[South Africa] What’s in the Blood?
Dr Zandré Botha PhD – South Africa – Certified Live & Dry Blood Analyst of 15 years says she’s never seen anything like this and doesn’t know what she’s seeing but is sharing what she is seeing in the bloodwork of her vaccinated patients and in a Johnson & Johnson vial, to get answers.
Without the corresponding validating evidence/documents that us truth-seekers need (but I’m still comparing all the reports that are coming out of each country).
Dr Zandré Botha PhD – South Africa – Certified Live & Dry Blood Analyst of 15 years says she’s never seen anything like this and doesn’t know what she’s seeing but is sharing what she is seeing in the bloodwork of her vaccinated patients and in a Johnson & Johnson vial, to get answers.

Watch Video: (4 Oct, 2021)
Rumble – Bloodwork of “Vaccinated” patients
- The “discs” could be Docetaxel as per Patent US 2010/0216804 A1 (01) (02) (03)
- Click images below to open in lightbox: (3 images)
What’s in the Vials?

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