Nov 2020 – Melbourne Security Chokes Teen #CovidPsychosis
Nov 14 2020: Melbourne security guard chokes a teenager unconscious and carried him out like a ragdoll.
The original reports were that he was not wearing a mask. This is true but it was reportedly NOT the reason for the eviction (witnesses say he was ‘rowdy’), however strict Mask mandates & Social restrictions were in place at that time and Victoria was under heavy “covid psychosis”, despite just passing 2 weeks of ZERO new cases and ZERO deaths. (01) All Victorians at that time were required to wear a mask if they left the house.
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Incident happened Nov 14, 2020 (02)
Covid Restrictions Nov 14, 2020 in Melbourne: (03)
- All Victorians “Must wear a face mask when leaving home“
- Outdoor gatherings were limited to up to10 people
- Aged Care facilities required visitors to have current flu jab, and only one visitor a day.
- Pubs/restaurants had maximum: indoor 40 / outdoor 70 patrons with Social distancing of 1.5 metres
- Victorians couldn’t leave the state but the 5km / 25km limitations within state were no longer in place.
- Weddings: 10 people.
- Funerals: 20 indoor, 50 outdoor.
- Home weddings/funerals limited to 2 visitors.
- In general: Up to two visitors at home.
- Work: staff must work from home if they can, no carpooling, enforce face masks, PPE
NEVER FORGET HOW OVER-THE-TOP CRAY-CRAY PEOPLE GOT and what everyone under the spell felt was FAIR and JUST whilst believing their government was “keeping them safe”. I even had a relative send Dan Andrews love hearts.
7News has witness interviews & more footage (04)
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