[Spain] What’s In The Vials? (Fifth Column – Ricardo Delgado Martin)

IN C19 Vials
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La Quinta Columna (Fifth Column) suspects graphene oxide and microtechnology are in the vials.

Living Document. First published: April 6th, 2022 | Last Updated: Nov 18, 2022

See all vial/bloodwork posts: What’s in the vials?


La Quinta Columna, a team of Spanish researchers has discovered that vaccines contain graphene oxide. It has an absorption band for 5G frequencies, and it may also be the reason behind the magnetic phenomenon. (01)

Ricardo Delgado Martin, is the Founder and Director of Quinta Columna. Ricardo is responsible for coordinating the Spanish research team’s analysis of the impacts of graphene oxide nano-particles contained in the vial of the mRNA vaccine. Ricardo Delgado Martin is specialized in biostatistics, clinical microbiology, clinical genetics and immunology.

  • Download the new LA FIFTH COLUMN report “Identification of possible microtechnology and artificial patterns in Pfizer vaccine with optical microscopy” PDF – DropBox (in Spanish) (02)

Speaking on behalf of the Spanish research team, Ricardo Delgado Martin recommends that the covid-19 experimental mRNA vaccine should be cancelled and discontinued immediately.

Video [with English voiceovers]:

An Interview w/ Richard Delgado: Impacts of Graphene Oxide Nano-Particles Contained in the Vial of the mRNA Vaccine – June 20, 2021 – He says to increase Glutathione (NAC).

Microtechnology found in Pfizer

Report on Microtechnology found in Pfizer vials by La Quinta Columna summarized in English on these two posts from Orwell (named after the Orwellian times we find ourselves in):

Rumble | Telegram | Orwell City

Ricardo Delgado: Hello. Very good evening to everyone. First of all, I wanted to wish everybody a happy new year. However, I’d like to share with you some chilling images.

Remember throughout this time, throughout this week, we’ve even done a live stream with what’s inside the Pfizer vaccine, and we’ve said that there’s graphene and some, let’s say artificial structures. But now I want you to see what we have on the screen. Precisely what’s seen under the microscope, and that, logically, has creeped me out.

We have to denounce this en masse. Everybody has to go out immediately to the streets and expose what the entire world population had been inoculated. All your neighbors, all your relatives have been jabbed with what you’ll see now. Circuitry. Microtechnology inside the body. I’m going to share with you, on the screen, what’s on the object holder.

This is one of the droplets that were discarded from last week. When the hydrogel has dried, it formed these images that we’re going to share. As I say, right now. Let’s see if it’s possible. Well. I think you’re seeing what I’m seeing on the screen, right? Let’s zoom in so you can see it. One moment, please. That’s it. Look at the object we found in the Pfizer vaccine.

As you can see… I’m going to be moving it. Downwards. Now upwards.

There are four strange corners. Four perfectly square-angular shapes and circuitry inside. These are electronic components. This is what’s formed at the base. Here are what appear to be ceramic capacitors or some other type of electronic component or circuitry. As I say, this is part of the contents of the Pfizer vaccine. Here’s another perfectly artificial corner. Let’s adjust the image a little bit. Here and here too. This is micro-technology. This is probably a micro-router.

This is, probably, the consequence… Or this is what causes people to generate MAC addresses. In other words, micro-technology is being introduced into our family members, into people who have been totally deceived.

How is this not going to cause thrombi? How is this not supposed to cause all kinds of cardiovascular diseases and heart attacks? How is this not going to cause arrhythmias? I beg the entire medical community immediately to end this covert genocide.

This is what’s inside the Pfizer vaccine. This is visible after four or five days of waiting for the water in the sample to evaporate. We cannot allow one more second for these people to give one more injection, especially to our children. That’s what’s inside the vial. And that’s what needs to be denounced. Please share this video with all parts of the world. Share this video on all your social networks and go with these images directly to the duty court to file a complaint. Because I, Mr. Ricardo Delgado Martín, D.N.I: 79.202.099N (with “N” for Navarra), will go to testify. And I’ll take the sample with me.

I’m going to change the magnification. Let’s see it bigger.

Well, in case there were any doubts. In case there you had any doubts… This is… This isn’t a crime, but much worse. This is the most complete humiliation and aberration that has ever been done to human beings. Ever! There’s no longer any kind of doubt here. No doubts. This is an artificial spawn. Now let all the fucking controlled dissidence come and tell me what this is. That “dissident” group that doesn’t look at anything under a fucking microscope. The corners are perfectly square. This is micro-technology. There’s at least on the order of 1200 magnification right now. And you can see it clearly. So, this is a few tens of microns large. And this is what has been introduced… What has been injected into everybody’s body. This is what has been injected into everybody’s body. Oh, my goodness! Jesus Christ!

Either we just stop these genocidal people right now and put them directly in jail or hang them directly in a public square. Otherwise, they’ll end up with the whole human race. Do you understand? Let’s try this. While we’re at it, of course, recording all kinds of images. And I have stopped on this object because I had the imperative need to share it with all of you. Let’s try another magnification. Here you can see, let’s say… Please, share the live broadcast with everyone. Crystal clear, isn’t it? Clear, right? Even so, people will say you’re “conspiracy theorists.” Even so, they’ll call you “deniers.” This is what’s inside the Pfizer vaccine.

I make an appeal to all the judges and magistrates of our country. Either you do something about this immediately, or we go directly to the courts and turn them all upside down. And we go as we have to go because this can no longer be tolerated. Either you take Dr. Campra’s report that proved all this and more, or we take another type of measure because this cannot be allowed in any way. Summon me to testify. Just summon me. I repeat. I, Ricardo Delgado Martín, D.N.I: 79.202.099N (with “N” for Navarra), offer myself before any prosecutor, magistrate, judge of our country —and of any other part of the world— to show what’s inside the vaccines. To prove what’s inside the vials. This is a real genocide. A real genocide. A crime against humanity. And we cannot allow this since it’s being done taking advantage of people’s ignorance, illiteracy, and unawareness.

Please take these images to the outpatient clinics and public hospitals. Please, do me the favor. And summon me! Summon me to testify. Summon me. And please immediately remove this impostor who calls himself President of the Government from office. Immediatly!

I think it’s more than enough. It’s more than enough. I apologize for having expressed myself in this way, but like any human being, I get carried away. But not for the best exactly. Because this is an aberration. Take these images and take them directly to a court of law. I have given all my personal data, and I’ll take the sample, which I’ll keep carefully, of this Pfizer vaccine. Together with a specific batch whose traceability I have from the health worker who gave it to me at the Seville meeting. Let’s all go to denounce this authentic genocide. We cannot tolerate this atrocity for one more minute. I close here. Very good night. And as I say, happy new year to all.

Their main website https://www.laquintacolumna.net/ has become an absolute super-hub of graphene-oxide information, studies, and news (I haven’t seen any other site that has this much information on it – 100’s of scientific articles – and I have at least 50 bookmarked for later viewing if I ever get the time!), and whilst Google still allows us to translate websites on demand, I recommend reading as many as you can before we can no longer figure out what it says :)

I just took a screengrab of their site (English-translated) as a PDF (via Mega) if you want to save it for later viewing (bare in mind, I intend to merge all my graphene-info into one-folder soon and this link may no longer work when I get around to it – please let me know via telegram if the link dies).

Their Telegram channel: https://t.me/laquintacolumna will post an update when their report is updated in English (& other languages)

One of the first summaries they put out:


Related Links I haven’t looked at yet (still categorizing all the countries)

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Penny... on Health
Penny... on Health

Truth-seeker, ever-questioning, ever-learning, ever-researching, ever delving further and deeper, ever trying to 'figure it out'. This site is a legacy of sorts, a place to collect thoughts, notes, book summaries, & random points of interests.

DISCLAIMER: The information on this website is not medical science or medical advice. I do not have any medical training aside from my own research and interest in this area. The information I publish is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease, disorder, pain, injury, deformity, or physical or mental condition. I just report my own results, understanding & research.