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Johns Hopkins (NWO)

Funny Schwab-Gates WEF Parody Vids

Funny tongue-in-cheek and sometimes naughty AI-Deep-Fake clips of Klaus Schwab (and Gates) featuring: the Great Reset | 15-Minute Cities | CBDC | Digital ID | Own Nothing, Be happy | Eat Ze Bugs | GMO-Sterilizing Soy | Vaxx Madness. All the things you can’t say out loud in hive-ville.


Romania vs CCP China’s Wuhan Flu

In Romania, they used the threat of terrorism to try to quell the riots/demonstrations, which did not work. In China, with massive demonstrations in Hong Kong and Wuhan, the CCP staged a viral emergency to lock everybody up in their homes to prevent the spread of demonstrations to other parts of China. The governments in the “free” world, seeing how well the strategy worked in China, adopted the scenario to seize control and promote their own objectives. In China, the strategy worked, and demonstrations ended, so the restrictions were lifted. In the “free” nations, the objective of “more” cannot be accomplished, so they continue to find excuses for not ending the scam.


Celeste Solum – Synthetic Biology [Part 1]

Celeste Solum is a former FEMA employee and researcher specializing in nanotechnology and synthetic biology. She says this is a plan to completely replace all forms of biological life with synthetic biology, and details the ways in which the globalists are doing it. She backs up all of her research with published government documents, medical journals, and insider knowledge. (1 clip, 2 video interviews).


Download Research

Everything I’ve saved so far in my quest to get answers during the pandemic. Truth is all I seek.
