Self-Punishment / Being Over-weight – EFT Tapping & Affirmations

IN Natural Healing
  • Updated:8 years ago
  • Reading Time:4Minutes
  • Post Words:853Words
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“Overweight – Guilt, shame, suppressed emotions, Carrying others’ problems and burdens. Trying to cover your vulnerability, hurt, or abuse from the past. Not feeling good enough. Feeling stuck. Punishing yourself with food. Trying to push people away or keep them at a distance. Not allowing your true beauty and essence to shine through. Keeping the weight as protection. Constant procrastination.” ~ Inna Segel The Secret Language of Your Body: The Essential Guide to Health and Wellness

Setup: Even though I may be carrying some extra weight and it may be the result of oversensitivity, fear, a need for protection, a cover for hidden anger and/or a resistence to forgive(Hay’s words in orange), I deeply and completely accept myself, and realize that I am protected by Divine Love, I am always safe and secure, I am willing to grow up and take responsibility for my own life, I forgive others, and I am now safe to create my own life the way I want it.

“Delete” round of tapping: Eye Brow: “deleting this oversensitivity”, Side of Eye: “deleting the need to protect myself “, Under Eye: “deleting any hidden anger “, Under Nose: “deleting this resistence to forgive “, Chin: “deleting any emotional reasons for my extra weight”, etc. on all the points, including the gamut, alternating with statements relating to the issue.

“Insert” round of tapping: EB: “inserting realization that I am protected by Divine Love “, SE: “healing these fears “, UE: “inserting feelings of safety”, UN: “I am safe “, CH: “I am taking responsibility for my own life “, CB: “I forgive others”, etc. on all the points, including the gamut, alternating with statements that “insert” a feeling of well being.

Fat – Arms
Even though my arms are fat and it might be the result of anger at being denied love, I deeply and completely accept myself and realize it is safe for me to create all the love I want. Tap on “anger at being denied love”.

Delete Tapping: this anger at being denied love
Insert Tapping: I create the love I want, I am lovable, I am safe in giving and receiving love.

Fat – Belly
Even though my belly is fat and it might be caused by anger at being denied nourishment, I deeply and completely accept myself and choose to nourish myself with spiritual food.
Even though my belly is fat and it might be caused by anger at being denied nourishment, I deeply and completely accept myself and forgive those who have denied me.
Even though my belly is fat and it might be caused by anger at being denied nourishment, I am satisfied and free.

Delete Tapping: this anger at being denied nourishment
Insert Tapping: I nourish myself with spiritual food, I forgive those that have denied me, I am satisfied and free.

Fat – Thighs
Even though my thighs are fat and it might be the result of packed childhood anger and rage at my father, I deeply and completely accept myself, see my father as a loveless child and forgive him easily freeing us both.

Delete Tapping: this packed childhood anger and rage at my father
Insert Tapping: I forgive the past, I forgive my father, I release the packed childhood anger, I am free

It’s amazing how our cells respond to our mental patterns. When the need for protection is gone, or when we start feeling secure, the fat will melt off. I have noticed in my own life that when I am not feeling safe, I will gain some weight. When my life is going so fast, and I’m doing so much, and I’m spreading myself all over the place, I feel a need for protection, a need for security. So I say, “Okay, Louise, it’s time to work on safety. I want you to really know that you are safe, and it’s okay, and you can do all this stuff, and you can be at all these places, and you can have all that is happening right now, and you are safe, and I love you.” The Power Is Within You ~ Louise L. Hay

The physical body is a reflection of your thoughts, attitudes, beliefs and emotions, so what you think on, you gradually grow to become. Deep within your muscles, organs and tissues are your memories of past experiences, unexpressed traumas, shocks and despair. The heaviness of these burdens coupled with your own beliefs and judgments, often show up as protective layers of fat carried around in certain tissues of your physical body. Any hurts or misunderstandings that aren’t addressed suppress our energy, causing our bodies to become overweight or ill.

Some of the major causes of overeating is depression, stress, holding back hurts and the fear of not being loved. Whenever we experience these unpleasant emotions our body’s start losing energy….this is when we unconsciously feel the need to replace that lost energy with food. Unfortunately, under stress, we don’t eat wisely, (grabbing for something sweet and starchy) and end up losing more energy processing the food, which creates an even lower energy cycle.

Penny... on Health
Penny... on Health

Truth-seeker, ever-questioning, ever-learning, ever-researching, ever delving further and deeper, ever trying to 'figure it out'. This site is a legacy of sorts, a place to collect thoughts, notes, book summaries, & random points of interests.

DISCLAIMER: The information on this website is not medical science or medical advice. I do not have any medical training aside from my own research and interest in this area. The information I publish is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease, disorder, pain, injury, deformity, or physical or mental condition. I just report my own results, understanding & research.