John D Rockefeller Wiped Out Natural Cures to Create Big Pharma [Video]
The man “behind the science”.

John D Rockefeller Wiped Out Natural Cures to Create Big Pharma (3 minutes)
The Eternal Pandemic – The Truth About COVID-19 (2hrs 14mins)
Watch Fullscreen – Bitchute | Rumble
Rockefeller’s Medical Service for Industry (Standard Oil, 1954) (3mins)
Rumble | Original Full Clip on NIH Archive | See also Cult of the Medics docuseries (Chapter 1)
In 1870 John D. Rockefeller co-founded the Standard Oil Company. This is a clip from the Standard Oil Company, explains the corporation’s approach to company-provided medical services for employees in its hundreds of locations around the world. Because climate, culture, and type and prevalence of disease vary so widely, tailored approaches are called for. Another piece to the puzzle of how the Rockefellers built their empire.
Behind the “Trust the Science” narrative.
It all starts with John D. Rockefeller (1839 – 1937) who was an oil magnate, a robber baron, America’s first billionaire, and a natural-born monopolist.
By the turn on the 20th century, he controlled 90% of all oil refineries in the U.S. through his oil company, Standard Oil, which was later on broken up to become Chevron, Exxon, Mobil etc.
At the same time, around 1900, scientists discovered “petrochemicals” and the ability to create all kinds of chemicals from oil.
This was a wonderful opportunity for Rockefeller who saw the ability to monopolize the oil, chemical and the medical industries at the same time!
But there was one problem with Rockefeller’s plan for the medical industry: natural/herbal medicines were very popular in America at that time. Almost half the doctors and medical colleges in the U.S. were practicing holistic medicine, using knowledge from Europe and Native Americans.
Rockefeller, the monopolist, had to figure out a way to get rid of his biggest competition. So he used the classic strategy of “problem-reaction-solution.” That is, create a problem and scare people, and then offer a (pre-planned) solution.
He went to his buddy Andrew Carnegie – another plutocrat who made his money from monopolizing the steel industry – who devised a scheme. From the prestigious Carnegie Foundation, they sent a man named Abraham Flexner to travel around the country and report on the status of medical colleges and hospitals around the country.
This led to the Flexner Report, which gave birth to the modern medicine as we know it.
Needless to say, the report talked about the need for revamping and centralizing our medical institutions. Based on this report, more than half of all medical colleges were soon closed.
Homeopathy and natural medicines were mocked and demonized; and doctors were even jailed.
To help with the transition and change the minds of other doctors and scientists, Rockefeller gave more than $100 million to colleges, hospitals and founded a philanthropic front group called “General Education Board” (GEB). This is the classic carrot and stick approach.
In a very short time, medical colleges were all streamlined and homogenized. All the students were learning the same thing, and medicine was all about using patented drugs.
Scientists received huge grants to study how plants cured diseases, but their goal was to first identify which chemicals in the plant were effective, and then recreate a similar chemical – but not identical – in the lab that could be patented.
A pill for an ill became the mantra for modern medicine.
So, now we are, 100 years later, churning out doctors who know nothing about the benefits of nutrition or herbs or any holistic practices. We have an entire society that is enslaved to corporations for its well-being.
The American Cancer Society was founded by none other than Rockefeller in 1913.
Sources: Article | Download Video from Telegram | YouTube | Rumble
Rockefellers Population Council [1952]
The Rockefeller Commission Report [1969]
See also: Chronology regarding the Rockefellers and population control
Remote-controlling mice with radio waves & magnetic fields. [2016]

Magnetic mind control
Previous work led by Friedman and Dordick tested a similar method to turn on insulin production in diabetic mice. The system couples a natural iron storage particle, ferritin, and a fluorescent tag to an ion channel called TRPV1, also known as the capsaicin chili pepper receptor. Ferritin can be affected by forces such as radio waves or magnetic fields, and its presence tethered to TRPV1 can change the conformation of the ion channel.
“Normally radio waves or magnetic fields, at these strengths, will pass through tissue without having any effect,” says first author Sarah Stanley. “But when this modified ferritin is present, it responds and absorbs the energy of the radiofrequency or magnetic fields, producing motion. This motion opens the channel and allows ions into the cell. Depending on the ions flowing through the channel, this can either activate or inhibit the cells’ activity.”
This study is the first to turn neurons on and off remotely with radio waves and magnetic fields. TRPV1 normally allows positive ions—such as calcium or sodium—to flow in, which activates neurons and transmits neuronal signals. The researchers were also able to achieve the opposite effect, neuronal inhibition, by mutating the TRPV1 channel to only allow negative chloride ions to flow through.
“The modified TRPV1 channel was targeted specifically to glucose-sensing neurons using a genetic technique known as Cre-dependent expression,” says Stanley. “To test whether a magnetic field could remotely modulate these neurons, we simply placed the mice near the electromagnetic coil of an MRI machine.”
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Turn neurons on & off with radio waves & magnetic fields using genetically-engineered adenovirus, jellyfish protein, camel antibodies & iron particles. [2017]

With new technology, scientists are able to exert wireless control over brain cells of mice with just the push of a button.
At the flick of a switch, they are able to make mice hungry—or suppress their appetite—while the mice go about their lives normally. It’s a tool they are using to unravel the neurological basis of eating, and it is likely to have applications for studies of other hard-wired behaviors.
With their method, published last year in Nature, biologists can turn neurons on or off in a live animal at will—quickly, repeatedly, and without implants—by engineering the cells to make them receptive to radio waves or a magnetic field.
The method links five very different biological tools, which can look whimsically convoluted, like a Rube Goldberg contraption on a molecular scale. It relies on a green fluorescent protein borrowed from jellyfish, a peculiar antibody derived from camels, squishy bags of iron particles, and the cellular equivalent of a door made from a membrane-piercing protein—all delivered and installed by a genetically engineered virus. The remote control for this contraption is a modified welding tool (though a store-bought magnet also works).
The researchers’ first challenge was to find something in a neuron that could serve as an antenna to detect the incoming radio signal or magnetic field. The logical choice was ferritin, a protein that stores iron in cells in balloon-like particles just a dozen nanometers wide. Iron is essential to cells but can also be toxic, so it is sequestered in ferritin particles until it is needed. Each ferritin particle carries within it thousands of grains of iron that wiggle around in response to a radio signal, and shift and align when immersed in a magnetic field. We all have these particles shimmying around inside our brain cells, but the motions normally have no effect on neurons.
Friedman’s team realized that they could use a genetically engineered virus to create doorways into a neuron’s outer membrane.

I’m not saying they are doing anything to us with these “adenovirus” or “mRNA” biologicals… but if they were… this older article has me thinking HEAVY METAL DETOX – IMMEDIATELY Friends! As well as adding all the things they keep censoring me for – just in case.
Related audio (Please listen):
Adam Levy finds out how brain activity could be controlled using magnets
Published to Nature:
Bidirectional electromagnetic control of the hypothalamus regulates feeding and metabolism
- To install the radiogenetics system into neurons, the scientists equipped an adenovirus with the various genes needed to make the system work. Then they squirted the modified virus onto the brain cells they wanted to alter.
- One of the added genes produces TRPV1, a protein that normally helps cells detect heat and motion. Within each neuron, the TRPV1 protein (pink) embeds itself into the cell’s outer membrane. Like a door, it can change shape to open or shut an ion channel. To add a knob to the door, the researchers stitched TRPV1 to a “nanobody” (violet)—an unusually simple variety of antibody found in camels.
- Iron-filled ferritin particles (green) serve as the system’s sensor. To allow them to grab onto the nanobody doorknob, the researchers tacked on a gene for GFP—a jellyfish protein that glows green under ultraviolet light. By design, the nanobody and GFP stick together tightly. The system is now connected. When exposed to strong radio waves or magnetic fields, the ferritin particles wiggle, the ion channel opens, and calcium ions (red) flow in to activate the cell.
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Things are more sophisticated & organized on a Global Scale in the Digital Age [2001 – Current]

See also:
- Monopoly – They Own It All – Most important documentary
- NWO Compilation – Summary for Newbies
- Behind the Media
- Behind Scientific Medical Journals
- COVID Truth Books
- Covid Truth With Dr Judy Wilyman
- Sooo… Apparently They’ve Been Lying About Vaccines – Since Forever.
- One World Government, New World Order (So Hard To Believe, And So Devastating To Learn That It’s True)
- COVID-19 Posts [Summary]
- “Bioweapon” Or “Virus”?
- What Is Going On With The Censorship & Mass-Media Disinformation? What Is REALLY Going On?
- Social Media Censorship

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