MonkeyPox Mania Summit

  • Updated:2 years ago
  • Reading Time:5Minutes
  • Post Words:1380Words
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I already posted the full summit on my rather large MonkeyPox post but in case you missed it, here are the separate sessions of each speaker.

Host Alec Zeck of The Way Forward presents a live summit to dissect and debunk the monkey business surrounding both monkeypox and the theory of pathogenic viruses at large.

Featuring in order of appearance:

  1. Dr. Tom Cowan – The distinction between believing and knowing
  2. Dr. Sam Bailey – Virus Mania and the pandemic playbook
  3. Mike Stone of – Eradication of smallpox and how it relates to monkeypox and other pox illnesses
  4. Dr. Andrew Kaufman – Original MPXV “isolation” studies, no viral particles shown as usual
  5. Christine Massey – FOIA REQUESTS
  6. Dr. Mark Bailey – PCR: sequences not shown to come from a virus & not clinically-validated to diagnose anything
  7. Dr. Kevin Corbett – Cooking up cases through up-scaled testing and phony epidemiological clustering
  8. Saeed Qureshi – Vaccine development
  9. Eric Coppolino – PCR Test & COVID as a Digital phenomenon
  10. Dr. Amandha Vollmer – Nutritional deficiencies leading to skin expression, closing comments & summary.
  11. Q&A (roughly 20-30 minutes)
Full Summit

Monkeypox Mania Summit (2hrs 22min)

Odysee | Download

Dr. Tom Cowan

Dr. Tom Cowan – The distinction between believing and knowing


Dr. Tom Cowan | Belief vs Evidence

Dr. Sam Bailey

Dr. Sam Bailey – Virus Mania and the pandemic playbook


Dr. Sam Bailey | Pandemic Mania Playbook

Mike Stone

Mike Stone – Debunking SmallPox History


Mike Stone of – Eradication of Smallpox and how it relates to Monkeypox and other pox illnesses

Dr. Andrew Kaufman

Dr. Andrew Kaufman – Original MPXV “isolation” studies, no viral particles shown as usual


Dr. Andrew Kaufman | MPXV isolation studies (no viral particles)

Christine Massey

Christine Massey – FOIA REQUESTS


Christine Massey (Freedom of Information Requests)

Dr. Mark Bailey

Dr. Mark Bailey – PCR sequences not from virus


Dr. Mark Bailey | PCR: sequences not shown to come from a virus & not clinically-validated to diagnose anything

Dr. Kevin Corbett

Dr. Kevin Corbett – Case-Hysteria Propaganda


Dr. Kevin Corbett | Cooking up cases through up-scaled testing and phony epidemiological clustering

Saeed Qureshi

Saeed Qureshi – Vaccine development


Saeed Qureshi | Made-up Disease & Stupid Vaccine Development

Eric Coppolino

Eric Coppolino – PCR Test & COVID as a Digital phenomenon


Eric Coppolino | PCR, Hong Kong Flu, Digital Morality, Digital Virus

Dr. Amandha Vollmer

Dr. Amandha Vollmer – Nutritional deficiencies leading to skin expression, closing comments & summary.


Dr. Amandha Vollmer (Skin Conditions caused by Deficiencies & Monkeypox Mania Summit Summary

Dr Tom Cowan | Critical Thinking

Q&A (roughly 20-30 minutes)

I didn’t upload the Q&A clips but you can still watch it (the last 30 mins of the full video).

However I did spend 2 days adding subtitles and effects to a 4 minute segment in the Q&A from Dr Tom Cowan, and then found out that the software that I was using wouldn’t let me export more than 15 seconds of the captioned video without paying them. So a big “fuck you” to who were not transparent. Felt so cheated/deceived by this and so now transcribing this segment for the 50th time and uploading it without captions until such a time as I find some video software that doesn’t charge for this.

Dr Tom Cowan “Let me understand your side”


Dr Tom Cowan | Let me understand your side | Critical Thinking

If somebody says something to you that’s new, different, maybe interesting, or something that piques your interest, the thing that I would like to believe about myself is that I start questioning them, so that at the end of my time with them, I perfectly understand how they arrived at that conclusion.

I didn’t say that I agree with their conclusion, I just know that if somebody says, you know, “The moon is made out of cheese,” I want to know what their evidence is that shows me that the moon is made out of cheese. Did they go and do a sample? Did they go and take x-ray crystallography? And if they did x-ray crystallography, how did they validate that that’s an acceptable way of knowing that? And I do that regularly with people—and I’ll take an hour or so (to understand).

And then what I do is I repeat back what I heard so that the person knows that I know all the steps that make you arrive at saying “the moon is made of cheese”.

And I ask the person to correct me if I got it wrong, so if I think they did an electron microscopy and they really did an X-Ray crystallography, I want them to say “No Tom, I didn’t do it that way – here’s how I did it, here’s how I validated that it works”.

At the end of that, I can now take that to people who may disagree, that ‘the moon is not made out of cheese’, and since I now know the entire argument, I can look into the research and find out more about it if I want, and then I can go to people who disagree with it and make my own decision.

Now most of the people who are on “our side” (and I’m not going to name names here) but I know them and have known some for decades, and I can tell you that in the last 2 years – not one person (besides the people in this group) has called me on the phone or has emailed me and said “Let me understand how you arrived at the conclusion that there is no SARS-Cov-2”. Not one.

Instead, what you get is a complete misunderstanding — they couldn’t recreate the argument, they don’t know what we said, they don’t know what I said, they don’t know how I arrived at the conclusion, they say things like “Well how do you explain Rabies?” “How do you explain that all the scientists in the world think differently?”

So I usually say, so the way we decide whether there’s a virus is we take a vote of the virologists? So if 98% say yes, then it is, and if 97% say it is, then it isn’t, right? I mean, not one person — they’ll say — they just haven’t taken the time. Now, I don’t know why they haven’t taken the time.

All I know is that it is a sure-fire way to learn nothing about life.

And so I encourage everybody, and I didn’t say you have to agree with me, or anybody else, or anything, or that the moon is made of cheese, but if there’s somebody you respect, you should make the effort to know why… how & why exactly… they came to that conclusion, and if you don’t do that, I think you should have nothing to say about the matter.

Penny... on Health
Penny... on Health

Truth-seeker, ever-questioning, ever-learning, ever-researching, ever delving further and deeper, ever trying to 'figure it out'. This site is a legacy of sorts, a place to collect thoughts, notes, book summaries, & random points of interests.

DISCLAIMER: The information on this website is not medical science or medical advice. I do not have any medical training aside from my own research and interest in this area. The information I publish is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease, disorder, pain, injury, deformity, or physical or mental condition. I just report my own results, understanding & research.