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Why we need to stick together

I stumbled upon this video earlier from Jody Lowe and thought it was really good. He gives an example of four different factions; different sets of beliefs people have about what is going on in the world (which is really a simplified version of the hundreds of different beliefs out there), and reminds us that our power is on uniting all factions against “the bad guys”, regardless of our different beliefs, i.e., stop making “each other” the bad guys—stop focusing on calling others wrong or controlled opposition, etc.—because that gives the bad guys a free ride and takes our power away. Allow each set of people to do what they do best in each of their areas, and stand together on common goals, but let each faction do their thing, because ultimately, we need all of us—everyone united—and that it’s all interconnected, and so are we.


John Ruddick (MLC, NSW) Inaugural Speech

Newly elected MLC in NSW, Australia, calls out COVID Hysteria, Police State, Vaccine Extremism, Mandates, Excess Deaths, Ivermectin, Big Pharma, TGA, debt, Net-Zero Carbon Economy, Julian Assange, mass delusions and the indulgences scam, climate propaganda (the rebadging of global warming to ‘climate change’), carbon credit schemes, environmentalism being hi-jacked by a money-making scheme, socialism, and possible solutions to government corruption (such as anarcho-capitalism and Switzerland comparisons). (Full Transcript with my References and Commentary… )


Banking Insider “Why the culling was inevitable” (Austin-Fitts)

The Financial Coup d’état Explained. Catherine Austin Fitts explains how the ‘Great Poisoning’ was inevitable after the US govt started draining and obliterated the pension funds. If you drain all the retirement funds, you have to reduce the population by radical amounts. This is such an important part to understand in this psychotic game of chess (of which there are many psychopathic players involved). This particular one explains just one of the many important financial reasons behind the democide and why we must stop the CBDC’s, Vaccine Passports, and Digital IDs.


How Jimmy Dore Broke Out of the Propaganda Matrix

This is the best, it’s a must-watch… How Jimmy Dore started seeing through the propaganda narratives (after getting the jab). Highlights from his recent Mercola interview. Calls out all things Covid & how he got duped into the mainstream narrative and how he broke free from the propaganda. “They lied about everything!”


If I tell you the apple is poison & you still eat it, I didn’t poison you; you poisoned yourself ~ Satan

Why Don’t They Hide The Democide Better? Here is the ONLY explanation that makes sense to me on why it’s so easy to find all the evidence against them and why they aren’t hiding the data from us. (Karmic Retribution – if they aren’t hiding it and we still allow ourselves to be poisoned or don’t do anything to stop it, we’re complicit & are responsible & “deserve” any negative consequences, i.e. “they” didn’t kill us; we “killed ourselves” ~ Satanists)


The Twitter Files

The extent of censorship of social media has been a critical weapon in this mass-mind control assault on humanity. The “publicly-released “Twitter-friendly version” might be a nothing-burger (albeit it at least admits the cover-up of the files itself), but the actual extent of corruption contained in the files, is definitely not a “nothing-burger”, and Twitter and Social Media’s role in the mass-manipulation of the world is definitely not a ‘nothing burger’ – we could’ve saved millions of lives if not for their censorship of the truth.
