WHO Pandemic Treaty Debate [Senator Ralph Babet]

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Senator Ralph Babet supporting the Senate Inquiry into the WHO Pandemic Treaty (Debate) Livestreamed 27th March 2023.

WHO Pandemic Treaty Debate [Senator Ralph Babet]

Livestreamed today 27 March 2023 Full Debate on YouTube | Rumble-Clip | Telegram-Clip

Thank you, and I thank Senator Malcolm Roberts for this motion, and I rise here in this place today to support the motion. I too spoke about the ever-encroaching United Nations and all their assist organizations in my maiden speech. Now, during the 2020 election campaign, the UAP took to the people of Australia a serious concern.

That concern, of course, was the ever-encroaching power of the WHO, the ever-growing power of WHO. Specifically, we sounded the alarm on the pandemic treaty. We did our best to get our warning out to the public. We allocated significant resources into an education campaign around the proposed treaty, which was swiftly dismissed by the majority of people here in this place and by the legacy media as just another conspiracy theory, just more misinformation. Even though our nation was already heavily entangled in the early stages of this treaty via the intergovernmental negotiating body. Just another conspiracy theory they said. Well, it’s now unfolding right before our very eyes. Not a conspiracy theory anymore, is it?

Now, it is up to us in this place to ensure that our nation’s interests are protected from any agreement which could impact the autonomy of our people and of course, our nation. Our sovereignty must be protected.

In the past three years, what’s it taught us? I’ll tell you what it’s taught us. It’s taught us that secrecy and lack of disclosure erode trust, and it produces poor outcomes, like I keep talking about here in this place over and over again. We need transparency.

The Australian people, they were shielded from the truth when they voted in 2022, and we must do all that we can to ensure that no treaty is signed off until the people have their chance to look at the issue and properly dissect and understand the implications.

What have we learned from the pandemic? We’ve learned that transparency and accountability is the best way forward. That’s what we’ve learned from that.

Even Elon Musk tweeted just last week in response to Senator Roberts, and I’ll quote again for the hansard: ‘Countries should not cede authority to WHO’. They should not.

I asked all of you here one question. Who should control or guide our government response to the next health emergency? Should it be the W.H.O, an unelected international body with no accountability, or should it be the Australian people? Should it be us, democratically elected here in this place to serve the people? (As a rhetorical question) Of course it should be us.

The Department of Health and Aged Care website states, and I quote, “Once the new instrument has been finalized, the Australian government will make a decision on whether to agree to it, and changes to the International Health Regulations may create a new international legal obligation for Australia.

Now, I urge everyone here in this place to consider the second statement carefully. We must understand what the WHO wants to achieve, and we must ask our constituents. We must ask them if they are comfortable letting a foreign, unelected bureaucracy potentially take the wheel next time there is a public health emergency.

Now, I was elected to this place because the people of Victoria disapproved of the last pandemic response. Never again can we allow basic inalienable human rights to be tossed to the side. Never again can we threaten livelihoods, close borders, grant indemnity to Big Pharma, or break up families. We must learn from our mistakes and not offload our responsibility to unaccountable, and in my opinion, easily corruptible foreign bodies.

Some examples: I’ll give them to you. Bill Gates was the second-highest donor to the WHO in 2020-2021, the start of the pandemic, greater even than the United States. Germany was the highest with U.S. $751 million donated.

In addition to this, the Global Vaccine Alliance, which Bill Gates created in 1999, has donated $1.5 billion US dollars from 2016 to 2020. They’ve also donated $452 million dollars to the WHO in 2020-2021. So, basically, foundations supported or funded by Bill Gates have donated, in total, over a billion US dollars to the WHO in 2020-2021.

Gates said in a 2010, now infamous, TED Talk that “if we do a good job on vaccines, we can reduce the world’s population by 1.5 billion or so.” Now, I’ll be clear and say that may have been taken out of context, but it makes you wonder. It makes you wonder, is he all about promoting vaccines no matter what the cost? That he makes! Vaccines that he makes!

Now, Gates is also quoted as saying, and this is what he has said, “he gets a 20 to 1 return on any investment he makes on vaccines.” Doesn’t that make you wonder what he’s up to? The guy who funds the WHO? Isn’t that enough to make you say, “Hang on a sec, maybe we should look at this?”

Now, I, for one, am opposed to a WHO pandemic treaty, and millions of Australians stand with me. Now, just like the lyrics to that famous song from the band The Who, “I’ll get on my knees and pray that we don’t get fooled again.” Thank you.

See all posts about the WHO Pandemic Treaty

Penny (PennyButler.com)
Penny (PennyButler.com)

Truth-seeker, ever-questioning, ever-learning, ever-researching, ever delving further and deeper, ever trying to 'figure it out'. This site is a legacy of sorts, a place to collect thoughts, notes, book summaries, & random points of interests.