[2a] Game is over: Graphene – Raman Evidence

IN C19 Vials
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La Quinta Columna’s March 2023 Presentation in English (Part 2a of 6)

(Start at Part 1: Conference: The game is over)

Thesis development and presentation of scientific literature

Rumble (1.5hrs) This post 00:00-9:38

2a – Graphene – Raman Evidence

So the first thing we are going to do is introduce today’s livestream with what the graphene oxide pattern is. We are going to watch a short video.

Graphene is a wonderful material, as they say, for everything but not to put it inside the human body because it’s not biocompatible, and it clearly causes damage, it is toxic. Furthermore, its toxicity depends on the source of radiation because it has the capacity to be radio-modulable. The first thing we have to do since today’s highlight is the microscope is to know what the patterns of graphene are, i.e. what it looks like.

So initially, apart from doing the micro-raman test, we also visited the Graphene Box website, which is a virtual online shop and we obtained a reduced graphene oxide pattern. It’s quite expensive, too, a single milligram costs 300 euros, but with a single gram, just to give you an idea, we could cover an entire football pitch.

It’s a material with a great capacity with just a small amount, it can be stretched, it’s malleable, transparent, it has many properties. In addition, it’s a superconducting material, which in biology is not at all good because it has an affinity for the heart and neurons, which is precisely their objective. Reduced graphene oxide solution and we found the patterns that we are going to see now.

Here is a video (timestamp 1:33).

Well, what we’re looking at are graphene micro-sheets. It’s one of the first patterns where it appeared.

  • The material has folds and the edges tend to fold back on themselves.
  • They have a high surface tension, therefore we are going to find it often in the drops at the edge of the cover slip, via the surface, it goes straight to the bottom.

These are graphene micro-sheets. Seemingly, it is harmless, but we’ll see that it is not. Apart from the micro-sheets, I’m going to go a little bit further. They’re also going to appear in bands, ribbons, and this, for example, is a band or a filament of graphene oxide, reduced graphene oxide. As you can see, it is usually folded.

In popular literature, they were colloquially referred to as Morgellons. Today we know they are reduced graphene oxide and are blue, reddish or black. We also know that depending on the colour they have different functionalities, neural functionalities related to the whole synaptic issue.

Evidently, this type of monstrosity should not be inside any injectable, and you’ll see that in a single, one square centimetre drop, we can find tens of hundreds.

We carried out a qualitative study to see whether or not they’re wear any, which would be more than enough to bring all this down. The quantitative study to determine the quantity has not been carried out, but accurate estimates can be done.

Well, this is the pattern of how graphene oxide shows up, but it also occurs in a nano tube format.

Carbon nano tubes, which is this right here. Likewise, this is graphene, but geometrically rolled up in the shape of a tube. Since it’s a super conductor, it has the ability to have electrodes, or to be used with an electrode and link one neuron to another. Carbon nano tubes have applications in neural networks.

This is very important because the target of everything we are going to see is the head. The head, somehow they are after our brain. This is another image of carbon nano tubes. These are from electronic microscopy, but at a low magnification. The optical microscopy here will provide details of everything we are going to see.

What are graphene nano tubes or carbon nano tubes?

Single walled or multiple walled nano tubes, which would be more layers. They are graphene surfaces rolled into a tube shape. They have superconducting properties. We already know that graphene is actually extracted from carbon, that it is from graphite, which is a type of carbon by means of physical or chemical exfoliation. The first time it was exfoliated was with adhesive tape. We peel away layers of graphite until we are left with practically two-dimensional layer, which is transparent, but if we have a layer together with another and yet another up to 11 from a practical point of view, it is still considered graphene. So in the samples we are going to see that some are almost transparent. Others are a little more opaque.

Graphene is translucent. Transparent, it allows 97.75% of light to pass through. This has optical properties in the field of optoelectronics. So that is where it is all heading. Let’s move forward a little bit.

This is for us. (timestamp 5:20).

Micro-Raman spectroscopy

We have called it “la quinta columna bible”. Detection of graphene in covid vaccines by means of micro-raman spectroscopy: Dr. Pablo Campra’s Technical report.

He took a risk when against the tide, but validated his scientific principles above all else.

“Here there is graphene”. He signed it Almeria, Spain, on the 2nd November 2021, moreover the report is digitally signed by him.

So what does the micro-raman technique consist of?

Micro refers to the optical microscope and raman to the vibration of the material. It links the characteristic images of graphene’s appearance with their raman vibration with the characteristic peak of the material. Prof. Dr. Pablo Campra Madrid, professor at the University of Almería, PhD in chemical sciences and bachelor of biological sciences, produced this technical report and digitally signed it and it has gone around the world whether they like it or not.

So the first thing I am going to do is ask for a round of applause for Prof. Pablo Campra. La Quinta Columna entrusted this work to Prof. Dr. Pablo Campra Madrid and he agreed like a true scientist and showed the desire to really find out what was inside the injectables. The result was a random sampling of vials which was carried out and objects have been detected whose RAMAN signals – their vibration and similarity to the pattern unequivocally correspond to reduced graphene oxide.

How is this done? Well, what may seem very technical is in actual fact very straightforward.

These are RAMAN bands coming from graphite, graphene oxide and reduced graphene oxide. In reduced graphene oxide the bands are a little bit higher but there are two characteristic peaks that are D and G. D is approximately although you cannot see it very well in the image at around 1340 and G at around 1580.

So if we find an object that looks so much like graphene and has graphene peaks, it’s like a ball, if it’s round, bouncy and made of rubber, it’s a ball right? By the way a formal invitation was sent to the present of the government and the head of state but I can see that they are not here.


Here we have one of the objects, selected in the Pfizer vaccine: ROS 2 HY GO1. (p.31-33)

This means it’s the RAMAN scan where the bond is going to go through. You go through the electron scan and the signal it gives us is, as you can see, the characteristic peaks of reduced graphene oxide. i.e. approximately 1340 which was peak D and 1576. There’s a margin 1580 which is the graphene peak. This is the Pfizer vaccine.


In the AstraZeneca one we have more of the same. Graphene like objects are selected and we still have the characteristic peaks.

Several were taken from each injectable but we are going to take one as a sample.


In Moderna same thing you see the peaks 1,580 and 1,340. The G and D peaks characteristic of reduced graphene oxide.


Same in the Janssen sample.

Let’s go to the next slide. Now we’re going to start getting down to business. Of course by then we no longer had a doubt regardless of what the media said, regardless of what maldita.es (fact-checkers-destroyers) said, that there was graphene in the injectables and that it had been corroborated in other parts of the world. This is very important. In the UK also with the micro-raman technique.


Penny... on Health
Penny... on Health

Truth-seeker, ever-questioning, ever-learning, ever-researching, ever delving further and deeper, ever trying to 'figure it out'. This site is a legacy of sorts, a place to collect thoughts, notes, book summaries, & random points of interests.

DISCLAIMER: The information on this website is not medical science or medical advice. I do not have any medical training aside from my own research and interest in this area. The information I publish is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease, disorder, pain, injury, deformity, or physical or mental condition. I just report my own results, understanding & research.