establishment whose members, under the careful guidance and direction of the Crown and subsequently its foreign policy executive arm, the Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA), ran this country–and still does–from top to bottom through their secret upper-level, parallel government, which is tightly meshed with the Committee of 300, the ULTIMATE secret society.
The top controllers of the drug trade in the Committee of 300 have no conscience about the millions of lives they ruin each year. They are Gnostics, Cathars, members of the cult of Dionysus, Osiris, or worse. To them, “ordinary” people are there to be used for their purposes. Their high-priests, Bulwer-Lytton and Aldous Huxley, preached the gospel of drugs as a beneficial substance. To quote Huxley:
“And for private everyday use, there have always been chemical intoxicants. All the vegetable sedatives and narcotics, all the euphorics that grow on trees, the hallucinogens that ripen in berries, have been used by humans since time immemorial. And to these modifiers of conscience, modern science has added its quota of synthetics. For unrestricted use the West has permitted only alcohol and tobacco. All other chemical Doors in the Wall are labeled DOPE.”
“Now let us consider another type of drug–still undiscovered, but probably just around the corner–a drug making people happy in situations where they would normally feel miserable. (Is there anyone more miserable than a person who has sought and been unable to find work?) Such a drug would be a blessing, but a blessing fraught with grave social and political dangers. By making a harmless chemical euphoria freely available, a dictator (read Committee of 300) could reconcile an entire population to a state of affairs to which self-respecting human beings ought not to be reconciled.”
To the oligarches and plutocrats of the Committee of 300, drugs have a two-fold purpose, firstly to bring in colossal sums of money and secondly, to eventually turn a major part of the population into mindless drug zombies who will be easier to control than people who don’t need drugs, as punishment for rebellion will mean withholding of supplies of heroin, cocaine, marijuana, etc. For this it is necessary to legalize drugs so that a MONOPOLY SYSTEM, which has been readied for introduction once severe economic conditions, of which the 1991 depression is the forerunner, cause drug usage to proliferate as hundreds of thousands of permanently jobless workers turn to drugs for solace.
Some will question the involvement of the British royal families, past and present, in the drug trade. To see it in print appears on the surface to be preposterous, and it is being seen in print more often these days to make it appear exactly that, preposterous. The oldest maxim in the intelligence business is, “If you want to hide something, put it where everyone can see it.”
After the war ended in 1902, the British Crown had to consolidate its grip on the unimaginable fortune of gold and diamonds that lay beneath the barren veldt of the Boer Republics of Transvaal and Orange Free State. This was done through the Round Table of the legend of King Arthur and his Knights.
The Round Table is strictly a British M16 intelligence operation established by the Committee of 300 which, together with the Rhodes Scholarship program, is a dagger in the heartland of America. The Round Table was established in South Africa by Cecil Rhodes and funded by the English Rothschild family. Its purpose was to train business leaders loyal to the British Crown who would secure the vast gold and diamond treasures for the British Crown. South Africans had their birthright stolen from them in a coup so massive and all pervading that it was apparent only a central unified command could have pulled it off. That unified command was the Committee of 300.
That this was accomplished is not in dispute. By the early 1930’s, the British Crown had a stranglehold on the biggest supplies of gold and diamonds ever found in the world. NOW THE COMMITTEE OF 300 HAD AT ITS DISPOSAL BOTH THE VAST FORTUNE COMING FROM THE DRUG TRADE AND THE EQUALLY VAST FORTUNE OF THE MINERAL AND METAL WEALTH OF SOUTH AFRICA. Financial con-trol of the world was complete.
The Committee of 300 consists of certain individuals specialists in their own fields, including cultus diabolicus, mind altering drugs, and specialists in murder by poison, intelligence; banking, and every facet of commercial activity. It will be necessary to mention former members since deceased, because of their former roles and because their places were given to family members of new members considered worthy of the honor. Included in the membership are the old families of the European Black Nobility, the American Eastern Liberal Establishment (in Freemason hierarchy and the Order of Skull and Bone), the Illuminati, or as it is known by the Committee “MORIAH CONQUERING WIND,” the Mumma Group, The National and World Council of Churches, the Circle of Initiates, the Nine Unknown Men, Lucis Trust, Jesuit Liberation Theologists, The Order of the Elders of Zion, the Nasi Princes, International Monetary Fund (IMF), the Bank of International Settlements (BIS), the United Nations (U.N.), the Central, British Quator Coronati, Italian P2 Masonry–especially those in the Vatican hierarchy–the Central Intelligence Agency, Tavistock Institute selected personnel, various members of leading foundations and insurance companies named in the lists that follow, the Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank, the Milner Group-Round Table, Cini Foundation, German Marshall Fund, Ditchley Foundation, NATO, Club of Rome, Environmentalists, The Order of St. John of Jerusalem, One World Government Church, Socialist International, Black Order, Thule Society, Anenherbe-Rosicrucianists, The Great Superior Ones and literally HUNDREDS of other organizations.
What then are we looking at? A loosely-knit gathering of people with weird ideas? Certainly not. In the Committee of 300, which has a 150-year history, we have some of the most brilliant intellects assembled to form a completely totalitarian, absolutely controlled “new” society only it isn’t new, having drawn most of its ideas from the Clubs of Cultus Diabolicus. It strives toward a One World Government rather well described by one of its late members, H. G. Wells, in his work commissioned by the Committee which Wells boldly called: “THE OPEN CONSPIRACY– PLANS FOR A WORLD REVOLUTION.”
It was a bold statement of intent, but not really so bold since nobody believed Wells except the Great Superior Ones, the Anenherbes and those who were what we would call “insiders” today. Here is an extract of what Wells proposed:
“The Open Conspiracy will appear first, I believe as a conscious organization of intelligent, and in some cases wealthy men, as a movement having distinct social and political aims, confessedly ignoring most of the existing apparatus of political control, or using it only as an incidental implement in the stages, a mere movement of a number of people in a certain direction, who will presently discover, with a sort of a surprise, the common object toward which they are all moving. In all sorts of ways, they will be influencing and controlling the ostensible government.”
Like George Orwell’s 1984, Wells’account is a mass-appeal for a One World Government. Summarized, the intent and purpose of the Committee of 300 is to bring to pass the following conditions:
A One World Government and one-unit monetary system under permanent non-elected hereditary oligarchists who self select from among their numbers in the form of a feudal system as it was in the Middle Ages. In this One World entity, population will be limited by restrictions on the number of children per family, diseases, wars, famines, until 1 billion people who are useful to the ruling class, in areas which will be strictly and clearly defined, remain as the total world population.
There will be no middle class, only rulers and servants. All laws will be uniform under a legal system of world courts practicing the same unified code of laws, backed up by a One World Government police force and a One World unified military to enforce laws in all former countries where no national boundaries shall exist. The system will be on the basis of a welfare state; those who are obedient and subservient to the One World Government will be rewarded with the means to live; those who are rebellious will simply be starved to death or be declared outlaws, thus a target for anyone who wishes to kill them. Privately owned firearms or weapons of any kind will be prohibited.
Only one religion will be allowed and that will be in the form of a One World Government Church, which has been in existence since 1920 as we shall see. Satanism, Luciferianism and Witchcraft shall he recognized as legitimate One World Government curricula with no private or church schools. All Christian churches have already been subverted and Christian-ity will be a thing of the past in the One World Government.
To induce a state where there is no individual freedom or any concept of liberty surviving, there shall be no such thing as republicanism, sovereignty or rights residing with the people. National pride and racial identity shall be stamped out and in the transition phase it shall be subject to the severest penalties to even mention one’s racial origin.
Each person shall be fully indoctrinated that he or she is a creature of the One World Government with an identification number clearly marked on their person so as to be readily accessible, which identifying number shall be in the master file of the NATO computer in Brussels, Belgium, subject to instant retrieval by any agency of the One World Government at any time. The master Files of the CIA, FBI, state and local police agencies, IRS, FEMA, Social Security shall be vastly expanded and form the basis of personal records of all individuals in the United States.
Marriage shall be outlawed and there shall be no family life as we know it. Children will be removed from their parents at an early-age and brought up by wards as state property. Such an experiment was carried out in East Germany under Erich Honnecker when children were take away from parents considered by the state to be disloyal citizens. Women will be degraded through the continued process of “women’s liberation” movements. Free sex shall be mandatory.
Failure to comply at least once by the age of 20 shall be punishable by severe reprisals against her person. Self-abortion shall be taught and practiced after two children are born to a woman; such records shall be contained in the personal file of each woman in the One World Government’s regional computers. If a woman falls pregnant after she has previously given birth to two children, she shall be forcibly removed to an abortion clinic for such an abortion and sterilization to be carried out.
Pornography shall be promoted and be compulsory showing in every theater of cinema, including homosexual and lesbian pornography. The use of “recreational” drugs shall be compulsory, with each person allotted drug quotas which can be purchased at One World Government stores throughout the world. Mind control drugs will be expanded and usage become compulsory. Such mind control drugs shall be given in food and/or water supplies without the knowledge and/or consent of the people. Drug bars shall be set up, run by One World Government employees, where the slave-class shall be able to spend their free time. In this manner the non-elite masses will be reduced to the level and behavior of controlled animals with no will of their own and easily regimented and controlled.
The economic system shall be based upon the ruling oligar-ethical class allowing just enough foods and services to be produced to keep the mass slave labor camps going. All wealth shall be aggregated in the hands of the elite members of the Committee of 300. Each individual shall be indoctrinated to understand that he or she is totally dependent upon the state for survival. The world shall be ruled by Committee of 300 Executive Decrees which become instant law. Boris Yeltsin is using Committee of 300 decrees to impose the Committee’s will on Russia as a trial run. Courts of punishment and not courts of justice shall exist.
Industry is to be totally destroyed along with nuclear powered energy systems. Only the Committee of 300 members and their elitists shall have the right to any of the earth’s resources. Agriculture shall be solely in the hands of the Committee of 300 with food production strictly controlled. As these measures begin to take effect, large populations in the cities shall be forcibly removed to remote areas and those who refuse to go shall be exterminated in the manner of the One World Government experiment carried out by Pol Pot in Cambodia.
Euthanasia for the terminally ill and the aged shall be compulsory. No cities shall be larger than a predetermined number as described in the work of Kalgeri. Essential workers will be moved to other cities if the one they are in becomes overpopulated. Other non-essential workers will be chosen at random and sent to underpopulated cities to fill “quotas.”
At least 4 billion “useless eaters” shall be eliminated by the year 2050 by means of limited wars, organized epidemics of fatal rapid-acting diseases and starvation. Energy, food and water shall be kept at subsistence levels for the non-elite, start-ing with the White populations of Western Europe and North America and then spreading to other races. The population of Canada, Western Europe and the United States will be decimated more rapidly than on other continents, until the world’s population reaches a manageable level of 1 billion, of which 500 million will consist of Chinese and Japanese races, selected because they are people who have been regimented for centuries and who are accustomed to obeying authority without question.
From time to time there shall be artificially contrived food and water shortages and medical care to remind the masses that their very existence depends on the goodwill of the Committee of 300.
After the destruction of housing, auto, steel and heavy goods industries, there shall he limited housing, and industries of any kind allowed to remain shall be under the direction of NATO’s Club of Rome as shall all scientific and space exploration development, limited to the elite under the control of the Committee of 300. Space weapons of all former nations shall be destroyed along with nuclear weapons.
All essential and non-essential pharmaceutical products, doctors, dentists and health care workers will be registered in the central computer data bank and no medicine or medical care will he prescribed without express permission of regional controllers responsible for each city, town and village.
The United States will be flooded by peoples of alien cultures who will eventually overwhelm White America, people with no concept of what the United States Constitution stands for and who will, in consequence, do nothing to defend it, and in whose minds the concept of liberty and justice is so weak as to matter little. FOOD and shelter shall be the main concern.
No central bank save the Bank of International Settlement and the World Bank shall be allowed to operate. Private banks will be outlawed. Remuneration for work performed shall be under a uniform predetermined scale throughout the One World Government. There shall be no wage disputes allowed, nor any diversion from the standard uniform scales of pay laid down by the One World Government. Those who break the law will be instantly executed
There shall be no cash or coinage in the hands of the non-elite. All transactions shall be carried out by means of a debit card which shall bear the identification number of the holder. Any person who in any way infringes the rules and regulations of the Committee of 300 shall have the use of his or her card suspended for varying times according to the nature and severity of the infringement. Such persons will find, when they go to make purchases, that their card is blacklisted and they will not be able to obtain services of any kind. Attempts to trade “old” coins, that is to say silver coins of previous and now defunct nations, shall be treated as a capital crime subject to the death penalty. All such coinage shall be required to be surrendered within a given time along with guns, rifles, explosives and automobiles. Only the elite and One World Government high-ranking functionaries will be allowed private transport, weapons, coinage and automobiles. If the offense is a serious one, the card will be seized at the checking point where it is presented. Thereafter that person shall not be able to obtain food, water, shelter and employment medical services, and shall be officially listed as an outlaw. Large bands of outlaws will thus be created and they will live in regions that best afford subsistence, subject to being hunted down and shot on sight. Persons assisting outlaws in any way whatsoever, shall likewise be shot. Outlaws who fail to surrender to the police or military after a declared period of time, shall have a former family member selected at random to serve prison terms in their stead.
Rival factions and groups such as Arabs and Jews and African tribes shall have differences magnified and allowed the wage wars of extermination against each other under the eyes of NATO and U.N. observers. The same tactics will be used in Central and South America. These wars of attrition shall take place BEFORE the take-over of the One World Government and shall be engineered on every continent where large groups of people with ethnic and religious differences live, such as the Sikhs, Moslem Pakistanis and the Hindu Indians. Ethnic and religious differences shall be magnified and exacerbated and violent conflict as a means of “settling” their differences shall be encouraged and fostered.
All information services and print media shall be under the control of the One World Government. Regular brainwashing control measures shall be passed off as “entertainment” in the manner in which it was practiced and became a fine art in the United States. Youths removed from “disloyal parents,” shall receive special education designed to brutalize them. Youth of both sexes shall receive training to qualify as prison guards for the One World labor camp system.
It is obvious from the foregoing that much work remains to be done before the dawning of the New World Order can occur. The Committee of 300 has long ago perfected plans to destabilize civilization as we know it, some of which plans were made known by Zbignew Brzezinski in his classic work “THE TECHNOTRONIC ERA” and the works of Aurellio Peccei who founded the Club of Rome, especially in his book, “THE CHASM AHEAD.” In “THE CHASM AHEAD,” Peccei spelled out Committee of 300 plans to tame man, whom he called “THE ENEMY.” Peccei quoted what Felix Dzerzinski once said to Sydney Reilly at the height of the Red Terror when millions of Russians were being murdered: “Why should I concern myself with how many die? Even the Christian Bible says what is man that God should be mindful of him? For me men are nothing but a brain at one end and a shit factory at the other.“
The International Court of Justice at The Hague will be used in increasing measure in the next two years to settle legal arguments of all types. It is of course the prototype for a One World Government legal system that will supplant all others. As for central banks, essential in the planning of the New World Order, this is already very much a fait-accompli with the Bank of International Settlements dominating the scene at the close of 1991. Private banks are fast disappearing in preparation for the Big Ten banks that will control banking the world over under the guidance of BIS and the IMF.
The abolition of privately owned firearms is already in force in three quarters of the world. Only in the United States can the populace still own guns of all types, but that legal right is being chipped away at an alarming rate by local and state laws which violate the Constitutional right of all citizens to bear arms.
Similarly, EDUCATION IS BEING ERODED AT AN ALARMING RATE. PRIVATE SCHOOLS ARE BEING FORCED TO CLOSE BY A VARIETY OF LEGAL STRATAGEMS AND LACK OF FUNDING. The standard of education in the United States has already sunk to such a deplorable level that today it can barely be classified as education at all. This is according to plan; as I described earlier, the One World Government does not want our youth to be properly educated.
An unprecedented assault on moral values will go into high gear in 1992. Pornography will no longer be called “pornography,” but adult sex entertainment. Sloganeering will take the form of “why hide it when everybody does it. Let’s take away the image that public displays of sex are ugly and dirty.” No more will those who care for this type of unbridled sexual lust have to go to seedy porno parlours. Instead, the upper-class supper clubs and places favored by the rich and famous will make public sexual displays a highly “artistic” form of entertainment. Worse yet, some church “leaders” will even recommend it.
The voluminous all-pervading and enormous social psychiatry apparatus put in place by the Tavistock Institute and its huge web of related capabilities has been under the control of one single entity, and that entity is still in control as we enter 1992. That single entity, the conspirators’ hierarchy, is called THE COMMITTEE OF 300. It is a power structure and a power center that operates far beyond the reach of any single world leader or any government, including the United States govern-ment and its Presidents–as the late John F. Kennedy found out. The Kennedy murder was an operation of the Committee of 300 and we shall return to that.
The Committee of 300 is the ultimate secret society made up of an untouchable ruling class, which includes the Queen of England, the Queen of the Netherlands, the Queen of Denmark and the royal families of Europe. These aristocrats decided at the death of Queen Victoria, the matriarch of the Venetian Black Guelphs that, in order to gain worldwide control, it would be necessary for its aristocratic members to “go into business” with the non-aristocratic but extremely powerful leaders of corporate business on a global scale, and so the doors to ultimate power were opened to what the Queen of England likes to refer to as “the commoners.”
From my days in the intelligence business I know that heads of foreign governments refer to this all-powerful body as “The Magicians.” Stalin coined his own phrase to describe them: “The Dark Forces,” and President Eisenhower, who was never able to get beyond the “hofjuden” (court Jew) grade, referred to it in a colossal understatement as “the military-industrial complex.” Stalin kept the USSR heavily armed with conventional and nuclear forces because he did not trust what he called “the family.” His ingrained mistrust and fear of the Committee of 300 proved to be well-founded.
Popular entertainment, especially the medium of movie making, was used to bring discredit upon those who tried to warn of this most dangerous threat to individual liberty and freedom of mankind. Freedom is a God-given law which man has constantly sought to subvert and undermine; yet the yearning for freedom by each individual is so great that up to now, no system has been able to tear that feeling from the heart of mad. The experiments that have gone on in the USSR, Britain and the USA, to blunt and dull mans yearnings for freedom, have thus far proved to be unsuccessful.
But with the coming of the New World Order-One World Government, far-reaching experiments will be stepped up to drive mans God-given yearning for freedom out of his mind, body and soul. What we are already experiencing is but nothing, a mere bagatelle, when compared with what is to come. Attacking the soul is the thrust of a host of experiments being readied, and I regret to say that institutions in the United States will play a leading role in the terrible experiments which have already been carried out on local small-scale levels at such places as Bethesda Naval Hospital and Vacaville prison in California.
The Committee of 300 is filled with members of British aristocracy which has corporate interests and associates in every country of the world, including the USSR.
The Committee’s structure is as follows:
The Tavistock Institute at Sussex University and London sites is owned and controlled by the Royal Institute for International Affairs whose “hofjuden” in America is Henry Kissinger. The EAGLE STAR GROUP, which changed its name to the STAR GROUP after the close of the Second World War, is composed of a group of major international companies involved in overlapping and interfaced areas (1) Insurance, (2) Banking, (3) Real Estate, (4) Entertainment, (5) High technology, including cybernetics, electronic communications, etc.
Insurance companies play a key role in the business of the Committee of 300.
Committee of 300 corporations, banks, and insurance companies operate under the unified command covering every con- ceivable matter of strategy and cohesive action. The Committee is the ONLY organized power hierarchy in the world transcending all governments and individuals, however powerful and secure they may feel themselves to be. This covers finance, defense matters and political parties of all colors and types.
There is no entity the Committee cannot reach and control, and that includes organized religions of the world. This then, is the all powerful OLYMPIAN GROUP whose power base is in London and the City of London’s financial centers with its grip on minerals, metals and precious gems, cocaine, opium and pharmaceutical drugs, rentier-financier bankers, cult promoters and founders of rock music. The British Crown is the control point from which all things radiate. As the saying goes, “They have a finger in every pie.”
It is obvious that the communications field is tightly controlled. Going back to RCA, we find that its directorate is composed of British-American establishment figures who feature prominently in other organizations such as the CFR, NATO, the Club of Rome, the Trilateral Commission, Freemasonry, Skull and Bones, Bilderbergers, Round Table, Milner Society and the Jesuits-Aristotle Society. Among them was David Sarnoff who moved to London at the same time Sir William Stephenson moved into the RCA building in New York.
All three major television networks came as spinoffs from RCA, especially the National Broadcasting Company (NBC) which was first, closely followed by the American Broadcasting Company (ABC) in 1951. The third big television network was Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS) which, like its sister companies was, and still is, dominated by British intelligence. William Paley was trained in mass brainwashing techniques at the Tavistock Institute prior to being passed as qualified to head CBS.
Thus, if we the people of the United States but knew it, all our major television networks are subject to British oversight, and information they provide first goes to London for clearance. It is interesting to note that the Tavistock intelligence paper written by Stanford Research Institute, commonly named “The Aquarian Conspiracy” was funded by donations from all three major television networks.
The best proof I can offer of the existence of the Committee of 300 is the Rank Organization which, in conjunction with Eagle Star, IS THE BRITISH CROWN. It is also the black operations center of MI6 (SIS). Between them, these two Committee of 300 companies control Her Majesty’s Dominion of Canada, using the “hofjuden” Bronfman family to carry out their orders.
After WW II, in 1922 to be precise, Lippmann detailed the work done by the RIIA in a book he called “PUBLIC OPINION”:
“Public opinion deals with indirect, unseen and puzzling facts, and there is nothing obvious about them. The situations to which public opinion refers are known only as opinions, pictures inside heads of human beings, pictures of themselves, of others, of their needs, purposes and relationships, are their public opinions. These pictures which are acted upon by groups of people, or by individuals acting in the name of groups are PUBLIC OPINION with capital letters. The picture inside the head often misleads men in their dealings with the world outside of their heads.”
In 1928, Lippmann’s compatriot Edward Bernays wrote a book called “CRYSTALLIZING PUBLIC OPINION” and in 1928 a second book of his was published entitled simply “PROPAGANDA.”
“With printing press and newspaper, the telephone, telegraph, radio and airplanes, ideas can be spread rapidly, and even instantaneously, across the whole of America.”
“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in a democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an INVISIBLE GOVERNMENT WHICH IS THE TRUE RULING POWER IN OUR COUNTRY.”
“We are governed, our minds are moulded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. What ever attitude one chooses to take toward this condition, it remains a fact that in almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by a relatively small number of persons, a trifling fraction of our hundred and twenty million, who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind, and who harness old social forces and contrive new ways TO BIND AND GUIDE THE WORLD”
We have been so brainwashed that we believe the British royal family is just a nice, harmless and colorful institution, and fail to realize just how corrupt and therefore highly dangerous is this institution called the British Monarchy. The Knights of the Order of the Garter are the INNERMOST circle of the most corrupt public servants who have utterly betrayed the trust placed in them by their nation, their people.
The Knights of the Order of the Garter are the leaders of the Committee of 300, Queen Elizabeth II’s most trusted “privy council.” When I did my research on the Order of St. John of Jerusalem some years ago, I went to Oxford to talk with one of the Masters who is a specialist on ancient and modern British traditions. He told me that the Knights of the Garter are the inner sanctum, the elite of the elite of Her Majesty’s Most Venerable Order of St. John of Jerusalem.
The Tavistock method of gaining full control of a person according to the methodology laid down by Tavistock’s chief theoretician, Dr. Kurt Lewin:
“One of the main techniques for breaking morale through a strategy of terror consists in exactly this tactic–keep the person hazy as to where he stands and just what he may expect. In addition, if frequent vacillations between severe disciplinary measures and promises of good treatment together with the spreading of contradictory news, make the cognitive structure of this situation utterly unclear, then the individual may cease even to know a particular plan would lead toward or away from his goal. Under these conditions even those individuals who have definite goals and are ready to take risks are paralyzed by severe inner conflict in regard to what to do.”
In 1983 the international bankers met in Williamsburg, Virginia to work out a strategy to prepare the United States for a total disintegration of its banking system. This planned event was to stampede the U.S. Senate into accepting control of our monetary and fiscal policies by the International Monetary Fund (IMF). Dennis Weatherstone of Morgan Guarantee on Wall Street stated that he was convinced this was the only way for the United States to save itself.
The invisible government of the Committee of 300 has put tremendous pressure on America to change its ways–for the worse. America is the last bastion of freedom and unless our freedoms are taken away from us, progress toward a One World Government will be considerably slowed. Such an undertaking as a One World Government is a massive one, requiring a great deal of skill, organizing abilities, control of governments and their policies. The only organization that could possibly have undertaken this mammoth task with any hope of success is the Committee of 300, and we have seen just how far it has come toward total success.
Above all, the battle is a spiritual one. Unfortunately, the Christian churches have become little more than social clubs run by the infinitely evil World Council of Churches (WCC), whose beginnings lie not in Moscow but in the City of London, as we see from the chart at the end of the book which gives the structure of the One World Government Church. This body was set up in the 1920’s to serve as a vehicle for One World Government policies, and stands as a monument to the long-range planning capabilities of the Committee of 300.
Another corrupt body similar in structure and design to the WCC is the Union of Concerned Scientists, set up by the Trilateral Commission, and funded by the Carnegie Endowment Fund, the Ford Foundation and Aspen Institute. This is the group that has led the fight to prevent the United States from mounting an effective deterrent against Soviet Cosmospheres, space-based laser beam weapons which can destroy selected targets in the United States or elsewhere from outer space.
There is not one single aspect of life in America that is not watched over, steered in the “right” direction, manipulated, and controlled by the invisible government of the Committee of 300. There is not one elected official or political leader that is not subject to its rule. No one thus far has got away with defying our secret rulers, who do not hesitate to make “a horrible example” of anyone, including the President of the United States of America.
Academy for Contemporary Problems.
Africa Fund.
Agency of International Development.
Albert Previn Foundation.
Alliance Israelite Universalle
American Civil Liberties Union
American Council of Race Relations.
American Defense Society.
American Press Institute.
American Protective League.
Anti-Defamation League.
Arab Bureau.
Arab Higher Committee.
ARCA Foundation.
Armour Research Foundation.
Arms Control and Foreign Policy Caucus.
Arthur D. Little, Inc.
Asian Research InstituteAspen Institute.
Association for Humanistic Psychology.
Augmentation Research Center.
Baron De Hirsh Fund.
Battelle Memorial Institute.
Berger National Foundation.
Berlin Center for Future Research.
Black Order.
Boycott Japanese Goods Conference.
British Newfoundland Corporation.
British Royal Society.
Brotherhood of Cooperative Commonwealth.
Bureau of International Revolutionary Propaganda.
Canadian Jewish Congress.
Cathedral of St. John the Divine, New York.
Center for Advanced Studies in the Behavioral Sciences.
Center for Constitutional Rights.
Center for Cuban Studies.
Center for Democratic Institutions.
Center for International Policy.
Center for the Study of Responsive Law
Christian Socialist League.
Cini Foundation.
Club of Rome.
Committee for the Next Thirty Years.
Committee of Fourteen.
Committee on National Morale.
Committee to Frame
A World Constitution.
Communist League.
Congress of Industrial Organizations.
Council on Foreign Relations.
David Sassoon Company.
De Beers Consolidated Mines.
Democratic League of Brussels.
East India Committee of 300.
Economic and Social Control (ECOSOC).
Environmental Fund. Environmetrics Inc.
Esalen Institute.
Fabian Society.
Federation of American Zionists.
Fellowship for a Christian Social Order.
Fellowship of Reconciliation. Ford Foundation.
Fordham University Institution Educational Research.
Foundation for National Progress.
Garland Fund.
German Marshall Fund.
Governing Body of the Israelite Religious Community.
Gulf South Research Institute.
Harvard University.
Hells Fire Club.
Horace Mann League.
Hudson Guild.
Hudson Institute.
Hudson Bay Company.
Imperial College University of London.
Industrial Christian Fellowship.
Institute for Brain Research.
Institute for Pacific Relations.
Institute for Policy Studies.
Institute for Social Research.
Institute for the Future.
Institute for World Order.
Institute on Drugs, Crime and Justice.
Inter-American Social Development Institute.
International Institute for Strategic Studies.
Interreligious Peace Colloquium.
Irgun. Knights of Malta.
League of Nations.
Logistics Management Institute.
London Board of Deputies of British Jews.
London School of Economics.
Mary Carter Paint Company.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Mellon Institute.
Metaphysical Society.
Milner Group.
Mocatto Metals.
Mont Pelerin Society.
National Action Research on Military/lndustrial Complex.
National Center for Productivity Institute.
National Council of Churches.
National Opinion Research Center.
National Training Laboratories.
New Democratic Coalition.
New World Foundation.
New York Rand Institute.
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).
Odd Fellows.
Order of St. John of Jerusalem.
Order of The Golden Dawn.
Oxford Univac.
Pacific Studies Center.
Palisades Foundation.
Peninsula and Orient Navigation Company.
Princeton University.
Rand Corporation.
Rand School of Social Sciences.
Research Triangle Institution.
Rhodes Scholarship Committee.
Rio Tinto Zinc Company.
Riverside Church Disarmament Program.
Round Table.
Royal Institute for International Affairs.
Russell Sage Foundation.
San Francisco Foundation.
Sharps Pixley Ward.
Social Science Research Council. Socialist International.
Socialist Party of the United States.
Society for Promotion of Study of Religions.
Society of Heaven (TRIADS).
Soviet State Committee for Science and Technology.
Stanford Research Institute.
Stockholm International Peace Research Institute.
Sun Yat Sen Society.
Systems Development Corporation.
Tavistock Institute of Human Relations.
Tempo Corporation.
The High Twelve International.
The Public Agenda Foundation.
The Quality of Life Institute.
Theosophist Society.
Thule Society.
Transatlantic Council.
Trilateral Commission.
U.S. Association of the Club of Rome.
U.S. Institute for Peace.
Union of Concerned Scientists.
University of Pennsylvania Wharton School.
Warburg, James P. and Family.
Western Training Laboratories.
Wilton Park.
Women’s Christian Temperance Union.
Wong Hong Hon Company.
Work in America Institute.
World Council of Churches.
Arab Bureau.
Aristotelian Society.
Asian Research Institute.
Bertrand Russell Peace Foundation.
British American Canadian Corporation.
Brotherhood of Eternal Love.
Cambridge Apostles.
Canadian Histadrut Campaign.
Canadian Pacific Ltd.
Caribbean-Central American Action Group.
China Everbright Holdings Ltd.
Chinese People’s Institute of Foreign Affairs.
Council of South America.
Endangered Peoples’ Society.
English Property Corporation Ltd.
Hospice Inc.
International Brotherhood of Teamsters.
International Red Cross.
Jerusalem Foundation, Canada.
Kissinger Associates.
Kowloon Chamber of Commerce.
Organization of American States.
Overseas Chinese Affairs Committee.
Radio Corporation of America (RCA).
Royal Police of Hong Kong.
American Express.
Banca de la Svizzera d’Italia.
Banca Andioino.
Banca d’America d’Italia.
Banca Nazionale del Lavoro.
Banca Privata.
Banco Ambrosiano.
Banco Caribe.
Banco Commercial Mexicana.
Banco Consolidato.
Banco d’Espana.
Banco de Colombia.
Banco de Commercio.
Banco de Iberio-America.
Banco de la Nacion.
Banco del Estada.
Banco Internacional.
Banco Latino.
Banco Mercantile de Mexico.
Banco Nacional de Cuba.
Banco Nacional de Panama and 54 smaller Panamanian banks.
Bangkok Commercial d’Italian.
Bangkok Metropolitan Bank.
Bank al Meshreq.
Bank America. Bank for International Settlements.
Bank Hapoalim.
Bank Leu.
Bank Leumi.
Bank of Bangkok.
Bank of Boston.
Bank of Canada.
Bank of Credit and Commerce International.
Bank of East Asia.
Bank of England.
Bank of Escambia.
Bank of Geneva.
Bank of Ireland.
Bank of London and Mexico.
Bank of Montreal.
Bank of Norfolk.
Bank of Nova Scotia.
Bank Ohio.
Banque Bruxelles-Lambert.
Banque Commerciale Arabes.
Banque du Credit International.
Banque e Paris et Pays-Bas.
Banque Francais et Italienn por l’Amerique du Sud.
Banque Louis Dreyfus e Paris.
Banque Privee.
Banques Sud Ameris.
Barclays Bank.
Baring Brothers Bank.
Barnett Banks.
Baseler Handeslbank.
Basel Committee on Bank
Supervision. BCCI.*
Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce.
Centrust Bank.
Chartered Bank.
Charterhouse Japhet Bank.
Chase Manhattan Bank.
Chemical Bank.
Citizens and Southern Bank of Atlanta.
City National Bank of Miami.
Claridon Bank.
Cleveland National City Bank.
Corporate Bank and Trust Company.
Credit and Commerce American Holdings.
Credit and Commerce Holdings, Netherlands Antilles.
Credit Suisse.
Crocker National Bank.
de’Neuflize, Schlumberger, Mallet Bank.
Dresdener Bank.
Dusseldorf Global Bank.
First American Bank of Georgia.
First American Bank of New York.
First American Bank of Pensacola.
First American Bank of Virginia.
First American Banking Corp.
First Empire Bank.
First Fidelity Bank.
First National Bank of Boston.
First National City Bank.
Florida National Bank.
Foreign Trade Bank.
Franklin National Bank.
Hambros Bank.
Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation.
Independence Bank of Encino.
Israeli Discount Bank.
Litex Bank.
Ljubljanska Bank.
Lloyds Bank.
Marine Midland Bank.
Midland Bank.
Morgan Bank.
Morgan Et Cie.
Morgan Grenfell Bank.
Narodny Bank.
National Bank of Cleveland.
National Bank of Florida.
National Westminister Bank.
Orion Bank.
Paravicini Bank Ltd.
Republic National Bank.
Royal Bank of Canada.
Schroeder Bank.
Seligman Bank.
Shanghai Commercial Bank.
Soong Bank.
Standard and Chartered Bank.
Standard Bank.
Swiss Bank Corporation.
Swiss Israel Trade Bank.
Trade Development Bank.
Union Bank of Israel.
Union Bank of Switzerland.
Vanying Bank.
White Weld Bank.
World Bank.
World Commerce Bank of Nassau.
World Trade Bank.
Wozchod Handelsbank.
American Bar Association.
Clifford and Warnke.
Coudert Brothers.
Swain and Moore.
Wilkie, Farr and Gallagher.
Price, Waterhouse
- FLOW LABORATORIES – Gets contracts from the National Institute of Health.
- MERLE THOMAS CORPORATION – Gets contracts from the U.S. Navy, analyzes data from satellites.
- WALDEN RESEARCH – Does work in the field of pollution control.
- PLANNING RESEARCH CORPORATION, ARTHUR D. LITTLE, G.E. “TEMPO,” OPERATIONS RESEARCH INC. – Part of approximately 350 firms who conduct research and conduct surveys, make recommendations to government. They are part of what President Eisenhower called “a possible danger to public policy that could itself become captive of a scientific technological elite.”
- BROOKINGS INSTITUTION – Dedicates its work to what it calls a “national agenda.”
- HUDSON INSTITUTE – Under the direction of Herman Khan, this institution has done more to shape the way Americans react to political and social events, think, vote and generally conduct themselves than perhaps any except the BIG FIVE. Hudson specializes in defense policy research and relations with the USSR. Most of its military work is classified as SECRET.
- NATIONAL TRAINING LABORATORIES NTL – is also known as the International Institute for Applied Behavioral Sciences. This institute is definitely a brainwashing center based on Kurt Lewin principles which include so-called T-Groups (training groups), artificial stress training whereby participants suddenly find themselves immersed in defending themselves against vicious accusations. NTL takes in the National Education Association, the largest teacher-group in the United States.
- UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA, WHARTON SCHOOL OF FINANCE & COMMERCE – Founded by Eric Trist, one of the “brain trusts” of Tavistock, Wharton has become one of the more important Tavistock institutions in the U.S. for “Behavioral Research” and “Cooked Statistics”.
- INSTITUTE FOR SOCIAL RESEARCH – This is the institute set up by “brain trusters” from Tavistock Rensis Likert, Dorwin Cartwright and Ronald Lippert. Among its studies are “The Human Meaning of Social Change,” “Youth in Transition” and “How Americans View Their Mental Health.”
- INSTITUTE FOR THE FUTURE – This is not a typical Tavistock institution in that it is funded by the Ford Foundation, yet it draws its long-range forecasting methodology from the mother of all think tanks.
- INSTITUTE FOR POLICY STUDIES (IPS) – One of the “Big Three,” IPS has shaped and reshaped United States policies, foreign and domestic, since it was founded by James P. Warburg and the Rothschild entities in the United States, bolstered by Bertrand Russell and the British Socialists through its networks in America which include the League for Industrial democracy in which Leonard Woodcock played a leading, if behind-the-scenes role.
- STANFORD RESEARCH INSTITUTE – Stanford can be described as one of the “jewels” in Tavistock’s Crown in its rule over the United States. One of Stanford’s more secret projects was extensive work on chemical and bacteriological warfare (CAB) weapons. Stanford Research is plugged into at least 200 smaller “think tanks” doing research into every facet of life in America.
- MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, ALFRED P. SLOAN SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT – This major institute is not generally recognized as being a part of Tavistock U.S.A. Most people look upon it as a purely American institution, but that is far from being the case.
- MIT-Alfred Sloan can be roughly divided into the following groups:
- Contemporary Technology.
- Industrial Relations.
- Lewin Group Psychology.
- NASA-ERC Computer Research Laboratories.
- Office of Naval Research Group, Psychology.
- Systems Dynamics.
- Forrestor and Meadows wrote The Club of Rome’s “Limits of Growth” zero growth study.
- Some of MIT’s clients include the following:
- American Management Association.
- American Red Cross.
- Committee for Economic Development.
- GTE.
- Institute for Defense Analysis (IDA).
- National Academy of Sciences.
- National Council of Churches.
- Sylvania.
- TRW.
- U.S. Army.
- U.S. Department of State.
- U.S. Navy.
- U.S. Treasury.
- Volkswagen Company.
- So vast is the reach of IDA that it would take hundreds of pages to describe the activities in which it is engaged, and IDA is fully described in my book on the role played by Institutions and Foundations in committing treason against the United States of America, which will be published early in 1992.
- MIT-Alfred Sloan can be roughly divided into the following groups:
- RAND RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION – Without a doubt, RAND is THE think tank most beholden to Tavistock Institute and certainly the RIIA’s most prestigious vehicle for control of United States policies at every level. Specific RAND policies that became operative include our ICBM program, prime analyses for U.S. foreign policy making, instigator of space programs, U.S. nuclear policies, corporate analyses, hundreds of projects for the military, the Central lntelligence Agency (CIA) in relation to the use of mind altering drugs like peyote, LSD (the covert MK-Ultra operation which lasted for 20 years).
- Some of RAND’s clients include the following:
- American Telephone and Telegraph Company (AT&T).
- Chase Manhattan Bank.
- International Business Machines (IBM).
- National Science Foundation.
- Republican Party.
- TRW.
- U.S. Air Force.
- U.S. Department of Energy.
- U.S. Department of Health.
- Some of RAND’s clients include the following:
Some major world-wide Committee of 300 institutions and organizations are as follows:
Americans for a Safe Israel.
Biblical Archaeology Review.
British Petroleum.
Canadian Institute of Foreign Relations.
Christian Fundamentalism.
Council on Foreign Relations, New York.
Egyptian Exploration Society.
Imperial Chemical Industries.
International Institute for Strategic Studies.
Order of Skull and Bones.
Palestine Exploration Fund.
Poor Knights of the Templars
Royal Dutch Shell Company.
Socialist International.
South Africa Foundation.
Tavistock Institute of Human Relations.
Temple Mount Foundation.
The Atheist Club.
The Fourth State of Consciousness Club.
The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn.
The Milner Group.
The Nasi Princes.
The Order of Magna Mater.
The Order of the Divine Disorder.
The Round Table.
Trilateral Commission.
Universal Freemasonry.
Universal Zionism.
Vickers Armament Company.
Warren Commission.
Watergate Committee.
Wilton Park.
World Council of Churches
Abergavemy, Marquis of. Acheson, Dean. Adeane, Lord Michael. Agnelli, Giovanni. Alba, Duke of. Aldington, Lord. Aleman, Miguel. Allihone, Professor T. E. Alsop Family Designate. Amory, Houghton. Anderson, Charles A. Anderson, Robert 0. Andreas, Dwayne. Asquith, Lord. Astor, John Jacob and successor, Waldorf. Aurangzeb, Descendants of. Austin, Paul. Baco, Sir Ranulph BalFour, Arthur. Balogh, Lord. Bancroft, Baron Stormont. Baring. Barnato, B. Barran, Sir John. Baxendell, Sir Peter. Beatrice of Savoy, Princess. Beaverbrook, Lord. Beck, Robert. Beeley, Sir Harold. Beit, Alfred. Benn, Anthony Wedgewood. Bennet, John W. Benneton, Gilberto or alternate Carlo. Bertie, Andrew. Besant, Sir Walter. Bethal, Lord Nicholas. Bialkin, David. Biao, Keng. Bingham, William. Binny, J. F. Blunt, Wilfred. Bonacassi, Franco Orsini. Bottcher, Fritz. Bradshaw, Thornton. Brandt, Willy. Brewster, Kingman. Buchan, Alastair. Buffet, Warren. Bullitt, William C. Bulwer-Lytton, Edward. Bundy, McGeorge. Bundy, William. Bush, George. Cabot, John. Family Designate. Caccia, Baron Harold Anthony. Cadman, Sir John. Califano, Joseph. Carrington, Lord. Carter, Edward. Catlin, Donat. Catto, Lord. Cavendish, Victor C. W. Duke of Devonshire. Chamberlain, Houston Stewart. Chang, V. F. Chechirin, Georgi or Family Designate. Churchill, Winston. Cicireni, V. or Family Designate. Cini, Count Vittorio. Clark, Howard. Cleveland, Amory. Cleveland, Harland. Clifford, Clark. Cobold, Lord. Coffin, the Rev William Sloane. Constanti, House of Orange. Cooper, John. Family Designate. CoudenhoveKalergi, Count. Cowdray, Lord. Cox, Sir Percy. Cromer, Lord Evelyn Baring. Crowther, Sir Eric. Cumming, Sir Mansfield. Curtis, Lionel. d’Arcy, William K. D’Avignon, Count Etienne. Danner, Jean Duroc. Davis, John W. de Benneditti, Carlo. De Bruyne, Dirk. De Gunzberg, Baron Alain. De Lamater, Major General Walter. De Menil, Jean. De Vries, Rimmer. de Zulueta, Sir Philip. de’Aremberg, Marquis Charles Louis. Delano. Family Designate. Dent, R. Deterding, Sir Henri. di Spadaforas, Count Guitierez, (House Douglas-Home, Sir Alec. Drake, Sir Eric. Duchene, Francois. DuPont. Edward, Duke of Kent. Eisenberg, Shaul. Elliott, Nicholas. Elliott, William Yandel. Elsworthy, Lord. Farmer, Victor. Forbes, John M. Foscaro, Pierre. France, Sir Arnold. Fraser, Sir Hugh. Frederik IX, King of Denmark Family Designate. Freres, Lazard. Frescobaldi, Lamberto. Fribourg, Michael. Gabor, Dennis. Gallatin, Albert. Family Designate. Gardner, Richard. Geddes, Sir Auckland. Geddes, Sir Reay. George, Lloyd. Giffen, James. Gilmer, John D. Giustiniani, Justin. Gladstone, Lord. Gloucestor, The Duke of. Gordon, Walter Lockhart. Grace, Peter J. Greenhill, Lord Dennis Arthur. Greenhill, Sir Dennis. Grey, Sir Edward. Gyllenhammar, Pierres. Haakon, King of Norway. Haig, Sir Douglas. Hailsham, Lord. Haldane, Richard Burdone. Halifax, Lord. Hall, Sir Peter Vickers. Hambro, Sir Jocelyn. Hamilton, Cyril. Harriman, Averill. Hart, Sir Robert. Hartman, Arthur H. Healey, Dennis. Helsby, Lord. Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. Her Majesty Queen Juliana. Her Royal Highness Princess Beatrix. Her Royal Highness Queen Margreta. Heseltine, Sir William. Hesse, Grand Duke descendants, Family Designate. Hoffman, Paul G. Holland, William. House of Braganza. House of Hohenzollern. House, Colonel Mandel. Howe, Sir Geoffrey. Hughes, Thomas H. Hugo, Thieman. Hutchins, Robert M. Huxley, Aldous. Inchcape, Lord. Jamieson, Ken. Japhet, Ernst Israel. Jay, John. Family Designate. Keynes, John Maynard. Jodry, J. J. Joseph, Sir Keith. Katz, Milton. Kaufman, Asher. Keith, Sir Kenneth. Keswick, Sir William Johnston, or Keswick, H.N.L. Keswick, William Johnston. Kimberly, Lord. King, Dr. Alexander. Kirk, Grayson L. Kissinger, Henry. Kitchener, Lord Horatio. Kohnstamm, Max. Korsch, Karl. Lambert, Baron Pierre. Lawrence, G. Lazar. Lehrman, Lewis. Lever, Sir Harold. Lewin, Dr. Kurt. Lippmann, Walter. Livingstone, Robert R. Family Designate. Lockhart, Bruce. Lockhart, Gordon. Linowitz, S. Loudon, Sir John. Luzzatto, Pieipaolo. Mackay, Lord, of Clasfern. MackayTallack, Sir Hugh. Mackinder, Halford. MacMillan, Harold. Matheson, Jardine. Mazzini, Gueseppi. McClaughlin, W. E. McCloy, John J. McFadyean, Sir Andrew. McGhee, George. McMillan, Harold. Mellon, Andrew. Mellon, William Larimer or Family Designate. Meyer, Frank. Michener, Roland. Mikovan, Anastas. Milner, Lord Alfred. Mitterand, Francois. Monett, Jean. Montague, Samuel. Montefiore, Lord Sebag or Bishop Hugh. Morgan, John P. Mott, Stewart. Mountain, Sir Brian Edward. Mountain, Sir Dennis. Mountbatten, Lord Louis. Munthe, A., or family designate. Naisbitt, John. Neeman, Yuval. Newbigging, David. Nicols, Lord Nicholas of Bethal. Norman, Montague. O’Brien of Lotherby, Lord. Ogilvie, Angus. Okita, Saburo. Oldfield, Sir Morris. Oppenheimer, Sir Earnest, and successor, Harry. Ormsby Gore, David (Lord Harlech). Orsini, Franco Bonacassi. Ortolani. Umberto. Ostiguy, J.P.W. Paley, William S. Pallavacini. Palme, Olaf. Palmerston. Palmstierna, Jacob. Pao, Y.K. Pease, Richard T. Peccei, Aurellio. Peek, Sir Edmund. Pellegreno, Michael, Cardinal. Perkins, Nelson. Pestel, Eduard. Peterson, Rudolph. Petterson, Peter G. Petty, John R. Philip, Prince, Duke of Edinburgh. Piercy, George. Pinchott, Gifford. Pratt, Charles. Price Waterhouse, Designate. Radziwall. Ranier, Prince. Raskob, John Jacob. Recanati. Rees, John Rawlings. Rees, John. Rennie, Sir John. Rettinger, Joseph. Rhodes, Cecil John. Rockefeller, David. Role, Lord Eric of Ipsden. Rosenthal, Morton. Rostow, Eugene. Rothmere, Lord. Rothschild Elie de or Edmon de and/or Baron RothschiLd Runcie, Dr.Robert. Russell, Lord John. Russell, Sir Bertrand. Saint Gouers, Jean. Salisbury, Marquisse de Robert Gascoiugne Cecil. Shelburne, The Salisbury, Lord. Samuel, Sir Marcus. Sandberg, M. G. Sarnoff, Robert. Schmidheiny, Stephan or alternate brothers Thomas, Alexander. Schoenberg, Andrew. Schroeder. Schultz, George. Schwartzenburg, E. Shawcross, Sir Hartley. Sheridan, Walter. Shiloach, Rubin. Silitoe, Sir Percy. Simon, William. Sloan, Alfred P. Smuts, Jan. Spelman. Sproull, Robert. Stals, Dr. C. Stamp, Lord Family designate. Steel, David. Stiger, George. Strathmore, Lord. Strong, Sir Kenneth. Strong, Maurice. Sutherland. Swathling, Lord. Swire, J. K. Tasse, G. Or Family Designate. Temple, Sir R. Thompson, William Boyce. Thompson, Lord. ThyssenBornamisza, Baron Hans Henrich. Trevelyn, Lord Humphrey. Turner, Sir Mark. Turner, Ted. Tyron, Lord. Urquidi, Victor. Van Den Broek, H. Vanderbilt. Vance, Cyrus. Verity, William C. Vesty, Lord Amuel. Vickers, Sir Geoffrey. Villiers, Gerald Hyde family alternate. Volpi, Count. von Finck, Baron August. von Hapsburg, Archduke Otto, House of Hapsburg-Lorraine. Von Thurn and Taxis, Max. Wallenberg, Peter or Family Designate. Wang, Kwan Cheng, Dr. Warburg, S. C. Ward Jackson, Lady Barbara. Warner, Rawleigh. Warnke, Paul. Warren, Earl. Watson, Thomas.
Dr. John Coleman – Tavistock Institute of Human Relations (Full Audiobook – 6 hours)
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01 | Conspirators’ Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300 – CIA.gov – (https://www.cia.gov/library/abbottabad-compound/4A/4A92FD2FB4DAE3F773DB0B7742CF0F65_Coleman.-.CONSPIRATORS.HIERARCHY.-.THE.STORY.OF.THE.COMMITTEE.OF.300.R.pdf) |
02 | The Committee Of 300 – Fourth Edition – 2004 – Dr John Coleman – Archive.org (https://archive.org/details/dr.-john-coleman-the-committee-of-300) |
03 | AudioBook Dr. John Coleman – Tavistock Institute of Human Relations (6 hours) YouTube |
04 | John Coleman Club Of Rome – Archive.org | PDF – – http://www.itsuandi.org/itsui/downloads/Itsui_Materials/Coleman_John_-_The_Club_of_Rome.pdf |
05 | Planetary Emergency Plan; Club of Rome – Archive.org https://web.archive.org/web/20191208022814/https://www.clubofrome.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/PlanetaryEmergencyPlan_CoR-4.pdf |
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