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CDC (villain)

Funny Schwab-Gates WEF Parody Vids

Funny tongue-in-cheek and sometimes naughty AI-Deep-Fake clips of Klaus Schwab (and Gates) featuring: the Great Reset | 15-Minute Cities | CBDC | Digital ID | Own Nothing, Be happy | Eat Ze Bugs | GMO-Sterilizing Soy | Vaxx Madness. All the things you can’t say out loud in hive-ville.


Pharma’s coming for you…

Today I stumbled upon one of Brandy Vaughan’s lectures and someone had added additional clips to it and I was glad to watch it again and finally transcribe it. Rest in Peace Brandy. You did make a difference.


mRNA – most dangerous platform released on mankind ~Toxicologist [Senate Hearing]

Dr Janci Lindsay, Ph.D. (Molecular Biologist & Toxicologist) responds to Professor Dr. Phillip Buckhaults (previous speaker’s) testimony on DNA being found in the vials who downplayed malicious intent and blamed human error because of operation warp speed, she disagrees with him, and says this is the most dangerous and nefarious platform that has ever been released on mankind and her reasons why she believes it was intentional.


Dermatologist Testimony of C19 Treatments & Vax Injuries

This is a great summary of most of the wrong-doings of the covid pandemic in regards to the banning and vilifying of HCQ & IVM (something Dr. Karen DeVore had prescribed for 30 years off-label without any issue), and the never-before-seen injuries she’s now witnessing in her Dermatology practice in her “vaccinated” patients.


Australia has LOST its MIND with 6-mo boosters (Clips)

Australian corporate-puppets have lost their damn minds trying to push boosters every 6 months onto the population—we’re up to the 5th shot—however, the more they push, the more people are waking up and coming to their senses and finally saying “No way!”
