Rigged Victorian Elections – Leaked Recordings (Another call added today, Nov 25)
Collation of the leaked recordings of election whisperer Glenn Druery on how $5k can give you a seat in the family, and a fee of $55k for a minority party if you win.
New secret recording added today (November 25, 2022), second video down.
Leaked Recordings collation:
Rumble | Telegram | Source: Discernable News & Commentary
The Angry Victorians party on Thursday leaked videos to the Herald Sun of an online meeting they had with Glenn Druery on 1 November in the lead-up to the state election. (01)
The Angry Victorians Party (AVP) is the Victorian State Branch of the Australian Values Party. The leader is former Police Officer and Army vet, Chris Burson. The Angry Victorians Party stands for turning Anger into tangible and achievable Action – and taking action to achieve real and lasting change.
Read more (all articles published Nov 17, 2022):
- The Guardian – Leaked video shows Glenn Druery bragging of working with CFMEU to help Labor hobble Greens
- Daily Mail – Tense moment Daniel Andrews clashes with reporters bombarding him with questions about Victorian Upper House ‘flaw’ nine days out from the state election
- Sky News – Liberals and Greens call for inquiry into GVT preference voting after allegations of fixing seats in Victorian election
- ABC – Calls for Victorian electoral reform after ‘preference whisperer’ recorded boasting of influence
Secret Call recording: Australian Election Tampering
This is a secret recording of a conversation between Glenn Druery ‘The Preference Whisperer’ and Heston Russell, the founder of The Australian Values Party and The Angry Victorians Party.
The call was recorded on 10 Nov 2022 and reveals how Australian elections are tampered with if the admissions and allegations by Glenn Druery are to be believed.
In the recording, Glenn Druery makes allegations and admissions that include:
- Selling bank shares with insider information about an impending Royal Commission into the banking sector
- Interfering with the announcement of a Royal Commission so he could sell his shares
- Ashley Fenn (Family First) paying Glenn Druery a retainer (approximately $90k) to secure him a seat in parliament
- Coordinating with Greg Barns SC from WikiLeaks to get Julian Assange elected as a senator
- Electing Ricky Muir on only 0.5% primary vote as a demonstration against Assange and Ashley Fenn
- How he got Fiona Patten (Sex Party/Reason Party) elected for a payment
- Spies inside Clive Palmer’s and Aidan McLindon’s private meetings reporting to Druery
- Various details on alleged dealings with Clive Palmer, Pauline Hanson, Derryn Hinch, Jeff Bourman, Warren Pickering, Aidan McLindon, Craig Ellis et al.
The Angry Victorians Party is led by Chris Burson in Victoria and is contesting a number of seats in the upcoming Victorian state election. Their party tagline is ‘Bring Accountability Back to Politics’.
Monica Smit’s video about the preferences-racket:
YouTube | Turning Point Preferences Charts
Discernable interviews LibDems after recordings & preferences were leaked:
We can try and vote below the line, (You only need to mark at least 5, not every box) making sure the preferences are not chosen for us by this preferences racket, and at least try and get some transparent, honest people into the seats (and stay away from the “Sack Dan” shell party, Greens, Animal Justice, Teals, and Labour, unless you want to stay in 2030-Mark-of-the-Beast-like-WEF-Globalist-Psychopath-Dystopia).
Stick to putting any of these above the globalist-puppet-crews: Family First (Anti-woke, Christian Values), One Nation (see Senator Roberts in action), AFP, LDP, UAP, known Freedom Parties, and any “real” independents (there are a lot of fake ghosts, which makes more sense now that we know more about the preference-game)—if you’re not going to spend the time checking their policies, at least check their preferences to see who they will preference before you put them high up).
See also: Topher YouTube channel for more details about this preferences “game of chess” in Australian politics (video taken after the leak):
This video was taken before the release of the leaked calls “Freedom parties punch on” (not literally, but they are clearly not happy with LibDem’s preferencing anti-freedom parties in some zones):
- See my earlier post [Police Standing Up] Chris Burson – Former VIC Police
- See my earlier post Konnech Election Software | Australia
- Browse all posts tagged: Australian Government

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